Пример #1
 def classForItem(cls, item):
     Returns the class implementing the given item.
     :type item: Item
     :rtype: class 
     item = Item.forValue(item)
     if item is Item.AttributeNode:
         return AttributeNode
     if item is Item.ComplementNode:
         return ComplementNode
     if item is Item.ConceptNode:
         return ConceptNode
     if item is Item.DatatypeRestrictionNode:
         return DatatypeRestrictionNode
     if item is Item.DisjointUnionNode:
         return DisjointUnionNode
     if item is Item.DomainRestrictionNode:
         return DomainRestrictionNode
     if item is Item.EnumerationNode:
         return EnumerationNode
     if item is Item.FacetNode:
         return FacetNode
     if item is Item.IndividualNode:
         return IndividualNode
     if item is Item.IntersectionNode:
         return IntersectionNode
     if item is Item.PropertyAssertionNode:
         return PropertyAssertionNode
     if item is Item.RangeRestrictionNode:
         return RangeRestrictionNode
     if item is Item.RoleNode:
         return RoleNode
     if item is Item.RoleChainNode:
         return RoleChainNode
     if item is Item.RoleInverseNode:
         return RoleInverseNode
     if item is Item.UnionNode:
         return UnionNode
     if item is Item.ValueDomainNode:
         return ValueDomainNode
     if item is Item.InclusionEdge:
         return InclusionEdge
     if item is Item.EquivalenceEdge:
         return EquivalenceEdge
     if item is Item.InputEdge:
         return InputEdge
     if item is Item.MembershipEdge:
         return MembershipEdge
     raise RuntimeError('unknown item type ({0})'.format(item))
Пример #2
 def dropEvent(self, dropEvent):
     Executed when a dragged element is dropped on the diagram.
     :type dropEvent: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent
     if dropEvent.mimeData().hasFormat('text/plain'):
         snapToGrid = self.session.action('toggle_grid').isChecked()
         node = self.factory.create(Item.forValue(dropEvent.mimeData().text()))
         node.setPos(snap(dropEvent.scenePos(), Diagram.GridSize, snapToGrid))
         self.session.undostack.push(CommandNodeAdd(self, node))
         self.sgnItemInsertionCompleted.emit(node, dropEvent.modifiers())
Пример #3
    def mousePressEvent(self, mouseEvent):
        Executed when a mouse button is clicked on the scene.
        :type mouseEvent: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent
        mouseModifiers = mouseEvent.modifiers()
        mouseButtons = mouseEvent.buttons()
        mousePos = mouseEvent.scenePos()

        if mouseButtons & QtCore.Qt.LeftButton:

            if self.mode is DiagramMode.NodeAdd:

                # NODE INSERTION

                snapToGrid = self.session.action('toggle_grid').isChecked()
                node = self.factory.create(Item.forValue(self.modeParam))
                node.setPos(snap(mousePos, Diagram.GridSize, snapToGrid))
                self.session.undostack.push(CommandNodeAdd(self, node))
                self.sgnItemInsertionCompleted.emit(node, mouseEvent.modifiers())

            elif self.mode is DiagramMode.EdgeAdd:

                # EDGE INSERTION

                node = first(self.items(mousePos, edges=False))
                if node:
                    edge = self.factory.create(Item.forValue(self.modeParam), source=node)
                    self.mp_Edge = edge


                # Execute super at first since this may change the diagram
                # mode: some actions are directly handle by graphics items
                # (i.e: edge breakpoint move, edge anchor move, node shape
                # resize) and we need to check whether any of them is being
                # performed before handling the even locally.

                if self.mode is DiagramMode.Idle:

                    if mouseModifiers & QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier:

                        # LABEL MOVE

                        item = first(self.items(mousePos, nodes=False, edges=False, labels=True))
                        if item and item.isMovable():
                            self.mp_Label = item
                            self.mp_LabelPos = item.pos()
                            self.mp_Pos = mousePos


                        # ITEM SELECTION

                        item = first(self.items(mousePos, labels=True))
                        if item:

                            if item.isLabel():
                                # If we are hitting a label, check whether the label
                                # is overlapping it's parent item and such item is
                                # also intersecting the current mouse position: if so,
                                # use the parent item as placeholder for the selection.
                                parent = item.parentItem()
                                items = self.items(mousePos)
                                item =  parent if parent in items else None

                            if item:

                                if mouseModifiers & QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier:
                                    # CTRL => support item multi selection.
                                    item.setSelected(not item.isSelected())
                                    if self.selectedItems():
                                        # Some elements have been already selected in the
                                        # diagram, during a previous mouse press event.
                                        if not item.isSelected():
                                            # There are some items selected but we clicked
                                            # on a node which is not currently selected, so
                                            # make this node the only selected one.
                                        # No item (nodes or edges) is selected and we just
                                        # clicked on one so make sure to select this item and
                                        # because selectedItems() filters out item Label's,
                                        # clear out the selection on the diagram.

                                # If we have some nodes selected we need to prepare data for a
                                # possible item move operation: we need to make sure to retrieve
                                # the node below the mouse cursor that will act as as mouse grabber
                                # to compute delta  movements for each component in the selection.
                                selected = self.selectedNodes()
                                if selected:
                                    self.mp_Node = first(self.items(mousePos, edges=False))
                                    if self.mp_Node:
                                        self.mp_NodePos = self.mp_Node.pos()
                                        self.mp_Pos = mousePos
                                        self.mp_Data = {
                                            'nodes': {
                                                node: {
                                                    'anchors': {k: v for k, v in node.anchors.items()},
                                                    'pos': node.pos(),
                                                } for node in selected},
                                            'edges': {}
                                        # Figure out if the nodes we are moving are sharing edges:
                                        # if that's the case, move the edge together with the nodes
                                        # (which actually means moving the edge breakpoints).
                                        for node in self.mp_Data['nodes']:
                                            for edge in node.edges:
                                                if edge not in self.mp_Data['edges']:
                                                    if edge.other(node).isSelected():
                                                        self.mp_Data['edges'][edge] = edge.breakpoints[:]