Пример #1
 def testIsVariableSize1 (self):
     hLayout = HorizontalLayout ()
     hLayout.add (LayoutTests.TestWindow ())
     hLayout.add (LayoutTests.TestWindow ())
     (variableWidth, variableHeight) = hLayout.isVariableSize()
     self.assertEqual (True, variableWidth)
     self.assertEqual (True, variableHeight)
Пример #2
    def testSimpleHorizonalLayout (self):
        mainLayout = HorizontalLayout ()
        test1 = LayoutTests.TestWindow ()
        test2 = LayoutTests.TestWindow (2)
        test3 = LayoutTests.TestWindow (3)
        mainLayout.add (test1)
        mainLayout.add (test2)
        mainLayout.add (test3)

        mainLayout.move (0, 0)        
        mainLayout.resize (100, 15)
        # Test widths
        self.assertEqual (100, mainLayout.width)
        self.assertEqual (100, test1.width)
        self.assertEqual (100, test2.width)
        self.assertEqual (100, test3.width)
        # Test heights
        self.assertEqual (10, test1.height)
        self.assertEqual (2, test2.height)
        self.assertEqual (3, test3.height)
        # Now test layout positions
        self.assertEqual (0, test1.x)
        self.assertEqual (0, test1.y)
        self.assertEqual (0, test2.x)
        self.assertEqual (10, test2.y)
        self.assertEqual (0, test3.x)
        self.assertEqual (12, test3.y)
Пример #3
    def __init__(self):
        self.initializeScreen ()
        # Buffer setups
        self.bufferLeftTop = Buffer ()
        self.bufferLeftBottom = Buffer ()
        self.bufferRight = Buffer ()
        # Tab setup
        self.tabsWindow = TabTermWindow (['tab test1', 'tab test2'], 1)
        # Buffer windows setup
        self.bufferLayout = HorizontalLayout ()
        self.layoutLeftTop = HorizontalLayout ([BufferTermWindow (self.bufferLeftTop), StatusBarTermWindow (self.bufferLeftTop.statusBar)])
        self.layoutLeftBottom = HorizontalLayout ([BufferTermWindow (self.bufferLeftBottom), StatusBarTermWindow (self.bufferLeftBottom.statusBar)])
        self.layoutRight = HorizontalLayout ([BufferTermWindow (self.bufferRight), StatusBarTermWindow (self.bufferRight.statusBar)])
        self.horizontalLeft = HorizontalLayout ([self.layoutLeftTop, self.layoutLeftBottom])
        self.verticalSplit = VerticalLayout ([self.horizontalLeft, self.layoutRight])
        self.bufferLayout.add (self.verticalSplit)
        # Command window
        self.commandBar = CommandBar ()
        self.commandBarWindow = CommandBarTermWindow (None, 1)
        self.layout = HorizontalLayout ([self.tabsWindow, self.bufferLayout, self.commandBarWindow])
        self.layout.move (0, 0)
        self.layout.resize (self.screenWidth, self.screenHeight)
        self.bufferLeftTop.text.append ("Line 1")
        self.bufferLeftTop.text.append ("Line 2")
        self.bufferLeftTop.text.append ("Line 3")
        self.bufferLeftTop.text.append ("Line 4")
        self.bufferLeftTop.text.append ("")
        self.bufferLeftTop.text.append ('''And the Lord spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then, shalt thou count to three. No more. No less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once at the number three, being the third number to be reached, then, lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."''')
        #self.resize ()
Пример #4
 def testIsVariableSize5 (self):
     hLayout = HorizontalLayout ()
     # Both windows are fixed height -- variable height should be false
     hLayout2 = HorizontalLayout ()
     hLayout2.add (LayoutTests.TestWindow (1))
     hLayout2.add (LayoutTests.TestWindow (1))
     hLayout.add (hLayout2)
     (variableWidth, variableHeight) = hLayout.isVariableSize()
     self.assertEqual (True, variableWidth)
     self.assertEqual (True, variableHeight)
Пример #5
 def testIsVariableSize2 (self):
     hLayout = HorizontalLayout ()
     # One or more fixed width -- this should be variable height
     hLayout.add (LayoutTests.TestWindow (1))
     hLayout.add (LayoutTests.TestWindow ())
     (variableWidth, variableHeight) = hLayout.isVariableSize()
     self.assertEqual (True, variableWidth)
     self.assertEqual (True, variableHeight)
Пример #6
class TerminalView(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.initializeScreen ()
        # Buffer setups
        self.bufferLeftTop = Buffer ()
        self.bufferLeftBottom = Buffer ()
        self.bufferRight = Buffer ()
        # Tab setup
        self.tabsWindow = TabTermWindow (['tab test1', 'tab test2'], 1)
        # Buffer windows setup
        self.bufferLayout = HorizontalLayout ()
        self.layoutLeftTop = HorizontalLayout ([BufferTermWindow (self.bufferLeftTop), StatusBarTermWindow (self.bufferLeftTop.statusBar)])
        self.layoutLeftBottom = HorizontalLayout ([BufferTermWindow (self.bufferLeftBottom), StatusBarTermWindow (self.bufferLeftBottom.statusBar)])
        self.layoutRight = HorizontalLayout ([BufferTermWindow (self.bufferRight), StatusBarTermWindow (self.bufferRight.statusBar)])
        self.horizontalLeft = HorizontalLayout ([self.layoutLeftTop, self.layoutLeftBottom])
        self.verticalSplit = VerticalLayout ([self.horizontalLeft, self.layoutRight])
        self.bufferLayout.add (self.verticalSplit)
        # Command window
        self.commandBar = CommandBar ()
        self.commandBarWindow = CommandBarTermWindow (None, 1)
        self.layout = HorizontalLayout ([self.tabsWindow, self.bufferLayout, self.commandBarWindow])
        self.layout.move (0, 0)
        self.layout.resize (self.screenWidth, self.screenHeight)
        self.bufferLeftTop.text.append ("Line 1")
        self.bufferLeftTop.text.append ("Line 2")
        self.bufferLeftTop.text.append ("Line 3")
        self.bufferLeftTop.text.append ("Line 4")
        self.bufferLeftTop.text.append ("")
        self.bufferLeftTop.text.append ('''And the Lord spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then, shalt thou count to three. No more. No less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once at the number three, being the third number to be reached, then, lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."''')
        #self.resize ()
    def __del__ (self):
        curses.endwin ()
    def initializeScreen (self):
        self.screen = curses.initscr ()
        curses.start_color ()
        curses.noecho ()
        curses.cbreak ()
        (self.screenHeight, self.screenWidth) = self.screen.getmaxyx ()
    def repaint (self):
        self.screen.clear ()
        self.screen.refresh ()
        self.layout.repaint ()
    def resize (self):
        (self.screenHeight, self.screenWidth) = self.screen.getmaxyx ()
        self.layout.resize (self.screenWidth, self.screenHeight)
        self.repaint ()
    def run (self):
        while True: 
            ch = self.screen.getch ()
            if ch == curses.KEY_RESIZE:
                self.resize ()
Пример #7
    def testHorizontalAndVerticalLayout1 (self):
        ''' Essentially make a buffer layout with:
          2 horizonal layouts on the left and one
          vertical layout on the right:

          |           |           |
          |           |           |
          |           |           |
          |-----------|           |
          |           |           |
          |           |           |
          |           |           |
          |-----------|-----------|  '''
        mainLayout = HorizontalLayout ()
        horizontalLeft = HorizontalLayout ()
        bufferLeftTop = LayoutTests.TestWindow ()
        bufferLeftBottom = LayoutTests.TestWindow ()
        horizontalLeft.add (bufferLeftTop)
        horizontalLeft.add (bufferLeftBottom)

        verticalSplit = VerticalLayout ()
        bufferRight = LayoutTests.TestWindow ()
        verticalSplit.add (horizontalLeft)
        verticalSplit.add (bufferRight)

        tabWindow = LayoutTests.TestWindow (1)
        commandBar = LayoutTests.TestWindow (1)
        mainLayout.add (tabWindow)
        mainLayout.add (verticalSplit)
        mainLayout.add (commandBar)
        mainLayout.move (0, 0)
        mainLayout.resize (100, 16)
        self.assertEqual (1, tabWindow.height)
        self.assertEqual (1, commandBar.height)
        self.assertEqual (14, verticalSplit.height)
        self.assertEqual (14, bufferRight.height)
        self.assertEqual (14/2, bufferLeftTop.height)
        self.assertEqual (14/2, bufferLeftBottom.height)

        self.assertEqual (0, tabWindow.x)
        self.assertEqual (0, tabWindow.y)
        self.assertEqual (0, verticalSplit.x)
        self.assertEqual (1, verticalSplit.y)
        self.assertEqual (0, commandBar.x)
        self.assertEqual (15, commandBar.y)

        self.assertEqual (0, bufferLeftTop.x)
        self.assertEqual (1, bufferLeftTop.y)
        self.assertEqual (0, bufferLeftBottom.x)
        self.assertEqual (8, bufferLeftBottom.y)
        self.assertEqual (100/2, bufferRight.x)
        self.assertEqual (1, bufferRight.y)
Пример #8
    def testSimpleHorizonalLayout3 (self):
        mainLayout = HorizontalLayout ()
        bufferLayout = HorizontalLayout ()
        buffer1 = LayoutTests.TestWindow (9)
        buffer2 = LayoutTests.TestWindow ()
        bufferLayout.add (buffer1)
        bufferLayout.add (buffer2)
        tabWindow = LayoutTests.TestWindow (1)
        commandBar = LayoutTests.TestWindow (1)
        mainLayout.add (tabWindow)
        mainLayout.add (bufferLayout)
        mainLayout.add (commandBar)
        tabWindow.height = 10
        commandBar.height = 10
        mainLayout.move (0, 0)
        mainLayout.resize (100, 16)
        self.assertEqual (14, bufferLayout.height)
        self.assertEqual (9, buffer1.height)
        self.assertEqual (5, buffer2.height)
        self.assertEqual (1, tabWindow.height)
        self.assertEqual (1, commandBar.height)

        self.assertEqual (0, tabWindow.x)
        self.assertEqual (0, tabWindow.y)
        self.assertEqual (0, bufferLayout.x)
        self.assertEqual (1, bufferLayout.y)
        self.assertEqual (0, commandBar.x)
        self.assertEqual (15, commandBar.y)

        self.assertEqual (0, tabWindow.x)
        self.assertEqual (0, tabWindow.y)
        self.assertEqual (0, bufferLayout.x)
        self.assertEqual (1, bufferLayout.y)
        self.assertEqual (0, buffer1.x)
        self.assertEqual (1, buffer1.y)
        self.assertEqual (0, buffer2.x)
        self.assertEqual (10, buffer2.y)
        self.assertEqual (0, commandBar.x)
        self.assertEqual (15, commandBar.y)
Пример #9
    def testSimpleHorizonalLayout2 (self):
        mainLayout = HorizontalLayout ()
        bufferLayout = HorizontalLayout ()
        buffer1 = LayoutTests.TestWindow ()
        buffer2 = LayoutTests.TestWindow ()
        bufferLayout.add (buffer1)
        bufferLayout.add (buffer2)
        tabWindow = LayoutTests.TestWindow (1)
        commandBar = LayoutTests.TestWindow (1)
        mainLayout.add (tabWindow)
        mainLayout.add (bufferLayout)
        mainLayout.add (commandBar)
        mainLayout.resize (100, 16)

        self.assertEqual (100, mainLayout.width)
        self.assertEqual (100, bufferLayout.width)
        self.assertEqual (100, buffer1.width)
        self.assertEqual (100, buffer2.width)
        self.assertEqual (100, tabWindow.width)
        self.assertEqual (100, commandBar.width)
        self.assertEqual (14, bufferLayout.height)
        self.assertEqual (7, buffer1.height)
        self.assertEqual (7, buffer2.height)
        self.assertEqual (1, tabWindow.height)
        self.assertEqual (1, commandBar.height)
        self.assertEqual (0, tabWindow.x)
        self.assertEqual (0, tabWindow.y)
        self.assertEqual (0, bufferLayout.x)
        self.assertEqual (1, bufferLayout.y)
        self.assertEqual (0, buffer1.x)
        self.assertEqual (1, buffer1.y)
        self.assertEqual (0, buffer2.x)
        self.assertEqual (8, buffer2.y)
        self.assertEqual (0, commandBar.x)
        self.assertEqual (15, commandBar.y)