Пример #1
def test_exec_shell():
    if not mod.is_ag_installed():
        raise SkipTest("ag not installed")
    with setup_files() as tmp:
        result = mod.exec_shell(["ag", "dir/[bB]", "--workers=1"], cwd=tmp)

        eq_(result, 'dir/B file:1:name: dir/B file\n'
                    'dir/b.txt:1:name: dir/b.txt\n')
        eq_(result.err, None)
        eq_(result.returncode, 0)
Пример #2
def test_ag():
    if not mod.is_ag_installed():
        raise SkipTest("ag not installed")
    def test(command, message="", project_path="/", selection=""):
        cfg = {"command.ag.options": "--workers=1"}
        state = "window project(/) editor(/dir/b.txt)*"
        with test_app(state, cfg) as app, setup_files(test_app(app).tmp) as tmp:
            editor = app.windows[0].current_editor
            if selection:
                editor.document.text_storage[:] = selection
                editor.text_view = TestConfig(selectedRange=lambda:(0, len(selection)))
            bar = CommandTester(mod.ag, editor=editor, output=True)
            output = bar.output
            if output is not None:
                output = output.replace("xt://open/%s/" % tmp, "xt://open/")
                if "Traceback (most recent call last):" in output:
                    assert "Traceback (most recent call last):" not in message
            eq_(output, markup(message))
            eq_(test_app(app).state, state)

    yield test("ag ([bB]|size:\ 10)",
        "[B file](xt://open/dir/B%20file)\n"
        "[1](xt://open/dir/B%20file?goto=1):name: dir/[B](xt://open/dir/B%20file?goto=1.10.1) file\n"
        "[2](xt://open/dir/B%20file?goto=2):[size: 10](xt://open/dir/B%20file?goto=2.0.8)\n"
        "[1](xt://open/dir/b.txt?goto=1):name: dir/[b](xt://open/dir/b.txt?goto=1.10.1).txt\n")
    yield test("ag dir/[bB] ..",
        "[dir/B file](xt://open/dir/../dir/B%20file)\n"
        "[1](xt://open/dir/../dir/B%20file?goto=1):name: [dir/B](xt://open/dir/../dir/B%20file?goto=1.6.5) file\n"
        "[1](xt://open/dir/../dir/b.txt?goto=1):name: [dir/b](xt://open/dir/../dir/b.txt?goto=1.6.5).txt\n")
    yield test("ag dir/[bB] .. --after=1",
        "[dir/B file](xt://open/dir/../dir/B%20file)\n"
        "[1](xt://open/dir/../dir/B%20file?goto=1):name: [dir/B](xt://open/dir/../dir/B%20file?goto=1.6.5) file\n"
        "[2](xt://open/dir/../dir/B%20file?goto=2):size: 10\n\n"
        "[1](xt://open/dir/../dir/b.txt?goto=1):name: [dir/b](xt://open/dir/../dir/b.txt?goto=1.6.5).txt\n"
        "[2](xt://open/dir/../dir/b.txt?goto=2):size: 9\n\n")
    yield test("ag dir/b .. -i",
        "[dir/B file](xt://open/dir/../dir/B%20file)\n"
        "[1](xt://open/dir/../dir/B%20file?goto=1):name: [dir/B](xt://open/dir/../dir/B%20file?goto=1.6.5) file\n"
        "[1](xt://open/dir/../dir/b.txt?goto=1):name: [dir/b](xt://open/dir/../dir/b.txt?goto=1.6.5).txt\n")
    yield test("ag  ..",
        "[dir/B file](xt://open/dir/../dir/B%20file)\n"
        "[1](xt://open/dir/../dir/B%20file?goto=1):name: [dir/B ](xt://open/dir/../dir/B%20file?goto=1.6.6)file\n",
        selection="dir/B ")
    yield test("ag xyz", "no match for pattern: xyz")
Пример #3
def test_exec_shell():
    if not mod.is_ag_installed():
        raise SkipTest("ag not installed")
    with setup_files() as tmp:
        result = mod.exec_shell(["ag", "dir/[bB]", "--workers=1"], cwd=tmp)

        assert_same_items(result.split("\n"), [
            'dir/B file:1:name: dir/B file',
            'dir/b.txt:1:name: dir/b.txt',
        eq_(result.err, None)
        eq_(result.returncode, 0)
Пример #4
def test_pathfind():
    if not is_ag_installed():
        raise SkipTest("ag not installed")

    filesystem = [
        ".git/file.txt",  # excluded by default

    @test_app("window project(/dir) editor*")
    def test(app, command, files=None, selection=(0, 0)):
        app.config.extend("ag", {
            "path": config.String("ag"),
            "options": config.String(""),
        tmp = test_app(app).tmp
        os.mkdir(join(tmp, ".git"))
        os.mkdir(join(tmp, "dir"))
        os.mkdir(join(tmp, "dir", "file"))
        for path in filesystem:
            assert not isabs(path), path
            with open(join(tmp, path), "w") as fh:
                fh.write(" ")
        with open(join(tmp, ".gitignore"), "w") as fh:

        if command:
            parts = command.split(' ')
            if len(parts) > 2:
                if parts[2].startswith("/"):
                    parts[2] = join(tmp, parts[2].lstrip("/"))
            assert all(p.startswith(tmp + "/")
                       for p in parts if p.startswith("/")), parts
            command = " ".join(parts)

        editor = app.windows[0].current_editor
        if editor.document is not None:
            editor.document.text_storage[:] = "from file.txt import txt"
        m = Mocker()
        view = editor.text_view = m.mock()
        (view.selectedRange() << selection).count(0, 4)
        with m:
            bar = CommandTester(mod.pathfind, editor=editor, output=True)
        output = bar.output
        if files is None:
            assert output is None, output
            if output is not None:
                output = output.replace(tmp + "/", "/")
            expect = " ".join("<a href='xt://open/{0}{1}'>{1}</a>".format(
                "/" if f.startswith("/") else "/dir/",
                f[1:] if f.startswith("/") else f,
            ) for f in files)
            eq_(" ".join(sorted(x for x in output.split("<br />") if x)), expect)

    file_txt = ["a_file.txt", "file.txt", "file/txt"]

    # simulate invoke with hotkey
    yield test(None, file_txt, selection=(5, 8))

    yield test("pathfind", file_txt, selection=(5, 8))

    base_test = test
    for cfg in [None, "window project(/dir)* editor"]:
        test = base_test if cfg is None else partial(base_test, init_state=cfg)
        yield test("pathfind file.txt", file_txt)
        yield test("pathfind file\\.txt", ["a_file.txt", "file.txt"])
        yield test("pathfind file\\. /", [
        yield test("pathfind file\\. / unrestricted", [