def main(): #AUTH STUFF creds = None if os.path.exists('token.json'): creds = Credentials.from_authorized_user_file('token.json', SCOPES) else: if creds and creds.expired and creds.refresh_token: creds.refresh(Request()) else: flow = InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file( 'credentials.json', SCOPES) creds = flow.run_local_server(port=0) # Save the credentials for the next run with open('token.json', 'w') as token: token.write(creds.to_json()) service = build('calendar', 'v3', credentials=creds) #EDUPAGE STUFF login = input("Enter your edupage login: "******"Enter your edupage password: "******"%Y-%d-%m").strftime("%Y-%m-%d") yest = - timedelta(1) print('\n\n\n') if datetime.strptime(dateSting, "%Y-%m-%d") > yest: event = { 'summary': hw.title, 'description': hw.description, 'start': { 'dateTime': '{0}T09:00:00-07:00'.format(dateSting), 'timeZone': 'Etc/GMT', }, 'end': { 'dateTime': '{0}T09:00:00-07:00'.format(dateSting), 'timeZone': 'Etc/GMT', }, } if times < 9: times = times + 1 else: times = 2 event ='primary', body=event).execute() print('Event created: {}'.format(event.get('htmlLink'))) else: print('Too old')
def login(self): # 1. self.domain_edit 2. self.user_edit 3. self.pass_edit domain = self.domain_edit.text() user = self.user_edit.text() password = self.pass_edit.text() try: = Edupage(domain, user, password) try: self.login_formular.hide() eci = EdupageClientIndex(self) except BadCredentialsException: self.render_err( "Bad credentials", "Check login credentials (username/password)!") except LoginDataParsingException: self.render_err( "Login data parsing", "Check internet connection, try again later or contact server " "administrators!") except UnicodeError: return except IndexError: self.render_err( "Indexing error", "Check entered domain, if correct then check internet connection or est!" )
from edupage_api import Edupage edupage = Edupage() edupage.login_auto("Username (or e-mail)", "Password") grades = edupage.get_grades() grades_by_subject = {} for grade in grades: if grades_by_subject.get(grade.subject_name): grades_by_subject[grade.subject_name] += [grade] else: grades_by_subject[grade.subject_name] = [grade] for subject in grades_by_subject: print(f"{subject}:") for grade in grades_by_subject[subject]: print(f" {grade.title} -> ", end="") if grade.max_points != 100: print(f"{grade.grade_n}/{grade.max_points}") else: print(f"{grade.percent}%") print("----------------")
from datetime import datetime from edupage_api import Edupage, EduDate, EduTimetable, EduTime, EduLength import telebot import time groupId = -1001163700495 edupage = Edupage("sdc", "*****@*****.**", "Ansar2003") edupage.login() bot = telebot.TeleBot('1724837486:AAHSCeHaZeyxW03Qd5TzEK7XCwgCGNDe53k') @bot.message_handler(commands=['hw']) def hw(message): try: for hw in edupage.get_homework(): bot.send_message(groupId, hw) except: bot.send_message(groupId, 'Не удалось получить данные.') lessonTime = EduTime(0, 0) @bot.message_handler(commands=['lesson']) def nextLesson(message): try: if str( edupage.get_timetable( != 'None': bot.send_message( groupId, 'Следующий урок \n' +
class EdupageClient: def __init__(self): = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) self.login_formular = QtWidgets.QWidget() self.login_layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() #740x532 self.login_formular.setGeometry(300, 200, 740 / 2 - 25, 532 / 2 - 25) self.login_formular.setFixedSize(self.login_formular.size()) self.login_formular.setWindowTitle("Edupage Client: Login ") # Widgety self.text = QtWidgets.QLabel("Edupage Client - Login to your account", parent=self.login_formular) self.text.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.text.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) self.domain_edit = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() self.domain_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("") self.user_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("Username: "******"Password: "******"Login") self.submit_button.clicked.connect(self.login) self.about_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton("About") self.about_button.clicked.connect(self.about) # Layouty self.login_grid = QGridLayout() self.domain_box = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.user_box = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.pass_box = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.submit_box = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.about_box = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() # Maintain main layout self.login_layout.addLayout(self.login_grid) self.login_layout.addStretch() self.login_layout.addLayout(self.domain_box) # self.login_layout.addStretch() self.login_layout.addLayout(self.user_box) self.login_layout.addLayout(self.pass_box) self.login_layout.addStretch() self.login_layout.addLayout(self.submit_box) # self.login_layout.addStretch() self.login_layout.addLayout(self.about_box) # Add widgets self.login_grid.addWidget(self.text, 0, 0) self.domain_box.addWidget(self.domain_edit) self.domain_box.addWidget(self.domain_label) self.user_box.addWidget(self.user_label) self.user_box.addWidget(self.user_edit) self.pass_box.addWidget(self.pass_label) self.pass_box.addWidget(self.pass_edit) self.submit_box.addWidget(self.submit_button) self.about_box.addWidget(self.about_button) self.login_formular.setLayout(self.login_layout) sys.exit( def login(self): # 1. self.domain_edit 2. self.user_edit 3. self.pass_edit domain = self.domain_edit.text() user = self.user_edit.text() password = self.pass_edit.text() try: = Edupage(domain, user, password) try: self.login_formular.hide() eci = EdupageClientIndex(self) except BadCredentialsException: self.render_err( "Bad credentials", "Check login credentials (username/password)!") except LoginDataParsingException: self.render_err( "Login data parsing", "Check internet connection, try again later or contact server " "administrators!") except UnicodeError: return except IndexError: self.render_err( "Indexing error", "Check entered domain, if correct then check internet connection or est!" ) def about(self): msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) msg.setText( "EdupageClient Version: 0.1\n\nEdupageClient Copyright (C) MMXXI \nTomáš Lovrant & Adam " "Vlčko\n\nThis program comes " "with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under " "the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by " "the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or " "(at your option) any later version.\nSee:\n\nClick on Show Details " "... for more information.") msg.setDetailedText( "THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT " "WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE " "PROGRAM \"AS IS\" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, " "BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A " "PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS " "WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY " "SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION.") msg.setWindowTitle("About EdupageClient") msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) msg.setEscapeButton(QMessageBox.Ok) msg.exec_() def render_err(self, title, description): msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) msg.setText(description) msg.setWindowTitle(title) msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Retry) msg.setEscapeButton(QMessageBox.Retry) msg.exec_()
from edupage_api import Edupage, EduStudent, BadCredentialsException, LoginDataParsingException, EduDate from subprocess import call dom = input("Definuj doménu: (iba začiatok bez ") meno = input("Vlož prihlasovacie meno: ") heslo = input("Vlož svoje heslo: ") edu = Edupage(dom, meno, heslo) try: call("clear") edu.login() print("Úspešne prihlásený ako ", meno, "na doméne", dom) print("1. Zobraziť list učiteľov (nefunkcne)") print("2. Zobraziť list spolužiakov") print("3. Úlohy") print("4. Rozvrh") vyber = int(input("Vitaj! Čo chceš robiť? ")) if vyber == 1: call("clear") uc = edu.get_teachers() for teacher in uc: print("________________________________") print(str(teacher)) print("________________________________") elif vyber == 2: call("clear") ziaci = edu.get_students() ziaci.sort(key=EduStudent.__sort__)
from datetime import datetime from edupage_api import Edupage edupage = Edupage() edupage.login_auto("Username (or e-mail)", "Password") tomorrow = missing_teachers = edupage.get_missing_teachers(tomorrow) print(f"There are {len(missing_teachers)} missing tomorrow!") print() print("Teachers missing:", end=" ") for i, teacher in enumerate(missing_teachers): if i != 0: print(", ", end="") print(f"{}", end="")
allLinks = { 'Рауан Жаукенов': '', 'Макпал Абдиева': '', 'Ремзия Пелтек': '', 'Мерует Бекжасарова': '', 'Досжан Алдаберген': '', 'Нури Гасанов': '' } version = '0.10b' name = 'EduBot' author = 'AnsarIK' edupage = Edupage("sdc", "*****@*****.**", "Ansar2003") edupage.login() bot = telebot.TeleBot('1724837486:AAHSCeHaZeyxW03Qd5TzEK7XCwgCGNDe53k') lessonTime = datetime.strptime('0:0', '%H:%M') lessonDuration = 1800 groupId = -1001163700495 # bot.send_message(groupId, name + '\nВерсия ' + version ) def detectLesson(): try: global lessonTime global timetable
from edupage_api import Edupage from edupage_api.people import EduTeacher edupage = Edupage() edupage.login_auto("Username (or e-mail)", "Password") teachers = edupage.get_teachers() def print_teacher_info(teacher: EduTeacher): print(f"{} is in your school since {teacher.in_school_since}") oldest_teacher = teachers[0] for teacher in teachers: if not teacher.in_school_since: continue if teacher.in_school_since < oldest_teacher.in_school_since: oldest_teacher = teacher print("The oldest teacher (the longest time in your school):") print_teacher_info(oldest_teacher) yonguest_teacher = teachers[0] for teacher in teachers: if not teacher.in_school_since: continue if teacher.in_school_since > yonguest_teacher.in_school_since: yonguest_teacher = teacher
from datetime import datetime from edupage_api import Edupage edupage = Edupage() edupage.login_auto("Username (or e-mail)", "Password") today = lunch = edupage.get_lunches(today) if lunch is None: print(f"No lunch choices for today ({}) yet!") else: for menu_index_str in lunch.chooseable_menus: menu_index = int(menu_index_str) print(f"[{menu_index_str}] {lunch.menus[menu_index].name}") lunch_n = input("Which lunch do you want? ") while lunch_n not in lunch.chooseable_menus: lunch_n = input("Which lunch do you want? ") lunch.choose(edupage, int(lunch_n)) print("Done!")