Пример #1
def check_for_category_switch(sender, instance, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    If the exam switches from proctored to timed, notify the backend
    if instance.id:
        original = sender.objects.get(pk=instance.id)
        if original.is_proctored and instance.is_proctored != original.is_proctored:
            from edx_proctoring.serializers import ProctoredExamJSONSafeSerializer
            exam = ProctoredExamJSONSafeSerializer(instance).data
            # from the perspective of the backend, the exam is now inactive.
            exam['is_active'] = False
            backend = get_backend_provider(name=exam['backend'])
Пример #2
def save_exam_on_backend(sender, instance, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    Save the exam to the backend provider when our model changes.
    It also combines the review policy into the exam when saving to the backend
    if sender == models.ProctoredExam:
        exam_obj = instance
        review_policy = models.ProctoredExamReviewPolicy.get_review_policy_for_exam(instance.id)
        exam_obj = instance.proctored_exam
        review_policy = instance
    if exam_obj.is_proctored:
        from edx_proctoring.serializers import ProctoredExamJSONSafeSerializer
        exam = ProctoredExamJSONSafeSerializer(exam_obj).data
        if review_policy:
            exam['rule_summary'] = review_policy.review_policy
        backend = get_backend_provider(exam)
        external_id = backend.on_exam_saved(exam)
        if external_id and external_id != exam_obj.external_id:
            exam_obj.external_id = external_id