def main(): global beamEnergy # Parse all command line arguments using the argparse module. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='PyRoot analysis demostrating the us of a DST.') parser.add_argument("dst_file", help="ROOT DST file to process") parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", help="Name of output pdf file") parser.add_argument("-m", "--mc", help="is MonteCarlo") parser.add_argument("-p", "--pulser", help="is Pulser") parser.add_argument("-e","--energy",help="beam energy") args = parser.parse_args() # If an output file name was not specified, set a default name and warn # the user if args.output: output_file = args.output else: output_file = "analysis_output.root" print "[ HPS ANALYSIS ]: An output file name was not specified. Setting the name to " print output_file print "[ HPS ANALYSIS ]: Output file is "+output_file isMC=False if print "[ HPS ANALYSIS ]: Setting to run as MC" isMC=True isPulser=False if args.pulser: print "[ HPS ANALYSIS ]: Setting to run from a pulser file" isPulser=True if : print 'Setting beam energy to ' beamEnergy=float( myhist=myHistograms(beamEnergy) ################################# # Event Selection ################################ #clean up event first #### nominal selection requireECalFiducial = False requireECalSuperFiducial = False # this is included as separate histograms now...leave false! positronMomentumFromPositionCut = False # this is included as separate histograms now...leave false! requireTopBottomCut = True requireLeftRightCut = True if isMC : smearEnergy=False smearRes=0.05 myhist.setSmearEnergy(smearEnergy,smearRes) L1Ele = True # require L1 hit for Ele L1Pos = False # require L1 hit for Pos L6Ele = False # require L1 hit for Ele L6Pos = False # require L1 hit for Pos trackKiller=True killInMomentum=False killInClusterPosition=False killInTrackSlope = True # effFileName='/u/br/mgraham/hps-analysis/TrackEfficiency/cop180_EfficiencyResults.root' # effDataName='h_Ecl_hps_005772_eleEff' # effMCName='h_Ecl_tritrig-NOSUMCUT_HPS-EngRun2015-Nominal-v5-0_eleEff' effFileName='/u/br/mgraham/hps-analysis/TrackEfficiency/cop180_midESum_TwoD-EfficiencyResults.root' effDataName='h_XvsY_hps_005772_eleEff' effMCName='h_XvsY_tritrig-NOSUMCUT_HPS-EngRun2015-Nominal-v5-0_eleEff' if isMC and trackKiller and killInClusterPosition : effFile=ROOT.TFile(effFileName) print 'Getting data efficiency from '+effFileName # effData=getEffTH1(effFile,effDataName) # effMC=getEffTH1(effFile,effMCName) effData=getEffTH2(effFile,effDataName) effMC=getEffTH2(effFile,effMCName) effData.Print("v") effMC.Print("v") effData.Divide(effMC) # this will be the killing factor effData.Print("V") if isMC and trackKiller and killInTrackSlope: # effSlopeFileName='/u/br/mgraham/hps-analysis/WABs/EmGamma-L1HitEfficiencyResults.root' effSlopeFileName='/u/home/mgraham/HPS-CODE/ANALYSIS/users/mgraham/TridentWABs2016/EmGamma-L1HitEfficiencyResults-2016.root' effRatioName='p2slopehps_007963.1GamEm_L1HitInefficiency' effSlopeFile=ROOT.TFile(effSlopeFileName) effSlopeData=getEffTH1(effSlopeFile,effRatioName) effSlopeData.Print("v") print 'L1 Hit Efficiency vs Slope: MC' fixTH1EffBins(effSlopeData) # Open the ROOT file # root_file = ROOT.TFile(str(args.dst_file)) # Get the TTree "HPS_EVENT" containing the HpsEvent branch and all # other colletions # tree = root_file.Get("HPS_Event") #use a TChain print "[ HPS ANALYSIS ]: Reading in root chain from "+args.dst_file tree=ROOT.TChain("HPS_Event") tree.Add(str(args.dst_file)+"*") # Create an HpsEvent object in order to read the TClonesArray # collections hps_event = HpsEvent() b_hps_event = tree.SetBranchAddress("Event", ROOT.AddressOf(hps_event)) #--- Analysis ---# #----------------# #counters nEvents=0 nPassBasicCuts=0 # //================ Time coincidence ====================================== coincide_pars_mean = [0.289337, -2.81998, 9.03475, -12.93, 8.71476, -2.26969] coincide_pars_sigm = [4.3987, -24.2371, 68.9567, -98.2586, 67.562, -17.8987] formula_pol5 = "[0] + x*( [1] + x*( [2] + x*( [3] + x*( [4] + x*( [5] ) ) ) ) ) " f_coincide_clust_mean = ROOT.TF1("f_coincide_clust_mean", formula_pol5, 0., 1.4) f_coincide_clust_sigm = ROOT.TF1("f_coincide_clust_sigm", formula_pol5, 0., 1.4) f_coincide_clust_mean.SetParameters(np.array(coincide_pars_mean)) f_coincide_clust_sigm.SetParameters(np.array(coincide_pars_sigm)) # //The cut is === mean - 3sigma < dt < mean + 3sigma === clTimeMin = 30 clTimeMax = 50 if beamEnergy == 2.3 : clTimeMin = 40 clTimeMax = 65 energyRatio=beamEnergy/1.05 #ratio of beam energies references to 1.05 GeV (2015 run) print("Total number of events in tree = "+str(tree.GetEntries())) seedCnt=0 # Loop over all events in the file for entry in xrange(0, tree.GetEntries()) : # Print the event number every 500 events if (entry+1)%100 == 0 : print "Event " + str(entry+1) tree.GetEntry(entry) if not hps_event.isPair1Trigger() and not isMC and not isPulser: continue nEvents+=1 nPassBasicCuts+=1 # print "passed basic cuts" pairList=[] bestCandidate=-99 pairsFound=0 for i in range(0,hps_event.getNumberOfEcalClusters()) : cl1=hps_event.getEcalCluster(i) cl1Position=cl1.getPosition() cl_xi=cl1Position[0] cl_yi=cl1Position[1] cl_zi=cl1Position[2] cl_ti=cl1.getClusterTime() cl_Ei=cl1.getEnergy() myhist.h_clTime1vsclE.Fill(cl_Ei,cl_ti) cl_di = math.sqrt( (cl_xi - phot_nom_x)*(cl_xi - phot_nom_x) + cl_yi*cl_yi ) # print 'looking at clusters' #if(!fid_ECal(cl_xi,cl_yi)) # continue if requireECalFiducial and not myhist.inFiducialRegion(cl_xi, cl_yi) : continue if requireECalSuperFiducial and not myhist.inSuperFiducialRegion(cl_xi, cl_yi) : continue if not (cl_ti > clTimeMin and cl_ti < clTimeMax ): continue if positronMomentumFromPositionCut and not myhist.momFromPositionEclUpperCut(cl_Ei,myhist.momFromECalPosition(cl_xi,cl_zi,beamAngle,myhist.BEff)) : continue # print 'Found first good cluster' for j in range(i+1,hps_event.getNumberOfEcalClusters()) : cl2=hps_event.getEcalCluster(j) cl2Position=cl2.getPosition() cl_xj=cl2Position[0] cl_yj=cl2Position[1] cl_zj=cl2Position[2] cl_tj=cl2.getClusterTime() cl_Ej=cl2.getEnergy() cl_dj =math.sqrt( (cl_xj - phot_nom_x)*(cl_xj - phot_nom_x) + cl_yj*cl_yj ) Esum = cl_Ei + cl_Ej if requireECalFiducial and not myhist.inFiducialRegion(cl_xj,cl_yj): continue if requireECalSuperFiducial and not myhist.inSuperFiducialRegion(cl_xj,cl_yj): continue if not (cl_tj > clTimeMin and cl_tj < clTimeMax ): continue if positronMomentumFromPositionCut and not myhist.momFromPositionEclUpperCut(cl_Ej,myhist.momFromECalPosition(cl_xj,cl_zj,beamAngle,myhist.BEff)) : continue # print 'Passed the probable positron cut' myhist.h_clTime1vsclTime2.Fill(cl_ti,cl_tj) dt = cl_ti - cl_tj # delt_t_mean = f_coincide_clust_mean.Eval(Esum) # delt_t_sigm = f_coincide_clust_sigm.Eval(Esum) # divide by 2 since these parameters were extracted from 1.05GeV Data (this is kludgy!) delt_t_mean = f_coincide_clust_mean.Eval(Esum/energyRatio) delt_t_sigm = f_coincide_clust_sigm.Eval(Esum/energyRatio) if not (dt < delt_t_mean + 3*delt_t_sigm and dt > delt_t_mean - 3*delt_t_sigm) : continue # //make sure they are top/bottom # print 'Passed the timing cut' # print str(cl_yi)+" " + str(cl_yj) if requireTopBottomCut and cl_yi*cl_yj>0 : continue if requireLeftRightCut and cl_xi*cl_xj>0 : continue # print 'Found a pair!!!!' clpair=[cl1,cl2] pairList.append(clpair) pairsFound+=len(pairList) # if len(pairList) >0 : print "found this many pairs "+str(len(pairList)) fspList=[] for i in xrange(0, hps_event.getNumberOfParticles(HpsParticle.FINAL_STATE_PARTICLE)): fspList.append( hps_event.getParticle(HpsParticle.FINAL_STATE_PARTICLE,i)) ######################### # found some candidates...lets fill plots... ######################### removeL1HitEle=False removeL1HitPos=False for pair in pairList : if pair[0].getPosition()[1] >0 : clTop=pair[0] clBottom=pair[1] else : clTop=pair[1] clBottom=pair[0] clTopPosition=clTop.getPosition() clBottomPosition=clBottom.getPosition() topX=clTopPosition[0] topY=clTopPosition[1] topZ=clTopPosition[2] botX=clBottomPosition[0] botY=clBottomPosition[1] botZ=clBottomPosition[2] topE=clTop.getEnergy() botE=clBottom.getEnergy() Esum=topE+botE Ediff=abs(topE-botE) cl_impact_angleTop = math.atan2(topY, topX - phot_nom_x)*radian cl_impact_angleBottom = math.atan2(botY,botX - phot_nom_x)*radian if cl_impact_angleTop < 0. : cl_impact_angleTop = cl_impact_angleTop + 360. if cl_impact_angleBottom < 0. : cl_impact_angleBottom = cl_impact_angleBottom + 360. coplanarity= cl_impact_angleBottom - cl_impact_angleTop myhist.h_coplan_Esum1.Fill(Esum,coplanarity) # cl_d_top= math.sqrt( (topX - phot_nom_x)*(topX - phot_nom_x) + topY*topY )- (60. + 100*(topE - 0.85)*(topE - 0.85) ) # cl_d_bottom= math.sqrt( (botX - phot_nom_x)*(botX - phot_nom_x) + botY*botY )- (60. + 100*(botE - 0.85)*(botE - 0.85) ) #do track matching trTop=ecalMatchTrack(fspList,clTop) trBottom=ecalMatchTrack(fspList,clBottom) #initial PDG assignments trEle=trTop trPos=trBottom clEle=clTop clPos=clBottom if topX > 0 : #assign the ele & pos with respect to the side of ECAL the cluster is on trEle=trBottom clEle=clBottom trPos=trTop clPos=clTop if trEle is not None and trEle.getPDG() == -11 :# whoops, it's a positron trEle=trBottom trPos=trTop clEle=clBottom clPos=clTop # if trPos is not None and trPos.getPDG() == 11 : # whoops, it's an electron # trEle=trBottom # trPos=trTop # clEle=clBottom # clPos=clTop #for ++ or -- events, this will get flipped with it... if topY*botY >0 : print "both clusters in same half?? How could this happen?"+str(topY)+" vs "+str(botY) if trackKiller and isMC: if killInMomentum : p=clEle.getEnergy() bin=effData.FindBin(p) tkEff=effData.GetBinContent(bin) print str(p)+ ' '+str(bin)+' '+str(tkEff) if random.random()>tkEff : #high ratio of efficiencies, this hardly kills...low, kills a lot print "REJECTING THIS ELECTRON TRACK!!! "+str(p) trEle=None #### same thing for positron side p=clPos.getEnergy() bin=effData.FindBin(p) tkEff=effData.GetBinContent(bin) print str(p)+' '+str(bin)+' '+str(tkEff) if random.random()>tkEff : #high ratio of efficiencies, this hardly kills...low, kills a lot print "REJECTING THIS ELECTRON TRACK!!! "+str(p) trPos=None if killInClusterPosition: clX=clEle.getPosition()[0] clY=clEle.getPosition()[1] bin=effData.FindBin(clX,clY) tkEff=effData.GetBinContent(bin) if random.random()>tkEff and tkEff!=0.0: print str(clX)+ ' '+str(clY)+' '+str(bin)+' '+str(tkEff) print "REJECTING THIS ELECTRON TRACK!!! "+str(clX) trEle=None clX=clPos.getPosition()[0] clY=clPos.getPosition()[1] bin=effData.FindBin(-clX+80,clY) # flip sign +80mm for positron side (this isn't strictly correct)!!! tkEff=effData.GetBinContent(bin) if random.random()>tkEff and tkEff!=0.0 : print str(clX)+ ' '+str(clY)+' '+str(bin)+' '+str(tkEff) print "REJECTING THIS POSITRON TRACK!!! "+str(clX) trPos=None if killInTrackSlope: if trEle is not None and len(trEle.getTracks())>0: # print("found an electron...kill it!!!") trk=trEle.getTracks()[0] nHits=len(trk.getSvtHits()) slp=trk.getTanLambda() rndm=random.random() ibin=effSlopeData.FindBin(slp) eff=1-effSlopeData.GetBinContent(ibin) #the slope "efficiency" is actually an inefficiency # print(str(rndm)+" "+str(eff)) if rndm>eff: if nHits==5: print('Removing this electron due to L1 inefficiency') trEle=None else : print(' Removing this electron L1 hit due to inefficiency') removeL1HitEle=True if trPos is not None and len(trPos.getTracks())>0: # print("found an positron...kill it!!!") trk=trPos.getTracks()[0] nHits=len(trk.getSvtHits()) slp=trk.getTanLambda() rndm=random.random() ibin=effSlopeData.FindBin(slp) eff=1-effSlopeData.GetBinContent(ibin) #the slope "efficiency" is actually an inefficiency # print(str(rndm)+" "+str(eff)) if rndm>eff: if nHits==5: print('Removing this positron due to L1 inefficiency') trPos=None else : print('Removing this positron L1 hit due to inefficiency') removeL1HitPos=True #require layer 1 if L1Ele and (not myhist.hasL1Hit(trEle) or removeL1HitEle): trEle=None if L1Pos and (not myhist.hasL1Hit(trPos) or removeL1HitPos): trPos=None #require layer 6 if L6Ele and not myhist.hasLXHit(trEle,6): trEle=None if L6Pos and not myhist.hasLXHit(trPos,6): trPos=None myhist.fillBand("_copAll_",trEle,clEle,trPos,clPos) if abs(coplanarity-180)<10 : # some debugging here... # for events where there is a positron track and no electron track # check to see if there maybe is a track that's could be associated with this clus if trEle is None and trPos is not None and trPos.getCharge()>0 : nMatchEle=0; print 'found positron but not electron! ele energy = '+str(clEle.getEnergy())+'; ele clX = '+str(clEle.getPosition()[0])+'; ele clY = '+str(clEle.getPosition()[1]) #loop through the electrons in event and check to see if on is in the same half for fsp_n in xrange(0, hps_event.getNumberOfParticles(HpsParticle.FINAL_STATE_PARTICLE)) : fsp = hps_event.getParticle(HpsParticle.FINAL_STATE_PARTICLE,fsp_n) if fsp.getType() !=0 : if fsp.getType() > 32 : continue track=fsp.getTracks()[0] slope=track.getTanLambda() if fsp.getCharge()<0 and slope*clEle.getPosition()[1]>0 and pMag(fsp.getMomentum())<0.8 : nMatchEle=nMatchEle+1 print 'found and electron in right half!!' print 'track p = '+str(pMag(fsp.getMomentum())) trkAtEcal=track.getPositionAtEcal() delX=trkAtEcal[0]-clEle.getPosition()[0] delY=trkAtEcal[1]-clEle.getPosition()[1] print 'trk-clEle delX = '+str(delX)+'; delY = '+str(delY) myhist.h_misEle_delXvsdelY.Fill(delX,delY) myhist.h_misEle_trkPvsclE.Fill(pMag(fsp.getMomentum()),clEle.getEnergy()) if len(fsp.getClusters())>0 : clThisE=fsp.getClusters()[0] print '...this track matched to cluster with ele energy = '+str(clThisE.getEnergy())+'; ele clX = '+str(clThisE.getPosition()[0])+'; ele clY = '+str(clThisE.getPosition()[1]) ######################## myhist.h_misEle_eleTrks.Fill(nMatchEle) myhist.fillBand("_cop180_",trEle,clEle,trPos,clPos) if Esum>myhist.midESumLow and Esum<myhist.midESumHigh : myhist.fillBand("_cop180_midESum_",trEle,clEle,trPos,clPos) if myhist.inSuperFiducialRegion(topX,topY) and myhist.inSuperFiducialRegion(botX,botY): myhist.fillBand("_cop180_midESum_SuperFid",trEle,clEle,trPos,clPos) if not myhist.inSuperFiducialRegion(topX,topY) and not myhist.inSuperFiducialRegion(botX,botY): myhist.fillBand("_cop180_midESum_AntiSuperFid",trEle,clEle,trPos,clPos) if myhist.inSuperFiducialRegion(topX,topY) and myhist.inSuperFiducialRegion(botX,botY): myhist.fillBand("_cop180_SuperFid",trEle,clEle,trPos,clPos) if not myhist.inPhotonHole(topX,topY) and not myhist.inPhotonHole(botX,botY) : myhist.fillBand("_cop180_SuperFid_CutPhotons",trEle,clEle,trPos,clPos) if not myhist.inSuperFiducialRegion(topX,topY) and not myhist.inSuperFiducialRegion(botX,botY): myhist.fillBand("_cop180_AntiSuperFid",trEle,clEle,trPos,clPos) if Ediff<0.2 and len(pairList)==1: myhist.fillBand("_cop180_Holly_",trEle,clEle,trPos,clPos) if not myhist.inPhotonHole(topX,topY) and not myhist.inPhotonHole(botX,botY) : myhist.fillBand("_cop180_CutPhotons",trEle,clEle,trPos,clPos) elif abs(coplanarity-160)<10 : myhist.fillBand("_cop160_",trEle,clEle,trPos,clPos) if Esum>myhist.midESumLow and Esum<myhist.midESumHigh : myhist.fillBand("_cop160_midESum_",trEle,clEle,trPos,clPos) if myhist.inSuperFiducialRegion(topX,topY) and myhist.inSuperFiducialRegion(botX,botY): myhist.fillBand("_cop160_SuperFid",trEle,clEle,trPos,clPos) # if myhist.momFromPositionEclUpperCut(topE,myhist.momFromECalPosition(topX,topZ,beamAngle,myhist.BEff)) and myhist.momFromPositionEclUpperCut(botE,myhist.momFromECalPosition(botX,botZ,beamAngle,myhist.BEff)): if not myhist.inPhotonHole(topX,topY) and not myhist.inPhotonHole(botX,botY) : myhist.fillBand("_cop160_SuperFid_CutPhotons",trEle,clEle,trPos,clPos) # if myhist.momFromPositionEclUpperCut(topE,myhist.momFromECalPosition(topX,topZ,beamAngle,myhist.BEff)) and myhist.momFromPositionEclUpperCut(botE,myhist.momFromECalPosition(botX,botZ,beamAngle,myhist.BEff)): if not myhist.inPhotonHole(topX,topY) and not myhist.inPhotonHole(botX,botY) : myhist.fillBand("_cop160_CutPhotons",trEle,clEle,trPos,clPos) # particle = hps_event.getParticle(HpsParticle.TC_V0_CANDIDATE, candidateList[index]) # myhist.fillCandidateHistograms(particle) # if(nPassTrkCuts>0): print "******************************************************************************************" myhist.saveHistograms(output_file) # sys.exit(0) print "*** Returning ****" return
def main(): global beamEnergy # Parse all command line arguments using the argparse module. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="PyRoot analysis demostrating the us of a DST.") parser.add_argument("dst_file", help="ROOT DST file to process") parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", help="Name of output pdf file") parser.add_argument("-m", "--mc", help="is MonteCarlo") parser.add_argument("-p", "--pulser", help="is Pulser") parser.add_argument("-e", "--energy", help="beam energy") args = parser.parse_args() # If an output file name was not specified, set a default name and warn # the user if args.output: output_file = args.output else: output_file = "analysis_output.root" print "[ HPS ANALYSIS ]: An output file name was not specified. Setting the name to " print output_file print "[ HPS ANALYSIS ]: Output file is " + output_file isMC = False if print "[ HPS ANALYSIS ]: Setting to run as MC" isMC = True isPulser = False if args.pulser: print "[ HPS ANALYSIS ]: Setting to run from a pulser file" isPulser = True if print "Setting beam energy to " + beamEnergy = float( myhist = myHistograms(beamEnergy) ################################# # Event Selection ################################ # clean up event first #### nominal selection requireECalFiducial = False requireECalSuperFiducial = False # this is included as separate histograms now...leave false! positronMomentumFromPositionCut = False # this is included as separate histograms now...leave false! requireTopBottomCut = True requireLeftRightCut = True if isMC: smearEnergy = False smearRes = 0.05 myhist.setSmearEnergy(smearEnergy, smearRes) # Open the ROOT file # root_file = ROOT.TFile(str(args.dst_file)) # Get the TTree "HPS_EVENT" containing the HpsEvent branch and all # other colletions # tree = root_file.Get("HPS_Event") # use a TChain print "[ HPS ANALYSIS ]: Reading in root chain from " + args.dst_file tree = ROOT.TChain("HPS_Event") tree.Add(str(args.dst_file) + "*") # Create an HpsEvent object in order to read the TClonesArray # collections hps_event = HpsEvent() b_hps_event = tree.SetBranchAddress("Event", ROOT.AddressOf(hps_event)) # --- Analysis ---# # ----------------# # counters nEvents = 0 nPassBasicCuts = 0 # //================ Time coincidence ====================================== coincide_pars_mean = [0.289337, -2.81998, 9.03475, -12.93, 8.71476, -2.26969] coincide_pars_sigm = [4.3987, -24.2371, 68.9567, -98.2586, 67.562, -17.8987] formula_pol5 = "[0] + x*( [1] + x*( [2] + x*( [3] + x*( [4] + x*( [5] ) ) ) ) ) " f_coincide_clust_mean = ROOT.TF1("f_coincide_clust_mean", formula_pol5, 0.0, 1.4) f_coincide_clust_sigm = ROOT.TF1("f_coincide_clust_sigm", formula_pol5, 0.0, 1.4) f_coincide_clust_mean.SetParameters(np.array(coincide_pars_mean)) f_coincide_clust_sigm.SetParameters(np.array(coincide_pars_sigm)) # //The cut is === mean - 3sigma < dt < mean + 3sigma === clTimeMin = 30 clTimeMax = 50 if beamEnergy == 2.3: clTimeMin = 40 clTimeMax = 65 energyRatio = beamEnergy / 1.05 # ratio of beam energies references to 1.05 GeV (2015 run) seedCnt = 0 # Loop over all events in the file for entry in xrange(0, tree.GetEntries()): # Print the event number every 500 events if (entry + 1) % 10000 == 0: print "Event " + str(entry + 1) tree.GetEntry(entry) if not hps_event.isPair1Trigger() and not isMC and not isPulser: continue nEvents += 1 nPassBasicCuts += 1 # print "passed basic cuts" pairList = [] bestCandidate = -99 pairsFound = 0 print "looking at mcparticles" for i in range(0, hps_event.n_mc_particles): mcp = hps_event.getMCParticle(i) print type(mcp) if mcp is None: break if mcp.getEnergy() is None: print "no PDGID" continue else: print mcp.getEnergy() print "....done" for i in range(0, hps_event.getNumberOfEcalClusters()): cl1 = hps_event.getEcalCluster(i) cl1Position = cl1.getPosition() cl_xi = cl1Position[0] cl_yi = cl1Position[1] cl_zi = cl1Position[2] cl_ti = cl1.getClusterTime() cl_Ei = cl1.getEnergy() myhist.h_clTime1vsclE.Fill(cl_Ei, cl_ti) cl_di = math.sqrt((cl_xi - phot_nom_x) * (cl_xi - phot_nom_x) + cl_yi * cl_yi) # print 'looking at clusters' # if(!fid_ECal(cl_xi,cl_yi)) # continue if requireECalFiducial and not myhist.inFiducialRegion(cl_xi, cl_yi): continue if requireECalSuperFiducial and not myhist.inSuperFiducialRegion(cl_xi, cl_yi): continue if not (cl_ti > clTimeMin and cl_ti < clTimeMax): continue if positronMomentumFromPositionCut and not myhist.momFromPositionEclUpperCut( cl_Ei, myhist.momFromECalPosition(cl_xi, cl_zi, beamAngle, myhist.BEff) ): continue # print 'Found first good cluster' for j in range(i + 1, hps_event.getNumberOfEcalClusters()): cl2 = hps_event.getEcalCluster(j) cl2Position = cl2.getPosition() cl_xj = cl2Position[0] cl_yj = cl2Position[1] cl_zj = cl2Position[2] cl_tj = cl2.getClusterTime() cl_Ej = cl2.getEnergy() cl_dj = math.sqrt((cl_xj - phot_nom_x) * (cl_xj - phot_nom_x) + cl_yj * cl_yj) Esum = cl_Ei + cl_Ej # // if(!energySlopeCut(cl_xj,cl_d,cl_Ej)) # // continue if requireECalFiducial and not myhist.inFiducialRegion(cl_xj, cl_yj): continue if requireECalSuperFiducial and not myhist.inSuperFiducialRegion(cl_xj, cl_yj): continue if not (cl_tj > clTimeMin and cl_tj < clTimeMax): continue # print 'Found second good cluster' # //if(!fid_ECal(cl_x[j],cl_y[j])) # // continue # // if(!(energySlopeCut(cl_xi,cl_di,cl_Ei) || energySlopeCut(cl_xj,cl_dj,cl_Ej))) # // continue if positronMomentumFromPositionCut and not myhist.momFromPositionEclUpperCut( cl_Ej, myhist.momFromECalPosition(cl_xj, cl_zj, beamAngle, myhist.BEff) ): continue # print 'Passed the probable positron cut' myhist.h_clTime1vsclTime2.Fill(cl_ti, cl_tj) dt = cl_ti - cl_tj # delt_t_mean = f_coincide_clust_mean.Eval(Esum) # delt_t_sigm = f_coincide_clust_sigm.Eval(Esum) # divide by 2 since these parameters were extracted from 1.05GeV Data (this is kludgy!) delt_t_mean = f_coincide_clust_mean.Eval(Esum / energyRatio) delt_t_sigm = f_coincide_clust_sigm.Eval(Esum / energyRatio) if not (dt < delt_t_mean + 3 * delt_t_sigm and dt > delt_t_mean - 3 * delt_t_sigm): continue # //make sure they are top/bottom # print 'Passed the timing cut' # print str(cl_yi)+" " + str(cl_yj) if requireTopBottomCut and cl_yi * cl_yj > 0: continue if requireLeftRightCut and cl_xi * cl_xj > 0: continue # print 'Found a pair!!!!' clpair = [cl1, cl2] pairList.append(clpair) pairsFound += len(pairList) # if len(pairList) >0 : print "found this many pairs "+str(len(pairList)) fspList = [] for i in xrange(0, hps_event.getNumberOfParticles(HpsParticle.FINAL_STATE_PARTICLE)): fspList.append(hps_event.getParticle(HpsParticle.FINAL_STATE_PARTICLE, i)) ######################### # found some candidates...lets fill plots... ######################### for pair in pairList: if pair[0].getPosition()[1] > 0: clTop = pair[0] clBottom = pair[1] else: clTop = pair[1] clBottom = pair[0] clTopPosition = clTop.getPosition() clBottomPosition = clBottom.getPosition() topX = clTopPosition[0] topY = clTopPosition[1] topZ = clTopPosition[2] botX = clBottomPosition[0] botY = clBottomPosition[1] botZ = clBottomPosition[2] topE = clTop.getEnergy() botE = clBottom.getEnergy() Esum = topE + botE Ediff = abs(topE - botE) cl_impact_angleTop = math.atan2(topY, topX - phot_nom_x) * radian cl_impact_angleBottom = math.atan2(botY, botX - phot_nom_x) * radian if cl_impact_angleTop < 0.0: cl_impact_angleTop = cl_impact_angleTop + 360.0 if cl_impact_angleBottom < 0.0: cl_impact_angleBottom = cl_impact_angleBottom + 360.0 coplanarity = cl_impact_angleBottom - cl_impact_angleTop myhist.h_coplan_Esum1.Fill(Esum, coplanarity) # cl_d_top= math.sqrt( (topX - phot_nom_x)*(topX - phot_nom_x) + topY*topY )- (60. + 100*(topE - 0.85)*(topE - 0.85) ) # cl_d_bottom= math.sqrt( (botX - phot_nom_x)*(botX - phot_nom_x) + botY*botY )- (60. + 100*(botE - 0.85)*(botE - 0.85) ) # do track matching trTop = ecalMatchTrack(fspList, clTop) trBottom = ecalMatchTrack(fspList, clBottom) # initial PDG assignments trEle = trTop trPos = trBottom clEle = clTop clPos = clBottom if topX > 0: # assign the ele & pos with respect to the side of ECAL the cluster is on trEle = trBottom clEle = clBottom trPos = trTop clPos = clTop # if trEle is not None and trEle.getPDG() == -11 :# whoops, it's a positron # trEle=trBottom # trPos=trTop # clEle=clBottom # clPos=clTop # if trPos is not None and trPos.getPDG() == 11 : # whoops, it's an electron # trEle=trBottom # trPos=trTop # clEle=clBottom # clPos=clTop # for ++ or -- events, this will get flipped with it... if topY * botY > 0: print "both clusters in same half?? How could this happen?" + str(topY) + " vs " + str(botY) # print coplanarity myhist.fillBand("_copAll_", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) if abs(coplanarity - 180) < 10: myhist.fillBand("_cop180_", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) if Esum > myhist.midESumLow and Esum < myhist.midESumHigh: myhist.fillBand("_cop180_midESum_", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) if myhist.inSuperFiducialRegion(topX, topY) and myhist.inSuperFiducialRegion(botX, botY): myhist.fillBand("_cop180_SuperFid", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) # if myhist.momFromPositionEclUpperCut(topE,myhist.momFromECalPosition(topX,topZ,beamAngle,myhist.BEff)) and myhist.momFromPositionEclUpperCut(botE,myhist.momFromECalPosition(botX,botZ,beamAngle,myhist.BEff)): if not myhist.inPhotonHole(topX, topY) and not myhist.inPhotonHole(botX, botY): myhist.fillBand("_cop180_SuperFid_CutPhotons", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) if Ediff < 0.2 and len(pairList) == 1: myhist.fillBand("_cop180_Holly_", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) # if myhist.momFromPositionEclUpperCut(topE,myhist.momFromECalPosition(topX,topZ,beamAngle,myhist.BEff)) and myhist.momFromPositionEclUpperCut(botE,myhist.momFromECalPosition(botX,botZ,beamAngle,myhist.BEff)): if not myhist.inPhotonHole(topX, topY) and not myhist.inPhotonHole(botX, botY): myhist.fillBand("_cop180_CutPhotons", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) elif abs(coplanarity - 160) < 10: myhist.fillBand("_cop160_", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) if Esum > myhist.midESumLow and Esum < myhist.midESumHigh: myhist.fillBand("_cop160_midESum_", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) if myhist.inSuperFiducialRegion(topX, topY) and myhist.inSuperFiducialRegion(botX, botY): myhist.fillBand("_cop160_SuperFid", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) # if myhist.momFromPositionEclUpperCut(topE,myhist.momFromECalPosition(topX,topZ,beamAngle,myhist.BEff)) and myhist.momFromPositionEclUpperCut(botE,myhist.momFromECalPosition(botX,botZ,beamAngle,myhist.BEff)): if not myhist.inPhotonHole(topX, topY) and not myhist.inPhotonHole(botX, botY): myhist.fillBand("_cop160_SuperFid_CutPhotons", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) # if myhist.momFromPositionEclUpperCut(topE,myhist.momFromECalPosition(topX,topZ,beamAngle,myhist.BEff)) and myhist.momFromPositionEclUpperCut(botE,myhist.momFromECalPosition(botX,botZ,beamAngle,myhist.BEff)): if not myhist.inPhotonHole(topX, topY) and not myhist.inPhotonHole(botX, botY): myhist.fillBand("_cop160_CutPhotons", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) # particle = hps_event.getParticle(HpsParticle.TC_V0_CANDIDATE, candidateList[index]) # myhist.fillCandidateHistograms(particle) # if(nPassTrkCuts>0): myhist.saveHistograms(output_file)
def main(): global beamEnergy # Parse all command line arguments using the argparse module. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='PyRoot analysis demostrating the us of a DST.') parser.add_argument("dst_file", help="ROOT DST file to process") parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", help="Name of output pdf file") parser.add_argument("-m", "--mc", help="is MonteCarlo") parser.add_argument("-p", "--pulser", help="is Pulser") parser.add_argument("-e", "--energy", help="beam energy") args = parser.parse_args() # If an output file name was not specified, set a default name and warn # the user if args.output: output_file = args.output else: output_file = "analysis_output.root" print "[ HPS ANALYSIS ]: An output file name was not specified. Setting the name to " print output_file print "[ HPS ANALYSIS ]: Output file is " + output_file isMC = False if print "[ HPS ANALYSIS ]: Setting to run as MC" isMC = True isPulser = False if args.pulser: print "[ HPS ANALYSIS ]: Setting to run from a pulser file" isPulser = True if print 'Setting beam energy to ' + beamEnergy = float( myhist = myHistograms(beamEnergy) ################################# # Event Selection ################################ #clean up event first #### nominal selection requireECalFiducial = False requireECalSuperFiducial = False # this is included as separate histograms now...leave false! positronMomentumFromPositionCut = False # this is included as separate histograms now...leave false! requireTopBottomCut = True requireLeftRightCut = True if isMC: smearEnergy = False smearRes = 0.05 myhist.setSmearEnergy(smearEnergy, smearRes) # Open the ROOT file # root_file = ROOT.TFile(str(args.dst_file)) # Get the TTree "HPS_EVENT" containing the HpsEvent branch and all # other colletions # tree = root_file.Get("HPS_Event") #use a TChain print "[ HPS ANALYSIS ]: Reading in root chain from " + args.dst_file tree = ROOT.TChain("HPS_Event") tree.Add(str(args.dst_file) + "*") # Create an HpsEvent object in order to read the TClonesArray # collections hps_event = HpsEvent() b_hps_event = tree.SetBranchAddress("Event", ROOT.AddressOf(hps_event)) #--- Analysis ---# #----------------# #counters nEvents = 0 nPassBasicCuts = 0 # //================ Time coincidence ====================================== coincide_pars_mean = [ 0.289337, -2.81998, 9.03475, -12.93, 8.71476, -2.26969 ] coincide_pars_sigm = [ 4.3987, -24.2371, 68.9567, -98.2586, 67.562, -17.8987 ] formula_pol5 = "[0] + x*( [1] + x*( [2] + x*( [3] + x*( [4] + x*( [5] ) ) ) ) ) " f_coincide_clust_mean = ROOT.TF1("f_coincide_clust_mean", formula_pol5, 0., 1.4) f_coincide_clust_sigm = ROOT.TF1("f_coincide_clust_sigm", formula_pol5, 0., 1.4) f_coincide_clust_mean.SetParameters(np.array(coincide_pars_mean)) f_coincide_clust_sigm.SetParameters(np.array(coincide_pars_sigm)) # //The cut is === mean - 3sigma < dt < mean + 3sigma === clTimeMin = 30 clTimeMax = 50 if beamEnergy == 2.3: clTimeMin = 40 clTimeMax = 65 energyRatio = beamEnergy / 1.05 #ratio of beam energies references to 1.05 GeV (2015 run) seedCnt = 0 # Loop over all events in the file for entry in xrange(0, tree.GetEntries()): # Print the event number every 500 events if (entry + 1) % 10000 == 0: print "Event " + str(entry + 1) tree.GetEntry(entry) if not hps_event.isPair1Trigger() and not isMC and not isPulser: continue nEvents += 1 nPassBasicCuts += 1 # print "passed basic cuts" pairList = [] bestCandidate = -99 pairsFound = 0 print 'looking at mcparticles' for i in range(0, hps_event.n_mc_particles): mcp = hps_event.getMCParticle(i) print type(mcp) if mcp is None: break if mcp.getEnergy() is None: print 'no PDGID' continue else: print mcp.getEnergy() print '....done' for i in range(0, hps_event.getNumberOfEcalClusters()): cl1 = hps_event.getEcalCluster(i) cl1Position = cl1.getPosition() cl_xi = cl1Position[0] cl_yi = cl1Position[1] cl_zi = cl1Position[2] cl_ti = cl1.getClusterTime() cl_Ei = cl1.getEnergy() myhist.h_clTime1vsclE.Fill(cl_Ei, cl_ti) cl_di = math.sqrt((cl_xi - phot_nom_x) * (cl_xi - phot_nom_x) + cl_yi * cl_yi) # print 'looking at clusters' #if(!fid_ECal(cl_xi,cl_yi)) # continue if requireECalFiducial and not myhist.inFiducialRegion( cl_xi, cl_yi): continue if requireECalSuperFiducial and not myhist.inSuperFiducialRegion( cl_xi, cl_yi): continue if not (cl_ti > clTimeMin and cl_ti < clTimeMax): continue if positronMomentumFromPositionCut and not myhist.momFromPositionEclUpperCut( cl_Ei, myhist.momFromECalPosition(cl_xi, cl_zi, beamAngle, myhist.BEff)): continue # print 'Found first good cluster' for j in range(i + 1, hps_event.getNumberOfEcalClusters()): cl2 = hps_event.getEcalCluster(j) cl2Position = cl2.getPosition() cl_xj = cl2Position[0] cl_yj = cl2Position[1] cl_zj = cl2Position[2] cl_tj = cl2.getClusterTime() cl_Ej = cl2.getEnergy() cl_dj = math.sqrt((cl_xj - phot_nom_x) * (cl_xj - phot_nom_x) + cl_yj * cl_yj) Esum = cl_Ei + cl_Ej # // if(!energySlopeCut(cl_xj,cl_d,cl_Ej)) # // continue if requireECalFiducial and not myhist.inFiducialRegion( cl_xj, cl_yj): continue if requireECalSuperFiducial and not myhist.inSuperFiducialRegion( cl_xj, cl_yj): continue if not (cl_tj > clTimeMin and cl_tj < clTimeMax): continue # print 'Found second good cluster' # //if(!fid_ECal(cl_x[j],cl_y[j])) # // continue # // if(!(energySlopeCut(cl_xi,cl_di,cl_Ei) || energySlopeCut(cl_xj,cl_dj,cl_Ej))) # // continue if positronMomentumFromPositionCut and not myhist.momFromPositionEclUpperCut( cl_Ej, myhist.momFromECalPosition(cl_xj, cl_zj, beamAngle, myhist.BEff)): continue # print 'Passed the probable positron cut' myhist.h_clTime1vsclTime2.Fill(cl_ti, cl_tj) dt = cl_ti - cl_tj # delt_t_mean = f_coincide_clust_mean.Eval(Esum) # delt_t_sigm = f_coincide_clust_sigm.Eval(Esum) # divide by 2 since these parameters were extracted from 1.05GeV Data (this is kludgy!) delt_t_mean = f_coincide_clust_mean.Eval(Esum / energyRatio) delt_t_sigm = f_coincide_clust_sigm.Eval(Esum / energyRatio) if not (dt < delt_t_mean + 3 * delt_t_sigm and dt > delt_t_mean - 3 * delt_t_sigm): continue # //make sure they are top/bottom # print 'Passed the timing cut' # print str(cl_yi)+" " + str(cl_yj) if requireTopBottomCut and cl_yi * cl_yj > 0: continue if requireLeftRightCut and cl_xi * cl_xj > 0: continue # print 'Found a pair!!!!' clpair = [cl1, cl2] pairList.append(clpair) pairsFound += len(pairList) # if len(pairList) >0 : print "found this many pairs "+str(len(pairList)) fspList = [] for i in xrange( 0, hps_event.getNumberOfParticles( HpsParticle.FINAL_STATE_PARTICLE)): fspList.append( hps_event.getParticle(HpsParticle.FINAL_STATE_PARTICLE, i)) ######################### # found some candidates...lets fill plots... ######################### for pair in pairList: if pair[0].getPosition()[1] > 0: clTop = pair[0] clBottom = pair[1] else: clTop = pair[1] clBottom = pair[0] clTopPosition = clTop.getPosition() clBottomPosition = clBottom.getPosition() topX = clTopPosition[0] topY = clTopPosition[1] topZ = clTopPosition[2] botX = clBottomPosition[0] botY = clBottomPosition[1] botZ = clBottomPosition[2] topE = clTop.getEnergy() botE = clBottom.getEnergy() Esum = topE + botE Ediff = abs(topE - botE) cl_impact_angleTop = math.atan2(topY, topX - phot_nom_x) * radian cl_impact_angleBottom = math.atan2(botY, botX - phot_nom_x) * radian if cl_impact_angleTop < 0.: cl_impact_angleTop = cl_impact_angleTop + 360. if cl_impact_angleBottom < 0.: cl_impact_angleBottom = cl_impact_angleBottom + 360. coplanarity = cl_impact_angleBottom - cl_impact_angleTop myhist.h_coplan_Esum1.Fill(Esum, coplanarity) # cl_d_top= math.sqrt( (topX - phot_nom_x)*(topX - phot_nom_x) + topY*topY )- (60. + 100*(topE - 0.85)*(topE - 0.85) ) # cl_d_bottom= math.sqrt( (botX - phot_nom_x)*(botX - phot_nom_x) + botY*botY )- (60. + 100*(botE - 0.85)*(botE - 0.85) ) #do track matching trTop = ecalMatchTrack(fspList, clTop) trBottom = ecalMatchTrack(fspList, clBottom) #initial PDG assignments trEle = trTop trPos = trBottom clEle = clTop clPos = clBottom if topX > 0: #assign the ele & pos with respect to the side of ECAL the cluster is on trEle = trBottom clEle = clBottom trPos = trTop clPos = clTop # if trEle is not None and trEle.getPDG() == -11 :# whoops, it's a positron # trEle=trBottom # trPos=trTop # clEle=clBottom # clPos=clTop # if trPos is not None and trPos.getPDG() == 11 : # whoops, it's an electron # trEle=trBottom # trPos=trTop # clEle=clBottom # clPos=clTop #for ++ or -- events, this will get flipped with it... if topY * botY > 0: print "both clusters in same half?? How could this happen?" + str( topY) + " vs " + str(botY) # print coplanarity myhist.fillBand("_copAll_", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) if abs(coplanarity - 180) < 10: myhist.fillBand("_cop180_", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) if Esum > myhist.midESumLow and Esum < myhist.midESumHigh: myhist.fillBand("_cop180_midESum_", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) if myhist.inSuperFiducialRegion( topX, topY) and myhist.inSuperFiducialRegion( botX, botY): myhist.fillBand("_cop180_SuperFid", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) # if myhist.momFromPositionEclUpperCut(topE,myhist.momFromECalPosition(topX,topZ,beamAngle,myhist.BEff)) and myhist.momFromPositionEclUpperCut(botE,myhist.momFromECalPosition(botX,botZ,beamAngle,myhist.BEff)): if not myhist.inPhotonHole( topX, topY) and not myhist.inPhotonHole( botX, botY): myhist.fillBand("_cop180_SuperFid_CutPhotons", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) if Ediff < 0.2 and len(pairList) == 1: myhist.fillBand("_cop180_Holly_", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) # if myhist.momFromPositionEclUpperCut(topE,myhist.momFromECalPosition(topX,topZ,beamAngle,myhist.BEff)) and myhist.momFromPositionEclUpperCut(botE,myhist.momFromECalPosition(botX,botZ,beamAngle,myhist.BEff)): if not myhist.inPhotonHole( topX, topY) and not myhist.inPhotonHole(botX, botY): myhist.fillBand("_cop180_CutPhotons", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) elif abs(coplanarity - 160) < 10: myhist.fillBand("_cop160_", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) if Esum > myhist.midESumLow and Esum < myhist.midESumHigh: myhist.fillBand("_cop160_midESum_", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) if myhist.inSuperFiducialRegion( topX, topY) and myhist.inSuperFiducialRegion( botX, botY): myhist.fillBand("_cop160_SuperFid", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) # if myhist.momFromPositionEclUpperCut(topE,myhist.momFromECalPosition(topX,topZ,beamAngle,myhist.BEff)) and myhist.momFromPositionEclUpperCut(botE,myhist.momFromECalPosition(botX,botZ,beamAngle,myhist.BEff)): if not myhist.inPhotonHole( topX, topY) and not myhist.inPhotonHole( botX, botY): myhist.fillBand("_cop160_SuperFid_CutPhotons", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) # if myhist.momFromPositionEclUpperCut(topE,myhist.momFromECalPosition(topX,topZ,beamAngle,myhist.BEff)) and myhist.momFromPositionEclUpperCut(botE,myhist.momFromECalPosition(botX,botZ,beamAngle,myhist.BEff)): if not myhist.inPhotonHole( topX, topY) and not myhist.inPhotonHole(botX, botY): myhist.fillBand("_cop160_CutPhotons", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) # particle = hps_event.getParticle(HpsParticle.TC_V0_CANDIDATE, candidateList[index]) # myhist.fillCandidateHistograms(particle) # if(nPassTrkCuts>0): myhist.saveHistograms(output_file)
def main(): global beamEnergy # Parse all command line arguments using the argparse module. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="PyRoot analysis demostrating the us of a DST.") parser.add_argument("dst_file", help="ROOT DST file to process") parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", help="Name of output pdf file") parser.add_argument("-m", "--mc", help="is MonteCarlo") parser.add_argument("-p", "--pulser", help="is Pulser") parser.add_argument("-e", "--energy", help="beam energy") args = parser.parse_args() # If an output file name was not specified, set a default name and warn # the user if args.output: output_file = args.output else: output_file = "analysis_output.root" print "[ HPS ANALYSIS ]: An output file name was not specified. Setting the name to " print output_file print "[ HPS ANALYSIS ]: Output file is " + output_file isMC = False if print "[ HPS ANALYSIS ]: Setting to run as MC" isMC = True isPulser = False if args.pulser: print "[ HPS ANALYSIS ]: Setting to run from a pulser file" isPulser = True if print "Setting beam energy to " + beamEnergy = float( myhist = myHistograms(beamEnergy) ################################# # Event Selection ################################ # clean up event first #### nominal selection requireECalFiducial = False requireECalSuperFiducial = False # this is included as separate histograms now...leave false! positronMomentumFromPositionCut = False # this is included as separate histograms now...leave false! requireTopBottomCut = True requireLeftRightCut = True if isMC: smearEnergy = False smearRes = 0.05 myhist.setSmearEnergy(smearEnergy, smearRes) trackKiller = False killInMomentum = False killInClusterPosition = True # effFileName='/u/br/mgraham/hps-analysis/TrackEfficiency/cop180_EfficiencyResults.root' # effDataName='h_Ecl_hps_005772_eleEff' # effMCName='h_Ecl_tritrig-NOSUMCUT_HPS-EngRun2015-Nominal-v5-0_eleEff' effFileName = "/u/br/mgraham/hps-analysis/TrackEfficiency/cop180_midESum_TwoD-EfficiencyResults.root" effDataName = "h_XvsY_hps_005772_eleEff" effMCName = "h_XvsY_tritrig-NOSUMCUT_HPS-EngRun2015-Nominal-v5-0_eleEff" if trackKiller: effFile = ROOT.TFile(effFileName) print "Getting data efficiency from " + effFileName # effData=getEffTH1(effFile,effDataName) # effMC=getEffTH1(effFile,effMCName) effData = getEffTH2(effFile, effDataName) effMC = getEffTH2(effFile, effMCName) effData.Print("v") effMC.Print("v") effData.Divide(effMC) # this will be the killing factor effData.Print("V") # Open the ROOT file # root_file = ROOT.TFile(str(args.dst_file)) # Get the TTree "HPS_EVENT" containing the HpsEvent branch and all # other colletions # tree = root_file.Get("HPS_Event") # use a TChain print "[ HPS ANALYSIS ]: Reading in root chain from " + args.dst_file tree = ROOT.TChain("HPS_Event") tree.Add(str(args.dst_file) + "*") # Create an HpsEvent object in order to read the TClonesArray # collections hps_event = HpsEvent() b_hps_event = tree.SetBranchAddress("Event", ROOT.AddressOf(hps_event)) # --- Analysis ---# # ----------------# # counters nEvents = 0 nPassBasicCuts = 0 # //================ Time coincidence ====================================== coincide_pars_mean = [0.289337, -2.81998, 9.03475, -12.93, 8.71476, -2.26969] coincide_pars_sigm = [4.3987, -24.2371, 68.9567, -98.2586, 67.562, -17.8987] formula_pol5 = "[0] + x*( [1] + x*( [2] + x*( [3] + x*( [4] + x*( [5] ) ) ) ) ) " f_coincide_clust_mean = ROOT.TF1("f_coincide_clust_mean", formula_pol5, 0.0, 1.4) f_coincide_clust_sigm = ROOT.TF1("f_coincide_clust_sigm", formula_pol5, 0.0, 1.4) f_coincide_clust_mean.SetParameters(np.array(coincide_pars_mean)) f_coincide_clust_sigm.SetParameters(np.array(coincide_pars_sigm)) # //The cut is === mean - 3sigma < dt < mean + 3sigma === clTimeMin = 30 clTimeMax = 50 if beamEnergy == 2.3: clTimeMin = 40 clTimeMax = 65 energyRatio = beamEnergy / 1.05 # ratio of beam energies references to 1.05 GeV (2015 run) seedCnt = 0 # Loop over all events in the file for entry in xrange(0, tree.GetEntries()): # Print the event number every 500 events if (entry + 1) % 100 == 0: print "Event " + str(entry + 1) tree.GetEntry(entry) if not hps_event.isPair1Trigger() and not isMC and not isPulser: continue nEvents += 1 nPassBasicCuts += 1 # print "passed basic cuts" pairList = [] bestCandidate = -99 pairsFound = 0 for i in range(0, hps_event.getNumberOfEcalClusters()): cl1 = hps_event.getEcalCluster(i) cl1Position = cl1.getPosition() cl_xi = cl1Position[0] cl_yi = cl1Position[1] cl_zi = cl1Position[2] cl_ti = cl1.getClusterTime() cl_Ei = cl1.getEnergy() myhist.h_clTime1vsclE.Fill(cl_Ei, cl_ti) cl_di = math.sqrt((cl_xi - phot_nom_x) * (cl_xi - phot_nom_x) + cl_yi * cl_yi) # print 'looking at clusters' # if(!fid_ECal(cl_xi,cl_yi)) # continue if requireECalFiducial and not myhist.inFiducialRegion(cl_xi, cl_yi): continue if requireECalSuperFiducial and not myhist.inSuperFiducialRegion(cl_xi, cl_yi): continue if not (cl_ti > clTimeMin and cl_ti < clTimeMax): continue if positronMomentumFromPositionCut and not myhist.momFromPositionEclUpperCut( cl_Ei, myhist.momFromECalPosition(cl_xi, cl_zi, beamAngle, myhist.BEff) ): continue # print 'Found first good cluster' for j in range(i + 1, hps_event.getNumberOfEcalClusters()): cl2 = hps_event.getEcalCluster(j) cl2Position = cl2.getPosition() cl_xj = cl2Position[0] cl_yj = cl2Position[1] cl_zj = cl2Position[2] cl_tj = cl2.getClusterTime() cl_Ej = cl2.getEnergy() cl_dj = math.sqrt((cl_xj - phot_nom_x) * (cl_xj - phot_nom_x) + cl_yj * cl_yj) Esum = cl_Ei + cl_Ej if requireECalFiducial and not myhist.inFiducialRegion(cl_xj, cl_yj): continue if requireECalSuperFiducial and not myhist.inSuperFiducialRegion(cl_xj, cl_yj): continue if not (cl_tj > clTimeMin and cl_tj < clTimeMax): continue if positronMomentumFromPositionCut and not myhist.momFromPositionEclUpperCut( cl_Ej, myhist.momFromECalPosition(cl_xj, cl_zj, beamAngle, myhist.BEff) ): continue # print 'Passed the probable positron cut' myhist.h_clTime1vsclTime2.Fill(cl_ti, cl_tj) dt = cl_ti - cl_tj # delt_t_mean = f_coincide_clust_mean.Eval(Esum) # delt_t_sigm = f_coincide_clust_sigm.Eval(Esum) # divide by 2 since these parameters were extracted from 1.05GeV Data (this is kludgy!) delt_t_mean = f_coincide_clust_mean.Eval(Esum / energyRatio) delt_t_sigm = f_coincide_clust_sigm.Eval(Esum / energyRatio) if not (dt < delt_t_mean + 3 * delt_t_sigm and dt > delt_t_mean - 3 * delt_t_sigm): continue # //make sure they are top/bottom # print 'Passed the timing cut' # print str(cl_yi)+" " + str(cl_yj) if requireTopBottomCut and cl_yi * cl_yj > 0: continue if requireLeftRightCut and cl_xi * cl_xj > 0: continue # print 'Found a pair!!!!' clpair = [cl1, cl2] pairList.append(clpair) pairsFound += len(pairList) # if len(pairList) >0 : print "found this many pairs "+str(len(pairList)) fspList = [] for i in xrange(0, hps_event.getNumberOfParticles(HpsParticle.FINAL_STATE_PARTICLE)): fspList.append(hps_event.getParticle(HpsParticle.FINAL_STATE_PARTICLE, i)) ######################### # found some candidates...lets fill plots... ######################### for pair in pairList: if pair[0].getPosition()[1] > 0: clTop = pair[0] clBottom = pair[1] else: clTop = pair[1] clBottom = pair[0] clTopPosition = clTop.getPosition() clBottomPosition = clBottom.getPosition() topX = clTopPosition[0] topY = clTopPosition[1] topZ = clTopPosition[2] botX = clBottomPosition[0] botY = clBottomPosition[1] botZ = clBottomPosition[2] topE = clTop.getEnergy() botE = clBottom.getEnergy() Esum = topE + botE Ediff = abs(topE - botE) cl_impact_angleTop = math.atan2(topY, topX - phot_nom_x) * radian cl_impact_angleBottom = math.atan2(botY, botX - phot_nom_x) * radian if cl_impact_angleTop < 0.0: cl_impact_angleTop = cl_impact_angleTop + 360.0 if cl_impact_angleBottom < 0.0: cl_impact_angleBottom = cl_impact_angleBottom + 360.0 coplanarity = cl_impact_angleBottom - cl_impact_angleTop myhist.h_coplan_Esum1.Fill(Esum, coplanarity) # cl_d_top= math.sqrt( (topX - phot_nom_x)*(topX - phot_nom_x) + topY*topY )- (60. + 100*(topE - 0.85)*(topE - 0.85) ) # cl_d_bottom= math.sqrt( (botX - phot_nom_x)*(botX - phot_nom_x) + botY*botY )- (60. + 100*(botE - 0.85)*(botE - 0.85) ) # do track matching trTop = ecalMatchTrack(fspList, clTop) trBottom = ecalMatchTrack(fspList, clBottom) # initial PDG assignments trEle = trTop trPos = trBottom clEle = clTop clPos = clBottom if topX > 0: # assign the ele & pos with respect to the side of ECAL the cluster is on trEle = trBottom clEle = clBottom trPos = trTop clPos = clTop if trEle is not None and trEle.getPDG() == -11: # whoops, it's a positron trEle = trBottom trPos = trTop clEle = clBottom clPos = clTop # if trPos is not None and trPos.getPDG() == 11 : # whoops, it's an electron # trEle=trBottom # trPos=trTop # clEle=clBottom # clPos=clTop # for ++ or -- events, this will get flipped with it... if topY * botY > 0: print "both clusters in same half?? How could this happen?" + str(topY) + " vs " + str(botY) if trackKiller and isMC: if killInMomentum: p = clEle.getEnergy() bin = effData.FindBin(p) tkEff = effData.GetBinContent(bin) print str(p) + " " + str(bin) + " " + str(tkEff) if random.random() > tkEff: # high ratio of efficiencies, this hardly kills...low, kills a lot print "REJECTING THIS ELECTRON TRACK!!! " + str(p) trEle = None #### same thing for positron side p = clPos.getEnergy() bin = effData.FindBin(p) tkEff = effData.GetBinContent(bin) print str(p) + " " + str(bin) + " " + str(tkEff) if random.random() > tkEff: # high ratio of efficiencies, this hardly kills...low, kills a lot print "REJECTING THIS ELECTRON TRACK!!! " + str(p) trPos = None if killInClusterPosition: clX = clEle.getPosition()[0] clY = clEle.getPosition()[1] bin = effData.FindBin(clX, clY) tkEff = effData.GetBinContent(bin) if random.random() > tkEff and tkEff != 0.0: print str(clX) + " " + str(clY) + " " + str(bin) + " " + str(tkEff) print "REJECTING THIS ELECTRON TRACK!!! " + str(clX) trEle = None clX = clPos.getPosition()[0] clY = clPos.getPosition()[1] bin = effData.FindBin( -clX + 80, clY ) # flip sign +80mm for positron side (this isn't strictly correct)!!! tkEff = effData.GetBinContent(bin) if random.random() > tkEff and tkEff != 0.0: print str(clX) + " " + str(clY) + " " + str(bin) + " " + str(tkEff) print "REJECTING THIS POSITRON TRACK!!! " + str(clX) trPos = None myhist.fillBand("_copAll_", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) if abs(coplanarity - 180) < 10: # some debugging here... # for events where there is a positron track and no electron track # check to see if there maybe is a track that's could be associated with this clus if trEle is None and trPos is not None and trPos.getCharge() > 0: nMatchEle = 0 print "found positron but not electron! ele energy = " + str( clEle.getEnergy() ) + "; ele clX = " + str(clEle.getPosition()[0]) + "; ele clY = " + str(clEle.getPosition()[1]) # loop through the electrons in event and check to see if on is in the same half for fsp_n in xrange(0, hps_event.getNumberOfParticles(HpsParticle.FINAL_STATE_PARTICLE)): fsp = hps_event.getParticle(HpsParticle.FINAL_STATE_PARTICLE, fsp_n) if fsp.getType() != 0: if fsp.getType() > 32: continue track = fsp.getTracks()[0] slope = track.getTanLambda() if ( fsp.getCharge() < 0 and slope * clEle.getPosition()[1] > 0 and pMag(fsp.getMomentum()) < 0.8 ): nMatchEle = nMatchEle + 1 print "found and electron in right half!!" print "track p = " + str(pMag(fsp.getMomentum())) trkAtEcal = track.getPositionAtEcal() delX = trkAtEcal[0] - clEle.getPosition()[0] delY = trkAtEcal[1] - clEle.getPosition()[1] print "trk-clEle delX = " + str(delX) + "; delY = " + str(delY) myhist.h_misEle_delXvsdelY.Fill(delX, delY) myhist.h_misEle_trkPvsclE.Fill(pMag(fsp.getMomentum()), clEle.getEnergy()) if len(fsp.getClusters()) > 0: clThisE = fsp.getClusters()[0] print "...this track matched to cluster with ele energy = " + str( clThisE.getEnergy() ) + "; ele clX = " + str(clThisE.getPosition()[0]) + "; ele clY = " + str( clThisE.getPosition()[1] ) ######################## myhist.h_misEle_eleTrks.Fill(nMatchEle) myhist.fillBand("_cop180_", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) if Esum > myhist.midESumLow and Esum < myhist.midESumHigh: myhist.fillBand("_cop180_midESum_", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) if myhist.inSuperFiducialRegion(topX, topY) and myhist.inSuperFiducialRegion(botX, botY): myhist.fillBand("_cop180_midESum_SuperFid", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) if not myhist.inSuperFiducialRegion(topX, topY) and not myhist.inSuperFiducialRegion(botX, botY): myhist.fillBand("_cop180_midESum_AntiSuperFid", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) if myhist.inSuperFiducialRegion(topX, topY) and myhist.inSuperFiducialRegion(botX, botY): myhist.fillBand("_cop180_SuperFid", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) if not myhist.inPhotonHole(topX, topY) and not myhist.inPhotonHole(botX, botY): myhist.fillBand("_cop180_SuperFid_CutPhotons", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) if not myhist.inSuperFiducialRegion(topX, topY) and not myhist.inSuperFiducialRegion(botX, botY): myhist.fillBand("_cop180_AntiSuperFid", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) if Ediff < 0.2 and len(pairList) == 1: myhist.fillBand("_cop180_Holly_", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) if not myhist.inPhotonHole(topX, topY) and not myhist.inPhotonHole(botX, botY): myhist.fillBand("_cop180_CutPhotons", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) elif abs(coplanarity - 160) < 10: myhist.fillBand("_cop160_", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) if Esum > myhist.midESumLow and Esum < myhist.midESumHigh: myhist.fillBand("_cop160_midESum_", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) if myhist.inSuperFiducialRegion(topX, topY) and myhist.inSuperFiducialRegion(botX, botY): myhist.fillBand("_cop160_SuperFid", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) # if myhist.momFromPositionEclUpperCut(topE,myhist.momFromECalPosition(topX,topZ,beamAngle,myhist.BEff)) and myhist.momFromPositionEclUpperCut(botE,myhist.momFromECalPosition(botX,botZ,beamAngle,myhist.BEff)): if not myhist.inPhotonHole(topX, topY) and not myhist.inPhotonHole(botX, botY): myhist.fillBand("_cop160_SuperFid_CutPhotons", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) # if myhist.momFromPositionEclUpperCut(topE,myhist.momFromECalPosition(topX,topZ,beamAngle,myhist.BEff)) and myhist.momFromPositionEclUpperCut(botE,myhist.momFromECalPosition(botX,botZ,beamAngle,myhist.BEff)): if not myhist.inPhotonHole(topX, topY) and not myhist.inPhotonHole(botX, botY): myhist.fillBand("_cop160_CutPhotons", trEle, clEle, trPos, clPos) # particle = hps_event.getParticle(HpsParticle.TC_V0_CANDIDATE, candidateList[index]) # myhist.fillCandidateHistograms(particle) # if(nPassTrkCuts>0): myhist.saveHistograms(output_file)