def effect108(model, center, start_radius, end_radius, frame_rate, life_time, width, fade_length, amplitude, red, green, blue, alpha, speed, flags): """ est_effect_08 <player filter> <delay> <model> <middle x y z> <start radius> <end radius> <framerate> <life> <width> <spread> <amplitude> <red> <green> <blue> <alpha> <speed> <flags> """ if not isinstance(model, Model): model = Model(model) if not isinstance(center, Vector): center = Vector(*center) te = TempEntity('BeamRingPoint') te.model = model te.halo = model = center te.start_radius = start_radius te.end_radius = end_radius te.frame_rate = frame_rate te.life_time = life_time te.start_width = width te.end_width = width te.fade_length = fade_length te.amplitude = amplitude = red = green = blue te.alpha = alpha te.speed = speed te.flags = flags return te
def effect105(model, start_entity_index, end_entity_index, frame_rate, life_time, start_width, end_width, fade_length, amplitude, red, green, blue, alpha, speed): """ est_effect_05 <player filter> <delay> <model> <start entity> <end entity> <framerate> <life> <start width> <end width> <fade distance> <amplitude> <red> <green> <blue> <alpha> <speed> """ if not isinstance(model, Model): model = Model(model) te = TempEntity('BeamLaser') te.model = model te.halo = model te.start_entity_index = start_entity_index te.end_entity_index = end_entity_index te.frame_rate = frame_rate te.life_time = life_time te.start_width = start_width te.end_width = end_width te.fade_length = fade_length te.amplitude = amplitude = red = green = blue te.alpha = alpha te.speed = speed return te
def effect107(model, start_point, end_point, frame_rate, life_time, width, fade_length, amplitude, red, green, blue, alpha, speed): """ est_effect_07 <player filter> <delay> <model> <start entity> <end entity> <framerate> <life> <width> <spread> <amplitude> <red> <green> <blue> <alpha> <speed> """ if not isinstance(model, Model): model = Model(model) if not isinstance(start_point, Vector): start_point = Vector(*start_point) if not isinstance(end_point, Vector): end_point = Vector(*end_point) te = TempEntity('BeamPoints') te.model = model te.halo = model te.start_point = start_point te.end_point = end_point te.frame_rate = frame_rate te.life_time = life_time te.start_width = width te.end_width = width te.fade_length = fade_length te.amplitude = amplitude = red = green = blue te.alpha = alpha te.speed = speed return te
def effect10(model, x, y, z, start_radius, end_radius, life_time, width, fade_length, amplitude, red, green, blue, alpha, speed): """ est_effect 10 <player filter> <delay> <model> <x> <y> <z> <start radius> <end radius> <life> <width> <spread> <amplitude> <red> <green> <blue> <alpha> <speed> """ if not isinstance(model, Model): model = Model(model) te = TempEntity('BeamRingPoint') te.model = model te.halo = model = Vector(x, y, z) te.start_radius = start_radius te.end_radius = end_radius te.life_time = life_time te.start_width = width te.end_width = width te.fade_length = fade_length te.amplitude = amplitude = red = green = blue te.alpha = alpha te.speed = speed return te
def effect102(model, start_entity_index, start_point, end_entity_index, end_point, frame_rate, life_time, start_width, end_width, fade_length, amplitude, red, green, blue, alpha, speed): """ est_effect_02 <player filter> <delay> <model> <start entity> <start position x y z> <end entity> <end position x y z> <framerate> <life> <start width> <end width> <fade distance> <amplitude> <red> <green> <blue> <alpha> <speed> """ if not isinstance(model, Model): model = get_model_instance(model) if not isinstance(start_point, Vector): start_point = Vector(*start_point) if not isinstance(end_point, Vector): end_point = Vector(*end_point) te = TempEntity('BeamEntPoint') te.model = model te.halo = model te.start_entity_index = start_entity_index te.start_point = start_point te.end_entity_index = end_entity_index te.end_point = end_point te.frame_rate = frame_rate te.life_time = life_time te.start_width = start_width te.end_width = end_width te.fade_length = fade_length te.amplitude = amplitude = red = green = blue te.alpha = alpha te.speed = speed return te
def effect5(model, start_userid, end_entity_index, life_time, width, fade_length, amplitude, red, green, blue, alpha, speed): """ est_effect 5 <player filter> <delay> <model> <userid> <end index> <life> <width> <spread> <amplitude> <red> <green> <blue> <alpha> <speed> """ if not isinstance(model, Model): model = Model(model) te = TempEntity('BeamRing') te.model = model te.halo = model te.start_entity_index = index_from_userid(start_userid) te.end_entity_index = end_entity_index te.life_time = life_time te.start_width = width te.end_width = width te.fade_length = fade_length te.amplitude = amplitude = red = green = blue te.alpha = alpha te.speed = speed return te
def _create_beam(start, end, color): """Create the beam from the player/weapon's origin to the victim's.""" width = int(beam_width) entity = TempEntity('BeamPoints') entity.start_point = start entity.start_width = width entity.end_point = end entity.end_width = width entity.color = color entity.life_time = int(beam_time) entity.model = _model entity.halo = _model entity.create()
def give_trail(ent, team): if team == 2: color = Color(255, 0, 0) if team == 3: color = Color(0, 0, 255) entity = TempEntity('BeamFollow') entity.start_width = 3 entity.end_width = 3 entity.color = color entity.model = beam_model entity.halo = beam_model entity.entity_index = ent.index entity.life_time = 2 entity.create()
def effect104(model, entity_index, life_time, start_width, end_width, fade_length, red, green, blue, alpha): """ est_effect_04 <player filter> <delay> <model> <follow entity> <life> <start width> <end width> <fade distance> <red> <green> <blue> <alpha> """ if not isinstance(model, Model): model = Model(model) te = TempEntity('BeamFollow') te.model = model te.halo = model te.entity_index = entity_index te.life_time = life_time te.start_width = start_width te.end_width = end_width te.fade_length = fade_length = red = green = blue te.alpha = alpha return te
def effect4(model, userid, life_time, start_width, end_width, fade_length, red, green, blue, alpha): """ est_effect 4 <player filter> <delay> <model> <userid> <life> <width> <end width> <time to fade> <red> <green> <blue> <alpha> """ if not isinstance(model, Model): model = Model(model) te = TempEntity('BeamFollow') te.model = model te.halo = model te.entity_index = index_from_userid(userid) te.life_time = life_time te.start_width = start_width te.end_width = end_width te.fade_length = fade_length = red = green = blue te.alpha = alpha return te
def effect3(model, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, life_time, start_width, end_width, red, green, blue, alpha): """ est_effect 3 <player filter> <delay> <model> (start <x> <y> <z>) (end <x> <y> <z>) <life> <width> <end width> <red> <green> <blue> <alpha> """ if not isinstance(model, Model): model = Model(model) te = TempEntity('BeamPoints') te.model = model te.halo = model te.start_point = Vector(x1, y1, z1) te.end_point = Vector(x2, y2, z2) te.life_time = life_time te.start_width = start_width te.end_width = end_width = red = green = blue te.alpha = alpha return te
def effect2(model, start_userid, end_userid, life_time, start_width, end_width, red, green, blue, alpha): """ est_effect 2 <player filter> <delay> <model> <start userid> <end userid> <life> <width> <end width> <red> <green> <blue> <alpha> """ if not isinstance(model, Model): model = Model(model) te = TempEntity('BeamEntPoint') te.model = model te.halo = model te.start_entity_index = index_from_userid(start_userid) te.end_entity_index = index_from_userid(end_userid) te.life_time = life_time te.start_width = start_width te.end_width = end_width = red = green = blue te.alpha = alpha return te
def effect115(model, mins, maxs, height, count, speed): """ est_effect_15 <player filter> <delay> <model> <min x y z> <max x y z> <height> <count> <speed> """ if not isinstance(model, Model): model = Model(model) if not isinstance(mins, Vector): mins = Vector(*mins) if not isinstance(maxs, Vector): maxs = Vector(*maxs) te = TempEntity('Bubble Trail') te.model = model te.halo = model te.mins = mins te.maxs = maxs te.height = height te.count = count te.speed = speed return te
def create_trail(self): """Create the beam trail for the given entity.""" # Get the values for the beam color rgb = str(self.convars['beam_color']) # Use try/except to split the color values try: color = Color(*map(int, rgb.split(','))) # Otherwise, set the colors to a default value except ValueError: color = Color(127, 127, 127) # Create the beam effect entity = TempEntity('BeamFollow') entity.start_width = 6 entity.end_width = 6 entity.color = color entity.model = _model entity.halo = _model entity.entity_index = self.entity.index entity.life_time = 2 self.create_temp_entity(entity)