Пример #1
    def setUp(self):

        Create user and administrator records to test against.

        super(ValidateAdminLoginUnitTest, self).setUp()

        admin = User.createAdministrator('adminname', 'password')
        user = User.createUser('username', 'password')
Пример #2
    def testCreateUser(self):

        createUser() should create a new non-admin user.

        # At start, no users.
        self.assertEquals(User.query.count(), 0)

        # Create the administrator.
        user = User.createUser('username', 'password')

        # 1 user.
        self.assertEquals(User.query.count(), 1)

        # Check attributes.
        self.assertEquals(user.username, 'username')
        self.assertTrue(check_password_hash(user.password_hash, 'password'))
Пример #3
    def testIsAdminWithNonAdminUser(self):

        If there is a non-admin user in the session, redirect to /login.

        # Test method.
        def test(admin):
            return 'executed'

        # With non-admin user_id in session, redirect to login.
        with self.app as c:

            user = User.createUser('username', 'password')

            # Push in a user id.
            with c.session_transaction() as s:
                s['user_id'] = user.id

            rv = c.get('/test')
            self.assertRedirect(rv, '/admin/login')
Пример #4
    def testIsNotAdminWithNonAdminUser(self):

        If there is a non-admin user in the session, execute the method.

        # Test method.
        def test():
            return 'executed'

        # With non-admin user_id in session, redirect to login.
        with self.app as c:

            user = User.createUser('username', 'password')

            # Push in a user id.
            with c.session_transaction() as s:
                s['user_id'] = user.id

            rv = c.get('/test')
            self.assertEquals(rv.status_code, 200)
            assert 'executed' in rv.data