def get_construction_dates(): """Return summary information of construction start and end dates """ query = { "aggs" : { "construction_years" : { "terms" : { "field" : "construction_start", "order" : { "_term" : "asc" }, "size": 250 } }, "num_construction_years" : { "cardinality" : { "field" : "construction_start" } }, "construction_decades": { "histogram": { "field" : "construction_start", "interval": 10 } }, "construction_end_decades": { "histogram": { "field" : "construction_end", "interval": 10 } } }, "size": 0 } return
def get_records_geogrid(precision, keyword=None, bounds=None): """Return geohash grids containing records """ query = { "aggregations" : { "geogrid" : { "geohash_grid" : { "field" : "geolocation", "precision" : precision } } } } return
def get_locations(num_results=1000, keyword=None, bounds=None, lga_name=None, suburb=None): """Return a set of locations matching the arguments """ query = { "size": num_results, "fields": ("", "geolocation.lon", "name"), "filter": { "and": [ { "exists": {"field": "geolocation"} } ] } } if keyword: query['query'] = { "match": { "_all": keyword } } if bounds: query['filter']['and'].append({ "geo_bounding_box" : { "geolocation" : bounds } }) if lga_name: query['filter']['and'].append({ "term": { "addresses.lga_name": lga_name } }) if suburb: query['filter']['and'].append({ "term": { "addresses.suburb": suburb } }) return
def get_field_values(field, num_results=5000): query = { "aggs": { "field_values": { # Defined name "terms": { "field": field, "size": num_results } } }, "filter": { # // "term": { # // "addresses.lga_name": "YARRA CITY" # // } }, "size": 0 } es_results = results = [{"val": bucket['key'], "num": bucket['doc_count']} for bucket in es_results['aggregations']['field_values']['buckets'] ] return results
def _query_field_plus_geo_bounds(field_type, field_name, max_results=5000, extra_filter=None, keyword=None, bounds=None): query = { "aggs": { "field_query": { "terms": { "field": field_name, "size": max_results }, "aggs": { "center_lat": { "avg": { "field": "" } }, "center_lon": { "avg": { "field": "geolocation.lon" } }, "north": { "max": {"field": ""} }, "south": { "min": {"field": ""} }, "east": { "max": {"field": "geolocation.lon"} }, "west": { "min": {"field": "geolocation.lon"} } } } }, "query": { "filtered": { "filter": { "and": [ { "exists": {"field": "geolocation"} }] } } }, "size": 0 } if bounds: query['query']['filtered']['filter']['and'].append({ "geo_bounding_box" : { "geolocation" : bounds } }) if extra_filter: query['query']['filtered']['filter']['and'].append(extra_filter) if keyword: query['query']['filtered']['query'] = { 'match': { '_all': keyword } } results = places = { field_type: [{ "name": p['key'], "record_count": p['doc_count'], "weighted_center": { "lat": p['center_lat']['value'], "lon": p['center_lon']['value'] }, "bounds": { "n": p['north']['value'], "s": p['south']['value'], "e": p['east']['value'], "w": p['west']['value'] } } for p in results['aggregations']['field_query']['buckets']] } return places