Пример #1
def buildwPLS(Dm,R,A,*,num_si_u=0,R_ik=False):
    PLS-EIOT BUILD Routines by Salvador Garcia-Munoz ([email protected], [email protected])

    Dm : TYPE, Numpy Array.
        DESCRIPTION. Mixture spectra [o x lambda].
    R : TYPE, Numpy Array.
        DESCRIPTION. Compositional matrix [o x n] with mass/mole/vol fractions.
    A : TYPE, Integer.
        DESCRIPTION. Number of latent variables to use in PLS model.
    num_si_u : TYPE, optional.
        DESCRIPTION. Number of un-supervised non-chemical interferences, the default is 0.
    R_ik : TYPE, Numpy Array.
        DESCRIPTION. Matrix with supervised non-chemical interferences The default is False.

    eiot_pred_obj a Dictionary with predicions and diagnostics

    if isinstance(rk,bool):     
        print('Building a PLS based EIOT Unsupervised object')
        print('Building a PLS based EIOT Supervised object')
    if num_sI>0:
        E_ch       = Dm-Dm_hat
        [U,S,Vh]   = np.linalg.svd(E_ch)
        V          = Vh.T
        S_I        = V[:,0:num_sI]
        S_short    = S[0:num_sI]
        r_I        = U[:,0:num_sI] * np.tile(S_short,(U.shape[0],1))
        SR         = E_ch- r_I @ S_I.T
        SSR        = np.sum(SR**2,1,keepdims=1)
        lambdas    = S[num_sI]
        S_I        = np.nan
        SR         = Dm-Dm_hat 
        E_ch       = SR
        [U,S,Vh]   = np.linalg.svd(E_ch)
        V          = Vh.T
        lambdas    = np.diag(S)
        lambdas    = np.diag(lambdas)
        SSR        = np.sum(SR**2,axis=1)  
        r_I        = np.nan
    if not(isinstance(S_I,float)):
    eiot_obj                   = pls_obj
    eiot_obj['wPLS']           = True
    eiot_obj['S_I']            = S_I
    eiot_obj['E_ch']           = E_ch
    eiot_obj['r_I']            = r_I
    eiot_obj['SR']             = SR
    eiot_obj['SSR']            = SSR
    eiot_obj['num_sI']         = num_sI
    eiot_obj['num_e_sI']       = 0
    eiot_obj['abs_max_exc_ri'] = np.nan
    eiot_obj['S_E_CONF_INT']   = np.nan

#Convert Numpy objects to lists and dict for PYOMO    
    if not(isinstance(S_I,float)):
        pyo_S_I = ee.np2D2pyomo(eiot_obj['S_I'])   #convert numpy to dictionary
        pyo_K   = np.arange(1,eiot_obj['S_I'].shape[0]+1)    #index for non-chemical interferences
        pyo_K   = pyo_K.tolist()
        pyo_S_I = np.nan
        pyo_K   = [0]

    eiot_obj['pyo_K']     = pyo_K
    eiot_obj['pyo_S_I']   = pyo_S_I
    eiot_obj['lambdas'] = lambdas
    return eiot_obj
Пример #2
def build_supervised_(Dm,Ck,Rk,num_e_sI,num_sI_U):
    Rk_mean  = np.mean(Rk,axis=0,keepdims=1)
    Rk_      = Rk - np.tile(Rk_mean,(Rk.shape[0],1))
    Rk_std   = np.std(Rk_,axis=0,keepdims=1,ddof=1)
    Rk_      = Rk_ / np.tile(Rk_std,(Rk.shape[0],1))
    Rk_n     = Rk_
# Do not scale binary numbers for exclusive signatures
    if num_e_sI!=0:
        for i in range(Rk.shape[1]-num_e_sI,Rk.shape[1]):
            Rk_n[:,i]  = Rk[:,i]
            Rk_mean[0][i] = 0
            Rk_std[0][i]  = 1    
    Rk      = Rk_n        
    Ck_aug  = np.hstack((Ck,Rk))
    num_sI  = Rk.shape[1]+num_sI_U
    S_hat   = np.linalg.pinv(Ck_aug.T@Ck_aug)@Ck_aug.T@Dm
    S_E_tmp = S_hat
    S_I_S   = S_hat[Ck.shape[1]:]    # Supervised non-chemical interferences
    S_hat   = S_hat[0:Ck.shape[1]]   # Apparent pure spectrum for chemical species
    flag_force_no_exclusives = 0
    if num_e_sI==0:
        S_I_E = np.nan
        r_I_E = np.nan
        r_I_S = Rk
    elif S_I_S.shape[0]==num_e_sI:
        S_I_E = S_I_S
        S_I_S = np.nan
        r_I_S = np.nan
        r_I_E = Rk
    elif S_I_S.shape[0]>num_e_sI:
        S_I_E = S_I_S[-num_e_sI:]
        S_I_S = S_I_S[0:S_I_S.shape[0]-num_e_sI]
        r_I_E = Rk[:,Rk.shape[1]-num_e_sI:]
        r_I_S = Rk[:,0:Rk.shape[1]-num_e_sI]
        S_I_E = np.nan
        r_I_E = np.nan
        flag_force_no_exclusives = 1  #if the given number of exclusive non-chem int is > size(Rk,2)
    E_ch_tmp = Dm- Ck_aug @ S_E_tmp

    if num_sI_U>0:
        [U,S,Vh]   = np.linalg.svd(E_ch_tmp)
        V          = Vh.T
        S_I_U      = V[:,0:num_sI_U]
        S_I_U      = S_I_U.T
        S_short    = S[0:num_sI_U]
        r_I_U      = U[:,0:num_sI_U] * np.tile(S_short,(U.shape[0],1))
        if isinstance(S_I_E,float):
            S_E        = np.vstack((S_hat,S_I_S,S_I_U))
            S_I        = np.vstack((S_I_S,S_I_U))
            r_I        = np.hstack((r_I_S,r_I_U))
            index_rk_eq    = list(range(1,1+S_I_S.shape[0]))
            index_rk_ex_eq = False
            if isinstance(S_I_S,float):
                S_E        = np.vstack((S_hat,S_I_U,S_I_E))
                S_I        = np.vstack((S_I_U,S_I_E))
                r_I        = np.hstack((r_I_U,r_I_E))   
                index_rk_eq    = list(range(S_I_U.shape[0]+1,S_I_U.shape[0]+S_I_E.shape[0]+1 ))
                index_rk_ex_eq = index_rk_eq
                S_E        = np.vstack((S_hat,S_I_S,S_I_U,S_I_E))
                S_I        = np.vstack((S_I_S,S_I_U,S_I_E))
                r_I        = np.hstack((r_I_S,r_I_U,r_I_E))
                index_rk_eq    = list(range(1,1+S_I_S.shape[0])) + list(range(S_I_S.shape[0]+S_I_U.shape[0]+1,S_I_S.shape[0]+S_I_U.shape[0]+S_I_E.shape[0]+1 ))
                index_rk_ex_eq = list(range(S_I_S.shape[0]+S_I_U.shape[0]+1,S_I_S.shape[0]+S_I_U.shape[0]+S_I_E.shape[0]+1 )) 
        lambdas    = S[num_sI]
        S_E            = S_E_tmp
        if isinstance(S_I_E,float):
            S_I        = S_I_S
            r_I        = r_I_S
            index_rk_ex_eq = False
        elif isinstance(S_I_S,float):
            S_I        = S_I_E
            r_I        = r_I_E
            index_rk_ex_eq = list(range(1,1+S_I_E.shape[0]))
            S_I        = np.vstack((S_I_S,S_I_E))
            r_I        = np.hstack((r_I_S,r_I_E))
            index_rk_ex_eq = list(range(1+S_I_S.shape[0],1+S_I.shape[0]))
        index_rk_eq    = list(range(1,1+S_I.shape[0]))
        [U,S,Vh] = np.linalg.svd(E_ch_tmp)
        V        = Vh.T
        lambdas    = S
    SR     = Dm - np.hstack((Ck,r_I)) @ S_E
    SSR    = np.sum(SR**2,axis=1,keepdims=1)
    if isinstance(S_I_E,float):
        abs_max_exc_ri = np.nan
        abs_max_exc_ri = (r_I_E.max(axis=0)- r_I_E.min(axis=0))/2
    E_ch   = Dm - Ck @ S_hat    
    if isinstance(r_I,float):
        Ck_r_I= Ck
        Ck_r_I= np.hstack((Ck,r_I))
    myaux = np.diagflat(np.diag(Ck_r_I.T @ Ck_r_I))    
    A     = np.linalg.pinv(myaux) 
    A_    = np.reshape(np.diag(A),(A.shape[0],1))
    e_T_e = np.diag(SR.T @ SR)
    e_T_e = e_T_e.T
    # 1.96 = 95 %  CI in a t-distribution
    S_E_CONF_INT   = 1.96 * np.sqrt(np.tile(e_T_e,(A_.shape[0],1)) * np.tile(A_,(1,e_T_e.shape[0])))
    eiot_obj                   = {'S_hat' : S_hat}
    eiot_obj['S_I']            = S_I
    eiot_obj['S_E']            = S_E
    eiot_obj['E_ch']           = E_ch
    eiot_obj['r_I']            = r_I
    eiot_obj['SR']             = SR
    eiot_obj['SSR']            = SSR
    eiot_obj['num_sI']         = num_sI
    eiot_obj['Rk_mean']        = Rk_mean
    eiot_obj['Rk_std']         = Rk_std
    if flag_force_no_exclusives==1:
        eiot_obj['num_e_sI'] = 0
        eiot_obj['num_e_sI'] = num_e_sI 
    eiot_obj['abs_max_exc_ri'] = abs_max_exc_ri
    eiot_obj['S_E_CONF_INT']   = S_E_CONF_INT
    #Convert Numpy objects to lists and dict for PYOMO

    pyo_L = np.arange(1,eiot_obj['S_hat'].shape[1]+1)  #index for wavenumbers
    pyo_N = np.arange(1,eiot_obj['S_hat'].shape[0]+1)  #index for chemical species
    pyo_Me= np.arange(eiot_obj['num_sI']-eiot_obj['num_e_sI']+1,eiot_obj['num_sI']+1)
    pyo_L = pyo_L.tolist()
    pyo_N = pyo_N.tolist()
    pyo_Me= pyo_Me.tolist()
    pyo_S_hat     = ee.np2D2pyomo(eiot_obj['S_hat']) #convert numpy to dictionary
    pyo_S_I = ee.np2D2pyomo(eiot_obj['S_I'])   #convert numpy to dictionary
    pyo_M   = np.arange(1,eiot_obj['S_I'].shape[0]+1)    #index for non-chemical interferences
    pyo_M   = pyo_M.tolist()
    if num_e_sI!=0:
        aux = num_sI-num_e_sI 
        aux_dict=dict(((j+aux+1), abs_max_exc_ri[j]) for j in range(len(abs_max_exc_ri)))
    eiot_obj['pyo_L']          = pyo_L
    eiot_obj['pyo_N']          = pyo_N
    eiot_obj['pyo_M']          = pyo_M
    eiot_obj['pyo_S_hat']      = pyo_S_hat
    eiot_obj['pyo_S_I']        = pyo_S_I
    eiot_obj['pyo_Me']         = pyo_Me
    eiot_obj['index_rk_eq']    = index_rk_eq
    eiot_obj['index_rk_ex_eq'] = index_rk_ex_eq
    eiot_obj['lambdas']        = lambdas
    if num_e_sI!=0:
    return eiot_obj
Пример #3
def build_(Dm,Ck,num_sI):
    S_hat  = np.linalg.pinv(Ck.T@Ck)@Ck.T@Dm
    Dm_hat = Ck @ S_hat
    if num_sI>0:
        E_ch       = Dm-Dm_hat
        [U,S,Vh]   = np.linalg.svd(E_ch)
        V          = Vh.T
        S_I        = V[:,0:num_sI]
        S_short    = S[0:num_sI]
        r_I        = U[:,0:num_sI] * np.tile(S_short,(U.shape[0],1))
        S_E        = np.vstack((S_hat,S_I.T))
        SR         = Dm-np.hstack((Ck,r_I)) @ S_E
        SSR        = np.sum(SR**2,1,keepdims=1)
        lambdas    = S[num_sI]
        S_I        = np.nan
        S_E        = S_hat
        SR         = Dm-Dm_hat 
        E_ch       = SR
        [U,S,Vh]   = np.linalg.svd(E_ch)
        V          = Vh.T
        lambdas    = np.diag(S)
        lambdas    = np.diag(lambdas)
        SSR        = np.sum(SR**2,axis=1)  
        r_I        = np.nan

   #Conf. Intervals for S vectors.
    if isinstance(r_I,float):   #equivalent to isnan(r_I)
        Ck_r_I= Ck
        Ck_r_I= np.hstack((Ck,r_I))
    A     = np.linalg.pinv(Ck_r_I.T @ Ck_r_I ) 
    A_    = np.reshape(np.diag(A),(A.shape[0],1))
    e_T_e = np.diag(SR.T @ SR)
    e_T_e = e_T_e.T
    # 1.96 = 95 %  CI in a t-distribution
    S_E_CONF_INT   = 1.96 * np.sqrt(np.tile(e_T_e,(A_.shape[0],1)) * np.tile(A_,(1,e_T_e.shape[0])))

    if not(isinstance(S_I,float)):
    eiot_obj                   = {'S_hat' : S_hat}
    eiot_obj['S_I']            = S_I
    eiot_obj['S_E']            = S_E
    eiot_obj['E_ch']           = E_ch
    eiot_obj['r_I']            = r_I
    eiot_obj['SR']             = SR
    eiot_obj['SSR']            = SSR
    eiot_obj['num_sI']         = num_sI
    eiot_obj['num_e_sI']       = 0
    eiot_obj['abs_max_exc_ri'] = np.nan
    eiot_obj['S_E_CONF_INT']   = S_E_CONF_INT
    #Convert Numpy objects to lists and dict for PYOMO

    pyo_L = np.arange(1,eiot_obj['S_hat'].shape[1]+1)  #index for wavenumbers
    pyo_N = np.arange(1,eiot_obj['S_hat'].shape[0]+1)  #index for chemical species
    pyo_L = pyo_L.tolist()
    pyo_N = pyo_N.tolist()
    pyo_S_hat     = ee.np2D2pyomo(eiot_obj['S_hat']) #convert numpy to dictionary
    if not(isinstance(S_I,float)):
        pyo_S_I = ee.np2D2pyomo(eiot_obj['S_I'])   #convert numpy to dictionary
        pyo_M   = np.arange(1,eiot_obj['S_I'].shape[0]+1)    #index for non-chemical interferences
        pyo_M   = pyo_M.tolist()
        pyo_S_I = np.nan
        pyo_M   = [0]

    eiot_obj['pyo_L']     = pyo_L
    eiot_obj['pyo_N']     = pyo_N
    eiot_obj['pyo_M']     = pyo_M
    eiot_obj['pyo_S_hat'] = pyo_S_hat
    eiot_obj['pyo_S_I']   = pyo_S_I
    eiot_obj['index_rk_eq'] = False
    eiot_obj['lambdas'] = lambdas
    return eiot_obj
Пример #4
#Ck_val                = Ck[1:Ck.shape[0]:2,:]
#dose_source_cal       = dose_source[::2,:]
#dose_source_val       = dose_source[1:dose_source.shape[0]:2,:]

# Build  Unsupervised EIOT Model and plot lambdas
eiot_obj = eiot.build(nir_spectra_use, Ck)

# Add batch-by-batch non-chemical interference
eiot_obj['S_I'] = S_I
S_E = np.vstack((eiot_obj['S_hat'], eiot_obj['S_I']))
eiot_obj['S_E'] = S_E
eiot_obj['num_e_sI'] = 11
eiot_obj['num_sI'] = 11
eiot_obj['pyo_M'] = np.arange(1, eiot_obj['S_I'].shape[0] + 1)
eiot_obj['pyo_M'] = eiot_obj['pyo_M'].tolist()
eiot_obj['pyo_S_I'] = ee.np2D2pyomo(eiot_obj['S_I'])
eiot_obj['pyo_Me'] = np.arange(eiot_obj['num_sI'] - eiot_obj['num_e_sI'] + 1,
                               eiot_obj['num_sI'] + 1)
eiot_obj['pyo_Me'] = eiot_obj['pyo_Me'].tolist()
eiot_obj['abs_max_exc_ri'] = 2
rhat = []
ri_hat = []
for i in range(spec_test.shape[0]):
    pred_unsup = eiot.calc(ee.snv(spec_test[i, :]), eiot_obj)
ri_hat = np.array(ri_hat)
rhat = np.array(rhat)

A = list(range(178))
B = list(range(11))