def send(self, address, amount, parent_window): """Send Peercoins to the target address.""" dest_address = self.fetch_destination(address) if dest_address is None or not is_valid(dest_address): QMessageBox.warning(parent_window, _('Error'), _('Invalid Peercoin Address') + ':\n' + address, _('OK')) return False amount = D(unicode(amount)) * (10*self.g.decimal_point) print "amount", amount return if self.g.wallet.use_encryption: password_dialog = PasswordDialog(parent_window) password = if not password: return else: password = None fee = 0 # 0.1 BTC = 10000000 if amount < bitcoin(1) / 10: # 0.001 BTC fee = bitcoin(1) / 1000 try: tx = self.g.wallet.mktx([(dest_address, amount)], password, fee) except Exception as error: QMessageBox.warning(parent_window, _('Error'), str(error), _('OK')) return False if tx.is_complete(): h = self.g.wallet.send_tx(tx) self.waiting_dialog(lambda: False if self.g.wallet.tx_event.isSet() else _("Sending transaction, please wait...")) status, message = self.g.wallet.receive_tx(h, tx) if not status: import tempfile dumpf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) dumpf.write(tx) dumpf.close() print "Dumped error tx to", QMessageBox.warning(parent_window, _('Error'), message, _('OK')) return False TransactionWindow(message, self) else: filename = 'unsigned_tx_%s' % (time.mktime(time.gmtime())) try: fileName = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(QWidget(), _("Select a transaction filename"), os.path.expanduser('~/%s' % (filename))) with open(fileName,'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(tx.as_dict(),indent=4) + '\n') QMessageBox.information(QWidget(), _('Unsigned transaction created'), _("Unsigned transaction was saved to file:") + " " +fileName, _('OK')) except Exception as e: QMessageBox.warning(QWidget(), _('Error'), _('Could not write transaction to file: %s' % e), _('OK')) return True
def do_send(self): if not is_valid(self.str_recipient): print(_('Invalid Bitcoin address')) return try: amount = int(Decimal(self.str_amount) * 100000000) except Exception: print(_('Invalid Amount')) return try: fee = int(Decimal(self.str_fee) * 100000000) except Exception: print(_('Invalid Fee')) return if self.wallet.use_encryption: password = self.password_dialog() if not password: return else: password = None c = "" while c != "y": c = raw_input("ok to send (y/n)?") if c == "n": return try: tx = self.wallet.mktx([(self.str_recipient, amount)], password, fee) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) return if self.str_description: self.wallet.labels[tx.hash()] = self.str_description h = self.wallet.send_tx(tx) print(_("Please wait...")) self.wallet.tx_event.wait() status, msg = self.wallet.receive_tx(h, tx) if status: print(_('Payment sent.')) #self.do_clear() #self.update_contacts_tab() else: print(_('Error'))
def newaddress_dialog(self, w): title = "New Contact" dialog = Gtk.Dialog(title, parent=self.window, flags=Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL, buttons=("cancel", 0, "ok", 1)) label = Gtk.HBox() label_label = Gtk.Label(label="Label:") label_label.set_size_request(120, 10) label.pack_start(label_label, True, True, 0) label_entry = Gtk.Entry() label.pack_start(label_entry, True, True, 0) dialog.vbox.pack_start(label, False, True, 5) address = Gtk.HBox() address_label = Gtk.Label(label="Address:") address_label.set_size_request(120, 10) address.pack_start(address_label, True, True, 0) address_entry = Gtk.Entry() address.pack_start(address_entry, True, True, 0) dialog.vbox.pack_start(address, False, True, 5) result = address = address_entry.get_text() label = label_entry.get_text() dialog.destroy() if result == 1: if is_valid(address): self.wallet.add_contact(address, label) self.update_sending_tab() else: errorDialog = Gtk.MessageDialog( parent=self.window, flags=Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL, buttons=Gtk.ButtonsType.CLOSE, message_format="Invalid address", ) errorDialog.destroy()
def do_send(self): if not is_valid(self.str_recipient): print(_('Invalid Bitcoin address')) return try: amount = int( Decimal( self.str_amount) * 100000000 ) except Exception: print(_('Invalid Amount')) return try: fee = int( Decimal( self.str_fee) * 100000000 ) except Exception: print(_('Invalid Fee')) return if self.wallet.use_encryption: password = self.password_dialog() if not password: return else: password = None c = "" while c != "y": c = raw_input("ok to send (y/n)?") if c == "n": return try: tx = self.wallet.mktx( [(self.str_recipient, amount)], password, fee) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) return if self.str_description: self.wallet.labels[tx.hash()] = self.str_description h = self.wallet.send_tx(tx) print(_("Please wait...")) self.wallet.tx_event.wait() status, msg = self.wallet.receive_tx( h, tx ) if status: print(_('Payment sent.')) #self.do_clear() #self.update_contacts_tab() else: print(_('Error'))
def make_new_contact(): code = droid.scanBarcode() r = code.result if r: data = r['extras']['SCAN_RESULT'] if data: if re.match('^peercoin:', data): address, _, _, _, _ = util.parse_URI(data) elif is_valid(data): address = data else: address = None if address: if modal_question('Add to contacts?', address): wallet.add_contact(address) else: modal_dialog('Invalid address', data)
def address_field_changed(self, address): # label or alias, with address in brackets match2 = re.match("(.*?)\s*\<([1-9A-HJ-NP-Za-km-z]{26,})\>", address) if match2: address = self.address_input.setText(address) if is_valid(address): self.check_button_status() self.address_input.setProperty("isValid", True) self.recompute_style(self.address_input) else: self.send_button.setDisabled(True) self.address_input.setProperty("isValid", False) self.recompute_style(self.address_input) if len(address) == 0: self.address_input.setProperty("isValid", None) self.recompute_style(self.address_input)
def do_send(self): if not is_valid(self.str_recipient): self.show_message(_('Invalid Peercoin address')) return try: amount = int( Decimal( self.str_amount) * 100000000 ) except Exception: self.show_message(_('Invalid Amount')) return try: fee = int( Decimal( self.str_fee) * 100000000 ) except Exception: self.show_message(_('Invalid Fee')) return if self.wallet.use_encryption: password = self.password_dialog() if not password: return else: password = None try: tx = self.wallet.mktx( [(self.str_recipient, amount)], password, fee) except Exception as e: self.show_message(str(e)) return if self.str_description: self.wallet.labels[tx.hash()] = self.str_description h = self.wallet.send_tx(tx) self.show_message(_("Please wait..."), getchar=False) self.wallet.tx_event.wait() status, msg = self.wallet.receive_tx( h, tx ) if status: self.show_message(_('Payment sent.')) self.do_clear() #self.update_contacts_tab() else: self.show_message(_('Error'))
def payto_loop(): global recipient if recipient: droid.fullSetProperty("recipient","text",recipient) recipient = None out = None while out is None: event = droid.eventWait().result if not event: continue print "got event in payto loop", event if event == 'OK': continue if not event.get("name"): continue if event["name"] == "click": id = event["data"]["id"] if id=="buttonPay": droid.fullQuery() recipient = droid.fullQueryDetail("recipient").result.get('text') label = droid.fullQueryDetail("label").result.get('text') amount = droid.fullQueryDetail('amount').result.get('text') if not is_valid(recipient): modal_dialog('Error','Invalid Peercoin address') continue try: amount = int( 100000000 * Decimal(amount) ) except Exception: modal_dialog('Error','Invalid amount') continue result = pay_to(recipient, amount, wallet.fee, label) if result: out = 'main' elif id=="buttonContacts": addr = select_from_contacts() droid.fullSetProperty("recipient","text",addr) elif id=="buttonQR": code = droid.scanBarcode() r = code.result if r: data = r['extras']['SCAN_RESULT'] if data: if re.match('^bitcoin:', data): payto, amount, label, _, _ = util.parse_URI(data) droid.fullSetProperty("recipient", "text",payto) droid.fullSetProperty("amount", "text", amount) droid.fullSetProperty("label", "text", label) else: droid.fullSetProperty("recipient", "text", data) elif event["name"] in menu_commands: out = event["name"] elif event["name"]=="key": if event["data"]["key"] == '4': out = 'main' #elif event["name"]=="screen": # if event["data"]=="destroy": # out = 'main' return out
def send(self, address, amount, parent_window): """Send Peercoins to the target address.""" dest_address = self.fetch_destination(address) if dest_address is None or not is_valid(dest_address): QMessageBox.warning( parent_window, _('Error'), _('Invalid Peercoin Address') + ':\n' + address, _('OK')) return False amount = D(unicode(amount)) * (10 * self.g.decimal_point) print "amount", amount return if self.g.wallet.use_encryption: password_dialog = PasswordDialog(parent_window) password = if not password: return else: password = None fee = 0 # 0.1 BTC = 10000000 if amount < bitcoin(1) / 10: # 0.001 BTC fee = bitcoin(1) / 1000 try: tx = self.g.wallet.mktx([(dest_address, amount)], password, fee) except Exception as error: QMessageBox.warning(parent_window, _('Error'), str(error), _('OK')) return False if tx.is_complete(): h = self.g.wallet.send_tx(tx) self.waiting_dialog(lambda: False if self.g.wallet.tx_event.isSet( ) else _("Sending transaction, please wait...")) status, message = self.g.wallet.receive_tx(h, tx) if not status: import tempfile dumpf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) dumpf.write(tx) dumpf.close() print "Dumped error tx to", QMessageBox.warning(parent_window, _('Error'), message, _('OK')) return False TransactionWindow(message, self) else: filename = 'unsigned_tx_%s' % (time.mktime(time.gmtime())) try: fileName = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( QWidget(), _("Select a transaction filename"), os.path.expanduser('~/%s' % (filename))) with open(fileName, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(tx.as_dict(), indent=4) + '\n') QMessageBox.information( QWidget(), _('Unsigned transaction created'), _("Unsigned transaction was saved to file:") + " " + fileName, _('OK')) except Exception as e: QMessageBox.warning( QWidget(), _('Error'), _('Could not write transaction to file: %s' % e), _('OK')) return True
def do_send(self, w, data): payto_entry, label_entry, amount_entry, fee_entry = data label = label_entry.get_text() r = payto_entry.get_text() r = r.strip() m1 = re.match("^(|([\w\-\.]+)@)((\w[\w\-]+\.)+[\w\-]+)$", r) m2 = re.match("(|([\w\-\.]+)@)((\w[\w\-]+\.)+[\w\-]+) \<([1-9A-HJ-NP-Za-km-z]{26,})\>", r) if m1: to_address = self.wallet.get_alias(r, True, self.show_message, self.question) if not to_address: return else: self.update_sending_tab() elif m2: to_address = else: to_address = r if not is_valid(to_address): self.show_message("invalid peercoin address:\n" + to_address) return try: amount = int(Decimal(amount_entry.get_text()) * 100000000) except Exception: self.show_message("invalid amount") return try: fee = int(Decimal(fee_entry.get_text()) * 100000000) except Exception: self.show_message("invalid fee") return if self.wallet.use_encryption: password = password_dialog(self.window) if not password: return else: password = None try: tx = self.wallet.mktx([(to_address, amount)], password, fee) except Exception as e: self.show_message(str(e)) return # @todo Peercoin electrum-ltc modifies this... if tx.requires_fee(self.wallet.verifier) and fee < MIN_RELAY_TX_FEE: self.show_message("This transaction requires a higher fee, or it will not be propagated by the network.") return if label: self.wallet.labels[tx.hash()] = label status, msg = self.wallet.sendtx(tx) if status: self.show_message("payment sent.\n" + msg) payto_entry.set_text("") label_entry.set_text("") amount_entry.set_text("") fee_entry.set_text("") # self.fee_box.hide() self.update_sending_tab() else: self.show_message(msg)
def payto_loop(): global recipient if recipient: droid.fullSetProperty("recipient", "text", recipient) recipient = None out = None while out is None: event = droid.eventWait().result if not event: continue print "got event in payto loop", event if event == 'OK': continue if not event.get("name"): continue if event["name"] == "click": id = event["data"]["id"] if id == "buttonPay": droid.fullQuery() recipient = droid.fullQueryDetail("recipient").result.get( 'text') label = droid.fullQueryDetail("label").result.get('text') amount = droid.fullQueryDetail('amount').result.get('text') if not is_valid(recipient): modal_dialog('Error', 'Invalid Peercoin address') continue try: amount = int(100000000 * Decimal(amount)) except Exception: modal_dialog('Error', 'Invalid amount') continue result = pay_to(recipient, amount, wallet.fee, label) if result: out = 'main' elif id == "buttonContacts": addr = select_from_contacts() droid.fullSetProperty("recipient", "text", addr) elif id == "buttonQR": code = droid.scanBarcode() r = code.result if r: data = r['extras']['SCAN_RESULT'] if data: if re.match('^bitcoin:', data): payto, amount, label, _, _ = util.parse_URI(data) droid.fullSetProperty("recipient", "text", payto) droid.fullSetProperty("amount", "text", amount) droid.fullSetProperty("label", "text", label) else: droid.fullSetProperty("recipient", "text", data) elif event["name"] in menu_commands: out = event["name"] elif event["name"] == "key": if event["data"]["key"] == '4': out = 'main' #elif event["name"]=="screen": # if event["data"]=="destroy": # out = 'main' return out