def agent_main(collector): to_file(sys.stdout) startLogging(sys.stdout) return react( run_agent, [ environ.get( "FLOCKER_CONFIGURATION_PATH", "/etc/flocker", ).decode("ascii"), environ.get( "CATALOG_FIREHOSE_PROTOCOL", DEFAULT_FIREHOSE_PROTOCOL, ).decode("ascii"), environ.get( "CATALOG_FIREHOSE_HOSTNAME", DEFAULT_FIREHOSE_HOSTNAME, ).decode("ascii"), int( environ.get( "CATALOG_FIREHOSE_PORT", unicode(DEFAULT_FIREHOSE_PORT).encode("ascii"), ).decode("ascii") ), # Base64 encoded environ["CATALOG_FIREHOSE_SECRET"].decode("ascii"), collector, ], )
def bg(wait, command, raweliot, targets): """Run the default oam operation on targets""" if raweliot: eliot.to_file(sys.stdout) else: # eliottree.render_tasks(sys.stdout.write, tasks, colorize=True) #py3 eliot.add_destination(render_stdout) procs = [] if len(targets)==0: targets = ['localhost'] with eliot.start_task(action_type='run_ops', targets=targets): with eliot.start_action(action_type='start_ops', targets=targets): for server in targets: if wait: cmd = FG_CMD.format(server, command) else: cmd = BG_CMD.format(server, SESSION_NAME, command) logging.debug('%s start, cmd: %s', server, cmd) with eliot.start_action(action_type='start_process', target=server, cmd=cmd): procs.append(subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True)) finished = 0 with eliot.start_action(action_type='wait_finishes', targets=targets): while finished != len(procs): for index, server in enumerate(procs): logging.debug('looping at %s %d', targets[index], finished) if not server.poll() is None: eliot.Message.log(message_type='finish', target=targets[index]) finished += 1 time.sleep(1) with eliot.start_action(action_type='wait_terminations', targets=targets): for index, server in enumerate(procs): with eliot.start_action(action_type='wait_process', target=targets[index]): server.wait() logging.debug('%s finish, returncode=%d', targets[index], server.returncode)
def main(self, top_level=None, base_path=None): """ Check command line arguments and run the build steps. :param FilePath top_level: The top-level of the flocker repository. :param base_path: ignored. """ to_file(self.sys_module.stderr) options = DockerBuildOptions() try: options.parseOptions(self.sys_module.argv[1:]) except usage.UsageError as e: self.sys_module.stderr.write("%s\n" % (options,)) self.sys_module.stderr.write("%s\n" % (e,)) raise SystemExit(1) # Currently we add system control files for both EL and Debian-based # systems. We should probably be more specific. See FLOC-1736. self.build_command( distribution=CURRENT_DISTRIBUTION, destination_path=options['destination-path'], package_uri=options['package-uri'], package_files=top_level.descendant(['admin', 'package-files']), ).run()
def main(self, top_level=None, base_path=None): """ Check command line arguments and run the build steps. :param FilePath top_level: The top-level of the flocker repository. :param base_path: ignored. """ to_file(self.sys_module.stderr) options = DockerBuildOptions() try: options.parseOptions(self.sys_module.argv[1:]) except usage.UsageError as e: self.sys_module.stderr.write("%s\n" % (options, )) self.sys_module.stderr.write("%s\n" % (e, )) raise SystemExit(1) # Currently we add system control files for both EL and Debian-based # systems. We should probably be more specific. See FLOC-1736. self.build_command( distribution=CURRENT_DISTRIBUTION, destination_path=options['destination-path'], package_uri=options['package-uri'], package_files=top_level.descendant(['admin', 'package-files']), ).run()
def __init__(self, cache_manager): to_file(open("mesos-viewer.log", "w")) self.cache_manager = cache_manager self.already_build = False self.on_comments = False self.which = "frameworks" self.total_frameworks = 0 self.config = Config() self.poller = Poller( self, delay=int(self.config.parser.get('settings', 'refresh_interval'))) self.palette = self.config.get_palette() self.sort_on = "name" self.sort_reverse = False self.in_search = False self.sort_asc = "▲" self.sort_desc = "▼" self.col_name = "FRAMEWORKS" self.col_memory = "MEM" self.col_cpus = "CPUs" self.col_uptime = "UPTIME" self.col_upsince = "UP SINCE" self.TEXT_CAPTION = " >> " self.widgetEdit = urwid.Edit(self.TEXT_CAPTION, "", multiline=False) self.frameworks = [] self.search_string = ""
def main(self, top_level=None, base_path=None): """ Check command line arguments and run the build steps. :param top_level: The path to the root of the checked out flocker directory. :param base_path: ignored. """ to_file(self.sys_module.stderr) options = BuildOptions() try: options.parseOptions(self.sys_module.argv[1:]) except usage.UsageError as e: self.sys_module.stderr.write("%s\n" % (options,)) self.sys_module.stderr.write("%s\n" % (e,)) raise SystemExit(1) self.build_command( destination_path=options['destination-path'], package_uri=options['package-uri'], top_level=top_level, distribution=options['distribution'], ).run()
def main(self, top_level=None, base_path=None): """ Check command line arguments and run the build steps. :param top_level: The path to the root of the checked out flocker directory. :param base_path: ignored. """ to_file(self.sys_module.stderr) distributions = available_distributions(top_level) options = BuildOptions(distributions) try: options.parseOptions(self.sys_module.argv[1:]) except usage.UsageError as e: self.sys_module.stderr.write("%s\n" % (options, )) self.sys_module.stderr.write("%s\n" % (e, )) raise SystemExit(1) self.build_command( destination_path=options['destination-path'], package_uri=options['package-uri'], top_level=top_level, distribution=options['distribution'], ).run()
def set_file_destination(): test_name = os.environ.get('TEST_NAME') if not test_name: now ="%y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S") test_name = f"apollo_run_{now}" logs_dir = '../../build/tests/apollo/logs/' test_dir = f'{logs_dir}{test_name}' test_log = f'{test_dir}/{test_name}.log' if not os.path.isdir(logs_dir): # Create logs directory if not exist os.mkdir(logs_dir) if not os.path.isdir(test_dir): # Create directory for the test logs os.mkdir(test_dir) if os.path.isfile(test_log): # Clean logs if file already exist open(test_log, "w").close() # Set the log file path to_file(open(test_log, "a"))
def _configure_logging(dest: Path_T) -> None: root = logging.getLogger() # ISSUE: ambient # Add Eliot Handler to root Logger. root.addHandler(EliotHandler()) # and to luigi logging.getLogger('luigi').addHandler(EliotHandler()) logging.getLogger('luigi-interface').addHandler(EliotHandler()) el.to_file('ab'))
def _run_task(rule_name, master_id): del Logger._destinations._destinations[:] to_file(open(os.path.join(eliot_log_path, master_id), "ab")) with start_task(action_type="invenio_checker:supervisor:_run_task", master_id=master_id) as eliot_task: from .models import CheckerRule # cleanup_failed_runs() redis_master = None def cleanup_session(): print 'Cleaning up' if redis_master is not None: redis_master.zap() def sigint_hook(rcv_signal, frame): cleanup_session() def except_hook(type_, value, tback): cleanup_session() reraise(type_, value, tback) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_hook) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sigint_hook) sys.excepthook = except_hook with start_action(action_type='create master'): eliot_task_id = eliot_task.serialize_task_id() redis_master = RedisMaster(master_id, eliot_task_id, rule_name) with start_action(action_type='create subtasks'): rules = CheckerRule.from_ids((rule_name,)) bundles = rules_to_bundles(rules, redis_master.all_recids) subtasks = [] errback = handle_error.s() for rule, rule_chunks in bundles.iteritems(): for chunk in rule_chunks: task_id = uuid() redis_master.workers_append(task_id) eliot_task_id = eliot_task.serialize_task_id() RedisWorker(task_id, eliot_task_id, chunk) subtasks.append(run_test.subtask(args=(rule.filepath, redis_master.master_id, task_id), task_id=task_id, link_error=[errback])) Message.log(message_type='registered subtasks', value=str(redis_master.workers)) with start_action(action_type='run chord'): redis_master.status = StatusMaster.running header = subtasks callback = handle_results.subtask(link_error=[handle_errors.s(redis_master.master_id)]) my_chord = chord(header) result = my_chord(callback) redis_master.status = StatusMaster.running
def _pytest_sessionstart(session, worker): """Initialize session-wide variables for record management and caching.""" session.invenio_records = {'original': {}, 'modified': {}, 'temporary': {}} global Session # pylint: disable=global-statement Session = session # Set the eliot log path eliot.to_file(get_eliot_log_file(worker_id=worker.uuid)) session.invenio_eliot_action = eliot.start_action(action_type=u"pytest worker")
def with_eliot(action_type, master_id=None, worker_id=None): assert master_id or worker_id if worker_id: # print "WITH {}".format(worker_id) master_id = RedisWorker(worker_id).master.master_id master = RedisMaster(master_id) eliot_task_id = master.eliot_task_id del Logger._destinations._destinations[:] to_file(open(eliot_log_path + master_id, "ab")) with Action.continue_task(task_id=eliot_task_id): return start_action(action_type=action_type)
def elioterize(action_type, master_id=None, worker_id=None): """Eliot action continuer that can log to either worker or master.""" clear_logger_destinations(Logger) if worker_id: to_file(get_eliot_log_file(worker_id=worker_id)) client = RedisWorker(worker_id) elif master_id: to_file(get_eliot_log_file(master_id=master_id)) client = RedisMaster(master_id) with Action.continue_task(task_id=client.eliot_task_id): return start_action(action_type=action_type)
def _setup_eliot(): # type: () -> bool """ Set up the `eliot` package so that it outputs to a log file. """ global _eliot_configured if not _eliot_configured: eliot.to_file(LOG_FILE) _eliot_configured = True return _eliot_configured
def _entry(): """ Implement the *magic-folder* console script declared in ````. :return: ``None`` """ from eliot import to_file from os import getpid to_file(open("magic-folder-cli.{}.eliot".format(getpid()), "w")) def main(reactor): return dispatch_magic_folder_command(sys.argv[1:]) return react(main)
def init_logging(): eliot.register_exception_extractor(Exception, _add_exception_data_and_traceback) root_logger = logging.getLogger() root_logger.addHandler(EliotHandler()) root_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logging.getLogger("morepath.directive").setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger("passlib.registry").setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger("passlib.utils.compat").setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger("parso").setLevel(logging.WARN) eliot.to_file(sys.stderr, encoder=EkklesiaLogEncoder) logging.captureWarnings(True)
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): redis_worker = Session.session.config.option.redis_worker eliot_task_id = redis_worker.eliot_task_id # print "~{} {}".format(eliot_task_id, action_type) del Logger._destinations._destinations[:] to_file(open(os.path.join(eliot_log_path, redis_worker.master.uuid + '.' + redis_worker.task_id), "ab")) eliot_task = Action.continue_task(task_id=eliot_task_id) with eliot_task: with start_action(action_type=action_type, worker_id=redis_worker.task_id, **dec_kwargs): func(*args, **kwargs) redis_worker.eliot_task_id = eliot_task.serialize_task_id()
def make_verbose(): # type: () -> bool """ Make the logging verbose by output the full `eliot` output. """ global _only_eliot if not _only_eliot: # Change the attribute (which will mute normal standard error msgs) _only_eliot = True # Add a standard output stream to eliot eliot.to_file(_sys.stdout) return _only_eliot
def main(): eliot.to_file(sys.stdout) allowed_signals = {signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM} for sig in range(1, signal.NSIG): if sig in allowed_signals: continue try: signal.siginterrupt(sig, False) except RuntimeError as e: if e.args[0] != errno.EINVAL: raise proc = SocketPassProcessor.from_path(sys.argv[1]) app = cinje_app while True: proc.handle_request(app)
def run(): """ Implement the *magic-folder* console script declared in ````. :return: ``None`` """ from eliot import to_file from os import getpid to_file(open("magic-folder-cli.{}.eliot".format(getpid()), "w")) console_scripts = importlib_metadata.entry_points()["console_scripts"] magic_folder = list(script for script in console_scripts if == "twist")[0] argv = ["twist", "--log-level=debug", "--log-format=text", "magic_folder" ] + sys.argv[1:] magic_folder.load()(argv)
def main(): eliot.to_file(sys.stdout) allowed_signals = {signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM} for sig in range(1, signal.NSIG): if sig in allowed_signals: continue try: signal.siginterrupt(sig, False) except RuntimeError as e: if e.args[0] != errno.EINVAL: raise from paste import lint proc = SocketPassProcessor.from_path(sys.argv[1]) app = lint.middleware(test_app) while True: proc.handle_request(app)
def _setup_logger(self, level=logging.WARNING, override_root=False): # In Python 3.8 we could use force=True to force the root logger # to override existing defaults # # Don't eliot-log this or load_from_environment or # create_derived_settings, because we initialize an LSSTConfig when # we import jupyterhubutils, and we don't necessarily want to # spam everyone about it # Add our formats fstr = "[%(levelname).1s %(asctime)s.%(msecs).03d" fstr += " %(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d] %(message)s" dstr = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" self.log_format = fstr self.log_datefmt = dstr self.log_level = level to_file(sys.stderr) if override_root: self.eliotify_root_logger(level=level) self.log = make_logger(level=level)
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): redis_worker = Session.session.config.option.redis_worker eliot_task_id = redis_worker.eliot_task_id # print "~{} {}".format(eliot_task_id, action_type) del Logger._destinations._destinations[:] to_file( open( os.path.join( eliot_log_path, redis_worker.master.uuid + '.' + redis_worker.task_id), "ab")) eliot_task = Action.continue_task(task_id=eliot_task_id) with eliot_task: with start_action(action_type=action_type, worker_id=redis_worker.task_id, **dec_kwargs): func(*args, **kwargs) redis_worker.eliot_task_id = eliot_task.serialize_task_id()
def __init__(self, **azure_config): """ :param ServiceManagement azure_client: an instance of the azure serivce managment api client. :param String service_name: The name of the cloud service :param names of Azure volumes to identify cluster :returns: A ``BlockDeviceVolume``. """ self._instance_id = self.compute_instance_id() self._azure_service_client = ServiceManagementService( azure_config['subscription_id'], azure_config['management_certificate_path']) self._service_name = azure_config['service_name'] self._azure_storage_client = BlobService( azure_config['storage_account_name'], azure_config['storage_account_key']) self._storage_account_name = azure_config['storage_account_name'] self._disk_container_name = azure_config['disk_container_name'] if azure_config['debug']: to_file(sys.stdout)
def dd(cwd, config, skip, pretend, interactive): eliot.to_file(open(f"{cwd}/logs/eliot.txt", 'w')) # eliot.to_file(open(f"{cwd}/logs/eliot-{'%y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S')}.txt",'wb')) with eliot.start_action(action_type='DockerDriver', cwd=str(cwd), config=config): config_path = pathlib.Path(config) config = hjson.load(open(cwd.joinpath(config_path), 'r')) name =[-1].split('.')[0] config = DockerDriver(cwd, name, config) if pretend: [ setattr(p, 'skip', True) for p in filter(lambda x: x.exec, config.plugins) ] # use cli --skip to set certain exec plugins to skip=True [ setattr(p, 'skip', True) for p in filter(lambda x: getattr(x, 'name') in skip, config.plugins) ] # try to find initial image or create it if not pretend: with eliot.start_action(action_type='initialize'): config.initialize() if interactive: config.interact('initial') #start the sequence of operations with eliot.start_action(action_type='start'): config.start()
def set_file_destination(): storage_type = os.environ.get('STORAGE_TYPE') tests_names = [m for m in sys.modules.keys() if "test_" in m] if len(tests_names) > 1: # Multiple Apollo tests modules loaded, test name unknown. now ="%y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S") test_name = f"apollo_run_{now}" else: # Single Apollo module loaded, test name known. test_name = f"{tests_names.pop()}_{storage_type}" # Create logs directory if not exist if not os.path.isdir("logs"): os.mkdir("logs") test_name = f"logs/{test_name}.log" if os.path.isfile(test_name): # Clean logs if file already exist open(test_name, "w").close() # Set the log file path to_file(open(test_name, "a"))
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Example of an Eliot action context spanning multiple threads. """ from __future__ import unicode_literals from threading import Thread from sys import stdout from eliot import to_file, preserve_context, start_action to_file(stdout) def add_in_thread(x, y): with start_action(action_type="in_thread", x=x, y=y) as context: context.add_success_fields(result=x + y) with start_action(action_type="main_thread"): # Preserve Eliot context and restore in new thread: thread = Thread(target=preserve_context(add_in_thread), kwargs={ "x": 3, "y": 4 }) thread.start() # Wait for the thread to exit: thread.join()
import yaml from eliot import to_file from twisted.internet.task import react from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath from twisted.python.usage import Options, UsageError from flocker import __version__ as flocker_client_version from benchmark import metrics, operations, scenarios from benchmark.cluster import BenchmarkCluster from benchmark._driver import driver to_file(sys.stderr) # If modifying scenarios, operations, or metrics, please update # docs/gettinginvolved/benchmarking.rst _SCENARIOS = { 'no-load': scenarios.NoLoadScenario, } _OPERATIONS = { 'no-op': operations.NoOperation, 'read-request': operations.ReadRequest, 'wait': operations.Wait, } _METRICS = {
import sys from eliot import start_action, to_file import requests to_file(sys.stdout) def check_links(urls): with start_action(action_type="check_links", urls=urls): for url in urls: try: with start_action(action_type="download", url=url): response = requests.get(url) response.raise_for_status() except Exception as e: raise ValueError(str(e)) check_links([""], ["http://nosuchurl"])
from eliot import start_action, to_file import trio to_file(open("trio.log", "w")) async def say(message, delay): with start_action(action_type="say", message=message): await trio.sleep(delay) async def main(): with start_action(action_type="main"): async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery: nursery.start_soon(say, "hello", 1) nursery.start_soon(say, "world", 2)
def eliot_logging(): with open("integration.eliot.json", "w") as f: to_file(f) yield
""" Benchmark of message serialization. The goal here is to mostly focus on performance of serialization, in a vaguely realistic manner. That is, mesages are logged in context of a message with a small number of fields. """ from __future__ import unicode_literals import time from eliot import Message, start_action, to_file # Ensure JSON serialization is part of benchmark: to_file(open("/dev/null", "w")) N = 10000 def run(): start = time.time() for i in range(N): with start_action(action_type="my_action"): with start_action(action_type="my_action2") as ctx: ctx.log( message_type="my_message", integer=3, string="abcdeft", string2="dgsjdlkgjdsl", list=[1, 2, 3, 4],
def main(argv, environ, react=react): options = BenchmarkOptions() try: options.parseOptions(argv[1:]) except UsageError as e: usage(options, e.args[0]) if options['log-file'] is not None: try: log_file = open(options['log-file'], 'a') except EnvironmentError as e: usage( options, 'Can not open the log file {}.\n{}: {}.'.format( options['log-file'], e.filename, e.strerror)) else: log_file = sys.stderr to_file(log_file) cluster = get_cluster(options, environ) with open(options['config'], 'rt') as f: config = yaml.safe_load(f) validate_configuration(config) scenario_name = options['scenario'] scenario_config = get_config_by_name(config['scenarios'], scenario_name) if scenario_config is None: usage(options, 'Invalid scenario name: {!r}'.format(scenario_name)) scenario_factory = create_factory_from_config(_SCENARIOS, scenario_config) if scenario_factory is None: usage(options, 'Invalid scenario type: {!r}'.format(scenario_config['type'])) operation_name = options['operation'] operation_config = get_config_by_name(config['operations'], operation_name) if operation_config is None: usage(options, 'Invalid operation name: {!r}'.format(operation_name)) operation_factory = create_factory_from_config(_OPERATIONS, operation_config) if operation_factory is None: usage(options, 'Invalid operation type: {!r}'.format(operation_config['type'])) metric_name = options['metric'] metric_config = get_config_by_name(config['metrics'], metric_name) if metric_config is None: usage(options, 'Invalid metric name: {!r}'.format(metric_name)) metric_factory = create_factory_from_config(_METRICS, metric_config) if metric_factory is None: usage(options, 'Invalid metric type: {!r}'.format(metric_config['type'])) try: num_samples = int(options['samples']) except ValueError: usage(options, 'Invalid sample count: {!r}'.format(options['samples'])) timestamp = result = dict( version=OUTPUT_VERSION, timestamp=timestamp, client=dict( flocker_version=flocker_client_version, working_directory=os.getcwd(), username=environ[b"USER"], nodename=node(), platform=platform(), ), scenario=scenario_config, operation=operation_config, metric=metric_config, ) userdata = parse_userdata(options) if userdata: result['userdata'] = userdata react(driver, (cluster, scenario_factory, operation_factory, metric_factory, num_samples, result, partial(json.dump, fp=sys.stdout, indent=2)))
def main(argv, environ, react=react): options = BenchmarkOptions() try: options.parseOptions(argv[1:]) except UsageError as e: usage(options, e.args[0]) if options['log-file'] is not None: try: log_file = open(options['log-file'], 'a') except EnvironmentError as e: usage( options, 'Can not open the log file {}.\n{}: {}.'.format( options['log-file'], e.filename, e.strerror ) ) else: log_file = sys.stderr to_file(log_file) cluster = get_cluster(options, environ) with open(options['config'], 'rt') as f: config = yaml.safe_load(f) validate_configuration(config) scenario_name = options['scenario'] scenario_config = get_config_by_name(config['scenarios'], scenario_name) if scenario_config is None: usage(options, 'Invalid scenario name: {!r}'.format(scenario_name)) scenario_factory = create_factory_from_config(_SCENARIOS, scenario_config) if scenario_factory is None: usage( options, 'Invalid scenario type: {!r}'.format(scenario_config['type']) ) operation_name = options['operation'] operation_config = get_config_by_name(config['operations'], operation_name) if operation_config is None: usage(options, 'Invalid operation name: {!r}'.format(operation_name)) operation_factory = create_factory_from_config( _OPERATIONS, operation_config) if operation_factory is None: usage( options, 'Invalid operation type: {!r}'.format(operation_config['type']) ) metric_name = options['metric'] metric_config = get_config_by_name(config['metrics'], metric_name) if metric_config is None: usage(options, 'Invalid metric name: {!r}'.format(metric_name)) metric_factory = create_factory_from_config(_METRICS, metric_config) if metric_factory is None: usage( options, 'Invalid metric type: {!r}'.format(metric_config['type']) ) try: num_samples = int(options['samples']) except ValueError: usage(options, 'Invalid sample count: {!r}'.format(options['samples'])) timestamp = result = dict( version=OUTPUT_VERSION, timestamp=timestamp, client=dict( flocker_version=flocker_client_version, working_directory=os.getcwd(), username=environ[b"USER"], nodename=node(), platform=platform(), ), scenario=scenario_config, operation=operation_config, metric=metric_config, ) userdata = parse_userdata(options) if userdata: result['userdata'] = userdata react( driver, ( cluster, scenario_factory, operation_factory, metric_factory, num_samples, result, partial(json.dump, fp=sys.stdout, indent=2) ) )
""" Benchmark of message serialization. The goal here is to mostly focus on performance of serialization, in a vaguely realistic manner. That is, mesages are logged in context of a message with a small number of fields. """ from __future__ import unicode_literals import time from eliot import Message, start_action, to_file # Ensure JSON serialization is part of benchmark: to_file(open("/dev/null", "w")) N = 10000 def run(): start = time.time() for i in range(N): with start_action(action_type="my_action"): with start_action(action_type="my_action2"): Message.log( message_type="my_message", integer=3, string=b"abcdeft", string2="dgsjdlkgjdsl", list=[1, 2, 3, 4],
async def configure_logging(app): print('configuring logging') use_asyncio_context() logfile = app['config'].get('logfile', 'log.json') to_file(open(logfile, 'w'))
def _run_task(rule_name, master_id): # # If you find yourself debugging celery crashes: # redis_master = None # def cleanup_session(): # if redis_master is not None: # redis_master.zap() # def sigint_hook(rcv_signal, frame): # cleanup_session() # def except_hook(type_, value, tback): # cleanup_session() # reraise(type_, value, tback) # signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_hook) # signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sigint_hook) # sys.excepthook = except_hook clear_logger_destinations(Logger) to_file(get_eliot_log_file(master_id=master_id)) with start_task(action_type="invenio_checker:supervisor:_run_task", master_id=master_id) as eliot_task: eliot_task_id = eliot_task.serialize_task_id() # Have the master initialize its presence in redis. Message.log(message_type='creating master') redis_master = RedisMaster.create(master_id, eliot_task_id, rule_name) # Load the rule from its name. `run_task` has already checked that it's # there. rule = CheckerRule.query.filter( == rule_name).one() Message.log(message_type='loaded rule', # Create workers to attach to this master. `record_centric` means that # the task uses the `record` fixture, which causes pytest to loop over # it len(chunk_recids) times. This is important to know now so that we # will spawn multiple workers. subtasks = [] record_centric = _get_record_fixture_presence(rule.filepath) if record_centric: # We wish to spawn multiple workers to split the load. if rule.allow_chunking: recid_chunks = tuple(chunk_recids(rule.modified_requested_recids)) else: recid_chunks = (rule.modified_requested_recids,) Message.log(message_type='creating subtasks', count=len(recid_chunks), mode='record_centric', recid_count=len(rule.modified_requested_recids)) else: # We wish to spawn just one worker than will run the check function # once. recid_chunks = (set(),) Message.log(message_type='creating subtasks', count=1, mode='not_record_centric') # Create the subtasks based on the decisions taken above and inform the # master of its associations with these new workers/tasks. for chunk in recid_chunks: task_id = uuid() redis_master.workers_append(task_id) subtasks.append(create_celery_task(task_id, redis_master.master_id, rule, chunk, eliot_task)) if not subtasks: # Note that if `record-centric` is True, there's the chance that no # records matched our query. This does not imply a problem. redis_master.status = StatusMaster.completed else: redis_master.status = StatusMaster.running # FIXME: handle_all_completion should be called after the callbacks # of all workers have completed. callback = handle_all_completion.subtask() chord(subtasks)(callback)
from sys import stdout from eliot import start_action, start_task, to_file to_file(stdout) class Place(object): def __init__(self, name, contained=()): = name self.contained = contained def visited(self, people): # No need to repetitively log people, since caller will: with start_action(action_type="visited", for thing in self.contained: thing.visited(people) def honeymoon(family, destination): with start_task(action_type="honeymoon", people=family): destination.visited(family) honeymoon(["Mrs. Casaubon", "Mr. Casaubon"], Place("Rome, Italy", [Place("Vatican Museum", [Place("Statue #1"), Place("Statue #2")])]))
import asyncio import aiohttp from eliot import start_action, to_file to_file(open("linkcheck.log", "w")) async def check_links(urls): session = aiohttp.ClientSession() with start_action(action_type="check_links", urls=urls): for url in urls: try: with start_action(action_type="download", url=url): async with session.get(url) as response: response.raise_for_status() except Exception as e: raise ValueError(str(e)) try: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete( check_links(["", "http://nosuchurl"])) except ValueError: print("Not all links were valid.")
def _start_logging(): # Name log file based on PID, so different processes so stomp on each # others' logfiles: to_file(open("{}.log".format(getpid()), "a"))
import requests from eliot import start_action, to_file to_file(open("linkcheck.log", "w")) def check_links(urls): with start_action(action_type="check_links", urls=urls): for url in urls: try: with start_action(action_type="download", url=url): response = requests.get(url) response.raise_for_status() except Exception as e: raise ValueError(str(e)) try: check_links(["", "http://nosuchurl"]) except ValueError: print("Not all links were valid.")
# 윈도우에서는 한글 인코딩 오류가 발생할 수 있습니다. # 한글 인코딩 오류가 발생한다면 # Message.log(message_type="info", msg="데이터를 저장했습니다.") # 위의 코드 부분의 msg를 영어로 수정해서 사용해주세요. import json import sys from eliot import Message, start_action, to_file, write_traceback import requests # 로그 출력을 표준 출력으로 설정(터미널에 출력하기) to_file(sys.stdout) # 크롤링 대상 URL 리스트 PAGE_URL_LIST = [ '', '', '', ] def fetch_pages(): """페이지의 내용을 추출합니다.""" # 어떤 처리의 로그인지는 action_type으로 지정 with start_action(action_type="fetch_pages"): page_contents = {} for page_url in PAGE_URL_LIST: # 어떤 처리의 로그인지 action_type으로 출력 with start_action(action_type="download", url=page_url): try: r = requests.get(page_url, timeout=30) r.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
import eliot import logging import sys from eliot.stdlib import EliotHandler logging.getLogger().addHandler(EliotHandler()) logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) eliot.to_file(sys.stdout) logging.captureWarnings(True) logg = logging.getLogger(__name__) logging.getLogger("parso").setLevel(logging.WARN)"init")
from eliot import log_call, to_file import sys to_file(open("out.log", "a")) @log_call def add(a, b): return a + b @log_call def multiply(a, b): return 0 * b @log_call def multiplysum(a, b, c): return multiply(add(a, b), c) print(multiplysum(1, 2, 4)) # should print 12
# Tested on: Python 3.7.3 (MacOS) import requests import os.path import schedule import time import urllib3 urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) from eliot import start_action, to_file # Overwrites log file in every program iteration # Replace "w+" with "a+", if you want to append to_file(open("log", "w+")) # Check urls.txt presence, exit otherwise if os.path.isfile('urls.txt'): pass else: print('[-] ERR: urls.txt missing\n') exit(-1) def do_crawl(): user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.87 Safari/537.36' headers = {'User-Agent': user_agent} urls = [] # Read urls.txt with open('urls.txt', 'r') as fObj: filecontents = fObj.readlines()
import sys from click import echo, group, option, pass_context from eliot import start_task, to_file, log_call from pycryptpad_tools.padapi import PadAPI to_file(sys.stderr) # base_url = "http://cryptpad-local:3000" base_url = "" def pad_api(ctx): return PadAPI(ctx.obj['BASE_URL'], ctx.obj['HEADLESS']) @log_call def read_infile(infile): if infile == "-": return else: with open(infile) as f: return @group() @option('--base_url', default=base_url) @option('--headless/--no-headless', default=True)