Пример #1
CFE_scale    = scalar > 0, scale parameter for CFE disutility of labor
cfe_params   = (2,) vector, values for (Frisch, CFE_scale)
b_ellip      = scalar > 0, fitted value of b for elliptical disutility
               of labor
upsilon      = scalar > 1, fitted value of upsilon for elliptical
               disutility of labor
ellip_graph = False
b_ellip_init = 1.0
upsilon_init = 2.0
ellip_init = np.array([b_ellip_init, upsilon_init])
Frisch_elast = 0.9
CFE_scale = 1.0
cfe_params = np.array([Frisch_elast, CFE_scale])
b_ellip, upsilon = elp.fit_ellip_CFE(ellip_init, cfe_params, l_tilde,

Solve for the steady-state solution
cur_path       = string, current file path of this script
ss_output_fldr = string, cur_path extension of SS output folder path
ss_output_dir  = string, full path name of SS output folder
ss_outputfile  = string, path name of file for SS output objects
ss_paramsfile  = string, path name of file for SS parameter objects
ss_args        = length 15 tuple, arguments to pass in to ss.get_SS()
rss_init       = scalar > -delta, initial guess for r_ss
c1_init        = scalar > 0, initial guess for c1
init_vals      = length 2 tuple, initial guesses (r, c1) to be passed
                 in to ss.get_SS
Пример #2
S = int(80)
beta_annual = 0.96
beta = beta_annual**(80 / S)
sigma = 2.5
l_tilde = 1.0
chi_n_vec = 1.0 * np.ones(S)
# chi_n_vec = np.hstack((np.linspace(1.2, 1.0, 10),
#                        np.linspace(1.0, 1.0, 40),
#                        np.linspace(1.0, 3.0, 30)))
# b = 0.501
# upsilon = 1.553
ellip_init = np.array([0.2, 1.0])
Frisch = 0.8
scale_param = 1.0
cfe_params = np.array([Frisch, scale_param])
b, upsilon = elp.fit_ellip_CFE(ellip_init, cfe_params, l_tilde, True)

lambdas = np.array([0.3, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1])
J = lambdas.shape[0]
age_wgts = np.ones(S) * (1 / S)
age_wgts_80 = np.ones(80) * (1 / 80)
emat = abil.get_e_interp(S, age_wgts, age_wgts_80, lambdas, True)

# Firm parameters
A = 1.0
alpha = 0.35
delta_annual = 0.05
delta = 1 - ((1 - delta_annual)**(80 / S))
# SS parameters
SS_graph = True
Пример #3
# Household parameters
S = int(80)
beta_annual = 0.96
beta = beta_annual**(80 / S)
sigma = 2.5
l_tilde = 1.0
chi_n_vec = 1.0 * np.ones(S)

b_ellip_init = 1.0
upsilon_init = 2.0
ellip_init = np.array([b_ellip_init, upsilon_init])
Frisch_elast = 2.2
CFE_scale = 1.0
cfe_params = np.array([Frisch_elast, CFE_scale])
b_ellip, upsilon = elp.fit_ellip_CFE(ellip_init, cfe_params, l_tilde, False)
Estimate tax function parameters
num_tx_params = 12
# micro_data = pickle.load(open('taxdata42.pkl', 'rb'))
# baseline = True
# analytical_mtrs = False
# age_specific = True
# start_year = 2017
# txf_dict = txf.tax_func_estimate(start_year, baseline, analytical_mtrs,
#                                  age_specific)
txf_dict = pickle.load(open('tax_dict.pkl', 'rb'))
Пример #4
 def __init__(self):
     Instantiate the parameters class with the input name
     Period parameters
     E          = integer >= 1, number of periods an individual is
                  economically inactive (youth)
     S          = integer >= 3, number of periods an individual lives
     yrs_in_per = scalar > 0, number of years in model period
     T1         = integer > S, number of periods until demographics
                  hit steady state
     T2         = integer > T1, number of periods until economy is in
                  steady state
     self.E = int(20)
     self.S = int(80)
     self.yrs_in_per = 80 / self.S
     self.T1 = int(round(2.0 * self.S))
     self.T2 = int(round(3.0 * self.S))
     Household parameters
     beta_an      = scalar in (0,1), discount factor for one year
     beta         = scalar in (0,1), discount factor for each model
     sigma        = scalar > 0, coefficient of relative risk aversion
     l_tilde      = scalar > 0, per-period time endowment for every
     chi_n_vec    = (S,) vector, values for chi_{n,s}
     chi_b        = scalar >= 0, scalar parameter on utility of dying
                    with positive savings (warm glow bequest motive)
     b_ellip_init = scalar > 0, initial guess for b
     upsilon_init = scalar > 1, initial guess for upsilon
     ellip_init   = (2,) vector, initial guesses for b and upsilon
     Frisch_elast = scalar > 0, Frisch elasticity of labor supply for
                    CFE disutility of labor
     CFE_scale    = scalar > 0, scale parameter for CFE disutility of
     cfe_params   = (2,) vector, values for (Frisch, CFE_scale)
     b_ellip      = scalar > 0, fitted value of b for elliptical
                    disutility of labor
     upsilon      = scalar > 1, fitted value of upsilon for
                    elliptical disutility of labor
     b_s0_vec     = (S,) vector, initial wealth for each aged
                    individual in the first model period
     self.beta_an = 0.96
     self.beta = self.beta_an**self.yrs_in_per
     self.sigma = 2.2
     self.l_tilde = 1.0
     self.chi_n_vec = 1.0 * np.ones(self.S)
     self.chi_b = 1.0
     b_ellip_init = 1.0
     upsilon_init = 2.0
     ellip_init = np.array([b_ellip_init, upsilon_init])
     self.Frisch_elast = 0.9
     self.CFE_scale = 1.0
     cfe_params = np.array([self.Frisch_elast, self.CFE_scale])
     b_ellip, upsilon = elp.fit_ellip_CFE(ellip_init, cfe_params,
     self.b_ellip = b_ellip
     self.upsilon = upsilon
     self.b_s0_vec = 0.1 * np.ones(self.S)
     Demographic parameters
     min_yr        = integer > 0, minimum year represented in the
     max_yr        = integer > min_yr, maximum number of years
                     represented in the data
     curr_year     = integer >= 2020, current year represented by t=0
     omega_m1      = (S,) vector, stationarized economically active
                     population distribution in period t=-1 right
                     before current period
     omega_tp      = (S, T2+1) matrix, transition path of the
                     stationarized population distribution by age for
                     economically active ages
     omega_ss      = (S,) vector, steady-state stationarized
                     population distribution by age for economically
                     active ages
     g_n_path      = (T2,) vector, time path of the population growth
     g_n_tp        = (T2 + S,) vector, time path of the population
                     growth rate
     g_n_ss        = scalar, steady-state population growth rate
     surv_rates    = (S,) vector, constant per-period survival rate
                     of particular age cohort of cohort
     imm_rates_mat = (T2, S) matrix, time path of immigration rates
                     by age
     rho_m1        = (S,) vector, mortality rates by age in the
                     period t=-1 before the initial period
     rho_st        = (S, T2+S) matrix, time path of mortality rates
                     by age
     rho_ss        = (S,) vector, constant per-period mortality rate
                     of particular age cohort
     i_st          = (S, T2+1) matrix, time path of immigration rates
                     by age
     i_ss          = (S,) vector, steady-state immigration rates by
                     age for economically active ages
     self.min_yr = 1
     self.max_yr = self.E + self.S
     self.curr_year = 2020
     (omega_tp, g_n_ss, omega_ss, surv_rates, rho_ss, g_n_path,
         imm_rates_mat, omega_m1) = \
         demog.get_pop_objs(self.E, self.S, self.T1, self.min_yr,
                            self.max_yr, self.curr_year,
     self.rho_ss = rho_ss
     self.i_ss = imm_rates_mat.T[:, self.T1]
     self.omega_ss = omega_ss
     self.omega_tp = \
         np.append(omega_tp.T, omega_ss.reshape((self.S, 1)), axis=1)
     self.rho_m1 = rho_ss
     self.omega_m1 = omega_m1
     self.g_n_ss = g_n_ss
     self.g_n_tp = \
         np.append(g_n_path.reshape((1, self.T1 + self.S)),
                   g_n_ss * np.ones((1, self.T2 - self.T1)),
     self.rho_st = np.tile(self.rho_ss.reshape((self.S, 1)),
                           (1, self.T2 + self.S))
     self.i_st = np.append(imm_rates_mat.T,
                           self.i_ss.reshape((self.S, 1)),
     Industry parameters
     A        = scalar > 0, total factor productivity
     alpha    = scalar in (0,1), capital share of income
     delta_an = scalar in [0,1], annual capital depreciation rate
     delta    = scalar in [0,1], model period capital depreciation
     g_y_an   = scalar, annual net growth rate of labor productivity
     g_y      = scalar, net growth rate of labor productivity in each
                model period
     self.A = 1.0
     self.alpha = 0.35
     self.delta_an = 0.05
     self.delta = 1 - ((1 - self.delta_an)**self.yrs_in_per)
     g_y_an = 0.03
     self.g_y = ((1 + g_y_an)**self.yrs_in_per) - 1
     Set steady-state solution method parameters
     SS_solve   = boolean, =True if want to solve for steady-state
                  solution, otherwise retrieve solutions from pickle
     SS_OutTol  = scalar > 0, tolerance for outer loop iterative
                  solution convergence criterion
     SS_EulTol  = scalar > 0, tolerance level for steady-state
                  inner-loop Euler equation root finder
     SS_graphs  = boolean, =True if want graphs of steady-state
     SS_EulDif  = boolean, =True if use simple differences in Euler
                  errors. Otherwise, use percent deviation form.
     self.SS_solve = True
     self.SS_OutTol = 1e-13
     self.SS_EulTol = 1e-13
     self.SS_graphs = True
     self.SS_EulDif = True
     Set transition path solution method parameters
     TP_solve   = boolean, =True if want to solve TP equilibrium
     TP_OutTol  = scalar > 0, tolerance level for outer-loop
                  bisection method in TPI
     TP_EulTol  = scalar > 0, tolerance level for inner-loop root
                  finder in each iteration of TPI
     TP_graphs  = boolean, =True if want graphs of TPI objects
     TP_EulDif  = boolean, =True if want difference version of Euler
                  errors beta*(1+r)*u'(c2) - u'(c1), =False if want
                  ratio version [beta*(1+r)*u'(c2)]/[u'(c1)] - 1
     xi_TP      = scalar in (0,1], TPI path updating parameter
     maxiter_TP = integer >= 1, Maximum number of iterations for TPI
     self.TP_solve = True
     self.TP_OutTol = 1e-7
     self.TP_EulTol = 1e-10
     self.TP_graphs = True
     self.TP_EulDif = True
     self.xi_TP = 0.2
     self.maxiter_TP = 1000
Пример #5
    def get_chi_n_vec(self, params):
        This function calibrates chi_n_vec(s) in line with eq. (7.8) based
        on actual data for hours worked, consumption by age and wage for Italy.

        WDATA  = scalar, data on annual gross wage in thousands of euros
        params = length 7 tuple, (sigma, l_tilde, ellip_graph, b_ellip_init,
                 upsilon_init, Frisch_elast, CFE_scale)


        cdata        = (S,) vector, average annual consumption expenditure by
                       individual in thousands EUR, smoothed using polynomial function
        ndata        = (S,) vector, elementwise average (i.e. out of 4 years'
                       values) of 80 elements of n_year
        ellip_init   = (2,) vector, initial guesses for b and upsilon
        cfe_params   = (2,) vector, parameters for CFE disutility of labor
                       parameters: Frisch elasticity and scale parameter
        b_ellip      = scalar > 0, scale parameter in elliptical disutility
                       of labor function
        upsilon      = scalar > 1, shape parameter in elliptical disutility
                       of labor function
        chi_n_vec    = (S,) vector, values for chi^n_s


        RETURNS: chi_n_vec
        cdata = self.get_cdata()
        ndata = self.get_ndata()
        S = 10
        if S == 10:
            cdata = np.array([3.98753917, 10.43735981, 14.30110456, 15.73431751,
                              15.14497752, 13.19349825, 10.79272809, 9.1079502,
                              8.41754415, 7.36851578])

            ndata = np.array([0.24494488, 0.40675908, 0.41317181, 0.4082234,
                              0.3838976, 0.24507573, 0.10400452, 0.04430578,
                              0.040039, 0.03372474])

        elif S == 80:
            cdata = self.get_cdata()
            ndata = self.get_ndata()

        sigma, l_tilde, ellip_graph, b_ellip_init, upsilon_init, Frisch_elast, CFE_scale = params

        ellip_init = np.array([b_ellip_init, upsilon_init])

        cfe_params = np.array([Frisch_elast, CFE_scale])

        b_ellip, upsilon = elp.fit_ellip_CFE(ellip_init, cfe_params, l_tilde,

        chi_n_vec = (self.WDATA * cdata**(-sigma)) / (
            (b_ellip / l_tilde) * (ndata / l_tilde)**(upsilon - 1) *
            (1 - (ndata / l_tilde)**upsilon)**((1 - upsilon) / upsilon))
        if S == 80:
            vector_name ="chi_n_vec"

            chi_n_vec_graph = np.zeros(self.S+self.missing_ages)
            chi_n_vec_graph[self.missing_ages:] = chi_n_vec

            utils.create_graph_calib(chi_n_vec_graph, vector_name)
        vector_name = 'chi_n_vec_hat'
        utils.create_graph_calib(chi_n_vec, vector_name)

        return chi_n_vec