Пример #1
 def test_set_apikey_insttoken(self):
     """Test case: APIkey and insttoken are set correctly using setters"""
     my_client = ElsClient("dummy")
     my_client.api_key = config['apikey']
     my_client.inst_token = config['insttoken']
     assert my_client.api_key == config['apikey']
     assert my_client.inst_token == config['insttoken']
Пример #2
class TestElsAffil:
    """Test affiliation functionality"""
    ## Test data
    aff_uri = "https://api.elsevier.com/content/affiliation/affiliation_id/60101411"
    aff_id_int = 60101411
    aff_id_str = "60101411"
    ## Test initialization
    def test_init_uri(self):
        """ Test case: uri is set correctly during initialization with uri"""
        myAff = ElsAffil(uri = self.aff_uri)
        assert myAff.uri == self.aff_uri
    def test_init_aff_id_int(self):
        """ Test case: uri is set correctly during initialization with affiliation id as integer"""
        myAff = ElsAffil(affil_id = self.aff_id_int)
        assert myAff.uri == self.aff_uri
    def test_init_aff_id_str(self):
        """ Test case: uri is set correctly during initialization with affiliation id as string"""
        myAff = ElsAffil(affil_id = self.aff_id_str)
        assert myAff.uri == self.aff_uri
    ## Test reading/writing author profile data
    bad_client = ElsClient("dummy")
    good_client = ElsClient(config['apikey'], inst_token = config['insttoken'])
    good_client.local_dir = str(test_path)

    myAff = ElsAffil(uri = aff_uri)
    def test_read_good_bad_client(self):
        """Test case: using a well-configured client leads to successful read
            and using a badly-configured client does not."""
        assert self.myAff.read(self.bad_client) == False
        assert self.myAff.read(self.good_client) == True

    def test_json_to_dict(self):
        """Test case: the JSON read by the author object from the API is parsed
            into a Python dictionary"""
        assert type(self.myAff.data) == dict
    def test_name_getter(self):
        """Test case: the name attribute is returned as a non-empty string"""
        assert (type(self.myAff.name) == str and self.myAff.name != '')
    def test_write(self):
        """Test case: the author object's data is written to a file with the author
            ID in the filename"""
        assert util.file_exist_with_id(self.myAff.data['coredata']['dc:identifier'].split(':')[1])

    def test_read_docs(self):
        assert len(self.myAff.doc_list) == int(self.myAff.data['coredata']['document-count'])
Пример #3
class TestFullDoc:
    """Test ScienceDirect article functionality"""
    ## Test data
    full_pii_uri = "https://api.elsevier.com/content/article/pii/S1674927814000082"
    sd_pii = 'S1674927814000082'
    full_doi_uri = "https://api.elsevier.com/content/article/doi/10.1016/S1525-1578(10)60571-5"
    doi = '10.1016/S1525-1578(10)60571-5'
    ## Test initialization
    def test_init_uri(self):
        """ Test case: uri is set correctly during initialization with uri"""
        myFullDoc = FullDoc(uri = self.full_pii_uri)
        assert myFullDoc.uri == self.full_pii_uri
    def test_init_sd_pii(self):
        """ Test case: uri is set correctly during initialization with ScienceDirect PII"""
        myFullDoc = FullDoc(sd_pii = self.sd_pii)
        assert myFullDoc.uri == self.full_pii_uri
    def test_init_doi(self):
        """ Test case: uri is set correctly during initialization with DOI"""
        myFullDoc = FullDoc(doi = self.doi)
        assert myFullDoc.uri == self.full_doi_uri
    ## Test reading/writing author profile data
    bad_client = ElsClient("dummy")
    good_client = ElsClient(config['apikey'], inst_token = config['insttoken'])
    good_client.local_dir = str(test_path)

    myFullDoc = FullDoc(uri = full_pii_uri)
    def test_read_good_bad_client(self):
        """Test case: using a well-configured client leads to successful read
            and using a badly-configured client does not."""
        assert self.myFullDoc.read(self.bad_client) == False
        assert self.myFullDoc.read(self.good_client) == True

    def test_json_to_dict(self):
        """Test case: the JSON read by the full article object from the 
            API is parsed into a Python dictionary"""
        assert type(self.myFullDoc.data) == dict
    def test_title_getter(self):
        """Test case: the title attribute is returned as a non-empty string"""
        assert (type(self.myFullDoc.title) == str and self.myFullDoc.title != '')
    def test_write(self):
        """Test case: the full article object's data is written to a file with the ID in the filename"""
        ## TODO: replace following (strung-together replace) with regex
        assert util.file_exist_with_id(
Пример #4
class TestAbsDoc:
    """Test Scopus document functionality"""
    ## Test data
    abs_uri = "https://api.elsevier.com/content/abstract/scopus_id/84872135457"
    scp_id_int = 84872135457
    scp_id_str = "84872135457"
    ## Test initialization
    def test_init_uri(self):
        """ Test case: uri is set correctly during initialization with uri"""
        myAbsDoc = AbsDoc(uri = self.abs_uri)
        assert myAbsDoc.uri == self.abs_uri
    def test_init_scp_id_int(self):
        """ Test case: uri is set correctly during initialization with Scopus id as integer"""
        myAbsDoc = AbsDoc(scp_id = self.scp_id_int)
        assert myAbsDoc.uri == self.abs_uri
    def test_init_scp_id_str(self):
        """ Test case: uri is set correctly during initialization with Scopus id as string"""
        myAbsDoc = AbsDoc(scp_id = self.scp_id_str)
        assert myAbsDoc.uri == self.abs_uri
    ## Test reading/writing author profile data
    bad_client = ElsClient("dummy")
    good_client = ElsClient(config['apikey'], inst_token = config['insttoken'])
    good_client.local_dir = str(test_path)

    myAbsDoc = AbsDoc(uri = abs_uri)
    def test_read_good_bad_client(self):
        """Test case: using a well-configured client leads to successful read
            and using a badly-configured client does not."""
        assert self.myAbsDoc.read(self.bad_client) == False
        assert self.myAbsDoc.read(self.good_client) == True

    def test_json_to_dict(self):
        """Test case: the JSON read by the abstract document object from the 
            API is parsed into a Python dictionary"""
        assert type(self.myAbsDoc.data) == dict
    def test_title_getter(self):
        """Test case: the title attribute is returned as a non-empty string"""
        assert (type(self.myAbsDoc.title) == str and self.myAbsDoc.title != '')
    def test_write(self):
        """Test case: the abstract document object's data is written to a file with the Scopus
            ID in the filename"""
        assert util.file_exist_with_id(self.myAbsDoc.data['coredata']['dc:identifier'].split(':')[1])
Пример #5
def main():
    # Load author ID list
    with open('authors.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
        data = json.load(fp)
        author_list = data['ids']

    ## Load configuration
    with open("config.json") as con_file:
        config = json.load(con_file)

    ## Initialize client
    client = ElsClient(config['apikey'])
    client.inst_token = config['insttoken']

    get_metrics(client, author_list)
Пример #6
 def test_init_apikey_insttoken_path(self):
     """Test case: APIkey, insttoken and local path are set correctly during initialization"""
     loc_dir = '\\TEMP'
     my_client = ElsClient(config['apikey'], inst_token = config['insttoken'], local_dir = loc_dir)
     assert my_client.api_key == config['apikey']
     assert my_client.inst_token == config['insttoken']
     assert str(my_client.local_dir) == loc_dir
Пример #7
    def search(self):
        # initialize the keys
        keygen = self.key_generator()
        init_key = next(keygen)

        # Initialize the elsapy client
        client = ElsClient(init_key, view=self.view)
        count = 0

        folder = Path('result') / f'{self.subject}_{time.strftime("%Y%m%d")}'
        if not folder.exists():

        for query in self.queries:

                name = next(self.names)
                name = '_'.join(name)
                # this could happen if your file name contains unexpected characters
                error_log.info(f'Name error at {query}.')

                srch =ElsSearch(query, index=self.subject, keygen=keygen)
                srch.execute(client, get_all=True)
                count += 1
                print(f'Progress: {count}/{self.length}, {query}')
                if srch.status_code == 400:
                    error_log.info(f'Bad query: {name}')
                    search_log.info(f'Results found: {name}, # of results: {len(srch.results)}')
                    self.write_json(srch.results, name, folder)
            except Exception as e:
                error_log.info(f'Search error: {name}, {str(e)}')
def get_pubs_org_from_api(org_id: str, api_key=None) -> Optional[json.dumps]:
    """ Loads and returns data on publications of organization from Scopus via API.
    client = ElsClient(api_key)
    search = ElsSearch(f"(AF-ID({org_id}))", 'scopus')  # AND PUBYEAR > 2019
    # todo переписать в асинхронном режиме
                   get_all=True)  # загружаем данные по публикациям организации
    if client.req_status['status_code'] != 200:
        return None
    pubs = search.results

    logging.info(f'{len(pubs)} publications received')

    # составляем список тасков для загрузки данных по авторам
    tasks = defaultdict(list)
    for i, res in enumerate(pubs):
        for authors_link in res['link']:
            if authors_link['@ref'] == 'author-affiliation':
                tasks[i] = authors_link['@href']

    header = get_header(api_key)
    result = async_fetch_urls(tasks.values(), header)
    for i, j in zip(tasks.keys(), result):
        pubs[i]['authors'] = j

    return pubs
 def initClient(self):
     ## Initialize client
         self.client = ElsClient(self.config['apikey'])
         self.client.inst_token = self.config['insttoken']
Пример #10
 def auth(self):
     con_file = open(self.config_path)
     config = json.load(con_file)
     self.client = ElsClient(config['apikey'])
     self.client.inst_token = config['insttoken']
Пример #11
def search_my_query(my_query):
    Function to search a query in scopus
    :param my_query: string of query desired to be searched in scopus
    :return: resultant dataframe with query from scopus
    if type(my_query) == str:
        ## Load configuration
        con_file = open("config.json")
        config = json.load(con_file)

        ## Initialize client
        client = ElsClient(config['APIKey'])

        ## Initialize doc search object using Scopus and execute search, retrieving all results
        print('......Searching Scopus......')
        print('......for..... ' + query + ' ....')
        doc_srch = ElsSearch(query, 'scopus')
        doc_srch.execute(client, get_all=True)
        print("doc_srch has", len(doc_srch.results), "results.")

        return doc_srch.results_df
        print('the query must be a string. no searches run...')
Пример #12
    def __init__(self, con_path):
        from elsapy.elsclient import ElsClient
        from elsapy.elssearch import ElsSearch
        with open(con_path) as con_file:
            self.config = json.load(con_file)

        self.client = ElsClient(self.config['apikey'])
    def __init__(self):
        ## Load configuration
        con_file = open("config.json")
        config = json.load(con_file)

        ## Initialize client
        self.client = ElsClient(config['apikey'])
        self.client.inst_token = config['insttoken']
def initialiseScopus():
    ## Load configuration
    con_file = open("config.json")
    config = json.load(con_file)

    ## Initialize client
    client = ElsClient(config['apikey'])
    return client
Пример #15
    def __init__(self, path):
        self.path = path
        con_file = open("config.json")
        config = json.load(con_file)

        ## Initialize client
        self.client = ElsClient(config['apikey'])
        self.client.inst_token = config['insttoken']
Пример #16
def getInfoAboutTeacher(person):
    # Load configuration
    con_file = open(SCOPUS_CREDENTIAL_FILE)
    config = json.load(con_file)

    # Initialize client
    client = ElsClient(config['apikey'])
    client.inst_token = config['insttoken']

    # Initialize author with uri
    my_auth = ElsAuthor(
        uri='https://api.elsevier.com/content/author/author_id/' +
    # Read author data, then write to disk
    if my_auth.read(client):
        return my_auth.data['coredata']
        print("Read author failed.")
    def __init__(self):
        ## Load configuration
        con_file = open("config.json")
        config = json.load(con_file)

        ## Initialize client
        self.client = ElsClient(config['apikey'])
        self.client.inst_token = config['insttoken']
        self.psa = ParseSpecialAuthors()
        self.countries_by_num_authors = [set() for _ in range(max_num_authors)]
    def search(self, query_name):
        """Do a search.

            query_name (str): the name of the file in the ./queries/ directory
                that contains the query. Defaults to "query.txt".

            FileNotFoundError if the file query file can not be found.

            list: The results.
        query = self._load_query(query_name)
        client = ElsClient(self.api_key)
        search = ElsSearch(query, "scopus")
        return search.results
Пример #19
class TestSearch:
    """Test search functionality"""

    ## Test data
    base_url = u'https://api.elsevier.com/content/search/'
    search_types = [
     {"query" : "authlast(keuskamp)", "index" : "author"},
     {"query" : "affil(amsterdam)", "index" : "affiliation"},
     {"query" : "AFFIL(dartmouth) AND AUTHOR-NAME(lewis) AND PUBYEAR > 2011",
              "index" : "scopus"},
     {"query" : "star trek vs star wars", "index" : "sciencedirect"}
    searches = [ ElsSearch(search_type["query"], search_type["index"])
        for search_type in search_types]
    good_client = ElsClient(config['apikey'], inst_token = config['insttoken'])

    ## Test initialization
    def test_init_uri(self):
        """Test case: query, index and uri are set correctly during
        match_all = True
        for i in range(len(self.search_types)):
            if (self.searches[i].query != self.search_types[i]['query'] or 
                self.searches[i].index != self.search_types[i]['index'] or
                self.searches[i].uri != (self.base_url + 
                             self.search_types[i]['index'] + 
                             '?query=' + 
                match_all = False
        assert match_all == True
    def test_execution(self):
        '''Test case: all searches are executed without raising an exception.'''
        for search in self.searches:
        assert True
Пример #20
def find_articles(year=None,
    Returns a list of the DOI's for all articles published in the specified year and journal.

        year (str): year of publication
        issn (str): ISSN (or EISSN) of journal
        get_all (bool): Whether all results should be returned or just the 1st result. Default is True.
        id_type: (str) Return document eids or dois. Default is doi.

        ids (str): The eids/dois for all articles published in corresponding journal in the specified year


    query = build_scopus_query(year=year, issn=issn)
    if apikey:
        CLIENT = ElsClient(apikey, num_res=10000)
    search = ElsSearch(
    search.execute(els_client=CLIENT, get_all=get_all)
    if id_type == "doi":
        key = 'prism:doi'
        key = id_type
    ids = []
    for r in search.results:
    return ids
Пример #21
    def get_doc(self, dtype, identity):
        This method retrieves a 'Doc' object from the Elsevier API. The doc object contains metadata and full-text information
        about a publication associated with a given PII.

        dtype(str,required): The type of identification string being used to access the document. (Almost always PII in our case.)

        identity: The actual identification string/ PII that will be used to query.
        if dtype == 'pii':
            doc = FullDoc(sd_pii = identity)
        elif dtype == 'doi':
            doc= FullDoc(doi = identity)

        if doc.read(ElsClient(self.API_list[0])):
                #print ("doc.title: ", doc.title)
            print ("Read document failed.")

        return doc
Пример #22
class TestElsAuthor:
    """Test author object functionality"""
    ## Test data
    auth_uri = "https://api.elsevier.com/content/author/author_id/55070335500"
    auth_id_int = 55070335500
    auth_id_str = "55070335500"

    ## Test initialization
    def test_init_uri(self):
        """ Test case: uri is set correctly during initialization with uri"""
        myAuth = ElsAuthor(uri = self.auth_uri)
        assert myAuth.uri == self.auth_uri
    def test_init_auth_id_int(self):
        """ Test case: uri is set correctly during initialization with author id as integer"""
        myAuth = ElsAuthor(author_id = self.auth_id_int)
        assert myAuth.uri == self.auth_uri
    def test_init_auth_id_str(self):
        """ Test case: uri is set correctly during initialization with author id as string"""
        myAuth = ElsAuthor(author_id = self.auth_id_str)
        assert myAuth.uri == self.auth_uri
    ## Test reading/writing author profile data
    bad_client = ElsClient("dummy")
    good_client = ElsClient(config['apikey'], inst_token = config['insttoken'])
    good_client.local_dir = str(test_path)

    myAuth = ElsAuthor(uri = auth_uri)
    def test_read_good_bad_client(self):
        """Test case: using a well-configured client leads to successful read
            and using a badly-configured client does not."""
        assert self.myAuth.read(self.bad_client) == False
        assert self.myAuth.read(self.good_client) == True

    def test_json_to_dict(self):
        """Test case: the JSON read by the author object from the API is parsed
            into a Python dictionary"""
        assert type(self.myAuth.data) == dict
    def test_name_getter(self):
        """Test case: the full name attribute is returned as a non-empty string"""
        assert (type(self.myAuth.full_name) == str and self.myAuth.full_name != '')
    def test_write(self):
        """Test case: the author object's data is written to a file with the author
            ID in the filename"""
        assert util.file_exist_with_id(self.myAuth.data['coredata']['dc:identifier'].split(':')[1])

    def test_read_docs(self):
        assert len(self.myAuth.doc_list) > 0
        ## TODO: once author metrics inconsistency is resolved, change to: 
        # assert len(self.myAuth.doc_list) == int(self.myAuth.data['coredata']['document-count'])
    def test_read_metrics_new_author(self):
        myAuth = ElsAuthor(uri = self.auth_uri)
        assert (
            myAuth.data['coredata']['citation-count'] and  
            myAuth.data['coredata']['cited-by-count'] and 
            myAuth.data['coredata']['document-count'] and 
    def test_read_metrics_existing_author(self):
        assert (
            self.myAuth.data['coredata']['citation-count'] and  
            self.myAuth.data['coredata']['cited-by-count'] and 
            self.myAuth.data['coredata']['document-count'] and 
Пример #23
import pandas as pd
from elsapy.elsclient import ElsClient
from elsapy.elssearch import ElsSearch
import json
fefu_id = '60103811'
con_file = open("config.json")
config = json.load(con_file)
# view = 'COMPLETE' -- to access more fields
client = ElsClient(config['apikey'], num_res = 25)

search = ElsSearch('AF-ID( ' + fefu_id + ' )', 'scopus')
sr = search.results

result = []
res = {}

authorname = ''
authid = ''

special_fields = ['authname', 'authid', 'prism:coverDisplayDate',
                  'prism:pageRange', 'openaccessFlag', 'link', 'prism:coverDate']
fields = {
        'authname'                  : 'Authors',
        'authid'                    : 'Author(s) ID',
        'dc:title'                  : 'Title', 
        'prism:coverDate'           : 'Year', 
        'prism:publicationName'     : 'Source title',
        'prism:volume'              : 'Volume',
        'prism:doi'                 : 'DOI',
Пример #24
from elsapy.elsprofile import ElsAuthor, ElsAffil
from elsapy.elsdoc import FullDoc, AbsDoc
from elsapy.elssearch import ElsSearch
import json
import pprint

from rdflib import Graph, RDF, Namespace, Literal, URIRef
from rdflib import URIRef, BNode, Literal

# Load configuration
con_file = open("config.json")
config = json.load(con_file)

## Initialize client
client = ElsClient(config['apikey'])
# client.inst_token = config['insttoken']

## Author example
# Initialize author with uri
URI = "https://krr.cs.vu.nl/"

data = {"data": "24.3"}
data_json = json.dumps(data)

headers = {'Accept': 'application/json'}

my_auth = ElsAuthor(

#data from Elsevier
"""An example program that uses the elsapy module"""

from elsapy.elsclient import ElsClient
from elsapy.elsprofile import ElsAuthor, ElsAffil
from elsapy.elsdoc import FullDoc, AbsDoc
from elsapy.elssearch import ElsSearch
import json

## Load configuration
con_file = open("config.json")
config = json.load(con_file)

## Initialize client
client = ElsClient(config['apikey'])
# client.inst_token = config['insttoken']

## Author example
# Initialize author with uri

data = {"data" : "24.3"}
data_json = json.dumps(data)

headers = {'Accept': 'application/json'}

my_auth = ElsAuthor(
        uri = 'https://api.elsevier.com/content/author/author_id/7004322609')

resp = client.exec_request('https://api.elsevier.com/content/author/author_id/7004322609?apiKey=2af6a3b4ba3f250031381ec4c63c1c5e')
Пример #26
 def test_init_apikey_insttoken(self):
     """Test case: APIkey and insttoken are set correctly during initialization"""
     my_client = ElsClient(config['apikey'], inst_token = config['insttoken'])
     assert my_client.api_key == config['apikey']
     assert my_client.inst_token == config['insttoken']
Пример #27
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#import elsapy

from elsapy.elsclient import ElsClient
from elsapy.elsprofile import ElsAuthor
from elsapy.elssearch import ElsSearch
import pandas as pd

names_csv = 'sustainability-persons_no_sir_sub.csv'
df = pd.read_csv(names_csv, error_bad_lines=False)

API_KEY = 'd54807cb12735c3d461f169c0ae75a2e'

## Initialize client
client = ElsClient(API_KEY)

query = 'AUTHFIRST(%s) AND AUTHLASTNAME(%s)'  # AND AF-ID(60003892)'

#name_list = df["Name"][86].split()
#first,last = name_list[0],name_list[len(name_list)-1]
name = df["Name"].iloc[26]

profile_urls = []
for name in df["Name"]:
    name_list = name.split()
    first, last = name_list[0], name_list[len(name_list) - 1]
    auth_srch = ElsSearch(query % (first, last), 'author')
    #print ("auth_srch has", len(auth_srch.results), "results.")
Пример #28
from elsapy.elsclient import ElsClient
from elsapy.elsprofile import ElsAuthor, ElsAffil
from elsapy.elsdoc import FullDoc, AbsDoc
from elsapy.elssearch import ElsSearch
import json
import requests
import pandas as pd

## Load configuration
con_file = open("config.json")
config = json.load(con_file)

## Initialize client
client = ElsClient(config['apikey'])
client.inst_token = config['insttoken']

## Initialize author search object and execute search
auth_srch = ElsSearch('authlast(torney)+AUTHFIRST(colin)', 'author')
print("auth_srch has", len(auth_srch.results), "results.")

auth_srch = ElsSearch('co-author(24588214300)', 'author')
aid = auth_srch.results[0]['dc:identifier']
aid = aid[-11:]

getit = 'http://api.elsevier.com/content/search/author?query=AUTHLASTNAME%28Torney%29&apiKey=' + config[
with open('config.json') as config_file:
    config = json.load(config_file)

GET_ALL = config[
    'get_all']  # False gets one chunk (25) True gets all or max (5000)
FULL_TEXT = config['full_text']  # Save fulltext
OPEN_ACCESS = config[
    'open_access']  # Search only openaccess documents (so we can get the full text)

# "public policy AND (impact OR result OR evaluation OR evidence) AND (climate OR environment)"
query = config['query']

    query = "openaccess(1) AND " + query

client = ElsClient(config['api_key'])

doc_srch = ElsSearch(query, 'sciencedirect')
doc_srch.execute(client, get_all=GET_ALL)

for doc in doc_srch.results:
    doi = doc['dc:identifier']
    if FULL_TEXT:
        ## ScienceDirect (full-text) document example using DOI
        doi_doc = FullDoc(doi=doi)
        if doi_doc.read(client):
            print("Read full-text failed for DOI", doi)
Пример #30
def main():
    # Load author names list
    with open('authors.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
        data = json.load(fp)
        search_list = data['names']

    # Load configuration
    con_file = open("config.json")
    config = json.load(con_file)

    # Initialize client
    client = ElsClient(config['apikey'])
    client.inst_token = config['insttoken']

    # Run search for each author names in list and get IDs
    auth_id_list = []
    for author in search_list:
        search_query = ""
        if len(author[0]) > 0:
            search_query += f"authfirst({author[0]}) "
        if len(author[1]) > 0:
            search_query += f"authlast({author[1]})"

        auth_srch = ElsSearch(search_query, 'author')
            f'\n{author[0]} {author[1]}: {len(auth_srch.results)} results found!\n'

        # If there are more than one author that matches the search, display search results
        if len(auth_srch.results) > 1:
            for i, search_result in enumerate(auth_srch.results):
                first_name = search_result['preferred-name']['given-name']
                surname = search_result['preferred-name']['surname']
                    affiliation = search_result['affiliation-current'][
                    affiliation_country = search_result['affiliation-current'][
                except KeyError:
                    affiliation = ''
                    affiliation_country = ''
                    f"[{i+1}] {first_name} {surname}, {affiliation} ({affiliation_country})"

            # Choose desired author
            desired_author_index = int(input('\nChoose correct author: ')) - 1

            desired_author_index = 0

        # Get author ID
        desired_author = auth_srch.results[desired_author_index]
        link = desired_author['link'][0]['@href']
        auth_id = desired_author['dc:identifier'].split(':')[1]

    # Save author ID to JSON
    with open('authors.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
        data = {'ids': auth_id_list, 'names': search_list}
        json.dump(data, fp, indent=4, sort_keys=True)

    print('Grabbing author metrics...')

    get_author_by_id.get_metrics(client, auth_id_list)