def _validateDimensionsValidJson(self, identifier, informational, dimensions): try: identifier_dimensions = json.loads( identifier) if type(identifier) is str else identifier informational_dimensions = json.loads( informational) if type(informational) is str else informational dimensions = json.loads( dimensions) if type(dimensions) is str else dimensions except Exception: raise ArgValidationException( 'Invalid JSON supplied to REST handler!') # Make sure the correct arg types are provided for the endpoint if type(dimensions) is not dict: raise ArgValidationException( 'Dimensions provided should be JSON object!') if type(informational_dimensions) is not list: raise ArgValidationException( 'Informational dimensions provided should be list!') if type(identifier_dimensions) is not list: raise ArgValidationException( 'Identifier dimensions provided should be list!') # If all the checks pass without exception, return the dimensions as # valid objects return (dimensions, informational_dimensions, identifier_dimensions)
def handleBulkDelete(self, handler, confInfo): """ :param handler instance of the en_entity_interface: :param confInfo confInfo for the current request: :return: Delete the entities based on a query and calls list as response. Query param is required for bulk delete. """ self._setup_kv_store(handler) self._setup_savedsearch_manager(handler) kvstore_delete_query = EMCommon.get_query_from_request_args('delete_query', [''])[0]) if not kvstore_delete_query: raise ArgValidationException('Delete query can not be empty') delete_query = {'query': kvstore_delete_query} entities_deleted_list = self._handleListAll(confInfo, fields='_key', query_params=delete_query) savedsearch_delete_query = EMCommon.get_list_of_admin_managedby( entities_deleted_list, em_constants.APP_NAME)'User triggered action "bulk_delete" on entities') self.entity_store.bulk_delete(query=delete_query) self.savedsearch_manager.bulk_delete( savedsearch_query=savedsearch_delete_query)'delete_query') self.handleList(handler, confInfo)
def filter_groups_by(self, criteria, earliest='-24h', latest='now', count=0): spl_template = self.get_search_template().get('filter_groups_by') def by_entity_ids(entity_ids): entity_predicate = ' OR '.join( map(lambda e: '_key="%s"' % e, entity_ids)) return execute_spl(entity_predicate) def by_entity_names(entity_names): entity_predicate = ' OR '.join( map(lambda e: 'title="%s"' % e, entity_names)) return execute_spl(entity_predicate) def execute_spl(entity_predicate): spl = spl_template % (EMConstants.STORE_ENTITIES, entity_predicate, self.CUSTOM_SEARCH_CMD, EMConstants.ACTIVE, EMConstants.INACTIVE, EMConstants.DISABLED) results = self.search_one_shot(spl, earliest, latest, count) return EMSearchManager.parse_group_entites_count_results(results) if criteria == EMSearchManager.BY_ENTITY_IDS: return by_entity_ids elif criteria == EMSearchManager.BY_ENTITY_NAMES: return by_entity_names else: raise ArgValidationException( 'Filter criteria specified is not allowed!')
def _batch_save_to_mbus(self, data, url): """ Perform multiple save operations in a batch """ if not data: raise ArgValidationException( _('Batch saving failed: Batch is empty.')) batches = (data[x:x + DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE] for x in range(0, len(data), DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE)) for batch in batches: try: payload = { "publisher": "Splunk App for Infrastructure", "entities": batch } response, content = url, method='POST', sessionKey=session['authtoken'], jsonargs=json.dumps(payload)) if response.status != 200: logger.error( "Failed to publish entities to message bus -- status:%s content:%s" % (response.status, content)) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) raise e
def handleBulkDelete(self, handler, confInfo): """ :param handler instance of the em_group_interface: :param confInfo confInfo for the current request: :return: Delete the groups based on a query and calls list as response. Query param is required for bulk delete. """ self._setupKVStore(handler) self._setupSavedSearchManager(handler) groups_deleted_list = json.loads('delete_query', ['{}'])[0]) if not groups_deleted_list: # If no query is provided, delete all groups, and therefore all saved # searches associated with all groups groups_deleted_list = self._handleListAll(fields='_key') savedsearch_delete_query = EMCommon.get_list_of_admin_managedby( groups_deleted_list, EMConstants.APP_NAME) kvstore_delete_query = EMCommon.get_query_from_request_args('delete_query', [''])[0]) if not kvstore_delete_query: raise ArgValidationException('Delete query can not be empty')'User triggered action "bulk_delete" on groups') delete_query = {"query": kvstore_delete_query} self.groups_store.bulk_delete(query=delete_query) self.savedsearch_manager.bulk_delete( savedsearch_query=savedsearch_delete_query)'delete_query') self.handleList(handler, confInfo)
def build_mongodb_query(filters, options=None): """ Ex1: for a input {"title": ["a*"]} this function would return {"title": {"$regex": "a*", , "$options": "i"}} Ex2: for a input {"title": ["a*", "b"]} returns: {"$or": [{"title": {"$regex": "a*", "$options": "i"}}, {"title": {"$regex": "b", , "$options": "i"}} ]} Ex3: for a input {"title": ["a*", "b"], "os": ["windows"]} returns: {"$and": [ {"$or": [{"title": {"$regex": "a*", "$options": "i"}}, {"$regex": "b", , "$options": "i"}} ]}, {"os": {"$regex": "windows", , "$options": "i"}}} ]} NOTE: This code needs to be updated when is implemented. :param filters dictionary, filters object passed by the UI :param options dictionary of supported options :return mongoDB format query dictionary: """ # if filters is empty object return as no query constructions required if not bool(filters): return filters if not options: options = _get_default_options() elif isinstance(options, str): options = json.loads(options) elif not isinstance(options, dict): raise ArgValidationException( _('When provided, options must be string or dict')) mongo_options = _construct_mongo_options(options) # if filter is not a dict or options if passed in is not a dict a error will be thrown if not isinstance(filters, dict): raise ArgValidationException(_('Filter must be a dict')) sub_queries = [ _construct_query_for(key, value, mongo_options) for key, value in filters.items() ] # if number of sub-queries is 1 return else wrap it around a "$and" return sub_queries[0] if len(sub_queries) == 1 else {"$and": sub_queries}
def _load_valid_metric_names_query_param(self, query_param): """ Query params are expected to be a dictionary with dimension name as key, list of dimension values as value """ message = ( 'Cannot parse query parameter: %s. ' % query_param + 'Expected format is {<dimension name>: [ <dimension values, wildcards>]}' ) # Check if it's a valid json string try: query_param = json.loads(query_param) except: raise ArgValidationException(message) if isinstance(query_param, dict): # Check if key is string and value is list is_query_param_valid = all( isinstance(key, basestring) and isinstance(value, list) for key, value in query_param.items()) if is_query_param_valid is False: raise ArgValidationException(message) else: raise ArgValidationException(message) return query_param
def convert_query_params_to_mongoDB_query(query=None, options=None): """ Converts query params to mongoDB format :param query: dict or string, the query containing filter to be converted to mongo format :param options: dict or string, options for mongo search (example: is search case sensitive or not) :return: dict or nothing """ if not query: return {} if isinstance(query, str): query = json.loads(query) try: return build_mongodb_query(query, options=options) # Throws ArgalidationException when we provide invalid dict for mongodb query, a cleaner # exception message than default ValueError returned except ValueError: raise ArgValidationException( _('Invalid dict supplied as part of query!'))
def handleMetricData(self, handler, confInfo): """ Return metric metadata by entity name """ count = handler.callerArgs.get('count', 0) query_params ='query', '') if not query_params: raise ArgValidationException('Missing required key: query') query_params = self._load_valid_metric_metadata_query(query_params[0]) self._setup_kv_store(handler) dimensions = query_params.get('dimensions', {}) execute_search = normalizeBoolean( query_params.get('executeSearch', True)) reformated_dimensions = dimensions if dimensions: reformated_dimensions = { 'dimensions.{}'.format(key): value for key, value in dimensions.iteritems() } kvstore_query = EMCommon.get_query_from_request_args( json.dumps(reformated_dimensions)) filtered_entities = self._handleListAll( confInfo, fields='_key,dimensions,', query_params={'query': kvstore_query}) collectors = self._handleListAllConfigs(confInfo, fields='name,title_dimension') collector_config = { collector.get('name'): collector.get('title_dimension') for collector in collectors } search_manager = EMSearchManager(EMCommon.get_server_uri(), handler.getSessionKey(), em_constants.APP_NAME) search_res = search_manager.get_avg_metric_val_by_entity( execute_search=execute_search, metric_name=query_params['metric_name'], entities=filtered_entities, collector_config=collector_config, count=count) confInfo['metric_data']['metric_data'] = \ json.dumps({ ret.get('key'): ret.get('value') for ret in search_res }) if isinstance(search_res, list) else search_res
def _construct_query_for(key, value, options): """ If values is a list it would return {"$or": [{"key":"a"}, {"key": "b"}]} else it would return {"key": "value"} :return: """ if not (isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, basestring)): raise ArgValidationException(_('Value needs to be a string or list')) item = {} if isinstance(value, list): item['$or'] = [{ key: get_regex_search_string(v, options) } for v in value] else: item[key] = get_regex_search_string(value, options) return item
def get_list_of_admin_managedby(query, app_name): """ Converts UI query to a list of entities that are preceded by 'alert.managedBy:' :param query query string from UI :return """ if not query: return [] else: try: type_ids = [] if type(query) is dict: type_ids = query.get('_key', []) # Getting a delete all call here, so take all entities else: type_ids = [entity_type.get('_key') for entity_type in query] return [ 'alert.managedBy="%s:%s"' % (app_name, type_id) for type_id in type_ids ] except ValueError: raise ArgValidationException( _('Invalid JSON supplied as part of query!'))
def _load_valid_metric_metadata_query(self, query_param): # {metric_name:cpu.idle, dimensions:{os:["ubuntu"]}} message = ( 'Cannot parse query parameter: %s. ' % query_param + 'Expected format is {metric_name: [metric_name], ' + 'dimensions: {<dimension name>: [ <dimension values, wildcards>]}}' ) # Check if it's a valid json string try: query_param = json.loads(query_param) except: raise ArgValidationException(message) if isinstance(query_param, dict): # Check if both metric_name and dimensions exist if 'metric_name' not in query_param: raise ArgValidationException( 'Missing required key: metric_name') metric_name = query_param['metric_name'] dimensions = query_param.get('dimensions') # Check type for required key - metric_name if not isinstance(metric_name, basestring): raise ArgValidationException( 'Expected metric name to be a string.') if dimensions: # Check type for optional key - dimensions if not isinstance(dimensions, dict): raise ArgValidationException( 'Expected dimensions to be a dict.') # Check if each key in dimensions is a string and each value is a list is_query_param_valid = all( isinstance(key, basestring) and isinstance(value, list) for key, value in dimensions.iteritems()) if is_query_param_valid is False: raise ArgValidationException( 'Expected each key in dimensions to be a string, each value to be a list' ) else: raise ArgValidationException('Expected query param to be a dict') return query_param
def _validateDimensionsExist(self, dimensionsObj, dimensionList): for dimension in dimensionList: if dimension not in dimensionsObj: message = 'Dimension "%s" provided does not exist in dimensions object!' % dimension raise ArgValidationException(message)
def _validateEntityState(self, entity_state): if entity_state not in self.VALID_ENTITY_STATES: raise ArgValidationException('Invalid entity state: must be %s' % self.VALID_ENTITY_STATES)