Пример #1
    def savemessage(self, uid, content, flags, rtime):

        self.ui.savemessage('gridfs', uid, flags, self)

        if uid < 0:
            # as per maildir implementation, we cannot create new uids
            return uid

        if uid in self.messagelist:
            # already have message, just update flags
            self.savemessageflags(uid, flags)
            return uid

        #: @type: email.Message
        msg = Parser().parsestr(content, headersonly=True)
        fromAddress = self.addressToList(msg['From'])[0]

        if (msg.has_key('To') and msg['To'] is not None):
            toAddress = self.addressToList(msg['To'])
            toAddress = None

        if msg.has_key('CC'):
            ccAddress = self.addressToList(msg['CC'])
            ccAddress = None

        sent = None
        sent_date = msg['Date'] if msg.has_key('Date') else None
        messageid = msg['Message-Id'] if msg.has_key('Message-Id') else None
        if sent_date is not None:
                sent = dateutil.parser.parse(sent_date, fuzzy=True)
            except Exception:
                self.ui.warn("Processing message %s [acc: %s]:\n Date not valid, value: %s" %\
                                              (uid, self.accountname, sent_date))

        obj = {
            'uid': uid,
            'type': 'M',
            'flags': [flag for flag in flags],
            GridFSFolder.MODIFY_DATE_KEY: datetime.utcnow(),
            'filename': self.format_file_name(uid),
            'path': self.name,
            'accountname': self.accountname,
            'remotePath' : self.name,           # used to determine if message has been moved folders

            # mail specific metadata
            'mailHeaders' : {
                'subject': msg['Subject'],
                'from': fromAddress,
                'date': sent,
                'to': toAddress,
                'cc': ccAddress,

        id = self._gfs.put(content, **obj)
        self.messagelist[uid] = { 'flags': flags, '_id' : id }

        self.ui.debug('gridfs', 'savemessage: returning uid %d' % uid)

        return uid
Пример #2

Sorts the mail!

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Gets a list of all e-mail to be processed.
    email_files = os.listdir(ORIGIN_MAILDIR)
    counter = 0
    for file_name in email_files:
        # Opens and parses the file.
        full_path_to_file = os.path.join(ORIGIN_MAILDIR, file_name)
        with open(full_path_to_file) as fp:
            message = Parser().parse(fp, headersonly=True)
            # Checks for the header containing GMail labels and parses the header.
        if message.has_key("X-GMAIL-LABELS"):
            labels = message["X-GMAIL-LABELS"]
            label_list = shlex.split(labels)
            ## print label_list
            # Removes labels that are to be ignored.
            for label in IGNORED_LABELS:
                if label in label_list:
                    # If there's only one label, sorts the e-mail into the folder corresponding to that label.
            if len(label_list) == 1:
                os.rename(full_path_to_file, os.path.join(maildir_path(label_list[0]), file_name))
                ## print 'Moving file %s to directory %s' % (full_path_to_file, os.path.join(maildir_path(label_list[0]), file_name))
                # If there are multiple labels, checks the precedence order in settings and sorts the e-mail into the appropriate folder.
                for label in LABEL_ORDER:
                    if label in label_list:
Пример #3
import os, glob
from email.parser import Parser
from gmailsort_settings import CHAT_DEST_MAILDIR, CHAT_ORIGIN_MAILDIR

if __name__ == '__main__':
	for directory in ['cur', 'tmp', 'new']:
		path_to_directory = os.path.join(CHAT_DEST_MAILDIR, directory)
		if not os.path.exists(path_to_directory):
			print 'Making directory %s' % path_to_directory
	for path in glob.glob(CHAT_ORIGIN_MAILDIR):
		if path != os.path.join(CHAT_DEST_MAILDIR, 'cur'):
			email_files = os.listdir(path)
			for file_name in email_files:
				full_path_to_file = os.path.join(path, file_name)
				with open(full_path_to_file) as fp:
					message = Parser().parse(fp, headersonly=True)
				if message.has_key('Message-ID') and message['Message-ID'].endswith('*****@*****.**>'):
						os.rename(full_path_to_file, os.path.join(CHAT_DEST_MAILDIR, 'cur/%s' % file_name))
						print 'Moving e-mail "%s" to Chats!' % message['Subject']
						print 'Did not move e-mail "%s"' % message['Subject']