for c in range(0, NUM_CLIENTS):
            client_startTimes = random.sample(range(0, int(EMULATION_DURATION / 2)), NUM_CLIENTS)
            print("client_start-times: " + str(client_startTimes))

            # general emulation settings
            emu = Emulation("./", list(range(0,12 + NUM_CLIENTS)))
            emu.setName(os.path.basename(wifi_block) + "_" + app_type + "_" + str(run))
            emu.setOutputDirectory('./results/onlyNdnDemoApps_experiment/' + emu.getName())
            emu.setDuration(EMULATION_DURATION) # seconds

            # ensure NFD-logfiles are cleaned up and wldrdaemons are shutdown
            for node in emu.getNodes():
                node.scheduleUserCmd(constants.SETUP_TIME, "sudo rm /var/run/shm/nfd_packet_log/nfd_packet_log.csv")
                node.scheduleUserCmd(constants.SETUP_TIME, "sudo killall wldrdaemon_udp")
                node.scheduleUserCmd(constants.SETUP_TIME, "sudo killall tail")

            # set up network-blocks
            abileneNetwork = NetworkBlock("./blocks/abilene")
            abileneNetwork.selectInterval(1000) # without consequence as network-properties are static anyway (in this scenario)
            abileneNetwork.addPreprocessingStep(RepeatIntermedFileUntil(EMULATION_DURATION, False))

            network_blocks = []

            # read topology from file
            with open("./topologies/abilene.txt","r") as topologyFile:
                topology = topologyFile.readlines()
# time in seconds, after which a run is to be considered finished, which triggers the fetching
# of the results and the initiation of the next run
emu.setDuration(EMULATION_DURATION)  # seconds

# configure network block
# the folder containing the pre-calculated intermediate files to be used
WIFI_BLOCK = "./blocks/simple_mobility_802.11G_AdHoc_constant"
# create a new network block object based on the given intermediate file folder
wlan = NetworkBlock(WIFI_BLOCK)
    [0:NUMBER_OF_NODES])  # assign all two nodes to be part of the network

# select interval of network condition changes
# ./blocks/simple_mobility_802.11G_AdHoc_constant/0_1_1000.txt
# ./blocks/simple_mobility_802.11G_AdHoc_constant/1_0_1000.txt

# preprocessing steps are ways to modify intermediate files without changing the originals (experimentation)
# if the given intermediate files were too long, here we could use a preprocessing step to only take the first n seconds
wlan.addPreprocessingStep(RepeatIntermedFileUntil(EMULATION_DURATION, False))
# for this example, we only want to restrict the bandwidth (column #3 in the intermediate file)
# and therefore overwrite the columns for delay (#1) and loss (#2) with zeros using the following preprocessing steps
wlan.addPreprocessingStep(SetConstantValueForColumn("", 1, 0))
wlan.addPreprocessingStep(SetConstantValueForColumn("", 2, 0))

# before (part of 1_0_1000.txt)