Пример #1
    def __init__(self, controller=RemoteController, monitor=False,
                 enable_learning = True,   # in case of RemoteController (Ryu), learning switch behavior can be turned off/on
                 dc_emulation_max_cpu=1.0,  # fraction of overall CPU time for emulation
                 dc_emulation_max_mem=512,  # emulation max mem in MB
        Create an extended version of a Containernet network
        :param dc_emulation_max_cpu: max. CPU time used by containers in data centers
        :param kwargs: path through for Mininet parameters
        self.dcs = {}

        # make sure any remaining Ryu processes are killed
        # make sure no containers are left over from a previous emulator run.

        # call original Docker.__init__ and setup default controller
            self, switch=OVSKernelSwitch, controller=controller, **kwargs)

        # Ryu management
        self.ryu_process = None
        if controller == RemoteController:
            # start Ryu controller

        # add the specified controller
        self.addController('c0', controller=controller)

        # graph of the complete DC network
        self.DCNetwork_graph = nx.MultiDiGraph()

        # initialize pool of vlan tags to setup the SDN paths
        self.vlans = range(4096)[::-1]

        # link to Ryu REST_API
        ryu_ip = ''
        ryu_port = '8080'
        self.ryu_REST_api = 'http://{0}:{1}'.format(ryu_ip, ryu_port)

        # monitoring agent
        if monitor:
            self.monitor_agent = DCNetworkMonitor(self)
            self.monitor_agent = None

        # initialize resource model registrar
        self.rm_registrar = ResourceModelRegistrar(
            dc_emulation_max_cpu, dc_emulation_max_mem)
Пример #2
class DCNetwork(Containernet):
    Wraps the original Mininet/Containernet class and provides
    methods to add data centers, switches, etc.

    This class is used by topology definition scripts.

    def __init__(self, controller=RemoteController, monitor=False,
                 enable_learning = True,   # in case of RemoteController (Ryu), learning switch behavior can be turned off/on
                 dc_emulation_max_cpu=1.0,  # fraction of overall CPU time for emulation
                 dc_emulation_max_mem=512,  # emulation max mem in MB
        Create an extended version of a Containernet network
        :param dc_emulation_max_cpu: max. CPU time used by containers in data centers
        :param kwargs: path through for Mininet parameters
        self.dcs = {}

        # make sure any remaining Ryu processes are killed
        # make sure no containers are left over from a previous emulator run.

        # call original Docker.__init__ and setup default controller
            self, switch=OVSKernelSwitch, controller=controller, **kwargs)

        # Ryu management
        self.ryu_process = None
        if controller == RemoteController:
            # start Ryu controller

        # add the specified controller
        self.addController('c0', controller=controller)

        # graph of the complete DC network
        self.DCNetwork_graph = nx.MultiDiGraph()

        # initialize pool of vlan tags to setup the SDN paths
        self.vlans = range(4096)[::-1]

        # link to Ryu REST_API
        ryu_ip = ''
        ryu_port = '8080'
        self.ryu_REST_api = 'http://{0}:{1}'.format(ryu_ip, ryu_port)

        # monitoring agent
        if monitor:
            self.monitor_agent = DCNetworkMonitor(self)
            self.monitor_agent = None

        # initialize resource model registrar
        self.rm_registrar = ResourceModelRegistrar(
            dc_emulation_max_cpu, dc_emulation_max_mem)

    def addDatacenter(self, label, metadata={}, resource_log_path=None):
        Create and add a logical cloud data center to the network.
        if label in self.dcs:
            raise Exception("Data center label already exists: %s" % label)
        dc = Datacenter(label, metadata=metadata, resource_log_path=resource_log_path)
        dc.net = self  # set reference to network
        self.dcs[label] = dc
        dc.create()  # finally create the data center in our Mininet instance
        LOG.info("added data center: %s" % label)
        return dc

    def addLink(self, node1, node2, **params):
        Able to handle Datacenter objects as link
        end points.
        assert node1 is not None
        assert node2 is not None
        LOG.debug("addLink: n1=%s n2=%s" % (str(node1), str(node2)))
        # ensure type of node1
        if isinstance( node1, basestring ):
            if node1 in self.dcs:
                node1 = self.dcs[node1].switch
        if isinstance( node1, Datacenter ):
            node1 = node1.switch
        # ensure type of node2
        if isinstance( node2, basestring ):
            if node2 in self.dcs:
                node2 = self.dcs[node2].switch
        if isinstance( node2, Datacenter ):
            node2 = node2.switch
        # try to give containers a default IP
        if isinstance( node1, Docker ):
            if "params1" not in params:
                params["params1"] = {}
            if "ip" not in params["params1"]:
                params["params1"]["ip"] = self.getNextIp()
        if isinstance( node2, Docker ):
            if "params2" not in params:
                params["params2"] = {}
            if "ip" not in params["params2"]:
                params["params2"]["ip"] = self.getNextIp()
        # ensure that we allow TCLinks between data centers
        # TODO this is not optimal, we use cls=Link for containers and TCLink for data centers
        # see Containernet issue: https://github.com/mpeuster/containernet/issues/3
        if "cls" not in params:
            params["cls"] = TCLink

        link = Containernet.addLink(self, node1, node2, **params)

        # try to give container interfaces a default id
        node1_port_id = node1.ports[link.intf1]
        if isinstance(node1, Docker):
            if "id" in params["params1"]:
                node1_port_id = params["params1"]["id"]
        node1_port_name = link.intf1.name

        node2_port_id = node2.ports[link.intf2]
        if isinstance(node2, Docker):
            if "id" in params["params2"]:
                node2_port_id = params["params2"]["id"]
        node2_port_name = link.intf2.name

        # add edge and assigned port number to graph in both directions between node1 and node2
        # port_id: id given in descriptor (if available, otherwise same as port)
        # port: portnumber assigned by Containernet

        attr_dict = {}
        # possible weight metrics allowed by TClink class:
        weight_metrics = ['bw', 'delay', 'jitter', 'loss']
        edge_attributes = [p for p in params if p in weight_metrics]
        for attr in edge_attributes:
            # if delay: strip ms (need number as weight in graph)
            match = re.search('([0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)', params[attr])
            if match:
                attr_number = match.group(1)
                attr_number = None
            attr_dict[attr] = attr_number

        attr_dict2 = {'src_port_id': node1_port_id, 'src_port_nr': node1.ports[link.intf1],
                      'src_port_name': node1_port_name,
                     'dst_port_id': node2_port_id, 'dst_port_nr': node2.ports[link.intf2],
                      'dst_port_name': node2_port_name}
        self.DCNetwork_graph.add_edge(node1.name, node2.name, attr_dict=attr_dict2)

        attr_dict2 = {'src_port_id': node2_port_id, 'src_port_nr': node2.ports[link.intf2],
                      'src_port_name': node2_port_name,
                     'dst_port_id': node1_port_id, 'dst_port_nr': node1.ports[link.intf1],
                      'dst_port_name': node1_port_name}
        self.DCNetwork_graph.add_edge(node2.name, node1.name, attr_dict=attr_dict2)

        return link

    def addDocker( self, label, **params ):
        Wrapper for addDocker method to use custom container class.
        return Containernet.addDocker(self, label, cls=EmulatorCompute, **params)

    def removeDocker( self, label, **params ):
        Wrapper for removeDocker method to update graph.
        return Containernet.removeDocker(self, label, **params)

    def addSwitch( self, name, add_to_graph=True, **params ):
        Wrapper for addSwitch method to store switch also in graph.
        if add_to_graph:
        return Containernet.addSwitch(self, name, protocols='OpenFlow10,OpenFlow12,OpenFlow13', **params)

    def getAllContainers(self):
        Returns a list with all containers within all data centers.
        all_containers = []
        for dc in self.dcs.itervalues():
            all_containers += dc.listCompute()
        return all_containers

    def start(self):
        # start
        for dc in self.dcs.itervalues():

    def stop(self):

        # stop the monitor agent
        if self.monitor_agent is not None:

        # stop emulator net

        # stop Ryu controller

    def CLI(self):

    # to remove chain do setChain( src, dst, cmd='del-flows')
    def setChain(self, vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name, vnf_src_interface=None, vnf_dst_interface=None, **kwargs):
        cmd = kwargs.get('cmd')
        if cmd == 'add-flow':
            ret = self._chainAddFlow(vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name, vnf_src_interface, vnf_dst_interface, **kwargs)
            if kwargs.get('bidirectional'):
                ret = ret +'\n' + self._chainAddFlow(vnf_dst_name, vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_interface, vnf_src_interface, **kwargs)

        elif cmd == 'del-flows':
            ret = self._chainAddFlow(vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name, vnf_src_interface, vnf_dst_interface, **kwargs)
            if kwargs.get('bidirectional'):
                ret = ret + '\n' + self._chainAddFlow(vnf_dst_name, vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_interface, vnf_src_interface, **kwargs)

            ret = "Command unknown"

        return ret

    def _chainAddFlow(self, vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name, vnf_src_interface=None, vnf_dst_interface=None, **kwargs):

        src_sw = None
        dst_sw = None
        src_sw_inport_nr = 0
        dst_sw_outport_nr = 0

        LOG.debug("call chainAddFlow vnf_src_name=%r, vnf_src_interface=%r, vnf_dst_name=%r, vnf_dst_interface=%r",
                  vnf_src_name, vnf_src_interface, vnf_dst_name, vnf_dst_interface)

        #check if port is specified (vnf:port)
        if vnf_src_interface is None:
            # take first interface by default
            connected_sw = self.DCNetwork_graph.neighbors(vnf_src_name)[0]
            link_dict = self.DCNetwork_graph[vnf_src_name][connected_sw]
            vnf_src_interface = link_dict[0]['src_port_id']

        for connected_sw in self.DCNetwork_graph.neighbors(vnf_src_name):
            link_dict = self.DCNetwork_graph[vnf_src_name][connected_sw]
            for link in link_dict:
                if (link_dict[link]['src_port_id'] == vnf_src_interface or
                        link_dict[link]['src_port_name'] == vnf_src_interface):  # Fix: we might also get interface names, e.g, from a son-emu-cli call
                    # found the right link and connected switch
                    src_sw = connected_sw
                    src_sw_inport_nr = link_dict[link]['dst_port_nr']

        if vnf_dst_interface is None:
            # take first interface by default
            connected_sw = self.DCNetwork_graph.neighbors(vnf_dst_name)[0]
            link_dict = self.DCNetwork_graph[connected_sw][vnf_dst_name]
            vnf_dst_interface = link_dict[0]['dst_port_id']

        vnf_dst_name = vnf_dst_name.split(':')[0]
        for connected_sw in self.DCNetwork_graph.neighbors(vnf_dst_name):
            link_dict = self.DCNetwork_graph[connected_sw][vnf_dst_name]
            for link in link_dict:
                if link_dict[link]['dst_port_id'] == vnf_dst_interface or \
                        link_dict[link]['dst_port_name'] == vnf_dst_interface:  # Fix: we might also get interface names, e.g, from a son-emu-cli call
                    # found the right link and connected switch
                    dst_sw = connected_sw
                    dst_sw_outport_nr = link_dict[link]['src_port_nr']

        # get shortest path
            # returns the first found shortest path
            # if all shortest paths are wanted, use: all_shortest_paths
            path = nx.shortest_path(self.DCNetwork_graph, src_sw, dst_sw, weight=kwargs.get('weight'))
            LOG.exception("No path could be found between {0} and {1} using src_sw={2} and dst_sw={3}".format(
                vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name, src_sw, dst_sw))
            LOG.debug("Graph nodes: %r" % self.DCNetwork_graph.nodes())
            LOG.debug("Graph edges: %r" % self.DCNetwork_graph.edges())
            for e, v in self.DCNetwork_graph.edges():
                LOG.debug("%r" % self.DCNetwork_graph[e][v])
            return "No path could be found between {0} and {1}".format(vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name)

        LOG.info("Path between {0} and {1}: {2}".format(vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name, path))

        current_hop = src_sw
        switch_inport_nr = src_sw_inport_nr

        # choose free vlan if path contains more than 1 switch
        cmd = kwargs.get('cmd')
        vlan = None
        if cmd == 'add-flow':
            if len(path) > 1:
                vlan = self.vlans.pop()

        for i in range(0,len(path)):
            current_node = self.getNodeByName(current_hop)

            if path.index(current_hop) < len(path)-1:
                next_hop = path[path.index(current_hop)+1]
                #last switch reached
                next_hop = vnf_dst_name

            next_node = self.getNodeByName(next_hop)

            if next_hop == vnf_dst_name:
                switch_outport_nr = dst_sw_outport_nr
                LOG.info("end node reached: {0}".format(vnf_dst_name))
            elif not isinstance( next_node, OVSSwitch ):
                LOG.info("Next node: {0} is not a switch".format(next_hop))
                return "Next node: {0} is not a switch".format(next_hop)
                # take first link between switches by default
                index_edge_out = 0
                switch_outport_nr = self.DCNetwork_graph[current_hop][next_hop][index_edge_out]['src_port_nr']

           # set of entry via ovs-ofctl
            if isinstance( current_node, OVSSwitch ):
                kwargs['vlan'] = vlan
                kwargs['path'] = path
                kwargs['current_hop'] = current_hop

                if self.controller == RemoteController:
                    ## set flow entry via ryu rest api
                    self._set_flow_entry_ryu_rest(current_node, switch_inport_nr, switch_outport_nr, **kwargs)
                    ## set flow entry via ovs-ofctl
                    self._set_flow_entry_dpctl(current_node, switch_inport_nr, switch_outport_nr, **kwargs)

            # take first link between switches by default
            if isinstance( next_node, OVSSwitch ):
                switch_inport_nr = self.DCNetwork_graph[current_hop][next_hop][0]['dst_port_nr']
                current_hop = next_hop

        return "path {2} between {0} and {1}".format(vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name, cmd)

    def _set_flow_entry_ryu_rest(self, node, switch_inport_nr, switch_outport_nr, **kwargs):
        match = 'in_port=%s' % switch_inport_nr

        cookie = kwargs.get('cookie')
        match_input = kwargs.get('match')
        cmd = kwargs.get('cmd')
        path = kwargs.get('path')
        current_hop = kwargs.get('current_hop')
        vlan = kwargs.get('vlan')

        s = ','
        if match_input:
            match = s.join([match, match_input])

        flow = {}
        flow['dpid'] = int(node.dpid, 16)

        if cookie:
            flow['cookie'] = int(cookie)

        flow['actions'] = []

        # possible Ryu actions, match fields:
        # http://ryu.readthedocs.io/en/latest/app/ofctl_rest.html#add-a-flow-entry
        if cmd == 'add-flow':
            prefix = 'stats/flowentry/add'
            if vlan != None:
                if path.index(current_hop) == 0:  # first node
                    action = {}
                    action['type'] = 'PUSH_VLAN'  # Push a new VLAN tag if a input frame is non-VLAN-tagged
                    action['ethertype'] = 33024   # Ethertype 0x8100(=33024): IEEE 802.1Q VLAN-tagged frame
                    action = {}
                    action['type'] = 'SET_FIELD'
                    action['field'] = 'vlan_vid'
                    action['value'] = vlan
                elif path.index(current_hop) == len(path) - 1:  # last node
                    match += ',dl_vlan=%s' % vlan
                    action = {}
                    action['type'] = 'POP_VLAN'
                else:  # middle nodes
                    match += ',dl_vlan=%s' % vlan
            # output action must come last
            action = {}
            action['type'] = 'OUTPUT'
            action['port'] = switch_outport_nr

        elif cmd == 'del-flows':
            prefix = 'stats/flowentry/delete'

            if cookie:
                # TODO: add cookie_mask as argument
                flow['cookie_mask'] = int('0xffffffffffffffff', 16)  # need full mask to match complete cookie

            action = {}
            action['type'] = 'OUTPUT'
            action['port'] = switch_outport_nr

        flow['match'] = self._parse_match(match)
        self.ryu_REST(prefix, data=flow)

    def _set_flow_entry_dpctl(self, node, switch_inport_nr, switch_outport_nr, **kwargs):
        match = 'in_port=%s' % switch_inport_nr

        cookie = kwargs.get('cookie')
        match_input = kwargs.get('match')
        cmd = kwargs.get('cmd')
        path = kwargs.get('path')
        current_hop = kwargs.get('current_hop')
        vlan = kwargs.get('vlan')

        s = ','
        if cookie:
            cookie = 'cookie=%s' % cookie
            match = s.join([cookie, match])
        if match_input:
            match = s.join([match, match_input])
        if cmd == 'add-flow':
            action = 'action=%s' % switch_outport_nr
            if vlan != None:
                if path.index(current_hop) == 0:  # first node
                    action = ('action=mod_vlan_vid:%s' % vlan) + (',output=%s' % switch_outport_nr)
                    match = '-O OpenFlow13 ' + match
                elif path.index(current_hop) == len(path) - 1:  # last node
                    match += ',dl_vlan=%s' % vlan
                    action = 'action=strip_vlan,output=%s' % switch_outport_nr
                else:  # middle nodes
                    match += ',dl_vlan=%s' % vlan
            ofcmd = s.join([match, action])
        elif cmd == 'del-flows':
            ofcmd = match
            ofcmd = ''

        node.dpctl(cmd, ofcmd)
        LOG.info("{3} in switch: {0} in_port: {1} out_port: {2}".format(node.name, switch_inport_nr,
                                                                                 switch_outport_nr, cmd))

    # start Ryu Openflow controller as Remote Controller for the DCNetwork
    def startRyu(self, learning_switch=True):
        # start Ryu controller with rest-API
        python_install_path = site.getsitepackages()[0]
        ryu_path = python_install_path + '/ryu/app/simple_switch_13.py'
        ryu_path2 = python_install_path + '/ryu/app/ofctl_rest.py'
        # change the default Openflow controller port to 6653 (official IANA-assigned port number), as used by Mininet
        # Ryu still uses 6633 as default
        ryu_option = '--ofp-tcp-listen-port'
        ryu_of_port = '6653'
        ryu_cmd = 'ryu-manager'
        FNULL = open("/tmp/ryu.log", 'w')
        if learning_switch:
            self.ryu_process = Popen([ryu_cmd, ryu_path, ryu_path2, ryu_option, ryu_of_port], stdout=FNULL, stderr=FNULL)
            # no learning switch, but with rest api
            self.ryu_process = Popen([ryu_cmd, ryu_path2, ryu_option, ryu_of_port], stdout=FNULL, stderr=FNULL)

    def stopRyu(self):
        if self.ryu_process is not None:

    def removeLeftoverContainers():
        # TODO can be more python-based using eg. docker-py?
        Popen('docker ps -a -q --filter="name=mn.*" | xargs -r docker rm -f', shell=True)

    def killRyu():
        Popen(['pkill', '-f', 'ryu-manager'])

    def ryu_REST(self, prefix, dpid=None, data=None):
            if dpid:
                url = self.ryu_REST_api + '/' + str(prefix) + '/' + str(dpid)
                url = self.ryu_REST_api + '/' + str(prefix)
            if data:
                #LOG.info('POST: {0}'.format(str(data)))
                req = urllib2.Request(url, str(data))
                req = urllib2.Request(url)

            ret = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
            return ret
            LOG.info('error url: {0}'.format(str(url)))
            if data: LOG.info('error POST: {0}'.format(str(data)))

    # need to respect that some match fields must be integers
    # http://ryu.readthedocs.io/en/latest/app/ofctl_rest.html#description-of-match-and-actions
    def _parse_match(self, match):
        matches = match.split(',')
        dict = {}
        for m in matches:
            match = m.split('=')
            if len(match) == 2:
                    m2 = int(match[1], 0)
                    m2 = match[1]

        return dict
Пример #3
    def __init__(
            # learning switch behavior of the default ovs switches icw Ryu
            # controller can be turned off/on, needed for E-LAN
            # functionality
            dc_emulation_max_cpu=1.0,  # fraction of overall CPU time for emulation
            dc_emulation_max_mem=512,  # emulation max mem in MB
        Create an extended version of a Containernet network
        :param dc_emulation_max_cpu: max. CPU time used by containers in data centers
        :param kwargs: path through for Mininet parameters
        # members
        self.dcs = {}
        self.ryu_process = None
        # list of deployed nsds.E_Lines and E_LANs (uploaded from the dummy
        # gatekeeper)
        self.deployed_nsds = []
        self.deployed_elines = []
        self.deployed_elans = []
        self.installed_chains = []

        # always cleanup environment before we start the emulator

        # call original Docker.__init__ and setup default controller

        # default switch configuration
        enable_ryu_learning = False
        if enable_learning:
            self.failMode = 'standalone'
            enable_ryu_learning = True
            self.failMode = 'secure'

        # Ryu management
        if controller == RemoteController:
            # start Ryu controller

        # add the specified controller
        self.addController('c0', controller=controller)

        # graph of the complete DC network
        self.DCNetwork_graph = nx.MultiDiGraph()

        # initialize pool of vlan tags to setup the SDN paths
        self.vlans = range(1, 4095)[::-1]

        # link to Ryu REST_API
        ryu_ip = 'localhost'
        ryu_port = '8080'
        self.ryu_REST_api = 'http://{0}:{1}'.format(ryu_ip, ryu_port)
        self.RyuSession = requests.Session()

        # monitoring agent
        if monitor:
            self.monitor_agent = DCNetworkMonitor(self)
            self.monitor_agent = None

        # initialize resource model registrar
        self.rm_registrar = ResourceModelRegistrar(dc_emulation_max_cpu,
        self.cpu_period = CPU_PERIOD
Пример #4
class DCNetwork(Containernet):
    Wraps the original Mininet/Containernet class and provides
    methods to add data centers, switches, etc.

    This class is used by topology definition scripts.
    def __init__(
            # learning switch behavior of the default ovs switches icw Ryu
            # controller can be turned off/on, needed for E-LAN
            # functionality
            dc_emulation_max_cpu=1.0,  # fraction of overall CPU time for emulation
            dc_emulation_max_mem=512,  # emulation max mem in MB
        Create an extended version of a Containernet network
        :param dc_emulation_max_cpu: max. CPU time used by containers in data centers
        :param kwargs: path through for Mininet parameters
        # members
        self.dcs = {}
        self.ryu_process = None
        # list of deployed nsds.E_Lines and E_LANs (uploaded from the dummy
        # gatekeeper)
        self.deployed_nsds = []
        self.deployed_elines = []
        self.deployed_elans = []
        self.installed_chains = []

        # always cleanup environment before we start the emulator

        # call original Docker.__init__ and setup default controller

        # default switch configuration
        enable_ryu_learning = False
        if enable_learning:
            self.failMode = 'standalone'
            enable_ryu_learning = True
            self.failMode = 'secure'

        # Ryu management
        if controller == RemoteController:
            # start Ryu controller

        # add the specified controller
        self.addController('c0', controller=controller)

        # graph of the complete DC network
        self.DCNetwork_graph = nx.MultiDiGraph()

        # initialize pool of vlan tags to setup the SDN paths
        self.vlans = range(1, 4095)[::-1]

        # link to Ryu REST_API
        ryu_ip = 'localhost'
        ryu_port = '8080'
        self.ryu_REST_api = 'http://{0}:{1}'.format(ryu_ip, ryu_port)
        self.RyuSession = requests.Session()

        # monitoring agent
        if monitor:
            self.monitor_agent = DCNetworkMonitor(self)
            self.monitor_agent = None

        # initialize resource model registrar
        self.rm_registrar = ResourceModelRegistrar(dc_emulation_max_cpu,
        self.cpu_period = CPU_PERIOD

    def addDatacenter(self, label, metadata={}, resource_log_path=None):
        Create and add a logical cloud data center to the network.
        if label in self.dcs:
            raise Exception("Data center label already exists: %s" % label)
        dc = Datacenter(label,
        dc.net = self  # set reference to network
        self.dcs[label] = dc
        dc.create()  # finally create the data center in our Mininet instance
        LOG.info("added data center: %s" % label)
        return dc

    def addLink(self, node1, node2, **params):
        Able to handle Datacenter objects as link
        end points.
        assert node1 is not None
        assert node2 is not None

        # ensure type of node1
        if isinstance(node1, basestring):
            if node1 in self.dcs:
                node1 = self.dcs[node1].switch
        if isinstance(node1, Datacenter):
            node1 = node1.switch
        # ensure type of node2
        if isinstance(node2, basestring):
            if node2 in self.dcs:
                node2 = self.dcs[node2].switch
        if isinstance(node2, Datacenter):
            node2 = node2.switch
        # try to give containers a default IP
        if isinstance(node1, Docker):
            if "params1" not in params:
                params["params1"] = {}
            if "ip" not in params["params1"]:
                params["params1"]["ip"] = self.getNextIp()
        if isinstance(node2, Docker):
            if "params2" not in params:
                params["params2"] = {}
            if "ip" not in params["params2"]:
                params["params2"]["ip"] = self.getNextIp()
        # ensure that we allow TCLinks between data centers
        # TODO this is not optimal, we use cls=Link for containers and TCLink for data centers
        # see Containernet issue:
        # https://github.com/mpeuster/containernet/issues/3
        if "cls" not in params:
            params["cls"] = TCLink

        link = Containernet.addLink(self, node1, node2, **params)

        # try to give container interfaces a default id
        node1_port_id = node1.ports[link.intf1]
        if isinstance(node1, Docker):
            if "id" in params["params1"]:
                node1_port_id = params["params1"]["id"]
        node1_port_name = link.intf1.name

        node2_port_id = node2.ports[link.intf2]
        if isinstance(node2, Docker):
            if "id" in params["params2"]:
                node2_port_id = params["params2"]["id"]
        node2_port_name = link.intf2.name

        # add edge and assigned port number to graph in both directions between node1 and node2
        # port_id: id given in descriptor (if available, otherwise same as port)
        # port: portnumber assigned by Containernet

        attr_dict = {}
        # possible weight metrics allowed by TClink class:
        weight_metrics = ['bw', 'delay', 'jitter', 'loss']
        edge_attributes = [p for p in params if p in weight_metrics]
        for attr in edge_attributes:
            # if delay: strip ms (need number as weight in graph)
            match = re.search('([0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)', str(params[attr]))
            if match:
                attr_number = match.group(1)
                attr_number = None
            attr_dict[attr] = attr_number

        attr_dict2 = {
            'src_port_id': node1_port_id,
            'src_port_nr': node1.ports[link.intf1],
            'src_port_name': node1_port_name,
            'dst_port_id': node2_port_id,
            'dst_port_nr': node2.ports[link.intf2],
            'dst_port_name': node2_port_name

        attr_dict2 = {
            'src_port_id': node2_port_id,
            'src_port_nr': node2.ports[link.intf2],
            'src_port_name': node2_port_name,
            'dst_port_id': node1_port_id,
            'dst_port_nr': node1.ports[link.intf1],
            'dst_port_name': node1_port_name

        LOG.debug("addLink: n1={0} intf1={1} -- n2={2} intf2={3}".format(
            str(node1), node1_port_name, str(node2), node2_port_name))

        return link

    def removeLink(self, link=None, node1=None, node2=None):
        Remove the link from the Containernet and the networkx graph
        if link is not None:
            node1 = link.intf1.node
            node2 = link.intf2.node
        assert node1 is not None
        assert node2 is not None
        Containernet.removeLink(self, link=link, node1=node1, node2=node2)
        # TODO we might decrease the loglevel to debug:
            self.DCNetwork_graph.remove_edge(node2.name, node1.name)
        except BaseException:
            LOG.warning("%s, %s not found in DCNetwork_graph." %
                        ((node2.name, node1.name)))
            self.DCNetwork_graph.remove_edge(node1.name, node2.name)
        except BaseException:
            LOG.warning("%s, %s not found in DCNetwork_graph." %
                        ((node1.name, node2.name)))

    def addDocker(self, label, **params):
        Wrapper for addDocker method to use custom container class.
        self.DCNetwork_graph.add_node(label, type=params.get('type', 'docker'))
        return Containernet.addDocker(self,

    def removeDocker(self, label, **params):
        Wrapper for removeDocker method to update graph.
        return Containernet.removeDocker(self, label, **params)

    def addExtSAP(self, sap_name, sap_ip, **params):
        Wrapper for addExtSAP method to store SAP  also in graph.
        # make sure that 'type' is set
        params['type'] = params.get('type', 'sap_ext')
        self.DCNetwork_graph.add_node(sap_name, type=params['type'])
        return Containernet.addExtSAP(self, sap_name, sap_ip, **params)

    def removeExtSAP(self, sap_name, **params):
        Wrapper for removeExtSAP method to remove SAP  also from graph.
        return Containernet.removeExtSAP(self, sap_name)

    def addSwitch(self, name, add_to_graph=True, **params):
        Wrapper for addSwitch method to store switch also in graph.

        # add this switch to the global topology overview
        if add_to_graph:
                                          type=params.get('type', 'switch'))

        # set the learning switch behavior
        if 'failMode' in params:
            failMode = params['failMode']
            failMode = self.failMode

        s = Containernet.addSwitch(

        return s

    def getAllContainers(self):
        Returns a list with all containers within all data centers.
        all_containers = []
        for dc in self.dcs.itervalues():
            all_containers += dc.listCompute()
        return all_containers

    def start(self):
        # start
        for dc in self.dcs.itervalues():

    def stop(self):

        # stop the monitor agent
        if self.monitor_agent is not None:

        # stop emulator net

        # stop Ryu controller

    def CLI(self):

    def setLAN(self, vnf_list):
        setup an E-LAN network by assigning the same VLAN tag to each DC interface of the VNFs in the E-LAN

        :param vnf_list: names of the VNFs in this E-LAN  [{name:,interface:},...]
        src_sw = None
        src_sw_inport_name = None

        # get a vlan tag for this E-LAN
        vlan = self.vlans.pop()

        for vnf in vnf_list:
            vnf_src_name = vnf['name']
            vnf_src_interface = vnf['interface']

            # check if port is specified (vnf:port)
            if vnf_src_interface is None:
                # take first interface by default
                connected_sw = self.DCNetwork_graph.neighbors(vnf_src_name)[0]
                link_dict = self.DCNetwork_graph[vnf_src_name][connected_sw]
                vnf_src_interface = link_dict[0]['src_port_id']

            for connected_sw in self.DCNetwork_graph.neighbors(vnf_src_name):
                link_dict = self.DCNetwork_graph[vnf_src_name][connected_sw]
                for link in link_dict:
                    if (
                            link_dict[link]['src_port_id'] == vnf_src_interface
                            or link_dict[link]['src_port_name']
                            == vnf_src_interface
                    ):  # Fix: we might also get interface names, e.g, from a son-emu-cli call
                        # found the right link and connected switch
                        src_sw = connected_sw
                        src_sw_inport_name = link_dict[link]['dst_port_name']

            # set the tag on the dc switch interface
                'set E-LAN: vnf name: {0} interface: {1} tag: {2}'.format(
                    vnf_src_name, vnf_src_interface, vlan))
            switch_node = self.getNodeByName(src_sw)
            self._set_vlan_tag(switch_node, src_sw_inport_name, vlan)

    def _addMonitorFlow(self,
        Add a monitoring flow entry that adds a special flowentry/counter at the begin or end of a chain.
        So this monitoring flowrule exists on top of a previously defined chain rule and uses the same vlan tag/routing.
        :param vnf_src_name:
        :param vnf_dst_name:
        :param vnf_src_interface:
        :param vnf_dst_interface:
        :param tag: vlan tag to be used for this chain (same tag as existing chain)
        :param monitor_placement: 'tx' or 'rx' indicating to place the extra flowentry resp. at the beginning or end of the chain

        src_sw = None
        src_sw_inport_nr = 0
        src_sw_inport_name = None
        dst_sw = None
        dst_sw_outport_nr = 0
        dst_sw_outport_name = None

            "call AddMonitorFlow vnf_src_name=%r, vnf_src_interface=%r, vnf_dst_name=%r, vnf_dst_interface=%r",
            vnf_src_name, vnf_src_interface, vnf_dst_name, vnf_dst_interface)

        # check if port is specified (vnf:port)
        if vnf_src_interface is None:
            # take first interface by default
            connected_sw = self.DCNetwork_graph.neighbors(vnf_src_name)[0]
            link_dict = self.DCNetwork_graph[vnf_src_name][connected_sw]
            vnf_src_interface = link_dict[0]['src_port_id']

        for connected_sw in self.DCNetwork_graph.neighbors(vnf_src_name):
            link_dict = self.DCNetwork_graph[vnf_src_name][connected_sw]
            for link in link_dict:
                if (
                        link_dict[link]['src_port_id'] == vnf_src_interface or
                        link_dict[link]['src_port_name'] == vnf_src_interface
                ):  # Fix: we might also get interface names, e.g, from a son-emu-cli call
                    # found the right link and connected switch
                    src_sw = connected_sw
                    src_sw_inport_nr = link_dict[link]['dst_port_nr']
                    src_sw_inport_name = link_dict[link]['dst_port_name']

        if vnf_dst_interface is None:
            # take first interface by default
            connected_sw = self.DCNetwork_graph.neighbors(vnf_dst_name)[0]
            link_dict = self.DCNetwork_graph[connected_sw][vnf_dst_name]
            vnf_dst_interface = link_dict[0]['dst_port_id']

        vnf_dst_name = vnf_dst_name.split(':')[0]
        for connected_sw in self.DCNetwork_graph.neighbors(vnf_dst_name):
            link_dict = self.DCNetwork_graph[connected_sw][vnf_dst_name]
            for link in link_dict:
                if link_dict[link]['dst_port_id'] == vnf_dst_interface or \
                        link_dict[link]['dst_port_name'] == vnf_dst_interface:  # Fix: we might also get interface names, e.g, from a son-emu-cli call
                    # found the right link and connected switch
                    dst_sw = connected_sw
                    dst_sw_outport_nr = link_dict[link]['src_port_nr']
                    dst_sw_outport_name = link_dict[link]['src_port_name']

        if not tag >= 0:
            LOG.exception('tag not valid: {0}'.format(tag))

        # get shortest path
            # returns the first found shortest path
            # if all shortest paths are wanted, use: all_shortest_paths
            path = nx.shortest_path(self.DCNetwork_graph,
        except BaseException:
                "No path could be found between {0} and {1} using src_sw={2} and dst_sw={3}"
                .format(vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name, src_sw, dst_sw))
            LOG.debug("Graph nodes: %r" % self.DCNetwork_graph.nodes())
            LOG.debug("Graph edges: %r" % self.DCNetwork_graph.edges())
            for e, v in self.DCNetwork_graph.edges():
                LOG.debug("%r" % self.DCNetwork_graph[e][v])
            return "No path could be found between {0} and {1}".format(
                vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name)

        LOG.info("Path between {0} and {1}: {2}".format(
            vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name, path))

        current_hop = src_sw
        switch_inport_nr = src_sw_inport_nr

        cmd = kwargs.get('cmd')

        # iterate through the path to install the flow-entries
        for i in range(0, len(path)):
            current_node = self.getNodeByName(current_hop)

            if path.index(current_hop) < len(path) - 1:
                next_hop = path[path.index(current_hop) + 1]
                # last switch reached
                next_hop = vnf_dst_name

            next_node = self.getNodeByName(next_hop)

            if next_hop == vnf_dst_name:
                switch_outport_nr = dst_sw_outport_nr
                LOG.info("end node reached: {0}".format(vnf_dst_name))
            elif not isinstance(next_node, OVSSwitch):
                LOG.info("Next node: {0} is not a switch".format(next_hop))
                return "Next node: {0} is not a switch".format(next_hop)
                # take first link between switches by default
                index_edge_out = 0
                switch_outport_nr = self.DCNetwork_graph[current_hop][

            # set of entry via ovs-ofctl
            if isinstance(current_node, OVSSwitch):
                kwargs['vlan'] = tag
                kwargs['path'] = path
                kwargs['current_hop'] = current_hop
                kwargs['switch_inport_name'] = src_sw_inport_name
                kwargs['switch_outport_name'] = dst_sw_outport_name
                kwargs['skip_vlan_tag'] = True
                kwargs['pathindex'] = i

                monitor_placement = kwargs.get('monitor_placement').strip()
                # put monitor flow at the dst switch
                insert_flow = False
                # first node:
                if monitor_placement == 'tx' and path.index(current_hop) == 0:
                    insert_flow = True
                # put monitoring flow at the src switch
                # last node:
                elif monitor_placement == 'rx' and path.index(
                        current_hop) == len(path) - 1:
                    insert_flow = True
                elif monitor_placement not in ['rx', 'tx']:
                    LOG.exception('invalid monitor command: {0}'.format(

                if self.controller == RemoteController and insert_flow:
                    # set flow entry via ryu rest api
                                                  switch_outport_nr, **kwargs)
                elif insert_flow:
                    # set flow entry via ovs-ofctl
                    self._set_flow_entry_dpctl(current_node, switch_inport_nr,
                                               switch_outport_nr, **kwargs)

            # take first link between switches by default
            if isinstance(next_node, OVSSwitch):
                switch_inport_nr = self.DCNetwork_graph[current_hop][next_hop][
                current_hop = next_hop

        return "path {2} between {0} and {1}".format(vnf_src_name,
                                                     vnf_dst_name, cmd)

    def setChain(self,
        Chain 2 vnf interfaces together by installing the flowrules in the switches along their path.
        Currently the path is found using the default networkx shortest path function.
        Each chain gets a unique vlan id , so different chains wil not interfere.

        :param vnf_src_name: vnf name (string)
        :param vnf_dst_name: vnf name (string)
        :param vnf_src_interface: source interface name  (string)
        :param vnf_dst_interface: destination interface name  (string)
        :param cmd: 'add-flow' (default) to add a chain, 'del-flows' to remove a chain
        :param cookie: cookie for the installed flowrules (can be used later as identifier for a set of installed chains)
        :param match: custom match entry to be added to the flowrules (default: only in_port and vlan tag)
        :param priority: custom flowrule priority
        :param monitor: boolean to indicate whether this chain is a monitoring chain
        :param tag: vlan tag to be used for this chain (pre-defined or new one if none is specified)
        :param skip_vlan_tag: boolean to indicate if a vlan tag should be appointed to this flow or not
        :param path: custom path between the two VNFs (list of switches)
        :return: output log string

        # special procedure for monitoring flows
        if kwargs.get('monitor'):

            # check if chain already exists
            found_chains = [
                chain_dict for chain_dict in self.installed_chains
                if (chain_dict['vnf_src_name'] == vnf_src_name
                    and chain_dict['vnf_src_interface'] == vnf_src_interface
                    and chain_dict['vnf_dst_name'] == vnf_dst_name
                    and chain_dict['vnf_dst_interface'] == vnf_dst_interface)

            if len(found_chains) > 0:
                # this chain exists, so need an extra monitoring flow
                # assume only 1 chain per vnf/interface pair
                    '*** installing monitoring chain on top of pre-defined chain from {0}:{1} -> {2}:{3}'
                    .format(vnf_src_name, vnf_src_interface, vnf_dst_name,
                tag = found_chains[0]['tag']
                ret = self._addMonitorFlow(vnf_src_name,
                return ret
                # no chain existing (or E-LAN) -> install normal chain
                    '*** installing monitoring chain without pre-defined NSD chain from {0}:{1} -> {2}:{3}'
                    .format(vnf_src_name, vnf_src_interface, vnf_dst_name,

        cmd = kwargs.get('cmd', 'add-flow')
        if cmd == 'add-flow' or cmd == 'del-flows':
            ret = self._chainAddFlow(vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name,
                                     vnf_src_interface, vnf_dst_interface,
            if kwargs.get('bidirectional'):
                if kwargs.get('path') is not None:
                    kwargs['path'] = list(reversed(kwargs.get('path')))
                ret = ret + '\n' + \
                        vnf_dst_name, vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_interface, vnf_src_interface, **kwargs)

            ret = "Command unknown"

        return ret

    def _chainAddFlow(self,

        src_sw = None
        src_sw_inport_nr = 0
        src_sw_inport_name = None
        dst_sw = None
        dst_sw_outport_nr = 0
        dst_sw_outport_name = None

            "call chainAddFlow vnf_src_name=%r, vnf_src_interface=%r, vnf_dst_name=%r, vnf_dst_interface=%r",
            vnf_src_name, vnf_src_interface, vnf_dst_name, vnf_dst_interface)

        # check if port is specified (vnf:port)
        if vnf_src_interface is None:
            # take first interface by default
            connected_sw = self.DCNetwork_graph.neighbors(vnf_src_name)[0]
            link_dict = self.DCNetwork_graph[vnf_src_name][connected_sw]
            vnf_src_interface = link_dict[0]['src_port_id']

        for connected_sw in self.DCNetwork_graph.neighbors(vnf_src_name):
            link_dict = self.DCNetwork_graph[vnf_src_name][connected_sw]
            for link in link_dict:
                if (
                        link_dict[link]['src_port_id'] == vnf_src_interface or
                        link_dict[link]['src_port_name'] == vnf_src_interface
                ):  # Fix: we might also get interface names, e.g, from a son-emu-cli call
                    # found the right link and connected switch
                    src_sw = connected_sw
                    src_sw_inport_nr = link_dict[link]['dst_port_nr']
                    src_sw_inport_name = link_dict[link]['dst_port_name']

        if vnf_dst_interface is None:
            # take first interface by default
            connected_sw = self.DCNetwork_graph.neighbors(vnf_dst_name)[0]
            link_dict = self.DCNetwork_graph[connected_sw][vnf_dst_name]
            vnf_dst_interface = link_dict[0]['dst_port_id']

        vnf_dst_name = vnf_dst_name.split(':')[0]
        for connected_sw in self.DCNetwork_graph.neighbors(vnf_dst_name):
            link_dict = self.DCNetwork_graph[connected_sw][vnf_dst_name]
            for link in link_dict:
                if link_dict[link]['dst_port_id'] == vnf_dst_interface or \
                        link_dict[link]['dst_port_name'] == vnf_dst_interface:  # Fix: we might also get interface names, e.g, from a son-emu-cli call
                    # found the right link and connected switch
                    dst_sw = connected_sw
                    dst_sw_outport_nr = link_dict[link]['src_port_nr']
                    dst_sw_outport_name = link_dict[link]['src_port_name']

        path = kwargs.get('path')
        if path is None:
            # get shortest path
                # returns the first found shortest path
                # if all shortest paths are wanted, use: all_shortest_paths
                path = nx.shortest_path(self.DCNetwork_graph,
            except BaseException:
                    "No path could be found between {0} and {1} using src_sw={2} and dst_sw={3}"
                    .format(vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name, src_sw, dst_sw))
                LOG.debug("Graph nodes: %r" % self.DCNetwork_graph.nodes())
                LOG.debug("Graph edges: %r" % self.DCNetwork_graph.edges())
                for e, v in self.DCNetwork_graph.edges():
                    LOG.debug("%r" % self.DCNetwork_graph[e][v])
                return "No path could be found between {0} and {1}".format(
                    vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name)

        LOG.info("Path between {0} and {1}: {2}".format(
            vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name, path))

        current_hop = src_sw
        switch_inport_nr = src_sw_inport_nr

        # choose free vlan
        cmd = kwargs.get('cmd')
        vlan = None
        if cmd == 'add-flow':
            if kwargs.get('tag'):
                # use pre-defined tag
                vlan = kwargs.get('tag')
                vlan = self.vlans.pop()

        # store the used vlan tag to identify this chain
        if not kwargs.get('monitor'):
            chain_dict = {}
            chain_dict['vnf_src_name'] = vnf_src_name
            chain_dict['vnf_dst_name'] = vnf_dst_name
            chain_dict['vnf_src_interface'] = vnf_src_interface
            chain_dict['vnf_dst_interface'] = vnf_dst_interface
            chain_dict['tag'] = vlan

        # iterate through the path to install the flow-entries
        for i in range(0, len(path)):
            current_node = self.getNodeByName(current_hop)

            if i < len(path) - 1:
                next_hop = path[i + 1]
                # last switch reached
                next_hop = vnf_dst_name

            next_node = self.getNodeByName(next_hop)

            if next_hop == vnf_dst_name:
                switch_outport_nr = dst_sw_outport_nr
                LOG.info("end node reached: {0}".format(vnf_dst_name))
            elif not isinstance(next_node, OVSSwitch):
                LOG.info("Next node: {0} is not a switch".format(next_hop))
                return "Next node: {0} is not a switch".format(next_hop)
                # take first link between switches by default
                index_edge_out = 0
                switch_outport_nr = self.DCNetwork_graph[current_hop][

            # set OpenFlow entry
            if isinstance(current_node, OVSSwitch):
                kwargs['vlan'] = vlan
                kwargs['path'] = path
                kwargs['current_hop'] = current_hop
                kwargs['switch_inport_name'] = src_sw_inport_name
                kwargs['switch_outport_name'] = dst_sw_outport_name
                kwargs['pathindex'] = i

                if self.controller == RemoteController:
                    # set flow entry via ryu rest api
                                                  switch_outport_nr, **kwargs)
                    # set flow entry via ovs-ofctl
                    self._set_flow_entry_dpctl(current_node, switch_inport_nr,
                                               switch_outport_nr, **kwargs)

            # take first link between switches by default
            if isinstance(next_node, OVSSwitch):
                switch_inport_nr = self.DCNetwork_graph[current_hop][next_hop][
                current_hop = next_hop

        flow_options = {
            'priority': kwargs.get('priority', DEFAULT_PRIORITY),
            'cookie': kwargs.get('cookie', DEFAULT_COOKIE),
            'vlan': kwargs['vlan'],
            'path': kwargs['path'],
            'match_input': kwargs.get('match')
        flow_options_str = json.dumps(flow_options, indent=1)
        return "success: {2} between {0} and {1} with options: {3}".format(
            vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name, cmd, flow_options_str)

    def _set_flow_entry_ryu_rest(self, node, switch_inport_nr,
                                 switch_outport_nr, **kwargs):
        match = 'in_port=%s' % switch_inport_nr

        cookie = kwargs.get('cookie')
        match_input = kwargs.get('match')
        cmd = kwargs.get('cmd')
        path = kwargs.get('path')
        index = kwargs.get('pathindex')

        vlan = kwargs.get('vlan')
        priority = kwargs.get('priority', DEFAULT_PRIORITY)
        # flag to not set the ovs port vlan tag
        skip_vlan_tag = kwargs.get('skip_vlan_tag')
        # table id to put this flowentry
        table_id = kwargs.get('table_id')
        if not table_id:
            table_id = 0

        s = ','
        if match_input:
            match = s.join([match, match_input])

        flow = {}
        flow['dpid'] = int(node.dpid, 16)

        if cookie:
            flow['cookie'] = int(cookie)
        if priority:
            flow['priority'] = int(priority)

        flow['table_id'] = table_id

        flow['actions'] = []

        # possible Ryu actions, match fields:
        # http://ryu.readthedocs.io/en/latest/app/ofctl_rest.html#add-a-flow-entry
        if cmd == 'add-flow':
            prefix = 'stats/flowentry/add'
            if vlan is not None:
                if index == 0:  # first node
                    # set vlan tag in ovs instance (to isolate E-LANs)
                    if not skip_vlan_tag:
                        in_port_name = kwargs.get('switch_inport_name')
                        self._set_vlan_tag(node, in_port_name, vlan)
                    # set vlan push action if more than 1 switch in the path
                    if len(path) > 1:
                        action = {}
                        # Push a new VLAN tag if a input frame is
                        # non-VLAN-tagged
                        action['type'] = 'PUSH_VLAN'
                        # Ethertype 0x8100(=33024): IEEE 802.1Q VLAN-tagged
                        # frame
                        action['ethertype'] = 33024
                        action = {}
                        action['type'] = 'SET_FIELD'
                        action['field'] = 'vlan_vid'
                        # ryu expects the field to be masked
                        action['value'] = vlan | 0x1000

                elif index == len(path) - 1:  # last node
                    # set vlan tag in ovs instance (to isolate E-LANs)
                    if not skip_vlan_tag:
                        out_port_name = kwargs.get('switch_outport_name')
                        self._set_vlan_tag(node, out_port_name, vlan)
                    # set vlan pop action if more than 1 switch in the path
                    if len(path) > 1:
                        match += ',dl_vlan=%s' % vlan
                        action = {}
                        action['type'] = 'POP_VLAN'

                else:  # middle nodes
                    match += ',dl_vlan=%s' % vlan

            # output action must come last
            action = {}
            action['type'] = 'OUTPUT'
            action['port'] = switch_outport_nr

        elif cmd == 'del-flows':
            prefix = 'stats/flowentry/delete'

            if cookie:
                # TODO: add cookie_mask as argument
                # need full mask to match complete cookie
                flow['cookie_mask'] = int('0xffffffffffffffff', 16)

            action = {}
            action['type'] = 'OUTPUT'
            action['port'] = switch_outport_nr

        flow['match'] = self._parse_match(match)
        self.ryu_REST(prefix, data=flow)

    def _set_vlan_tag(self, node, switch_port, tag):
        node.vsctl('set', 'port {0} tag={1}'.format(switch_port, tag))
        LOG.debug("set vlan in switch: {0} in_port: {1} vlan tag: {2}".format(
            node.name, switch_port, tag))

    def _set_flow_entry_dpctl(self, node, switch_inport_nr, switch_outport_nr,

        match = 'in_port=%s' % switch_inport_nr

        cookie = kwargs.get('cookie')
        match_input = kwargs.get('match')
        cmd = kwargs.get('cmd')
        path = kwargs.get('path')
        index = kwargs.get('pathindex')
        vlan = kwargs.get('vlan')

        s = ','
        if cookie:
            cookie = 'cookie=%s' % cookie
            match = s.join([cookie, match])
        if match_input:
            match = s.join([match, match_input])
        if cmd == 'add-flow':
            action = 'action=%s' % switch_outport_nr
            if vlan is not None:
                if index == 0:  # first node
                    action = ('action=mod_vlan_vid:%s' % vlan) + \
                        (',output=%s' % switch_outport_nr)
                    match = '-O OpenFlow13 ' + match
                elif index == len(path) - 1:  # last node
                    match += ',dl_vlan=%s' % vlan
                    action = 'action=strip_vlan,output=%s' % switch_outport_nr
                else:  # middle nodes
                    match += ',dl_vlan=%s' % vlan
            ofcmd = s.join([match, action])
        elif cmd == 'del-flows':
            ofcmd = match
            ofcmd = ''

        node.dpctl(cmd, ofcmd)
        LOG.info("{3} in switch: {0} in_port: {1} out_port: {2}".format(
            node.name, switch_inport_nr, switch_outport_nr, cmd))

    # start Ryu Openflow controller as Remote Controller for the DCNetwork
    def startRyu(self, learning_switch=True):
        # start Ryu controller with rest-API
        python_install_path = site.getsitepackages()[0]
        # ryu default learning switch
        # ryu_path = python_install_path + '/ryu/app/simple_switch_13.py'
        # custom learning switch that installs a default NORMAL action in the
        # ovs switches
        dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
        ryu_path = dir_path + '/son_emu_simple_switch_13.py'
        ryu_path2 = python_install_path + '/ryu/app/ofctl_rest.py'
        # change the default Openflow controller port to 6653 (official IANA-assigned port number), as used by Mininet
        # Ryu still uses 6633 as default
        ryu_option = '--ofp-tcp-listen-port'
        ryu_of_port = '6653'
        ryu_cmd = 'ryu-manager'
        FNULL = open("/tmp/ryu.log", 'w')
        if learning_switch:
            self.ryu_process = Popen(
                [ryu_cmd, ryu_path, ryu_path2, ryu_option, ryu_of_port],
            LOG.debug('starting ryu-controller with {0}'.format(ryu_path))
            LOG.debug('starting ryu-controller with {0}'.format(ryu_path2))
            # no learning switch, but with rest api
            self.ryu_process = Popen(
                [ryu_cmd, ryu_path2, ryu_option, ryu_of_port],
            LOG.debug('starting ryu-controller with {0}'.format(ryu_path2))

    def killRyu(self):
        Stop the Ryu controller that might be started by son-emu.
        # try it nicely
        if self.ryu_process is not None:
        # ensure its death ;-)
        Popen(['pkill', '-f', 'ryu-manager'])

    def ryu_REST(self, prefix, dpid=None, data=None):

        if dpid:
            url = self.ryu_REST_api + '/' + str(prefix) + '/' + str(dpid)
            url = self.ryu_REST_api + '/' + str(prefix)
        if data:
            req = self.RyuSession.post(url, json=data)
            req = self.RyuSession.get(url)

        # do extra logging if status code is not 200 (OK)
        if req.status_code is not requests.codes.ok:
                'type {0}  encoding: {1} text: {2} headers: {3} history: {4}'.
                format(req.headers['content-type'], req.encoding, req.text,
                       req.headers, req.history))
            LOG.info('url: {0}'.format(str(url)))
            if data:
                LOG.info('POST: {0}'.format(str(data)))
            LOG.info('status: {0} reason: {1}'.format(req.status_code,

        if 'json' in req.headers['content-type']:
            ret = req.json()
            return ret

        ret = req.text.rstrip()
        return ret

    # need to respect that some match fields must be integers
    # http://ryu.readthedocs.io/en/latest/app/ofctl_rest.html#description-of-match-and-actions

    def _parse_match(self, match):
        matches = match.split(',')
        dict = {}
        for m in matches:
            match = m.split('=')
            if len(match) == 2:
                    m2 = int(match[1], 0)
                except BaseException:
                    m2 = match[1]

                dict.update({match[0]: m2})
        return dict

    def find_connected_dc_interface(self,

        if vnf_src_interface is None:
            # take first interface by default
            connected_sw = self.DCNetwork_graph.neighbors(vnf_src_name)[0]
            link_dict = self.DCNetwork_graph[vnf_src_name][connected_sw]
            vnf_src_interface = link_dict[0]['src_port_id']

        for connected_sw in self.DCNetwork_graph.neighbors(vnf_src_name):
            link_dict = self.DCNetwork_graph[vnf_src_name][connected_sw]
            for link in link_dict:
                if (link_dict[link]['src_port_id'] == vnf_src_interface or
                        link_dict[link]['src_port_name'] == vnf_src_interface):
                    # Fix: we might also get interface names, e.g, from a son-emu-cli call
                    # found the right link and connected switch
                    src_sw_inport_name = link_dict[link]['dst_port_name']
                    return src_sw_inport_name
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, controller=RemoteController, monitor=False,
                 enable_learning=False, # learning switch behavior of the default ovs switches icw Ryu controller can be turned off/on, needed for E-LAN functionality
                 dc_emulation_max_cpu=1.0,  # fraction of overall CPU time for emulation
                 dc_emulation_max_mem=512,  # emulation max mem in MB
        Create an extended version of a Containernet network
        :param dc_emulation_max_cpu: max. CPU time used by containers in data centers
        :param kwargs: path through for Mininet parameters
        # members
        self.dcs = {}
        self.ryu_process = None
        #list of deployed nsds.E_Lines and E_LANs (uploaded from the dummy gatekeeper)
        self.deployed_nsds = []
        self.deployed_elines = []
        self.deployed_elans = []
        self.vlan_dict = {}

        # flag to indicate if the topology has been stopped (e.g. by api call)
        self.exit = False

        # always cleanup environment before we start the emulator

        # call original Docker.__init__ and setup default controller
            self, switch=OVSKernelSwitch, controller=controller, **kwargs)

        # default switch configuration
        enable_ryu_learning = False
        if enable_learning :
            self.failMode = 'standalone'
            enable_ryu_learning = True
            self.failMode = 'secure'

        # Ryu management
        if controller == RemoteController:
            # start Ryu controller

        # add the specified controller
        self.addController('c0', controller=controller)

        # graph of the complete DC network
        self.DCNetwork_graph = nx.MultiDiGraph()

        # initialize pool of vlan tags to setup the SDN paths
        self.vlans = range(1, 4095)[::-1]

        # link to Ryu REST_API
        ryu_ip = 'localhost'
        ryu_port = '8080'
        self.ryu_REST_api = 'http://{0}:{1}'.format(ryu_ip, ryu_port)
        self.RyuSession = requests.Session()

        # monitoring agent
        if monitor:
            self.monitor_agent = DCNetworkMonitor(self)
            self.monitor_agent = None

        # initialize resource model registrar
        self.rm_registrar = ResourceModelRegistrar(
            dc_emulation_max_cpu, dc_emulation_max_mem)
        self.cpu_period = CPU_PERIOD
Пример #6
class DCNetwork(Containernet):
    Wraps the original Mininet/Containernet class and provides
    methods to add data centers, switches, etc.

    This class is used by topology definition scripts.

    def __init__(self, controller=RemoteController, monitor=False,
                 enable_learning=False, # learning switch behavior of the default ovs switches icw Ryu controller can be turned off/on, needed for E-LAN functionality
                 dc_emulation_max_cpu=1.0,  # fraction of overall CPU time for emulation
                 dc_emulation_max_mem=512,  # emulation max mem in MB
        Create an extended version of a Containernet network
        :param dc_emulation_max_cpu: max. CPU time used by containers in data centers
        :param kwargs: path through for Mininet parameters
        # members
        self.dcs = {}
        self.ryu_process = None
        #list of deployed nsds.E_Lines and E_LANs (uploaded from the dummy gatekeeper)
        self.deployed_nsds = []
        self.deployed_elines = []
        self.deployed_elans = []
        self.vlan_dict = {}

        # flag to indicate if the topology has been stopped (e.g. by api call)
        self.exit = False

        # always cleanup environment before we start the emulator

        # call original Docker.__init__ and setup default controller
            self, switch=OVSKernelSwitch, controller=controller, **kwargs)

        # default switch configuration
        enable_ryu_learning = False
        if enable_learning :
            self.failMode = 'standalone'
            enable_ryu_learning = True
            self.failMode = 'secure'

        # Ryu management
        if controller == RemoteController:
            # start Ryu controller

        # add the specified controller
        self.addController('c0', controller=controller)

        # graph of the complete DC network
        self.DCNetwork_graph = nx.MultiDiGraph()

        # initialize pool of vlan tags to setup the SDN paths
        self.vlans = range(1, 4095)[::-1]

        # link to Ryu REST_API
        ryu_ip = 'localhost'
        ryu_port = '8080'
        self.ryu_REST_api = 'http://{0}:{1}'.format(ryu_ip, ryu_port)
        self.RyuSession = requests.Session()

        # monitoring agent
        if monitor:
            self.monitor_agent = DCNetworkMonitor(self)
            self.monitor_agent = None

        # initialize resource model registrar
        self.rm_registrar = ResourceModelRegistrar(
            dc_emulation_max_cpu, dc_emulation_max_mem)
        self.cpu_period = CPU_PERIOD

    def addDatacenter(self, label, metadata={}, resource_log_path=None):
        Create and add a logical cloud data center to the network.
        if label in self.dcs:
            raise Exception("Data center label already exists: %s" % label)
        dc = Datacenter(label, metadata=metadata, resource_log_path=resource_log_path)
        dc.net = self  # set reference to network
        self.dcs[label] = dc
        dc.create()  # finally create the data center in our Mininet instance
        LOG.info("added data center: %s" % label)
        return dc

    def addLink(self, node1, node2, **params):
        Able to handle Datacenter objects as link
        end points.
        assert node1 is not None
        assert node2 is not None

        # ensure type of node1
        if isinstance( node1, basestring ):
            if node1 in self.dcs:
                node1 = self.dcs[node1].switch
        if isinstance( node1, Datacenter ):
            node1 = node1.switch
        # ensure type of node2
        if isinstance( node2, basestring ):
            if node2 in self.dcs:
                node2 = self.dcs[node2].switch
        if isinstance( node2, Datacenter ):
            node2 = node2.switch
        # try to give containers a default IP
        if isinstance( node1, Docker ):
            if "params1" not in params:
                params["params1"] = {}
            if "ip" not in params["params1"]:
                params["params1"]["ip"] = self.getNextIp()
        if isinstance( node2, Docker ):
            if "params2" not in params:
                params["params2"] = {}
            if "ip" not in params["params2"]:
                params["params2"]["ip"] = self.getNextIp()
        # ensure that we allow TCLinks between data centerscached_reqs_count
        # TODO this is not optimal, we use cls=Link for containers and TCLink for data centers
        # see Containernet issue: https://github.com/mpeuster/containernet/issues/3
        if "cls" not in params:
            params["cls"] = TCLink

        link = Containernet.addLink(self, node1, node2, **params)

        # try to give container interfaces a default id
        node1_port_id = node1.ports[link.intf1]
        if isinstance(node1, Docker):
            if "id" in params["params1"]:
                node1_port_id = params["params1"]["id"]
        node1_port_name = link.intf1.name

        node2_port_id = node2.ports[link.intf2]
        if isinstance(node2, Docker):
            if "id" in params["params2"]:
                node2_port_id = params["params2"]["id"]
        node2_port_name = link.intf2.name

        # add edge and assigned port number to graph in both directions between node1 and node2
        # port_id: id given in descriptor (if available, otherwise same as port)
        # port: portnumber assigned by Containernet

        attr_dict = {}
        # possible weight metrics allowed by TClink class:
        weight_metrics = ['bw', 'delay', 'jitter', 'loss']
        edge_attributes = [p for p in params if p in weight_metrics]
        for attr in edge_attributes:
            # if delay: strip ms (need number as weight in graph)
            match = re.search('([0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)', str(params[attr]))
            if match:
                attr_number = match.group(1)
                attr_number = None
            attr_dict[attr] = attr_number

        attr_dict2 = {'src_port_id': node1_port_id, 'src_port_nr': node1.ports[link.intf1],
                      'src_port_name': node1_port_name,
                     'dst_port_id': node2_port_id, 'dst_port_nr': node2.ports[link.intf2],
                      'dst_port_name': node2_port_name}
        self.DCNetwork_graph.add_edge(node1.name, node2.name, attr_dict=attr_dict2)

        attr_dict2 = {'src_port_id': node2_port_id, 'src_port_nr': node2.ports[link.intf2],
                      'src_port_name': node2_port_name,
                     'dst_port_id': node1_port_id, 'dst_port_nr': node1.ports[link.intf1],
                      'dst_port_name': node1_port_name}
        self.DCNetwork_graph.add_edge(node2.name, node1.name, attr_dict=attr_dict2)

        LOG.debug("addLink: n1={0} intf1={1} -- n2={2} intf2={3}".format(
            str(node1),node1_port_name, str(node2), node2_port_name))

        return link

    def removeLink(self, link=None, node1=None, node2=None):
        Remove the link from the Containernet and the networkx graph
        if link is not None:
            node1 = link.intf1.node
            node2 = link.intf2.node
        assert node1 is not None
        assert node2 is not None
        Containernet.removeLink(self, link=link, node1=node1, node2=node2)
        # TODO we might decrease the loglevel to debug:
            self.DCNetwork_graph.remove_edge(node2.name, node1.name)
            LOG.warning("%s, %s not found in DCNetwork_graph." % ((node2.name, node1.name)))
            self.DCNetwork_graph.remove_edge(node1.name, node2.name)
            LOG.warning("%s, %s not found in DCNetwork_graph." % ((node1.name, node2.name)))

    def addDocker( self, label, **params ):
        Wrapper for addDocker method to use custom container class.
        self.DCNetwork_graph.add_node(label, type=params.get('type', 'docker'))
        return Containernet.addDocker(self, label, cls=EmulatorCompute, **params)

    def removeDocker( self, label, **params):
        Wrapper for removeDocker method to update graph.
        return Containernet.removeDocker(self, label, **params)

    def addExtSAP(self, sap_name, sap_ip, **params):
        Wrapper for addExtSAP method to store SAP  also in graph.
        # make sure that 'type' is set
        params['type'] = params.get('type','sap_ext')
        self.DCNetwork_graph.add_node(sap_name, type=params['type'])
        return Containernet.addExtSAP(self, sap_name, sap_ip, **params)

    def removeExtSAP(self, sap_name, **params):
        Wrapper for removeExtSAP method to remove SAP  also from graph.
        return Containernet.removeExtSAP(self, sap_name)

    def addSwitch( self, name, add_to_graph=True, **params ):
        Wrapper for addSwitch method to store switch also in graph.

        # add this switch to the global topology overview
        if add_to_graph:
            self.DCNetwork_graph.add_node(name, type=params.get('type','switch'))

        # set the learning switch behavior
        if 'failMode' in params :
            failMode = params['failMode']
        else :
            failMode = self.failMode

        s = Containernet.addSwitch(self, name, protocols='OpenFlow10,OpenFlow12,OpenFlow13', failMode=failMode, **params)

        return s

    def getAllContainers(self):
        Returns a list with all containers within all data centers.
        all_containers = []
        for dc in self.dcs.itervalues():
            all_containers += dc.listCompute()
        return all_containers

    def start(self):
        # start
        for dc in self.dcs.itervalues():

    def stop(self):

        # stop the monitor agent
        if self.monitor_agent is not None:

        # stop emulator net

        # stop Ryu controller

        # flag to indicate the topology has been stopped
        self.exit = True

    def CLI(self):

    def setLAN(self, vnf_list, vlan=None, action='add'):
        setup an E-LAN network by assigning the same VLAN tag to each DC interface of the VNFs in the E-LAN

        :param vnf_list: names of the VNFs in this E-LAN  [{name:,interface:},...]
        :param vlan: vlan tag to be used
        :param action: 'add' or 'delete' the vlan tags for the intefaces

        src_sw = None
        src_sw_inport_nr = 0
        src_sw_inport_name = None

        if vlan is None:
            # get a vlan tag for this E-LAN
            vlan = self.vlans.pop()

        ret = ''
        for vnf in vnf_list:
            vnf_src_name = vnf['name']
            vnf_src_interface = vnf['interface']

            # check if port is specified (vnf:port)
            if vnf_src_interface is None:
                # take first interface by default
                connected_sw = self.DCNetwork_graph.neighbors(vnf_src_name)[0]
                link_dict = self.DCNetwork_graph[vnf_src_name][connected_sw]
                vnf_src_interface = link_dict[0]['src_port_id']

            for connected_sw in self.DCNetwork_graph.neighbors(vnf_src_name):
                link_dict = self.DCNetwork_graph[vnf_src_name][connected_sw]
                for link in link_dict:
                    if (link_dict[link]['src_port_id'] == vnf_src_interface or
                                link_dict[link]['src_port_name'] == vnf_src_interface):  # Fix: we might also get interface names, e.g, from a son-emu-cli call
                        # found the right link and connected switch
                        src_sw = connected_sw
                        src_sw_inport_nr = link_dict[link]['dst_port_nr']
                        src_sw_inport_name = link_dict[link]['dst_port_name']

            # set the tag on the dc switch interface
            LOG.debug('set E-LAN: vnf name: {0} interface: {1} tag: {2}'.format(vnf_src_name, vnf_src_interface,vlan))
            switch_node = self.getNodeByName(src_sw)
            if action == 'add':
                self._set_vlan_tag(switch_node, src_sw_inport_name, vlan, vnf_src_name, vnf_src_interface)
            elif action == 'delete':
                self._remove_vlan_tag(switch_node, src_sw_inport_name, vlan, vnf_src_name, vnf_src_interface)
                ret += "\nERROR: undefined action: {0}".format(action)

            ret+= "\n{0} vlan tag: {1} on {2}:{3}".format(action, vlan, vnf_src_name, vnf_src_interface)

        return ret

    def _addMonitorFlow(self, vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name, vnf_src_interface=None, vnf_dst_interface=None,
                       tag=None, **kwargs):
        Add a monitoring flow entry that adds a special flowentry/counter at the begin or end of a chain.
        So this monitoring flowrule exists on top of a previously defined chain rule and uses the same vlan tag/routing.
        :param vnf_src_name:
        :param vnf_dst_name:
        :param vnf_src_interface:
        :param vnf_dst_interface:
        :param tag: vlan tag to be used for this chain (same tag as existing chain)
        :param monitor_placement: 'tx' or 'rx' indicating to place the extra flowentry resp. at the beginning or end of the chain

        src_sw = None
        src_sw_inport_nr = 0
        src_sw_inport_name = None
        dst_sw = None
        dst_sw_outport_nr = 0
        dst_sw_outport_name = None

        LOG.debug("call AddMonitorFlow vnf_src_name=%r, vnf_src_interface=%r, vnf_dst_name=%r, vnf_dst_interface=%r",
                  vnf_src_name, vnf_src_interface, vnf_dst_name, vnf_dst_interface)

        #check if port is specified (vnf:port)
        if vnf_src_interface is None:
            # take first interface by default
            connected_sw = self.DCNetwork_graph.neighbors(vnf_src_name)[0]
            link_dict = self.DCNetwork_graph[vnf_src_name][connected_sw]
            vnf_src_interface = link_dict[0]['src_port_id']

        for connected_sw in self.DCNetwork_graph.neighbors(vnf_src_name):
            link_dict = self.DCNetwork_graph[vnf_src_name][connected_sw]
            for link in link_dict:
                if (link_dict[link]['src_port_id'] == vnf_src_interface or
                        link_dict[link]['src_port_name'] == vnf_src_interface):  # Fix: we might also get interface names, e.g, from a son-emu-cli call
                    # found the right link and connected switch
                    src_sw = connected_sw
                    src_sw_inport_nr = link_dict[link]['dst_port_nr']
                    src_sw_inport_name = link_dict[link]['dst_port_name']

        if vnf_dst_interface is None:
            # take first interface by default
            connected_sw = self.DCNetwork_graph.neighbors(vnf_dst_name)[0]
            link_dict = self.DCNetwork_graph[connected_sw][vnf_dst_name]
            vnf_dst_interface = link_dict[0]['dst_port_id']

        vnf_dst_name = vnf_dst_name.split(':')[0]
        for connected_sw in self.DCNetwork_graph.neighbors(vnf_dst_name):
            link_dict = self.DCNetwork_graph[connected_sw][vnf_dst_name]
            for link in link_dict:
                if link_dict[link]['dst_port_id'] == vnf_dst_interface or \
                        link_dict[link]['dst_port_name'] == vnf_dst_interface:  # Fix: we might also get interface names, e.g, from a son-emu-cli call
                    # found the right link and connected switch
                    dst_sw = connected_sw
                    dst_sw_outport_nr = link_dict[link]['src_port_nr']
                    dst_sw_outport_name = link_dict[link]['src_port_name']

        if not tag >= 0:
            LOG.exception('tag not valid: {0}'.format(tag))

        # get shortest path
            # returns the first found shortest path
            # if all shortest paths are wanted, use: all_shortest_paths
            path = nx.shortest_path(self.DCNetwork_graph, src_sw, dst_sw, weight=kwargs.get('weight'))
            LOG.exception("No path could be found between {0} and {1} using src_sw={2} and dst_sw={3}".format(
                vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name, src_sw, dst_sw))
            LOG.debug("Graph nodes: %r" % self.DCNetwork_graph.nodes())
            LOG.debug("Graph edges: %r" % self.DCNetwork_graph.edges())
            for e, v in self.DCNetwork_graph.edges():
                LOG.debug("%r" % self.DCNetwork_graph[e][v])
            return "No path could be found between {0} and {1}".format(vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name)

        LOG.info("Path between {0} and {1}: {2}".format(vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name, path))

        current_hop = src_sw
        switch_inport_nr = src_sw_inport_nr

        cmd = kwargs.get('cmd')

        #iterate through the path to install the flow-entries
        for i in range(0,len(path)):
            current_node = self.getNodeByName(current_hop)

            if path.index(current_hop) < len(path)-1:
                next_hop = path[path.index(current_hop)+1]
                #last switch reached
                next_hop = vnf_dst_name

            next_node = self.getNodeByName(next_hop)

            if next_hop == vnf_dst_name:
                switch_outport_nr = dst_sw_outport_nr
                LOG.info("end node reached: {0}".format(vnf_dst_name))
            elif not isinstance( next_node, OVSSwitch ):
                LOG.info("Next node: {0} is not a switch".format(next_hop))
                return "Next node: {0} is not a switch".format(next_hop)
                # take first link between switches by default
                index_edge_out = 0
                switch_outport_nr = self.DCNetwork_graph[current_hop][next_hop][index_edge_out]['src_port_nr']

           # set of entry via ovs-ofctl
            if isinstance( current_node, OVSSwitch ):
                kwargs['vlan'] = tag
                kwargs['path'] = path
                kwargs['current_hop'] = current_hop
                kwargs['switch_inport_name'] = src_sw_inport_name
                kwargs['switch_outport_name'] = dst_sw_outport_name
                kwargs['skip_vlan_tag'] = True
                kwargs['pathindex'] = i

                monitor_placement = kwargs.get('monitor_placement').strip()
                # put monitor flow at the dst switch
                insert_flow = False
                if monitor_placement == 'tx' and path.index(current_hop) == 0:  # first node:
                    insert_flow = True
                # put monitoring flow at the src switch
                elif monitor_placement == 'rx' and path.index(current_hop) == len(path) - 1:  # last node:
                    insert_flow = True
                elif monitor_placement not in ['rx', 'tx']:
                    LOG.exception('invalid monitor command: {0}'.format(monitor_placement))

                if self.controller == RemoteController and insert_flow:
                    ## set flow entry via ryu rest api
                    self._set_flow_entry_ryu_rest(current_node, switch_inport_nr, switch_outport_nr, **kwargs)
                elif insert_flow:
                    ## set flow entry via ovs-ofctl
                    self._set_flow_entry_dpctl(current_node, switch_inport_nr, switch_outport_nr, **kwargs)

            # take first link between switches by default
            if isinstance( next_node, OVSSwitch ):
                switch_inport_nr = self.DCNetwork_graph[current_hop][next_hop][0]['dst_port_nr']
                current_hop = next_hop

        return "path {2} between {0} and {1}".format(vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name, cmd)

    def setChain(self, vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name, vnf_src_interface=None, vnf_dst_interface=None, **kwargs):
        Chain 2 vnf interfaces together by installing the flowrules in the switches along their path.
        Currently the path is found using the default networkx shortest path function.
        Each chain gets a unique vlan id , so different chains wil not interfere.

        :param vnf_src_name: vnf name (string)
        :param vnf_dst_name: vnf name (string)
        :param vnf_src_interface: source interface name  (string)
        :param vnf_dst_interface: destination interface name  (string)
        :param cmd: 'add-flow' (default) to add a chain, 'del-flows' to remove a chain
        :param cookie: cookie for the installed flowrules (can be used later as identifier for a set of installed chains)
        :param match: custom match entry to be added to the flowrules (default: only in_port and vlan tag)
        :param priority: custom flowrule priority
        :param monitor: boolean to indicate whether this chain is a monitoring chain
        :param tag: vlan tag to be used for this chain (pre-defined or new one if none is specified)
        :param skip_vlan_tag: boolean to indicate if a vlan tag should be appointed to this flow or not
        :param path: custom path between the two VNFs (list of switches)
        :param bidirectional: setup the chain in two directions or only one-way (src <-> dst)
        :return: output log string

        # check if chain already exists (by checking if a vlan tag has already been assigned for this interface)
        id_src = "{0}:{1}".format(vnf_src_name, vnf_src_interface)
        tag_src = self.vlan_dict.get(id_src)
        id_dst = "{0}:{1}".format(vnf_dst_name, vnf_dst_interface)
        tag_dst = self.vlan_dict.get(id_dst)
        if (tag_src == tag_dst) and (tag_src is not None) and (tag_dst is not None):
            kwargs['tag'] = tag_src

        # special procedure for monitoring flows
        if kwargs.get('monitor'):
            tag = kwargs.get['tag']
            if tag is not None:
                # this chain exists (part of E-LAN or E-Line), so need an extra monitoring flow, reusing the existing vlan
                # assume only 1 chain per vnf/interface pair
                LOG.debug('*** installing monitoring chain on top of pre-defined chain from {0}:{1} -> {2}:{3}'.
                            format(vnf_src_name, vnf_src_interface, vnf_dst_name, vnf_dst_interface))
                ret = self._addMonitorFlow(vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name, vnf_src_interface, vnf_dst_interface,
                                     tag=tag, table_id=0, **kwargs)
                return ret
                # no chain existing (no common vlan tag) -> install normal chain
                LOG.warning('*** installing monitoring chain without pre-defined NSD chain from {0}:{1} -> {2}:{3} '
                            '(no matching vlan tags found, installing new chain)'.
                            format(vnf_src_name, vnf_src_interface, vnf_dst_name, vnf_dst_interface))

        cmd = kwargs.get('cmd', 'add-flow')
        if cmd == 'add-flow' or cmd == 'del-flows':
            ret = self._chainAddFlow(vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name, vnf_src_interface, vnf_dst_interface, **kwargs)
            # this can be a boolean or a string value, as returned by the rest api
            bidirectional = kwargs.get('bidirectional')
            true_list = ['true', 'True', True, 1]
            if bidirectional in true_list:
                if kwargs.get('path') is not None:
                    kwargs['path'] = list(reversed(kwargs.get('path')))
                ret = ret +'\n' + self._chainAddFlow(vnf_dst_name, vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_interface, vnf_src_interface, **kwargs)

            ret = "Command unknown"

        return ret

    def _chainAddFlow(self, vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name, vnf_src_interface=None, vnf_dst_interface=None, **kwargs):

        src_sw = None
        src_sw_inport_nr = 0
        src_sw_inport_name = None
        dst_sw = None
        dst_sw_outport_nr = 0
        dst_sw_outport_name = None

        LOG.debug("call chainAddFlow vnf_src_name=%r, vnf_src_interface=%r, vnf_dst_name=%r, vnf_dst_interface=%r",
                  vnf_src_name, vnf_src_interface, vnf_dst_name, vnf_dst_interface)

        #check if port is specified (vnf:port)
        if vnf_src_interface is None:
            # take first interface by default
            connected_sw = self.DCNetwork_graph.neighbors(vnf_src_name)[0]
            link_dict = self.DCNetwork_graph[vnf_src_name][connected_sw]
            vnf_src_interface = link_dict[0]['src_port_id']

        for connected_sw in self.DCNetwork_graph.neighbors(vnf_src_name):
            link_dict = self.DCNetwork_graph[vnf_src_name][connected_sw]
            for link in link_dict:
                if (link_dict[link]['src_port_id'] == vnf_src_interface or
                        link_dict[link]['src_port_name'] == vnf_src_interface):  # Fix: we might also get interface names, e.g, from a son-emu-cli call
                    # found the right link and connected switch
                    src_sw = connected_sw
                    src_sw_inport_nr = link_dict[link]['dst_port_nr']
                    src_sw_inport_name = link_dict[link]['dst_port_name']

        if vnf_dst_interface is None:
            # take first interface by default
            connected_sw = self.DCNetwork_graph.neighbors(vnf_dst_name)[0]
            link_dict = self.DCNetwork_graph[connected_sw][vnf_dst_name]
            vnf_dst_interface = link_dict[0]['dst_port_id']

        vnf_dst_name = vnf_dst_name.split(':')[0]
        for connected_sw in self.DCNetwork_graph.neighbors(vnf_dst_name):
            link_dict = self.DCNetwork_graph[connected_sw][vnf_dst_name]
            for link in link_dict:
                if link_dict[link]['dst_port_id'] == vnf_dst_interface or \
                        link_dict[link]['dst_port_name'] == vnf_dst_interface:  # Fix: we might also get interface names, e.g, from a son-emu-cli call
                    # found the right link and connected switch
                    dst_sw = connected_sw
                    dst_sw_outport_nr = link_dict[link]['src_port_nr']
                    dst_sw_outport_name = link_dict[link]['src_port_name']

        path = kwargs.get('path')
        if path is None:
            # get shortest path
                # returns the first found shortest path
                # if all shortest paths are wanted, use: all_shortest_paths
                path = nx.shortest_path(self.DCNetwork_graph, src_sw, dst_sw, weight=kwargs.get('weight'))
                LOG.exception("No path could be found between {0} and {1} using src_sw={2} and dst_sw={3}".format(
                    vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name, src_sw, dst_sw))
                LOG.debug("Graph nodes: %r" % self.DCNetwork_graph.nodes())
                LOG.debug("Graph edges: %r" % self.DCNetwork_graph.edges())
                for e, v in self.DCNetwork_graph.edges():
                    LOG.debug("%r" % self.DCNetwork_graph[e][v])
                return "No path could be found between {0} and {1}".format(vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name)

        LOG.info("Path between {0} and {1}: {2}".format(vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name, path))

        current_hop = src_sw
        switch_inport_nr = src_sw_inport_nr

        # choose free vlan
        cmd = kwargs.get('cmd')
        vlan = None
        if cmd == 'add-flow':
            if kwargs.get('tag'):
                # use pre-defined tag
                vlan = kwargs.get('tag')
                vlan = self.vlans.pop()

        #iterate through the path to install the flow-entries
        for i in range(0,len(path)):
            current_node = self.getNodeByName(current_hop)

            if i < len(path) - 1:
                next_hop = path[i + 1]
                # last switch reached
                next_hop = vnf_dst_name

            next_node = self.getNodeByName(next_hop)

            if next_hop == vnf_dst_name:
                switch_outport_nr = dst_sw_outport_nr
                LOG.info("end node reached: {0}".format(vnf_dst_name))
            elif not isinstance( next_node, OVSSwitch ):
                LOG.info("Next node: {0} is not a switch".format(next_hop))
                return "Next node: {0} is not a switch".format(next_hop)
                # take first link between switches by default
                index_edge_out = 0
                switch_outport_nr = self.DCNetwork_graph[current_hop][next_hop][index_edge_out]['src_port_nr']

           # set OpenFlow entry
            if isinstance( current_node, OVSSwitch ):
                kwargs['vlan'] = vlan
                kwargs['path'] = path
                kwargs['current_hop'] = current_hop
                kwargs['switch_inport_name'] = src_sw_inport_name
                kwargs['switch_outport_name'] = dst_sw_outport_name
                kwargs['pathindex'] = i
                kwargs['vnf_src_name'] = vnf_src_name
                kwargs['vnf_src_interface'] = vnf_src_interface
                kwargs['vnf_dst_name'] = vnf_dst_name
                kwargs['vnf_dst_interface'] = vnf_dst_interface

                if self.controller == RemoteController:
                    ## set flow entry via ryu rest api
                    self._set_flow_entry_ryu_rest(current_node, switch_inport_nr, switch_outport_nr, **kwargs)
                    ## set flow entry via ovs-ofctl
                    self._set_flow_entry_dpctl(current_node, switch_inport_nr, switch_outport_nr, **kwargs)

            # take first link between switches by default
            if isinstance( next_node, OVSSwitch ):
                switch_inport_nr = self.DCNetwork_graph[current_hop][next_hop][0]['dst_port_nr']
                current_hop = next_hop

        flow_options = {
            'priority':kwargs.get('priority', DEFAULT_PRIORITY),
            'cookie':kwargs.get('cookie', DEFAULT_COOKIE),
        flow_options_str = json.dumps(flow_options, indent=1)
        return "success: {2} between {0} and {1} with options: {3}".format(vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name, cmd, flow_options_str)

    def _set_flow_entry_ryu_rest(self, node, switch_inport_nr, switch_outport_nr, **kwargs):

        match = 'in_port=%s' % switch_inport_nr

        cookie = kwargs.get('cookie')
        match_input = kwargs.get('match')
        cmd = kwargs.get('cmd')
        path = kwargs.get('path')
        index = kwargs.get('pathindex')

        vlan = kwargs.get('vlan')
        priority = kwargs.get('priority', DEFAULT_PRIORITY)
        # flag to not set the ovs port vlan tag
        skip_vlan_tag = kwargs.get('skip_vlan_tag')
        # table id to put this flowentry
        table_id = kwargs.get('table_id')
        if not table_id:
            table_id = 0

        s = ','
        if match_input:
            match = s.join([match, match_input])

        flow = {}
        flow['dpid'] = int(node.dpid, 16)

        if cookie:
            flow['cookie'] = int(cookie)
        if priority:
            flow['priority'] = int(priority)

        flow['table_id'] = table_id

        flow['actions'] = []

        # possible Ryu actions, match fields:
        # http://ryu.readthedocs.io/en/latest/app/ofctl_rest.html#add-a-flow-entry
        if cmd == 'add-flow':
            prefix = 'stats/flowentry/add'
            if vlan != None:
                if index == 0:  # first node
                    # set vlan tag in ovs instance (to isolate from E-LANs)
                    if not skip_vlan_tag:
                        in_port_name = kwargs.get('switch_inport_name')
                        vnf_src_name = kwargs.get('vnf_src_name')
                        vnf_src_interface = kwargs.get('vnf_src_interface')
                        self._set_vlan_tag(node, in_port_name, vlan, vnf_src_name, vnf_src_interface)
                    # set vlan push action if more than 1 switch in the path
                    if len(path) > 1:
                        action = {}
                        action['type'] = 'PUSH_VLAN'  # Push a new VLAN tag if a input frame is non-VLAN-tagged
                        action['ethertype'] = 33024   # Ethertype 0x8100(=33024): IEEE 802.1Q VLAN-tagged frame
                        action = {}
                        action['type'] = 'SET_FIELD'
                        action['field'] = 'vlan_vid'
                        # ryu expects the field to be masked
                        action['value'] = vlan | 0x1000

                elif index == len(path) - 1:  # last node
                    # set vlan tag in ovs instance (to isolate from E-LANs)
                    if not skip_vlan_tag:
                        out_port_name = kwargs.get('switch_outport_name')
                        vnf_dst_name = kwargs.get('vnf_dst_name')
                        vnf_dst_interface = kwargs.get('vnf_dst_interface')
                        self._set_vlan_tag(node, out_port_name, vlan, vnf_dst_name, vnf_dst_interface)
                    # set vlan pop action if more than 1 switch in the path
                    if len(path) > 1:
                        match += ',dl_vlan=%s' % vlan
                        action = {}
                        action['type'] = 'POP_VLAN'

                else:  # middle nodes
                    match += ',dl_vlan=%s' % vlan

            # output action must come last
            action = {}
            action['type'] = 'OUTPUT'
            action['port'] = switch_outport_nr

        elif cmd == 'del-flows':
            prefix = 'stats/flowentry/delete'

            if cookie:
                # TODO: add cookie_mask as argument
                flow['cookie_mask'] = int('0xffffffffffffffff', 16)  # need full mask to match complete cookie

            action = {}
            action['type'] = 'OUTPUT'
            action['port'] = switch_outport_nr

        flow['match'] = self._parse_match(match)
        self.ryu_REST(prefix, data=flow)

    def _set_vlan_tag(self, node, switch_port, tag, vnf_name, vnf_interface):
        id = "{0}:{1}".format(vnf_name, vnf_interface)
        node.vsctl('set', 'port {0} tag={1}'.format(switch_port,tag))
        LOG.debug("set vlan in switch: {0} in_port: {1} vlan tag: {2}".format(node.name, switch_port, tag))

    def _remove_vlan_tag(self, node, switch_port, tag, vnf_name, vnf_interface):
        id = "{0}:{1}".format(vnf_name, vnf_interface)
        node.vsctl('remove', 'port {0} tag {1}'.format(switch_port,tag))
        LOG.debug("unset vlan in switch: {0} in_port: {1} vlan tag: {2}".format(node.name, switch_port, tag))

    def _set_flow_entry_dpctl(self, node, switch_inport_nr, switch_outport_nr, **kwargs):

        match = 'in_port=%s' % switch_inport_nr

        cookie = kwargs.get('cookie')
        match_input = kwargs.get('match')
        cmd = kwargs.get('cmd')
        path = kwargs.get('path')
        index = kwargs.get('pathindex')
        vlan = kwargs.get('vlan')

        s = ','
        if cookie:
            cookie = 'cookie=%s' % cookie
            match = s.join([cookie, match])
        if match_input:
            match = s.join([match, match_input])
        if cmd == 'add-flow':
            action = 'action=%s' % switch_outport_nr
            if vlan != None:
                if index == 0: # first node
                    action = ('action=mod_vlan_vid:%s' % vlan) + (',output=%s' % switch_outport_nr)
                    match = '-O OpenFlow13 ' + match
                elif index == len(path) - 1:  # last node
                    match += ',dl_vlan=%s' % vlan
                    action = 'action=strip_vlan,output=%s' % switch_outport_nr
                else:  # middle nodes
                    match += ',dl_vlan=%s' % vlan
            ofcmd = s.join([match, action])
        elif cmd == 'del-flows':
            ofcmd = match
            ofcmd = ''

        node.dpctl(cmd, ofcmd)
        LOG.info("{3} in switch: {0} in_port: {1} out_port: {2}".format(node.name, switch_inport_nr,
                                                                                 switch_outport_nr, cmd))

    # start Ryu Openflow controller as Remote Controller for the DCNetwork
    def startRyu(self, learning_switch=True):
        # start Ryu controller with rest-API
        python_install_path = site.getsitepackages()[0]
        # ryu default learning switch
        #ryu_path = python_install_path + '/ryu/app/simple_switch_13.py'
        #custom learning switch that installs a default NORMAL action in the ovs switches
        dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
        ryu_path = dir_path + '/son_emu_simple_switch_13.py'
        ryu_path2 = python_install_path + '/ryu/app/ofctl_rest.py'
        # change the default Openflow controller port to 6653 (official IANA-assigned port number), as used by Mininet
        # Ryu still uses 6633 as default
        ryu_option = '--ofp-tcp-listen-port'
        ryu_of_port = '6653'
        ryu_cmd = 'ryu-manager'
        FNULL = open("/tmp/ryu.log", 'w')
        if learning_switch:
            self.ryu_process = Popen([ryu_cmd, ryu_path, ryu_path2, ryu_option, ryu_of_port], stdout=FNULL, stderr=FNULL)
            LOG.debug('starting ryu-controller with {0}'.format(ryu_path))
            LOG.debug('starting ryu-controller with {0}'.format(ryu_path2))
            # no learning switch, but with rest api
            self.ryu_process = Popen([ryu_cmd, ryu_path2, ryu_option, ryu_of_port], stdout=FNULL, stderr=FNULL)
            LOG.debug('starting ryu-controller with {0}'.format(ryu_path2))

    def killRyu(self):
        Stop the Ryu controller that might be started by son-emu.
        # try it nicely
        if self.ryu_process is not None:
        # ensure its death ;-)
        Popen(['pkill', '-f', 'ryu-manager'])

    def ryu_REST(self, prefix, dpid=None, data=None):

        if dpid:
            url = self.ryu_REST_api + '/' + str(prefix) + '/' + str(dpid)
            url = self.ryu_REST_api + '/' + str(prefix)
        if data:
            req = self.RyuSession.post(url, json=data)
            req = self.RyuSession.get(url)

        # do extra logging if status code is not 200 (OK)
        if req.status_code is not requests.codes.ok:
                'type {0}  encoding: {1} text: {2} headers: {3} history: {4}'.format(req.headers['content-type'],
                                                                                     req.encoding, req.text,
                                                                                     req.headers, req.history))
            LOG.info('url: {0}'.format(str(url)))
            if data: LOG.info('POST: {0}'.format(str(data)))
            LOG.info('status: {0} reason: {1}'.format(req.status_code, req.reason))

        if 'json' in req.headers['content-type']:
            ret = req.json()
            return ret

        ret = req.text.rstrip()
        return ret

    # need to respect that some match fields must be integers
    # http://ryu.readthedocs.io/en/latest/app/ofctl_rest.html#description-of-match-and-actions
    def _parse_match(self, match):
        matches = match.split(',')
        dict = {}
        for m in matches:
            match = m.split('=')
            if len(match) == 2:
                    m2 = int(match[1], 0)
                    m2 = match[1]

        return dict

    def find_connected_dc_interface(self, vnf_src_name, vnf_src_interface=None):

        if vnf_src_interface is None:
            # take first interface by default
            connected_sw = self.DCNetwork_graph.neighbors(vnf_src_name)[0]
            link_dict = self.DCNetwork_graph[vnf_src_name][connected_sw]
            vnf_src_interface = link_dict[0]['src_port_id']

        for connected_sw in self.DCNetwork_graph.neighbors(vnf_src_name):
            link_dict = self.DCNetwork_graph[vnf_src_name][connected_sw]
            for link in link_dict:
                if (link_dict[link]['src_port_id'] == vnf_src_interface or
                        link_dict[link]['src_port_name'] == vnf_src_interface):  # Fix: we might also get interface names, e.g, from a son-emu-cli call
                    # found the right link and connected switch
                    src_sw = connected_sw
                    src_sw_inport_nr = link_dict[link]['dst_port_nr']
                    src_sw_inport_name = link_dict[link]['dst_port_name']
                    return src_sw_inport_name