def main(): """Program """ parser = get_parser() args = parser.parse_args() mode = args.dcc_mode exp_id = args.exp_id conn = Connection(mode) exp_rep_dico = conn.get_fastqfile_replicate_hash(exp_id) exp_json = conn.get(exp_id, ignore404=True) controls = exp_json["possible_controls"] # A list of dicts. # Populate a controls-lookup hash. The keys will be the ctl accessions. Each value will be # the replicates hash (return value of conn.get_fastqfile_replicate_hash(). controls_hash = {} # A dict of dicts. control_bio_rep_counts = [] for c in controls: ctl_accession = c["accession"] controls_hash[ctl_accession] = {} ctl_rep_dico = conn.get_fastqfile_replicate_hash(ctl_accession) controls_hash[ctl_accession]["rep_dico"] = ctl_rep_dico control_bio_rep_counts.append(len(ctl_rep_dico.keys())) # Make sure that all control experiments have the same number of biological replicates. There are # no known rules to apply otherwise. if len(set(control_bio_rep_counts)) != 1: raise Exception( "The controls '{controls}' have different numbers of biological replicates from one another '{rep_nums}'." .format(controls=control_ids, rep_nums=control_bio_rep_counts)) # Make sure that the number of control bio reps equals the number of experiment bio reps: exp_bio_rep_count = len(exp_rep_dico.keys()) if exp_bio_rep_count != control_bio_rep_counts[0]: raise Exception( "The number of experiment replicates '{}' doesn't equal the number of control replicates '{}'." .format(exp_bio_rep_count, control_bio_rep_counts[0])) # Now we'll look at each bio rep on the experiment, in numerical order of # biological_replicate_number from least to greatest. We'll work our way all the down to the # FASTQ files and start populating the File.controlled_by property in the following manner: # # For each control, we'll sort the replicates the same was as we did for the ones on the # experiment, then for the replicate having the same ordinal index, we'll add the FASTQ File # references. sorted_exp_bio_reps = sorted(exp_rep_dico) count = -1 # And now for the nastiest for-loop I've ever written ... this should be cleaned up but the logic # is so rough to implement that it'll be ugly any way we look at it. for b in sorted_exp_bio_reps: # biological_replicate_number count += 1 for t in exp_rep_dico[b]: # technical_replicate_number for read_num in exp_rep_dico[b][t]: for fastq_json in exp_rep_dico[b][t][read_num]: exp_file_acc = fastq_json["accession"] controlled_by = [] for c in controls_hash: ctl_bio_rep_num = sorted( controls_hash[c]["rep_dico"])[count] ctl_tech_reps = controls_hash[c]["rep_dico"][ ctl_bio_rep_num] for ctl_tech_rep_num in ctl_tech_reps: for ctl_encff in ctl_tech_reps[ctl_tech_rep_num][ read_num]: controlled_by.append(ctl_encff["accession"]) conn.patch( { conn.ENCID_KEY: exp_file_acc, "controlled_by": controlled_by }, extend_array_values=False)
class Accession(object): """docstring for Accession""" def __init__(self, steps, metadata_json, server, lab, award): super(Accession, self).__init__() self.set_lab_award(lab, award) self.analysis = Analysis(metadata_json) self.steps_and_params_json = self.file_to_json(steps) self.backend = self.analysis.backend self.conn = Connection(server) self.new_files = [] self.current_user = self.get_current_user() def set_lab_award(self, lab, award): global COMMON_METADATA COMMON_METADATA['lab'] = lab COMMON_METADATA['award'] = award def get_current_user(self): response = requests.get(self.conn.dcc_url + '/session-properties', auth=self.conn.auth) if response.ok: user = response.json().get('user') if user: return user.get('@id') raise Exception('Authenticated user not found') else: raise Exception('Request to portal failed') def file_to_json(self, file): with open(file) as json_file: json_obj = json.load(json_file) return json_obj def file_to_json(self, file): with open(file) as json_file: json_obj = json.load(json_file) return json_obj def file_to_json(self, file): with open(file) as json_file: json_obj = json.load(json_file) return json_obj def accession_fastqs(self): pass def wait_for_portal(self): pass def file_at_portal(self, file): self.wait_for_portal() md5sum = self.backend.md5sum(file) search_param = [('md5sum', md5sum), ('type', 'File')] encode_file = if len(encode_file) > 0: return self.conn.get(encode_file[0].get('accession')) def raw_fastq_inputs(self, file): if not file.task and 'fastqs' in file.filekeys: yield file if file.task: for input_file in file.task.input_files: yield from self.raw_fastq_inputs(input_file) def raw_files_accessioned(self): for file in self.analysis.raw_fastqs: if not self.file_at_portal(file.filename): return False return True def accession_file(self, encode_file, gs_file): file_exists = self.file_at_portal(gs_file.filename) submitted_file_path = {'submitted_file_name': gs_file.filename} if not file_exists: local_file =[0] encode_file['submitted_file_name'] = local_file encode_posted_file = os.remove(local_file) encode_posted_file = self.patch_file(encode_posted_file, submitted_file_path) self.new_files.append(encode_posted_file) return encode_posted_file elif (file_exists and file_exists.get('status') in ['deleted', 'revoked']): encode_file.update(submitted_file_path) # Update the file to current user # TODO: Reverse this when duplicate md5sums are enabled encode_file.update({'submitted_by': self.current_user}) encode_patched_file = self.patch_file(file_exists, encode_file) self.new_files.append(encode_patched_file) return encode_patched_file return file_exists def patch_file(self, encode_file, new_properties): new_properties[self.conn.ENCID_KEY] = encode_file.get('accession') return self.conn.patch(new_properties, extend_array_values=False) def get_or_make_step_run(self, lab_prefix, run_name, step_version, task_name): docker_tag = self.analysis.get_tasks(task_name)[0].docker_image.split( ':')[1] payload = { 'aliases': ["{}:{}-{}".format(lab_prefix, run_name, docker_tag)], 'status': 'released', 'analysis_step_version': step_version } payload[Connection.PROFILE_KEY] = 'analysis_step_runs' print(payload) return @property def assembly(self): assembly = [ reference for reference in ASSEMBLIES if reference in self.analysis.get_tasks('read_genome_tsv') [0].outputs.get('genome', {}).get('ref_fa', '') ] return assembly[0] if len(assembly) > 0 else '' @property def lab_pi(self): return COMMON_METADATA['lab'].split('/labs/')[1].split('/')[0] @property def dataset(self): return self.file_at_portal( self.analysis.raw_fastqs[0].filename).get('dataset') def file_from_template(self, file, file_format, output_type, step_run, derived_from, dataset, file_format_type=None): file_name = file.filename.split('gs://')[-1].replace('/', '-') obj = { 'status': 'uploading', 'aliases': ['{}:{}'.format(self.lab_pi, file_name)], 'file_format': file_format, 'output_type': output_type, 'assembly': self.assembly, 'dataset': dataset, 'step_run': step_run.get('@id'), 'derived_from': derived_from, 'file_size': file.size, 'md5sum': file.md5sum } if file_format_type: obj['file_format_type'] = file_format_type obj[Connection.PROFILE_KEY] = 'file' obj.update(COMMON_METADATA) return obj def get_derived_from_all(self, file, files, inputs=False): ancestors = [] for ancestor in files: ancestors.append( self.get_derived_from(file, ancestor.get('derived_from_task'), ancestor.get('derived_from_filekey'), ancestor.get('derived_from_output_type'), ancestor.get('derived_from_inputs'))) return list(self.flatten(ancestors)) def flatten(self, nested_list): if isinstance(nested_list, str): yield nested_list if isinstance(nested_list, list): for item in nested_list: yield from self.flatten(item) # Returns list of accession ids of files on portal or recently accessioned def get_derived_from(self, file, task_name, filekey, output_type=None, inputs=False): derived_from_files = list( set( list( self.analysis.search_up(file.task, task_name, filekey, inputs)))) encode_files = [ self.file_at_portal(gs_file.filename) for gs_file in derived_from_files ] accessioned_files = encode_files + self.new_files accessioned_files = [x for x in accessioned_files if x is not None] derived_from_accession_ids = [] for gs_file in derived_from_files: for encode_file in accessioned_files: if gs_file.md5sum == encode_file.get('md5sum'): # Optimal peaks can be mistaken for conservative peaks # when their md5sum is the same if output_type and output_type != encode_file.get( 'output_type'): continue derived_from_accession_ids.append( encode_file.get('accession')) derived_from_accession_ids = list(set(derived_from_accession_ids)) # Raise exception when some or all of the derived_from files # are missing from the portal if not derived_from_accession_ids: raise Exception( 'Missing all of the derived_from files on the portal') if len(derived_from_accession_ids) != len(derived_from_files): raise Exception( 'Missing some of the derived_from files on the portal') return [ '/files/{}/'.format(accession_id) for accession_id in derived_from_accession_ids ] # File object to be accessioned # inputs=True will search for input fastqs in derived_from def make_file_obj(self, file, file_format, output_type, step_run, derived_from_files, file_format_type=None, inputs=False): derived_from = self.get_derived_from_all(file, derived_from_files, inputs) return self.file_from_template(file, file_format, output_type, step_run, derived_from, self.dataset, file_format_type) def get_bio_replicate(self, encode_file, string=True): replicate = encode_file.get('biological_replicates')[0] if string: return str(replicate) return int(replicate) def attach_idr_qc_to(self, encode_file, gs_file): if list( filter(lambda x: 'IDRQualityMetric' in x['@type'], encode_file['quality_metrics'])): return qc = self.backend.read_json(self.analysis.get_files('qc_json')[0]) idr_qc = qc['idr_frip_qc'] replicate = self.get_bio_replicate(encode_file) rep_pr = idr_qc['rep' + replicate + '-pr'] frip_score = rep_pr['FRiP'] idr_peaks = qc['ataqc']['rep' + replicate]['IDR peaks'][0] step_run = encode_file.get('step_run') if isinstance(step_run, str): step_run_id = step_run elif isinstance(step_run, dict): step_run_id = step_run.get('@id') qc_object = {} qc_object['F1'] = frip_score qc_object['N1'] = idr_peaks idr_cutoff = self.analysis.metadata['inputs']['atac.idr_thresh'] # Strongly expects that plot exists plot_png = next( self.analysis.search_up(gs_file.task, 'idr_pr', 'idr_plot')) qc_object.update({ 'step_run': step_run_id, 'quality_metric_of': [encode_file.get('@id')], 'IDR_cutoff': idr_cutoff, 'status': 'released', 'IDR_plot_rep{}_pr'.format(replicate): self.get_attachment(plot_png, 'image/png') }) qc_object.update(COMMON_METADATA) qc_object[Connection.PROFILE_KEY] = 'idr-quality-metrics' posted_qc =, require_aliases=False) return posted_qc def attach_flagstat_qc_to(self, encode_bam_file, gs_file): # Return early if qc metric exists if list( filter( lambda x: 'SamtoolsFlagstatsQualityMetric' in x['@type'], encode_bam_file['quality_metrics'])): return qc = self.backend.read_json(self.analysis.get_files('qc_json')[0]) replicate = self.get_bio_replicate(encode_bam_file) flagstat_qc = qc['nodup_flagstat_qc']['rep' + replicate] for key, value in flagstat_qc.items(): if '_pct' in key: flagstat_qc[key] = '{}%'.format(value) step_run = encode_bam_file.get('step_run') if isinstance(step_run, str): step_run_id = step_run elif isinstance(step_run, dict): step_run_id = step_run.get('@id') flagstat_qc.update({ 'step_run': step_run_id, 'quality_metric_of': [encode_bam_file.get('@id')], 'status': 'released' }) flagstat_qc.update(COMMON_METADATA) flagstat_qc[ Connection.PROFILE_KEY] = 'samtools-flagstats-quality-metric' posted_qc =, require_aliases=False) return posted_qc def attach_cross_correlation_qc_to(self, encode_bam_file, gs_file): # Return early if qc metric exists if list( filter(lambda x: 'ComplexityXcorrQualityMetric' in x['@type'], encode_bam_file['quality_metrics'])): return qc = self.backend.read_json(self.analysis.get_files('qc_json')[0]) plot_pdf = next( self.analysis.search_down(gs_file.task, 'xcor', 'plot_pdf')) read_length_file = next( self.analysis.search_up(gs_file.task, 'bowtie2', 'read_len_log')) read_length = int( self.backend.read_file(read_length_file.filename).decode()) replicate = self.get_bio_replicate(encode_bam_file) xcor_qc = qc['xcor_score']['rep' + replicate] pbc_qc = qc['pbc_qc']['rep' + replicate] step_run = encode_bam_file.get('step_run') if isinstance(step_run, str): step_run_id = step_run elif isinstance(step_run, dict): step_run_id = step_run.get('@id') xcor_object = { 'NRF': pbc_qc['NRF'], 'PBC1': pbc_qc['PBC1'], 'PBC2': pbc_qc['PBC2'], 'NSC': xcor_qc['NSC'], 'RSC': xcor_qc['RSC'], 'sample size': xcor_qc['num_reads'], "fragment length": xcor_qc['est_frag_len'], "quality_metric_of": [encode_bam_file.get('@id')], "step_run": step_run_id, "paired-end": self.analysis.metadata['inputs']['atac.paired_end'], "read length": read_length, "status": "released", "cross_correlation_plot": self.get_attachment(plot_pdf, 'application/pdf') } xcor_object.update(COMMON_METADATA) xcor_object[ Connection.PROFILE_KEY] = 'complexity-xcorr-quality-metrics' posted_qc =, require_aliases=False) return posted_qc def file_has_qc(self, bam, qc): for item in bam['quality_metrics']: if item['@type'][0] == qc['@type'][0]: return True return False def get_attachment(self, gs_file, mime_type): contents = self.backend.read_file(gs_file.filename) contents = b64encode(contents) if type(contents) is bytes: # The Portal treats the contents as string "b'bytes'" contents = str(contents).replace('b', '', 1).replace('\'', '') obj = { 'type': mime_type, 'download': gs_file.filename.split('/')[-1], 'href': 'data:{};base64,{}'.format(mime_type, contents) } return obj def accession_step(self, single_step_params): step_run = self.get_or_make_step_run( self.lab_pi, single_step_params['dcc_step_run'], single_step_params['dcc_step_version'], single_step_params['wdl_task_name']) accessioned_files = [] for task in self.analysis.get_tasks( single_step_params['wdl_task_name']): for file_params in single_step_params['wdl_files']: for wdl_file in [ file for file in task.output_files if file_params['filekey'] in file.filekeys ]: # Conservative IDR thresholded peaks may have # the same md5sum as optimal one try: obj = self.make_file_obj( wdl_file, file_params['file_format'], file_params['output_type'], step_run, file_params['derived_from_files'], file_format_type=file_params.get( 'file_format_type')) encode_file = self.accession_file(obj, wdl_file) except Exception as e: if 'Conflict' in str(e) and file_params.get( 'possible_duplicate'): continue elif 'Missing all of the derived_from' in str(e): continue else: raise # Parameter file inputted assumes Accession implements # the methods to attach the quality metrics quality_metrics = file_params.get('quality_metrics', []) for qc in quality_metrics: qc_method = getattr(self, QC_MAP[qc]) # Pass encode file with # calculated properties qc_method(self.conn.get(encode_file.get('accession')), wdl_file) accessioned_files.append(encode_file) return accessioned_files def accession_steps(self): for step in self.steps_and_params_json: self.accession_step(step)