Пример #1
    def __init__(self, N):
        Set up Conway's Game of Life and initialize a random configuration of dead and alive
        cells on the board.

        # dimension of grid (N*N = number of cells)
        self.N = N
        # matrix representing old generation
        self.old_grid = np.zeros(N * N, dtype='i').reshape(N, N)
        # matrix representing new generation
        self.new_grid = np.zeros(N * N, dtype='i').reshape(N, N)
        # matrix to store live neighbours of each cell
        self.live_neighbours_grid = np.zeros(N * N, dtype='i').reshape(N, N)

        # set up a random initial configuration for the grid
        # each point is either alive or dead, represented by integer values of 1 and 0, respectively
        for i in range(0, self.N):
            for j in range(0, self.N):
                if (random.randint(0, 100) < 15):
                    self.old_grid[i][j] = 1
                    self.old_grid[i][j] = 0

        # initialize encryption
        self.encryption = encryption.Encryption()
Пример #2
    def __init__(self):
        self.verbosity = 0
        self.configfile = "xfltreat.conf"
        self.servermode = 0
        self.clientmode = 0
        self.checkmode = 0
        self.splitmode = 0  # split tunnelling
        self.ignoredependencies = 0  # ignoring missing dependencies

        self.short = "hsc"
        self.long = [
            "help", "server", "client", "check", "split", "config=",
            "verbose=", "ignore-dependencies"

        # modules that should not be loaded
        self.forbidden_modules = [
            "Generic_module", "Stateful_module", "Stateless_module"
        self.forbidden_modules_instance = [
            Generic_module, Stateful_module, Stateless_module

        self.authentication = authentication.Authentication()
        self.encryption = encryption.Encryption()
Пример #3
from bottle import get, run
from bottle.ext.websocket import GeventWebSocketServer
from bottle.ext.websocket import websocket
#import threading
import datetime
import encryption

from sys import argv

#users = []
secret = 'nuncaVaodescobrr_ahah'
chatRooms = {}
RoomUsers = {}
RoomLog = {}
encry = encryption.Encryption()

class ChatRoom():
    def __init__(self, thread, Name):
        self.thread = thread

def index():
    return bt.static_file('index.html', root='files/')

def retfavicon():
    return bt.static_file('straight_lines1.jpg', root='files/')
Пример #4
import os
import sys

import encryption

saltFile = sys.argv[1]
password = sys.argv[2]
filePath = sys.argv[3]
destinationPath = sys.argv[4]

encrypt = encryption.Encryption(saltFile, password)

filename = os.path.basename(filePath)
encryptedFilename = encrypt.encryptString(filename)

destinationPath = os.path.join(destinationPath,
encrypt.encryptFile(filePath, destinationPath)
Пример #5
import sys
import image_methods
import encryption
import decryption

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) < 4:
        print('Arguments must be passed.')

    if str(sys.argv[1]) == 'encrypt':
        model = image_methods.ImageModel(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4])
        encrypt = encryption.Encryption(model)
    elif str(sys.argv[1]) == 'decrypt':
        model = image_methods.ImageModel(sys.argv[3], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[4])
        decrypt = decryption.Decryption(model)
        print('Command ' + sys.argv[1] + ' not found')
Пример #6
        '!': '?',
        '-': '_',
        '_': '-',
        '(': ')',
        ')': '(',
        '%': '$',
        '$': '%',
        ' ': '&',
        '&': ' ',
        '+': '*',
        '*': '+'

    #reading txt file where is the text for encryption
    with open('kafka.txt') as file:
        text_for_encryption = file.read()

    k1 = key.Key(key_to_encrypt)
    reversed_key = k1.createReverseKey()

    e1 = encryption.Encryption(key_to_encrypt, text_for_encryption)
    encrypted_text = e1.encrypt()

    #saving encrypted message to txt file
    with open('encrypted.txt', 'w') as file:

    #d1 = decryption.Decryption(reversed_key, encrypted_text)
Пример #7
 def test_init_encryption(self):
     key_to_encrypt = {
         'a': 'q',
         'b': 'v',
         'c': 'x',
         'd': 'z',
         'e': 'y',
         'f': 'w',
         'g': 'u',
         'h': 't',
         'i': 's',
         'j': 'r',
         'k': 'p',
         'l': 'o',
         'm': 'n',
         'n': 'm',
         'o': 'l',
         'p': 'k',
         'r': 'j',
         's': 'i',
         't': 'h',
         'u': 'g',
         'w': 'f',
         'y': 'e',
         'z': 'd',
         'x': 'c',
         'v': 'b',
         'q': 'a',
         'A': 'Q',
         'B': 'V',
         'C': 'X',
         'D': 'Z',
         'E': 'Y',
         'F': 'W',
         'G': 'U',
         'H': 'T',
         'I': 'S',
         'J': 'R',
         'K': 'P',
         'L': 'O',
         'M': 'N',
         'N': 'M',
         'O': 'L',
         'P': 'K',
         'R': 'J',
         'S': 'I',
         'T': 'H',
         'U': 'G',
         'W': 'F',
         'Y': 'E',
         'Z': 'D',
         'X': 'C',
         'V': 'B',
         'Q': 'S',
         '1': '5',
         '2': '9',
         '3': '8',
         '4': '7',
         '5': '6',
         '6': '4',
         '7': '3',
         '8': '2',
         '9': '1',
         '.': ',',
         ',': '.',
         ':': ';',
         ';': ':',
         '?': '!',
         '!': '?',
         '-': '_',
         '_': '-',
         '(': ')',
         ')': '(',
         '%': '$',
         '$': '%',
         ' ': '&',
         '&': ' ',
         '+': '*',
         '*': '+'
     text_for_encryption = "One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin."
     e1 = encryption.Encryption(key_to_encrypt, text_for_encryption)
     mess = 'Given object is not instance of Encryption'
     self.assertIsInstance(e1, encryption.Encryption, mess)