def run_update_if_not_already_run(sudo_password, env): global update_run_this_execution if not update_run_this_execution:"Running apt-get update...") iuprocess.run_sudo_program([APT_GET_PATH, "-q", "-y", "update"], sudo_password, logger, env=env) update_run_this_execution=True
def run(self, selection_lines): with NamedTempFile(selection_lines) as f: iuprocess.run_sudo_program(["/usr/bin/debconf-set-selections",], self.ctx._get_sudo_password(self), self.ctx.logger, cwd="/usr/bin")
def run(self, apache_config, timeout_tries=5, time_between_tries=2.0): """If you check whether apache is running just after it was (re)started, it may report that it isn't running when it is infact running. This is because apache takes a few seconds before it writes its pid file out. Thus, we need to use a timeout to see if apache could really be up when the status command reports that it is down. If you haven't just started apache, you can probably reduce the timeout duration. Note that time_between_tries is in seconds, so the default timeout is 10 seconds. """ controller_exe = apache_config.controller_exe action._check_file_exists(controller_exe, self) if controller_exe=='/opt/local/apache2/bin/apachectl': """The apachectl for macports is broken. We determine whether apache is running by looking for the process """ return _macports_apache_is_running(controller_exe, self.ctx._get_sudo_password(self)) for i in range(timeout_tries): try: iuprocess.run_sudo_program([controller_exe, "status"], self.ctx._get_sudo_password(self), self.ctx.logger) self.ctx.logger.debug("Apache status is up") return True except iuprocess.SudoBadRc, e: if e.rc == 1: # this means the server is down self.ctx.logger.debug("Apache status is down") if i != (timeout_tries-1): time.sleep(time_between_tries) else: exc_info = sys.exc_info() self.ctx.logger.exception("Unexpected exception when checking for apache status occurred in resource %s" % raise convert_exc_to_user_error(exc_info, errors[ERR_APACHE_STATUS], nested_exc_info=e.get_nested_exc_info(), msg_args={"id"})
def dpkg_install(package_file, sudo_password, may_have_dependencies=True): """Given a package's .deb file, install using dpkg. may_have_dependencies should be left at True if it is possible that the .deb package has dependencies that aren't being managed by Engage. In this case, it will run an apt-get update to make sure the package database is up-to-date. If you know that you don't have dependencies, set this to False to suppress the apt-get update call, which can fail due to remote servers being temporarily unavailable. """ env = _get_env_for_aptget() if not os.path.exists(DPKG_PATH): raise UserError(errors[ERR_DPKG_NOT_FOUND], msg_args={"path":DPKG_PATH}) if not os.path.exists(package_file): raise UserError(errors[ERR_PKG_FILE_NOT_FOUND], msg_args={"path":package_file}) try: if may_have_dependencies: run_update_if_not_already_run(sudo_password, env) iuprocess.run_sudo_program([DPKG_PATH, "-i", package_file], sudo_password, logger, env=env) except iuprocess.SudoError, e: exc_info = sys.exc_info() sys.exc_clear() raise convert_exc_to_user_error(exc_info, errors[ERR_DPKG_INSTALL], msg_args={"path":package_file}, nested_exc_info=e.get_nested_exc_info())
def run(self): p = self.ctx.props _check_file_exists(p.mysql_install_db_script, self) procutils.run_sudo_program([p.mysql_install_db_script], self.ctx._get_sudo_password(self), logger, cwd=os.path.dirname(p.mysql_install_db_script), user=p.output_ports.mysql_admin.mysql_user)
def run(self, apache_config): """Stop the apache server. apache_config is the port containing the apache config variables. """ controller_exe = apache_config.controller_exe action._check_file_exists(controller_exe, self) iuprocess.run_sudo_program([controller_exe, "stop"], self.ctx._get_sudo_password(self), self.ctx.logger)
def add_config_file_line(config_file, line, sudo_password): """Add line to config file (see above for detailed description). This is just a wrapper over _add_config_file_line(). Unless we are running as root, we need to spawn a subprocess and run it under sudo """ if processutils.is_running_as_root(): _add_config_file_line(config_file, line) else: processutils.run_sudo_program([sys.executable, __file__, config_file, line], sudo_password, logger)
def apt_get_install(package_list, sudo_password): env = _get_env_for_aptget() if not os.path.exists(APT_GET_PATH): raise UserError(errors[ERR_APT_GET_NOT_FOUND], msg_args={"path":APT_GET_PATH}) try: run_update_if_not_already_run(sudo_password, env) iuprocess.run_sudo_program([APT_GET_PATH, "-q", "-y", "install"]+package_list, sudo_password, logger, env=env) except iuprocess.SudoError, e: exc_info = sys.exc_info() sys.exc_clear() raise convert_exc_to_user_error(exc_info, errors[ERR_APT_GET_INSTALL], msg_args={"pkgs":package_list.__repr__()}, nested_exc_info=e.get_nested_exc_info())
def update(self, always_run=True): """ACTION: Run the apt-get update command to update the list of available packages. By default always run the update command, even if it was already run, as it is assumed that an explicit call readlly needs the update. This is the case for add_apt_repository, where subsequent packages won't even be visible. """ global update_run_this_execution if always_run or (not update_run_this_execution):"Running apt-get update...") iuprocess.run_sudo_program([APT_GET_PATH, "-q", "-y", "update"], self.ctx._get_sudo_password(self), self.ctx.logger, env=_get_env_for_aptget()) update_run_this_execution = True else:"ignoring request for apt-get update, as update was already run")
def run(self, password_file, username, password, apache_config): class LogProxy: """We need to wrap the logger and capture any action events, as those may contain the password. """ def __init__(self, logger): #Set attribute. self._logger = logger def __getattr__(self, attrib): if attrib == "action": return self.action else: return getattr(self._logger, attrib) def action(self, msg): pass htpasswd_exe = apache_config.htpasswd_exe action._check_file_exists(htpasswd_exe, self) if os.path.exists(password_file): cmd = [htpasswd_exe, "-b", password_file, username, password] else: cmd = [htpasswd_exe, "-b", "-c", password_file, username, password] if self.ctx._get_sudo_password(self)==None or iuprocess.is_running_as_root(): self.ctx.logger.action("%s <password>" % " ".join(cmd[0:-1])) rc = iuprocess.run_and_log_program(cmd, {}, LogProxy(self.ctx.logger)) if rc != 0: raise UserError(errors[ERR_APACHE_HTPASSWD], msg_args={"exe": htpasswd_exe, "file": password_file, "id"}, developer_msg="return code was %d" % rc) else: try: logger.action("sudo %s <password>" % " ".join(cmd[0:-1])) iuprocess.run_sudo_program(cmd, self.ctx._get_sudo_password(self), LogProxy(self.ctx.logger)) except Exception, e: exc_info = sys.exc_info() logger.exception("exception in htpasswd: %s, resource %s" % (e.__repr__(), raise convert_exc_to_user_error(exc_info, errors[ERR_APACHE_HTPASSWD], msg_args={"exe": htpasswd_exe, "file": password_file, "id"}, developer_msg="exception" % e.__repr__())
def run(self, apache_config): """Restart the apache server. apache_config is the port containing the apache config variables. """ controller_exe = apache_config.controller_exe action._check_file_exists(controller_exe, self) ## iuprocess.run_sudo_program([controller_exe, "restart"], ## self.ctx._get_sudo_password(self), ## self.ctx.logger) # The restart command doesn't seem to work in some # situations (see ticket #203). We do a real stop and start # instead. iuprocess.run_sudo_program([controller_exe, "stop"], self.ctx._get_sudo_password(self), self.ctx.logger) iuprocess.run_sudo_program([controller_exe, "start"], self.ctx._get_sudo_password(self), self.ctx.logger)
def run(self, package_list): """Install the specified port(s). If you have variants, include them in the package list. Expects the context to have an input port "macports" with a property "macports_exe". """ port_exe = self.ctx.props.input_ports.macports.macports_exe action._check_file_exists(port_exe, self) try: iuprocess.run_sudo_program([port_exe, "install"]+package_list, self.ctx._get_sudo_password(self), self.ctx.logger, cwd=os.path.dirname(port_exe), env=ENV) except iuprocess.SudoError, e: exc_info = sys.exc_info() self.ctx.logger.exception("Port install for %s failed, unexpected exception" % package_list) sys.exc_clear() raise convert_exc_to_user_error(exc_info, errors[ERR_MACPORTS_INSTALL], msg_args={"pkg":package_list.__repr__(), "id"}, nested_exc_info=e.get_nested_exc_info())
def prompt_for_password(): if dry_run:"prompt for password '" + prompt + "', to be stored at key '%s'" % SUDO_PW_KEY) return "test" else: second_try = False while True: pw1 = getpass.getpass(prompt + ":") if pw1 == "" and second_try: raise Exception("User requested cancel of install") pw2 = getpass.getpass(prompt + " (re-enter):") if pw1 == pw2: logger.debug("Test the sudo password by running an ls") try: # test that the password actually works procutils.run_sudo_program(["/bin/ls", "/"], pw1, logger) logger.debug("Successfully validated sudo password") return pw1 except Exception, e: logger.debug("Sudo password is not working, got exception %s" % e) print "The sudo password is not working, please re-enter the password or hit return to cancel install" second_try = True else: print "Sorry, passwords do not match!"