Пример #1
	def __init__(self, shape, wcs, pattern, offset, site, pad=2.0*utils.degree, order=0, subsample=2.0):
		"""Build an unskew operator that uses spline interpolation along an azimuth sweep
		to straighten out the scanning motion for one scanning pattern. Relatively slow, and
		leads to some smoothing due to the interpolation, but does not assume that dec changes
		with a constant speed during a sweep."""
		# Find the unskew transformation for this pattern.
		# We basically want dec->az and ra->ra0, with az spacing
		# similar to el spacing.
		ndec, nra = shape[-2:]
		info = calc_az_sweep(pattern, offset, site, pad=pad, subsample=subsample)
		sweep_ra, sweep_dec = info.sweep_cel
		#(sweep_ra, sweep_dec), naz, daz = calc_az_sweep(pattern, offset, site, pad=pad, subsample=subsample)
		# We want to be able to go from (y,x) to (ra,dec), with
		# dec = dec[y]
		# ra  = ra[y]-ra[0]+x
		# Precompute the pixel mapping. This will have the full witdh in ra,
		# but will be smaller in dec due to the limited az range.
		raw_dec, raw_ra = enmap.posmap(shape, wcs)
		skew_pos = np.zeros((2, info.naz, nra))
		skew_pos[0] = sweep_dec[:,None]
		skew_pos[1] = (sweep_ra-sweep_ra[0])[:,None] + raw_ra[None,ndec/2,:]
		skew_pix = enmap.sky2pix(shape, wcs, skew_pos).astype(dtype)
		# Build geometry for the unskewed system
		ushape, uwcs = enmap.geometry(pos=[0,0], shape=[info.naz, nra], res=[np.abs(info.daz), enmap.pixshape(shape,wcs)[1]], proj="car")
		# Save
		self.order    = order
		self.shape    = shape
		self.wcs      = wcs
		self.pattern  = pattern
		self.site     = site
		self.skew_pix = skew_pix
		# External interface
		self.ushape   = ushape
		self.uwcs     = uwcs
Пример #2
def make_maps(tod, data, pos, ncomp, radius, resolution):
	tod = tod.copy()
	pos = np.array(pos)
	# Handle angle wrapping
	pos = utils.rewind(pos, data.ref)
	nsrc= len(pos)
	dbox= np.array([[-1,-1],[1,1]])*radius
	shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=dbox, res=resolution)
	# Set up pixels
	n   = int(np.round(2*radius/resolution))
	boxes = np.array([[p-radius,p+radius] for p in pos])
	# Set up output maps
	rhs  = enmap.zeros((nsrc,ncomp)      +shape, wcs, dtype=dtype)
	div  = enmap.zeros((ncomp,nsrc,ncomp)+shape, wcs, dtype=dtype)
	# Build rhs
	ptsrc_data.nmat_basis(tod, data)
	pmat_thumbs(-1, tod, rhs, boxes, data)
	# Build div
	for c in range(ncomp):
		idiv = div[0].copy(); idiv[:,c] = 1
		wtod = data.tod.astype(dtype,copy=True); wtod[...] = 0
		pmat_thumbs( 1, wtod, idiv, boxes, data)
		ptsrc_data.nmat_basis(wtod, data, white=True)
		pmat_thumbs(-1, wtod, div[c], boxes, data)
	div = np.rollaxis(div,1)
	mask = div[:,0] != 0
	bin = rhs.copy()
	bin[mask] = rhs[mask]/div[:,0][mask] # Fixme: only works for ncomp == 1
	return bin, rhs, div
Пример #3
	def __init__(self, shape, wcs, pattern, offset, site, pad=2.0*utils.degree, order=0, subsample=2.0):
		"""Build an unskew operator that uses spline interpolation along an azimuth sweep
		to straighten out the scanning motion for one scanning pattern. Relatively slow, and
		leads to some smoothing due to the interpolation, but does not assume that dec changes
		with a constant speed during a sweep."""
		# Find the unskew transformation for this pattern.
		# We basically want dec->az and ra->ra0, with az spacing
		# similar to el spacing.
		ndec, nra = shape[-2:]
		info = calc_az_sweep(pattern, offset, site, pad=pad, subsample=subsample)
		sweep_ra, sweep_dec = info.sweep_cel
		#(sweep_ra, sweep_dec), naz, daz = calc_az_sweep(pattern, offset, site, pad=pad, subsample=subsample)
		# We want to be able to go from (y,x) to (ra,dec), with
		# dec = dec[y]
		# ra  = ra[y]-ra[0]+x
		# Precompute the pixel mapping. This will have the full witdh in ra,
		# but will be smaller in dec due to the limited az range.
		raw_dec, raw_ra = enmap.posmap(shape, wcs)
		skew_pos = np.zeros((2, info.naz, nra))
		skew_pos[0] = sweep_dec[:,None]
		skew_pos[1] = (sweep_ra-sweep_ra[0])[:,None] + raw_ra[None,ndec/2,:]
		skew_pix = enmap.sky2pix(shape, wcs, skew_pos).astype(dtype)
		# Build geometry for the unskewed system
		ushape, uwcs = enmap.geometry(pos=[0,0], shape=[info.naz, nra], res=[np.abs(info.daz), enmap.pixshape(shape,wcs)[1]], proj="car")
		# Save
		self.order    = order
		self.shape    = shape
		self.wcs      = wcs
		self.pattern  = pattern
		self.site     = site
		self.skew_pix = skew_pix
		# External interface
		self.ushape   = ushape
		self.uwcs     = uwcs
Пример #4
def mask_map(imap, iys, ixs, hole_arc, hole_frac=0.6):
    shape, wcs = imap.shape, imap.wcs
    Ny, Nx = shape[-2:]
    px = maps.resolution(shape, wcs) * 60. * 180. / np.pi
    hole_n = int(round(hole_arc / px))
    hole_ny = hole_nx = hole_n
    oshape, owcs = enmap.geometry(pos=(0., 0.),
                                  shape=(2 * hole_n, 2 * hole_n),
                                  res=px * np.pi / 180. / 60.)
    modrmap = enmap.modrmap(oshape, owcs)
    mask = enmap.ones(shape, wcs)

    for iy, ix in zip(iys, ixs):
        if iy <= hole_n or ix <= hole_n or iy >= (Ny - hole_n) or ix >= (
                Nx - hole_n):
        vslice = imap[np.int(iy - hole_ny):np.int(iy + hole_ny),
                      np.int(ix - hole_nx):np.int(ix + hole_nx)]
        vslice[modrmap < (hole_frac * hole_arc) * np.pi / 180. /
               60.] = np.nan  # !!!! could cause a bias
        mask[np.int(iy - hole_ny):np.int(iy + hole_ny),
             np.int(ix - hole_nx):np.int(ix + hole_nx)][modrmap < hole_arc *
                                                        np.pi / 180. / 60.] = 0

    return mask
Пример #5
def make_maps(tod, data, pos, ncomp, radius, resolution):
    tod = tod.copy()
    pos = np.array(pos)
    # Handle angle wrapping
    pos = utils.rewind(pos, data.ref)
    nsrc = len(pos)
    dbox = np.array([[-1, -1], [1, 1]]) * radius
    shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=dbox, res=resolution)
    # Set up pixels
    n = int(np.round(2 * radius / resolution))
    boxes = np.array([[p - radius, p + radius] for p in pos])
    # Set up output maps
    rhs = enmap.zeros((nsrc, ncomp) + shape, wcs, dtype=dtype)
    div = enmap.zeros((ncomp, nsrc, ncomp) + shape, wcs, dtype=dtype)
    # Build rhs
    ptsrc_data.nmat_basis(tod, data)
    pmat_thumbs(-1, tod, rhs, boxes, data)
    # Build div
    for c in range(ncomp):
        idiv = div[0].copy()
        idiv[:, c] = 1
        wtod = data.tod.astype(dtype, copy=True)
        wtod[...] = 0
        pmat_thumbs(1, wtod, idiv, boxes, data)
        ptsrc_data.nmat_basis(wtod, data, white=True)
        pmat_thumbs(-1, wtod, div[c], boxes, data)
    div = np.rollaxis(div, 1)
    mask = div[:, 0] != 0
    bin = rhs.copy()
    bin[mask] = rhs[mask] / div[:, 0][mask]  # Fixme: only works for ncomp == 1
    return bin, rhs, div
Пример #6
def map_likelihood(likfun, rmax=5*utils.arcmin, res=0.7*utils.arcmin):
	shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(np.array([[-1,-1],[1,1]])*rmax, res=res, proj="car")
	map = enmap.zeros(shape, wcs)
	pos = map.posmap()
	for y in range(map.shape[0]):
		for x in range(map.shape[1]):
			map[y,x] = likfun(pos[:,y,x]/utils.arcmin)
	return map
Пример #7
def map_likelihood(likfun, rmax=5*utils.arcmin, res=0.7*utils.arcmin):
	shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(np.array([[-1,-1],[1,1]])*rmax, res=res, proj="car")
	map = enmap.zeros(shape, wcs)
	pos = map.posmap()
	for y in range(map.shape[0]):
		for x in range(map.shape[1]):
			map[y,x] = likfun(pos[:,y,x]/utils.arcmin)
	return map
Пример #8
	def likgrid(self, R, n, super=1, marg=False, verbose=False):
		shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=np.array([[-R,-R],[R,R]]), shape=(n,n), proj="car")
		dchisqs = enmap.zeros(shape, wcs)
		amps    = enmap.zeros((self.nsrc,)+shape, wcs)
		pos     = dchisqs.posmap()
		for i,p in enumerate(pos.reshape(2,-1).T):
			if np.sum(p**2)**0.5 > R: continue
			L = self.lik.eval(p)
			if verbose:
				print "%6d %7.3f %7.3f %15.7f" % (i, p[0]/utils.arcmin, p[1]/utils.arcmin, L.chisq0-L.chisq)
			dchisqs.reshape(-1)[i]          = L.chisq0-L.chisq
			amps.reshape(self.nsrc,-1)[:,i] = L.amps
		if super > 1:
			# Use bicubic spline interpolation to upscale
			shape2, wcs2 = enmap.geometry(pos=np.array([[-R,-R],[R,R]]), shape=(n*super,n*super), proj="car")
			dchisqs = dchisqs.project(shape2, wcs2, mode="constant")
			amps    = amps.project(shape2, wcs2, mode="constant")
		return dchisqs, amps
Пример #9
 def get_area_str(area):
     # dec1:dec2,ra1:ra2 -> [[dec1,ra1],[dec2,ra2]]
     box = np.array([[float(w) for w in tok.split(":")]
                     for tok in area.split(",")]).T * utils.degree
     box[:, 1] = np.sort(box[:, 1])[::-1]  # standard ra ordering
     return enmap.geometry(box,
                           res=0.5 * utils.arcmin,
                           ref=[0, 0])
Пример #10
def getKappaSZ(bSims,snap,massIndex,px,thetaMapshape):
    b = bSims
    PIX = 2048
    maps, z, kappaSimDat, szMapuKDat, projectedM500, trueM500, trueR500, pxInRad, pxInRad = b.getMaps(snap,massIndex,freqGHz=150.)
    pxIn = pxInRad * 180.*60./np.pi
    hwidth = PIX*pxIn/2.
    print "At redshift ", z , " stamp is ", hwidth ," arcminutes wide."
    # input pixelization
    shapeSim, wcsSim = enmap.geometry(pos=[[-hwidth*arcmin,-hwidth*arcmin],[hwidth*arcmin,hwidth*arcmin]], res=pxIn*arcmin, proj="car")
    kappaSim = enmap.enmap(kappaSimDat,wcsSim)
    szMapuK = enmap.enmap(szMapuKDat,wcsSim)
    # downgrade to native
    shapeOut, wcsOut = enmap.geometry(pos=[[-hwidth*arcmin,-hwidth*arcmin],[hwidth*arcmin,hwidth*arcmin]], res=px*arcmin, proj="car")
    kappaMap = enmap.project(kappaSim,shapeOut,wcsOut)
    szMap = enmap.project(szMapuK,shapeOut,wcsOut)

    print thetaMapshape
    print szMap.shape

    if szMap.shape[0]>thetaMapshape[0]:
        kappaMap = enmap.project(kappaSim,thetaMapshape,wcsOut)
        szMap = enmap.project(szMapuK,thetaMapshape,wcsOut)
        diffPad = ((np.array(thetaMapshape) - np.array(szMap.shape))/2.+0.5).astype(int)
        apodWidth = 25
        kappaMap = enmap.pad(enmap.apod(kappaMap,apodWidth),diffPad)[:-1,:-1]
        szMap = enmap.pad(enmap.apod(szMap,apodWidth),diffPad)[:-1,:-1]
        # print szMap.shape
        assert szMap.shape==thetaMap.shape

    # print z, projectedM500
    # pl = Plotter()
    # pl.plot2d(kappaMap)
    # pl.done("output/kappasim.png")
    # pl = Plotter()
    # pl.plot2d(szMap)
    # pl.done("output/szsim.png")
    # sys.exit()

    # print "kappaint ", kappaMap[thetaMap*60.*180./np.pi<10.].mean()
    return kappaMap,szMap
Пример #11
Файл: sims.py Проект: mntw/szar
    def get_geometry(self,snap):
        z = self.snapToZ(snap)
        stampWidthMpc = old_div(8., self.h)
        comovingMpc = self.results.comoving_radial_distance(z)
        widthRadians = old_div(stampWidthMpc,comovingMpc)
        pixWidthRadians = old_div(widthRadians,self.PIX)

        shape,wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=np.array([[old_div(-widthRadians,2.),old_div(-widthRadians,2.)],[old_div(widthRadians,2.),old_div(widthRadians,2.)]]),res=pixWidthRadians,proj="car")
        return shape,wcs
Пример #12
    def __init__(self,
                 pad=2.0 * utils.degree):
        """This unskew operation assumes that equal spacing in
		dec corresponds to equal spacing in time, and that shifts in
		RA can be done in units of whole pixels. This is an approximation
		relative to UnskewCurved, but it is several times faster, uses
		less memory, and causes less smoothing."""
        ndec, nra = shape[-2:]
        info = calc_az_sweep(pattern, offset, site, pad=pad)
        sweep_ra, sweep_dec = info.sweep_cel
        # For each pixel in dec (that we hit for this scanning pattern), we
        # want to know how far we have been displaced in ra.
        # First get the dec of each pixel center.
        ysweep, xsweep = enmap.sky2pix(shape, wcs, [sweep_dec, sweep_ra])
        y1 = max(int(np.min(ysweep)), 0)
        y2 = min(int(np.max(ysweep)) + 1, shape[-2])
        # Make fft-friendly
        ny = y2 - y1
        ny2 = fft.fft_len(ny, "above", [2, 3, 5, 7])
        y1 = max(y1 - (ny2 - ny) / 2, 0)
        y2 = min(y1 + ny2, shape[-2])
        y = np.arange(y1, y2)
        dec, _ = enmap.pix2sky(shape, wcs, [y, y * 0])
        # Then interpolate the ra values corresponding to those decs.
        # InterpolatedUnivariateSpline broken. Returns nan even when
        # interpolating. So we will use UnivariateSpline
        spline = scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline(sweep_dec, sweep_ra)
        ra = spline(dec)
        dra = ra - ra[len(ra) / 2]
        y, x = np.round(enmap.sky2pix(shape, wcs, [dec, ra]))
        dx = x - x[len(x) / 2]
        # It's also useful to be able to go from normal map index to
        # position in y and dx
        inv_y = np.zeros(shape[-2], dtype=int) - 1
        inv_y[y.astype(int)] = np.arange(len(y))
        # Compute the azimuth step size based on the total azimuth sweep.
        daz = (pattern[2] - pattern[1] + 2 * pad) / len(y)
        # Build the geometry of the unskewed system
        ushape, uwcs = enmap.geometry(pos=[0, 0],
                                      shape=[len(y), shape[-1]],
                                           enmap.pixshape(shape, wcs)[1]],
        # And store the result
        self.y = y.astype(int)
        self.dx = np.round(dx).astype(int)
        self.dx_raw = dx
        self.inv_y = inv_y
        self.ushape = ushape
        self.uwcs = uwcs
Пример #13
 def __init__(self,
     Signal.__init__(self, name, ofmt, output, ext)
     nrow, ncol = array_shape
     ndet = nrow * ncol
     self.pids = pids
     self.patterns = patterns
     self.comm = comm
     self.dtype = dtype
     self.col_major = col_major
     self.cuts = cuts
     self.data = {}
     self.areas = []
     # Set up an area for each scanning pattern. We assume that these are constant
     # elevation scans, so only azimuth matters. This setup is ugly and would be
     # nicer if passed in, but then the ugliness would only be moved to the calling
     # code instead.
     for pattern in patterns:
         az0, az1 = utils.widen_box(pattern)[:, 1]
         naz = int(np.ceil((az1 - az0) / res))
         az1 = az0 + naz * res
         det_unit = nrow if col_major else ncol
         shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(
             pos=[[0, az0], [ndet / det_unit * utils.degree, az1]],
             shape=(ndet, naz),
         if hysteresis:
             area = enmap.zeros((2, ) + shape, wcs, dtype=dtype)
             area = enmap.zeros(shape, wcs, dtype=dtype)
     for pid, scan in zip(pids, scans):
         dets = scan.dets
         if col_major: dets = utils.transpose_inds(dets, nrow, ncol)
         mat = pmat.PmatScan(scan, self.areas[pid], dets)
         self.data[scan] = [pid, mat]
     self.dof = zipper.MultiZipper(
         [zipper.ArrayZipper(area, comm=comm) for area in self.areas],
Пример #14
def get_geometry_regions(ncomp, n, res, hole_radius):
    tshape, twcs = enmap.geometry(pos=(0, 0),
                                  shape=(n, n),
    modrmap = enmap.modrmap(tshape, twcs)

    # Select the hole (m1) and context(m2) across all components
    amodrmap = np.repeat(modrmap.reshape((1, n, n)), ncomp, 0)
    m1 = np.where(amodrmap.reshape(-1) < hole_radius)[0]
    m2 = np.where(amodrmap.reshape(-1) >= hole_radius)[0]

    return m1, m2
Пример #15
 def likgrid(self, R, n, super=1, marg=False, verbose=False):
     shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=np.array([[-R, -R], [R, R]]),
                                 shape=(n, n),
     dchisqs = enmap.zeros(shape, wcs)
     amps = enmap.zeros((self.nsrc, ) + shape, wcs)
     pos = dchisqs.posmap()
     for i, p in enumerate(pos.reshape(2, -1).T):
         if np.sum(p**2)**0.5 > R: continue
         L = self.lik.eval(p)
         if verbose:
             print "%6d %7.3f %7.3f %15.7f" % (i, p[0] / utils.arcmin,
                                               p[1] / utils.arcmin,
                                               L.chisq0 - L.chisq)
         dchisqs.reshape(-1)[i] = L.chisq0 - L.chisq
         amps.reshape(self.nsrc, -1)[:, i] = L.amps
     if super > 1:
         # Use bicubic spline interpolation to upscale
         shape2, wcs2 = enmap.geometry(pos=np.array([[-R, -R], [R, R]]),
                                       shape=(n * super, n * super),
         dchisqs = dchisqs.project(shape2, wcs2, mode="constant")
         amps = amps.project(shape2, wcs2, mode="constant")
     return dchisqs, amps
Пример #16
def grid_pos(d, params, box=np.array([[-1,-1],[1,1]])*pos_rel_max, shape=(10,10)):
	# Build the pos grid
	p = params.copy()
	shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=box, shape=shape, proj="car")
	probs = enmap.zeros(shape, wcs)
	pos_rel = probs.posmap()
	best = -np.inf
	for iy in range(shape[0]):
		for ix in range(shape[1]):
			p.pos_rel = pos_rel[:,iy,ix]
			P_s, P_w, adist_strong = calc_marginal_amps_strong(d, p)
			probs[iy,ix] = P_s + P_w
			best = max(best,probs[iy,ix])
			print "%4d %4d %6.2f %6.2f %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f %s" % ((iy,ix)+tuple(pos_rel[:,iy,ix]/m2r)+(probs[iy,ix],P_s,P_w) + ("*" if probs[iy,ix]>=best else "",))
	return probs
Пример #17
	def __init__(self, shape, wcs, pattern, offset, site, pad=2.0*utils.degree):
		"""This unskew operation assumes that equal spacing in
		dec corresponds to equal spacing in time, and that shifts in
		RA can be done in units of whole pixels. This is an approximation
		relative to UnskewCurved, but it is several times faster, uses
		less memory, and causes less smoothing."""
		ndec, nra = shape[-2:]
		info = calc_az_sweep(pattern, offset, site, pad=pad)
		sweep_ra, sweep_dec = info.sweep_cel
		# For each pixel in dec (that we hit for this scanning pattern), we
		# want to know how far we have been displaced in ra.
		# First get the dec of each pixel center.
		ysweep, xsweep = enmap.sky2pix(shape, wcs, [sweep_dec,sweep_ra])
		y1  = max(int(np.min(ysweep)),0)
		y2  = min(int(np.max(ysweep))+1,shape[-2])
		# Make fft-friendly
		ny  = y2-y1
		ny2 = fft.fft_len(ny, "above", [2,3,5,7])
		y1  = max(y1-(ny2-ny)/2,0)
		y2  = min(y1+ny2,shape[-2])
		y   = np.arange(y1,y2)
		dec, _ = enmap.pix2sky(shape, wcs, [y,y*0])
		# Then interpolate the ra values corresponding to those decs.
		# InterpolatedUnivariateSpline broken. Returns nan even when
		# interpolating. So we will use UnivariateSpline
		spline  = scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline(sweep_dec, sweep_ra)
		ra      = spline(dec)
		dra     = ra - ra[len(ra)/2]
		y, x    = np.round(enmap.sky2pix(shape, wcs, [dec,ra]))
		dx      = x-x[len(x)/2]
		# It's also useful to be able to go from normal map index to
		# position in y and dx
		inv_y   = np.zeros(shape[-2],dtype=int)-1
		inv_y[y.astype(int)]= np.arange(len(y))
		# Compute the azimuth step size based on the total azimuth sweep.
		daz = (pattern[2]-pattern[1]+2*pad)/len(y)
		# Build the geometry of the unskewed system
		ushape, uwcs = enmap.geometry(pos=[0,0], shape=[len(y),shape[-1]], res=[daz,enmap.pixshape(shape,wcs)[1]], proj="car")
		# And store the result
		self.y  = y.astype(int)
		self.dx = np.round(dx).astype(int)
		self.dx_raw = dx
		self.inv_y  = inv_y
		self.ushape = ushape
		self.uwcs   = uwcs
Пример #18
	def __init__(self, scan, srcpos, res=0.25*utils.arcmin, rad=20*utils.arcmin, perdet=False, detoff=10*utils.arcmin):
		if perdet:
			# Offset each detector's pointing so that we produce a grid of images, one per detector.
			gside  = int(np.ceil(scan.ndet**0.5))
			goffs  = np.mgrid[:gside,:gside] - (gside-1)/2.0
			goffs  = goffs.reshape(2,-1).T[:scan.ndet]*detoff
			scan.offsets = scan.offsets.copy()
			scan.offsets[:,1:] += goffs
			rad    = rad + np.max(np.abs(goffs))
		# Build geometry for each source
		shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=[[-rad,-rad],[rad,rad]], res=res, proj="car")
		area = enmap.zeros((3,)+shape, wcs, dtype=scan.tod.dtype)
		self.pmats = []
		for i, pos in enumerate(srcpos.T):
			if planet: sys = src_sys
			else:      sys = ["icrs",[np.array([[pos[0]],[pos[1]],[0],[0]]),False]]
			with config.override("pmat_accuracy", 10):
				self.pmats.append(pmat.PmatMap(scan, area, sys=sys))
		self.shape = (len(srcpos.T),3)+shape
		self.wcs   = wcs
Пример #19
def grid_pos(d,
             box=np.array([[-1, -1], [1, 1]]) * pos_rel_max,
             shape=(10, 10)):
    # Build the pos grid
    p = params.copy()
    shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=box, shape=shape, proj="car")
    probs = enmap.zeros(shape, wcs)
    pos_rel = probs.posmap()
    best = -np.inf
    for iy in range(shape[0]):
        for ix in range(shape[1]):
            p.pos_rel = pos_rel[:, iy, ix]
            P_s, P_w, adist_strong = calc_marginal_amps_strong(d, p)
            probs[iy, ix] = P_s + P_w
            best = max(best, probs[iy, ix])
            print "%4d %4d %6.2f %6.2f %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f %s" % (
                (iy, ix) + tuple(pos_rel[:, iy, ix] / m2r) +
                (probs[iy, ix], P_s, P_w) +
                ("*" if probs[iy, ix] >= best else "", ))
    return probs
Пример #20
	def __init__(self, data, srcpos, res=0.25*utils.arcmin, rad=20*utils.arcmin, perdet=False, detoff=10*utils.arcmin):
		scan = actscan.ACTScan(data.entry, d=data)
		if perdet:
			# Offset each detector's pointing so that we produce a grid of images, one per detector.
			gside  = int(np.ceil(data.ndet**0.5))
			goffs  = np.mgrid[:gside,:gside] - (gside-1)/2.0
			goffs  = goffs.reshape(2,-1).T[:data.ndet]*detoff
			scan.offsets = scan.offsets.copy()
			scan.offsets[:,1:] += goffs
			rad    = rad + np.max(np.abs(goffs))
		# Build geometry for each source
		shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=[[-rad,-rad],[rad,rad]], res=res, proj="car")
		area = enmap.zeros((3,)+shape, wcs, dtype=data.tod.dtype)
		self.pmats = []
		for i, pos in enumerate(srcpos.T):
			if planet: sys = src_sys
			else:      sys = ["icrs",[np.array([[pos[0]],[pos[1]],[0],[0]]),False]]
			with config.override("pmat_accuracy", 10):
				self.pmats.append(pmat.PmatMap(scan, area, sys=sys))
		self.shape = (len(srcpos.T),3)+shape
		self.wcs   = wcs
Пример #21
box = utils.bounding_box(boxes)
box = utils.widen_box(box, rad * 5, relative=False)

# We assume that the two maps have the same pixelization
imaps = enmap.samewcs(np.array(imaps), imaps[0])
# Downsample by averaging
imaps = enmap.downgrade(imaps, (1, args.step))
naz = imaps.shape[-1]

# Ok, build our output geometry
shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=box,
                            res=args.res * utils.arcmin,
                            pre=(naz, ))
omap = enmap.zeros(shape, wcs, dtype=dtype)

# Normalization
norm = enmap.zeros(shape[-2:], wcs)
norm[0, 0] = 1
norm = enmap.smooth_gauss(norm, rad)[0, 0]

# Loop through slices and populate
bazs = []
for iaz in range(naz):
    # Get our boresight az
    bazs.append(imaps.pix2sky([0, iaz])[1])
    vals = []
    for i in range(nfile):
Пример #22
from __future__ import print_function
from orphics import maps,io,cosmology,catalogs
from enlib import enmap,bench
import numpy as np

shape,wcs = maps.rect_geometry(width_deg=20.,px_res_arcmin=0.5)
bigmap = enmap.zeros(shape,wcs)

Nobj = 1000
ras,decs = catalogs.random_catalog(shape,wcs,Nobj,edge_avoid_deg=1.)

arcmin_width = 30.
res = np.min(bigmap.extent()/bigmap.shape[-2:])*180./np.pi*60.
Npix = int(arcmin_width/res)*1.
if Npix%2==0: Npix += 1
cshape,cwcs = enmap.geometry(pos=(0.,0.),res=res/(180./np.pi*60.),shape=(Npix,Npix))
cmodrmap = enmap.modrmap(cshape,cwcs)

sigmas = []
for ra,dec in zip(ras,decs):
    iy,ix = enmap.sky2pix(shape,wcs,(dec*np.pi/180.,ra*np.pi/180.))

    sigma = np.random.normal(3.0,1.0)*np.pi/180./60.
    paste_in = np.exp(-cmodrmap**2./2./sigma**2.)
    bigmap[int(iy-Npix/2):int(iy+Npix/2),int(ix-Npix/2):int(ix+Npix/2)] += paste_in

Пример #23
sys.stderr.write("splitting %d:[%s] tods into %d splits via %d blocks%s" % (
	ntod, atolist(nper), nsplit, nblock, (" with %d:%d free:fixed" % (nfree,nfixed)) if nfixed > 0 else "") + "\n")

# We assume that site and pointing offsets are the same for all tods,
# so get them based on the first one
entry = filedb.data[ids[0]]
site  = actdata.read(entry, ["site"]).site

# Determine the bounding box of our selected data
bounds    = db.data["bounds"].reshape(2,-1).copy()
bounds[0] = utils.rewind(bounds[0], bounds[0,0], 360)
box = utils.widen_box(utils.bounding_box(bounds.T), 4*args.rad, relative=False)
waz, wel = box[1]-box[0]
# Use fullsky horizontally if we wrap too far
if waz <= 180:
	shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=box[:,::-1]*utils.degree, res=args.res*utils.degree, proj="car", ref=(0,0))
	shape, wcs = enmap.fullsky_geometry(res=args.res*utils.degree)
	y1, y2 = np.sort(enmap.sky2pix(shape, wcs, [box[:,1]*utils.degree,[0,0]])[0].astype(int))
	shape, wcs = enmap.slice_geometry(shape, wcs, (slice(y1,y2),slice(None)))

sys.stderr.write("using %s workspace with resolution %.2f deg" % (str(shape), args.res) + "\n")

# Get the hitmap for each block
hits = enmap.zeros((nblock,narray)+shape, wcs)
ndig = calc_ndig(nblock)
sys.stderr.write("estimating hitmap for block %*d/%d" % (ndig,0,nblock))
for bi in range(nblock):
	for ai in range(narray):
		block_db = db.select(block_inds[bi,ai])
		hits[bi,ai] = fastweight.fastweight(shape, wcs, block_db, array_rad=args.rad*utils.degree, site=site, weight=args.weight)
Пример #24
	# Find azimuth scanning speed
	aspeed = np.median(np.abs(d.boresight[1,1:]-d.boresight[1,:-1])[::10])*d.srate
	tref   = d.boresight[0,d.nsamp/2]

	# Build a small, high-res map around each source
	sdata = []
	with bench.mark("scan"):
		scan = actscan.ACTScan(entry, d=d)
	pcut = pmat.PmatCut(scan)
	junk = np.zeros(pcut.njunk, dtype)
	pcut.backward(tod, junk)
	#wtod = apply_bivar(tod*0+1,bivar,bsize_ivar,inplace=True)
	wtod = tod*0+ivar[:,None]
	pcut.backward(wtod, junk)
	for sid in sids:
		shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=[srcpos[::-1,sid]-R,srcpos[::-1,sid]+R], res=res, proj="car")
		area = enmap.zeros(shape, wcs, dtype)
		with bench.mark("pmap"):
			pmap = pmat.PmatMap(scan, area)
		rhs  = enmap.zeros((3,)+shape, wcs, dtype)
		div  = rhs*0
		with bench.mark("rhs"):
			pmap.backward(tod, rhs)
		with bench.mark("div"):
		div  = div[0]
		map  = rhs.copy()
		map[:,div>0] /= div[div>0]
		map = map[0]
		# Crop the outermost pixel, where outside hits will have accumulated
		map, div, area = [m[...,1:-1,1:-1] for m in [map,div,area]]
Пример #25
def enmaps_from_config(Config, sim_section, analysis_section, pol=False):
    Algorithm for deciding sim and analysis shapes and wcs:

    Check if user has specified a *data* template
        * If yes, use its shape and wcs for the data
        - Determine ratio simpixel/anpixel
        - Upsample by that ratio to make sim template
        * If no, 


    pixel_sim = Config.getfloat(sim_section, "pixel_arcmin")
    buffer_sim = Config.getfloat(sim_section, "buffer")
    projection = Config.get(analysis_section, "projection")
        pt_file = Config.get(analysis_section, "patch_template")
        imap = enmap.read_map(pt_file)
        shape_dat = imap.shape
        wcs_dat = imap.wcs

        res = np.min(imap.extent() / imap.shape[-2:]) * 60. * 180. / np.pi
        if np.isclose(pixel_sim, res, 1.e-2):
            shape_sim = shape_dat
            wcs_sim = wcs_dat
            bbox = enmap.box(shape_dat, wcs_dat)
            shape_sim, wcs_sim = enmap.geometry(bbox,
                                                res=pixel_sim * np.pi / 180. /

        pixel_analysis = Config.getfloat(analysis_section, "pixel_arcmin")
            width_analysis_deg = Config.getfloat(analysis_section,
            width_analysis_deg = Config.getfloat(analysis_section,
                                                 "patch_arcmin_width") / 60.
            height_analysis_deg = Config.getfloat(analysis_section,
            height_analysis_deg = Config.getfloat(analysis_section,
                                                  "patch_arcmin_height") / 60.
        ra_offset = Config.getfloat(analysis_section, "ra_offset")
        dec_offset = Config.getfloat(analysis_section, "dec_offset")

        shape_dat, wcs_dat = maps.rect_geometry(
            width_analysis_deg * 60.,
            height_arcmin=height_analysis_deg * 60.,

        if np.abs(buffer_sim - 1.) < 1.e-3:
            shape_sim, wcs_sim = maps.rect_geometry(
                width_analysis_deg * 60.,
                height_arcmin=height_analysis_deg * 60.,
            raise NotImplementedError("Buffer !=1 not implemented")

    return shape_sim, wcs_sim, shape_dat, wcs_dat
Пример #26
sys.stderr.write("splitting %d:[%s] tods into %d splits via %d blocks%s" % (
	ntod, atolist(nper), nsplit, nblock, (" with %d:%d free:fixed" % (nfree,nfixed)) if nfixed > 0 else "") + "\n")

# We assume that site and pointing offsets are the same for all tods,
# so get them based on the first one
entry = filedb.data[ids[0]]
site  = actdata.read(entry, ["site"]).site

# Determine the bounding box of our selected data
bounds    = db.data["bounds"].reshape(2,-1).copy()
bounds[0] = utils.rewind(bounds[0], bounds[0,0], 360)
box = utils.widen_box(utils.bounding_box(bounds.T), 4*args.rad, relative=False)
waz, wel = box[1]-box[0]
# Use fullsky horizontally if we wrap too far
if waz <= 180:
	shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=box[:,::-1]*utils.degree, res=args.res*utils.degree, proj="car", ref=(0,0))
	shape, wcs = enmap.fullsky_geometry(res=args.res*utils.degree)
	y1, y2 = np.sort(enmap.sky2pix(shape, wcs, [box[:,1]*utils.degree,[0,0]])[0].astype(int))
	shape, wcs = enmap.slice_geometry(shape, wcs, (slice(y1,y2),slice(None)))

sys.stderr.write("using %s workspace with resolution %.2f deg" % (str(shape), args.res) + "\n")

# Get the hitmap for each block
hits = enmap.zeros((nblock,narray)+shape, wcs)
ndig = calc_ndig(nblock)
sys.stderr.write("estimating hitmap for block %*d/%d" % (ndig,0,nblock))
for bi in range(nblock):
	for ai in range(narray):
		block_db = db.select(block_inds[bi,ai])
		hits[bi,ai] = fastweight.fastweight(shape, wcs, block_db, array_rad=args.rad*utils.degree, site=site, weight=args.weight)
Пример #27
# This program computes a simple estimation of the amount of distortion the
# flat-sky approximation involves
import numpy as np, argparse
from enlib import enmap
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-D", "--diameter", type=float, default=30)
parser.add_argument("-n", "--npix",     type=int,   default=800)
parser.add_argument("--proj",           type=str,   default="cea")
args = parser.parse_args()

r = args.diameter*np.pi/180/2
shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=[[-r,-r],[r,r]], shape=(args.npix, args.npix), proj=args.proj)

def linpos(n,b): return b[0] + (np.arange(n)+0.5)*(b[1]-b[0])/n
alpha = enmap.zeros((2,)+shape, wcs)
pos   = enmap.posmap(shape, wcs)
# I'm not sure how to compute this in general, so here's a specialization
# for cylindrical projections
if args.proj == "cea" or args.proj =="car":
	dec   = pos[0,:,0]
	ra    = pos[1,0,:]
	lindec= linpos(shape[0],enmap.box(shape,wcs)[:,0])
	scale = 1/np.cos(dec)-1
	alpha[0] = (lindec-dec)[:,None]
	alpha[1] = ra[None,:]*scale[:,None]
enmap.write_map(args.omap, alpha*180*60/np.pi)
Пример #28
    def __init__(self,
        """DGeometry(shape, wcs, bbpix, tshape) or

		Construct a DMap geometry. When constructed explicitly from shape, wcs, etc.,
		it is a relatively expensive operation, as MPI communication is necessary.
		Constructing one based on an existing DGeometry is fast.

		bbox indicates the bounds [{from,to},{lat,lon}] of the area of the map of
		interest to each mpi task, and will in general be different for each task.
		bbpix is the same as bbox, but expressed in units of pixels.
		It is allowed to pass a list of bounding boxes, in which case each mpi task
		will have multiple work spaces.

		tshape specifies the tiling scheme to use. The global geometry will be
		split into tiles of tshape dimensions (except at the edges, as no tile
		will extend beyond the edge of the full map), and tiles will be stored
		in a distributed fashion between mpi tasks based on the degree of overlap
		with their workspaces."""
            # We are pretty lightweight, so copy everything properly. This is
            # less error prone than having changes in one object suddenly affect
            # another. comm must *not* be deepcopied, as that breaks it.
            for key in ["shape", "tshape", "comm", "dtype"]:
                setattr(self, key, getattr(shape, key))
            for key in [
                    "wcs", "tile_pos", "tile_boxes", "tile_geometry",
                    "work_geometry", "tile_ownership", "tile_glob2loc",
                    "tile_loc2glob", "tile_bufinfo", "work_bufinfo"
                setattr(self, key, copy.deepcopy(getattr(shape, key)))
        except AttributeError:
            # 1. Set up basic properties
            assert shape is not None
            if wcs is None:
                _, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=np.array([[-1, -1], [1, 1]]) * 5 *
                                        np.pi / 180,
            if comm is None: comm = mpi.COMM_WORLD
            if tshape is None: tshape = (720, 720)
            if dtype is None: dtype = np.float64
            if bbpix is None:
                if bbox is None: bbpix = [[0, 0], shape[-2:]]
                else: bbpix = box2pix(shape, wcs, bbox)
            nphi = int(np.round(np.abs(360 / wcs.wcs.cdelt[0])))
            # Reorder from/to if necessary, and expand to [:,2,2]
            bbpix = sanitize_pixbox(bbpix, shape)
            dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
            self.shape, self.wcs, self.bbpix = tuple(
                shape), wcs.deepcopy(), np.array(bbpix)
            self.tshape, self.dtype, self.comm = tuple(tshape), dtype, comm

            # 2. Set up workspace descriptions
            work_geometry = [
                    wcs, (slice(b[0, 0], b[1, 0]), slice(b[0, 1], b[1, 1])),
                    nowrap=True) for b in bbpix
            # 3. Define global workspace ownership
            nwork = utils.allgather([len(bbpix)], comm)
            wown = np.concatenate(
                [np.full(n, i, dtype=int) for i, n in enumerate(nwork)])
            # 3. Define tiling. Each tile has shape tshape, starting from the (0,0) corner
            #    of the full map. Tiles at the edge are clipped, as pixels beyond the edge
            #    of the full map may have undefined wcs positions.
            tbox = build_tiles(shape, tshape)
            bshape = tbox.shape[:2]
            tbox = tbox.reshape(-1, 2, 2)
            ntile = len(tbox)
            tile_indices = np.array(
                [np.arange(ntile) / bshape[1],
                 np.arange(ntile) % bshape[1]]).T
            # 4. Define tile ownership.
            # a) For each task compute the overlap of each tile with its workspaces, and
            #    concatenate across tasks to form a [nworktot,ntile] array.
            wslices = select_nonempty(  # slices into work
                utils.allgatherv(utils.box_slice(bbpix, tbox), comm,
                                 axis=0),  # normal
                utils.allgatherv(utils.box_slice(bbpix + [0, nphi], tbox),
                                 axis=0))  # wrapped
            tslices = select_nonempty(  # slices into tiles
                utils.allgatherv(utils.box_slice(tbox, bbpix), comm,
                                 axis=1),  # normal
                utils.allgatherv(utils.box_slice(tbox, bbpix + [0, nphi]),
                                 axis=1))  # wrapped
            # b) Compute the total overlap each mpi task has with each tile, and use this
            # to decide who should get which tiles
            overlaps = utils.box_area(wslices)
            overlaps = utils.sum_by_id(overlaps, wown, 0)
            town = assign_cols_round_robin(overlaps)
            # Map tile indices from local to global and back
            tgmap = [[] for i in range(comm.size)]
            tlmap = np.zeros(ntile, dtype=int)
            for ti, id in enumerate(town):
                tlmap[ti] = len(tgmap[id])  # glob 2 loc
                tgmap[id].append(ti)  # loc  2 glob
            # 5. Define tiles
            tile_geometry = [
                    shape, wcs,
                    (slice(tb[0, 0], tb[1, 0]), slice(tb[0, 1], tb[1, 1])))
                for tb in tbox
            # 6. Define mapping between work<->wbuf and tiles<->tbuf
            wbufinfo = np.zeros([2, comm.size], dtype=int)
            tbufinfo = np.zeros([2, comm.size], dtype=int)
            winfo, tinfo = [], []
            woff, toff = 0, 0
            prelen = np.product(shape[:-2])
            for id in xrange(comm.size):
                ## Buffer info to send to alltoallv
                wbufinfo[1, id] = woff
                tbufinfo[1, id] = toff
                # Slices for transfering to and from w buffer. Loop over all of my
                # workspaces and determine the slices into them and how much we need
                # to send.
                for tloc, tglob in enumerate(np.where(town == id)[0]):
                    for wloc, wglob in enumerate(
                            np.where(wown == comm.rank)[0]):
                        ws = wslices[wglob, tglob]
                        wlen = utils.box_area(ws) * prelen
                        work_slice = (Ellipsis, slice(ws[0, 0], ws[1, 0]),
                                      slice(ws[0, 1], ws[1, 1]))
                        wbuf_slice = slice(woff, woff + wlen)
                        winfo.append((wloc, work_slice, wbuf_slice))
                        woff += wlen
                # Slices for transferring to and from t buffer. Loop over all
                # my tiles, and determine how much I have to receive from each
                # workspace of each task.
                for tloc, tglob in enumerate(np.where(town == comm.rank)[0]):
                    for wloc, wglob in enumerate(np.where(wown == id)[0]):
                        ts = tslices[tglob, wglob]
                        tlen = utils.box_area(ts) * prelen
                        tile_slice = (Ellipsis, slice(ts[0, 0], ts[1, 0]),
                                      slice(ts[0, 1], ts[1, 1]))
                        tbuf_slice = slice(toff, toff + tlen)
                        tinfo.append((tloc, tile_slice, tbuf_slice))
                        toff += tlen
                wbufinfo[0, id] = woff - wbufinfo[1, id]
                tbufinfo[0, id] = toff - tbufinfo[1, id]
            wbufinfo, tbufinfo = tuple(wbufinfo), tuple(tbufinfo)
            # TODO: store tbox? loc_geometry vs. tile_geometry, etc.
            # 7. Store
            # [ntile,2]: position of each (global) tile in grid
            self.tile_pos = tile_indices
            # [ntile,2,2]: pixel box for each (global) tile
            self.tile_boxes = tbox
            # [ntile,(shape,wcs)]: geometry of each (global) tile
            self.tile_geometry = tile_geometry
            # [nwork,(shape,wcs)]: geometry of each local workspace
            self.work_geometry = work_geometry
            # [ntile]: rank of owner of each tile
            self.tile_ownership = town
            # [ntile]: local index of each (global) tile
            self.tile_glob2loc = tlmap
            # [nloc]:  global index of each local tile
            self.tile_loc2glob = tgmap[comm.rank]
            # Communication buffers
            self.tile_bufinfo = Bufmap(tinfo, tbufinfo, toff)
            self.work_bufinfo = Bufmap(winfo, wbufinfo, woff)
Пример #29

# Center l=0
def recenter(m, shape):
    return np.roll(np.roll(m, -shape[-2] // 2, -2), -shape[-1] // 2, -1)

ps_cross = recenter(ps_cross, ps_cross.shape)
# Replace WCS, so that we can plot it with proper axes
print("Updating WCS")
ly, lx = enmap.laxes(ps_cross.shape, ps_cross.wcs)
lbox = [[np.min(ly), np.min(lx)], [np.max(ly), np.max(lx)]]
lshape = (len(ly), len(lx))
_, lwcs = enmap.geometry(pos=lbox, shape=lshape, proj="plain")
ps_cross.wcs = lwcs

# Project onto an equal-aspect ratio coordinate system
oshape, owcs = enmap.geometry(pos=lbox,
                              shape=(np.max(lshape), np.max(lshape)),
ospec = ps_cross.project(oshape, owcs, order=3)

ospec = enmap.downgrade(ospec, args.downgrade)

# Keep only the real part for now
ospec = ospec.real
Пример #30
    wo.wcs.ctype = ["RA---ZEA", "DEC--ZEA"]
    wo.wcs.crval = [0, 90]
    wo.wcs.cdelt = [res / deg2rad, res / deg2rad]
    wo.wcs.crpix = [1, 1]
    x, y = wo.wcs_world2pix(0, 90 - R / deg2rad, 1)
    y = int(np.ceil(y))
    n = 2 * y - 1
    wo.wcs.crpix = [y, y]
    omap = enmap.zeros((n, n), wo)

# Construct our projection coordinates this is a CAR system in order
# to make interpolation easy.
with dprint("construct imap"):
    ires = np.array([1, 1. / np.sin(R)]) * res / args.supersample
    shape, wi = enmap.geometry(pos=[[np.pi / 2 - R, -np.pi],
                                    [np.pi / 2, np.pi]],
    imap = enmap.zeros((ncomp, ) + shape, wi)

# Define SHT for interpolation pixels
with dprint("construct sht"):
    minfo = curvedsky.map2minfo(imap)
    lmax_ideal = np.pi / res
    ps = ps[:, :, :lmax_ideal]
    lmax = ps.shape[-1]
    # We do not need all ms when centered on the pole. To reach 1e-10 relative
    # error up to R, we need mmax approx 9560*R in radians
    mmax = args.mmax or int(R * 9560)
    ainfo = sharp.alm_info(lmax, mmax)
    sht = sharp.sht(minfo, ainfo)
Пример #31
    return omaps

# Set up existing data if we are continuing
cont_data = {}
if args.cont_from:
    with open(args.cont_from, "r") as f:
        for line in f:
            toks = line.split()
            id = toks[0]
            sid = int(toks[5])
            cont_data[(id, sid)] = line

# Set up shifted map geometry
shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=np.array([[-1, -1], [1, 1]]) * args.orad *
                            res=args.ores * utils.arcmin,

# Set up fit output
f = open(args.odir + "/fit_rank_%03d.txt" % comm.rank, "w")

for ind in range(comm.rank, len(args.ifiles), comm.size):
    ifile = args.ifiles[ind]
        sdata = read_sdata(ifile)
    except Exception as e:
        sys.stderr.write("Exception for %s: %s\n" % (ifile, str(e)))

    # Eliminate invalid data
    sdata = [s for s in sdata if np.any(s.div > 0)]
Пример #32
		[args.el-args.wel/2., args.el+args.wel/2.],
	]).T + det_box/utils.degree
# units
ibox[:,1:] *= utils.degree
wibox = ibox.copy()
wibox[:,:] = utils.widen_box(ibox[:,:])
srate = nsamp/wt

# output box
icorners = utils.box2corners(ibox)
ocorners = hor2cel(icorners.T, t0)
obox     = utils.minmax(ocorners, -1)[:,:2]
wobox    = utils.widen_box(obox)

# define a pixelization
shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=wobox[:,::-1], res=args.res*utils.arcmin, proj="cea")
nphi = int(2*np.pi/(args.res*utils.arcmin))
map_orig = enmap.rand_gauss((ncomp,)+shape, wcs).astype(dtype)
print "map shape %s" % str(map_orig.shape)

pbox = np.array([[0,0],shape],dtype=int)
# define a test tod
bore = np.zeros([nsamp,3],dtype=ptype)
bore[:,0] = (wt*np.linspace(0,1,nsamp,endpoint=False))
bore[:,1] = (args.az + args.waz/2*utils.triangle_wave(np.linspace(0,1,nsamp,endpoint=False)*20))*utils.degree
bore[:,2] = (args.el + args.wel/2*utils.triangle_wave(np.linspace(0,1,nsamp,endpoint=False)))*utils.degree
#bore = (ibox[None,0] + np.random.uniform(0,1,size=(nsamp,3))*(ibox[1]-ibox[0])[None,:]).astype(ptype)
tod = np.zeros((ndet,nsamp),dtype=dtype)
psi = np.arange(nsamp)*2*np.pi/100
hwp = np.zeros([nsamp,2])
hwp[:,0] = np.cos(psi)
Пример #33
ids  = filedb.scans[args.sel]
comm = mpi.COMM_WORLD
dtype= np.float32
nref = args.nref
min_accuracy = 1.0 # 1 pixel

src_cols = [int(w) for w in args.cols.split(":")]

# Set up thumbnail geometry
res  = args.res*utils.arcmin
pad  = args.pad*utils.arcmin
box  = np.array([[float(w) for w in dim.split(":")] for dim in args.box.split(",")]).T*utils.arcmin
box[0] -= pad
box[1] += pad
shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=box, res=res, proj="car")
area = enmap.zeros(shape, wcs, dtype)

def read_srcs(fname, cols=(0,1,2)):
	if fname.endswith(".fits"):
		data = fits.open(fname)[1].data
		return np.array([data.ra*utils.degree,data.dec*utils.degree,data.sn])
		data = np.loadtxt(fname, usecols=cols).T
		data[:2] *= utils.degree
		return data

def find_ref_pixs(divs, rcost=1.0, dcost=1.0):
	"""rcost is cost per pixel away from center
	dcost is cost per dB change in div value avay from median"""
	# Find median nonzero div per map
Пример #34
]).T + det_box / utils.degree
# units
ibox[:, 1:] *= utils.degree
wibox = ibox.copy()
wibox[:, :] = utils.widen_box(ibox[:, :])
srate = nsamp / wt

# output box
icorners = utils.box2corners(ibox)
ocorners = hor2cel(icorners.T, t0)
obox = utils.minmax(ocorners, -1)[:, :2]
wobox = utils.widen_box(obox)

# define a pixelization
shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=wobox[:, ::-1],
                            res=args.res * utils.arcmin,
nphi = int(2 * np.pi / (args.res * utils.arcmin))
map_orig = enmap.rand_gauss((ncomp, ) + shape, wcs).astype(dtype)
print "map shape %s" % str(map_orig.shape)

pbox = np.array([[0, 0], shape], dtype=int)
# define a test tod
bore = np.zeros([nsamp, 3], dtype=ptype)
bore[:, 0] = (wt * np.linspace(0, 1, nsamp, endpoint=False))
bore[:, 1] = (args.az + args.waz / 2 * utils.triangle_wave(
    np.linspace(0, 1, nsamp, endpoint=False) * 20)) * utils.degree
bore[:, 2] = (args.el + args.wel / 2 * utils.triangle_wave(
    np.linspace(0, 1, nsamp, endpoint=False))) * utils.degree
#bore = (ibox[None,0] + np.random.uniform(0,1,size=(nsamp,3))*(ibox[1]-ibox[0])[None,:]).astype(ptype)
tod = np.zeros((ndet, nsamp), dtype=dtype)
Пример #35
# massOverh = 2.e15
# concentration = 3.2
# zL = 1.0
sourceZ = 1100.
overdensity = 180.
critical = False
atClusterZ = False

# === TEMPLATE MAP ===
px = 0.2
arc = 100
hwidth = arc/2.
hwidthTen = 5.
deg = utils.degree
arcmin =  utils.arcmin
shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=[[-hwidth*arcmin,-hwidth*arcmin],[hwidth*arcmin,hwidth*arcmin]], res=px*arcmin, proj="car")
shapeTen, wcsTen = enmap.geometry(pos=[[-hwidthTen*arcmin,-hwidthTen*arcmin],[hwidthTen*arcmin,hwidthTen*arcmin]], res=px*arcmin, proj="car")
thetaMap = enmap.posmap(shape, wcs)
thetaMap = np.sum(thetaMap**2,0)**0.5

# === KAPPA MAP ===
# kappaMap,r500 = NFWkappa(cc,massOverh,concentration,zL,thetaMap*180.*60./np.pi,sourceZ,overdensity=overdensity,critical=critical,atClusterZ=atClusterZ)
snap = snapNum
b = BattagliaSims(constDict)

# === CMB POWER SPECTRUM ===      
ps = powspec.read_spectrum("data/cl_lensinput.dat")

Пример #36
	for i, imap in enumerate(imaps):
		omaps[i] = imaps[i].at(pmap+pos[i,::-1,None,None])
	return omaps

# Set up existing data if we are continuing
cont_data = {}
if args.cont_from:
	with open(args.cont_from,"r") as f:
		for line in f:
			toks = line.split()
			id   = toks[0]
			sid  = int(toks[5])
			cont_data[(id,sid)] = line

# Set up shifted map geometry
shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(
		pos=np.array([[-1,-1],[1,1]])*args.orad*utils.arcmin, res=args.ores*utils.arcmin, proj="car")

# Set up fit output
f = open(args.odir + "/fit_rank_%03d.txt" % comm.rank, "w")

for ind in range(comm.rank, len(args.ifiles), comm.size):
	ifile = args.ifiles[ind]
		sdata = read_sdata(ifile)
	except Exception as e:
		sys.stderr.write("Exception for %s: %s\n" % (ifile, e.message))

	# Eliminate invalid data
	sdata = [s for s in sdata if np.any(s.div > 0)]
	if len(sdata) == 0:
Пример #37
from enlib import enmap, utils
from alhazen.halos import NFWkappa
from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy as np
import orphics.analysis.pipeline as pipes

wdeg = 100. / 60.
hwidth = wdeg * 60.
deg = utils.degree
arcmin = utils.arcmin
px = 0.1

shape_car, wcs_car = enmap.geometry(pos=[[-hwidth * arcmin, -hwidth * arcmin],
                                         [hwidth * arcmin, hwidth * arcmin]],
                                    res=px * arcmin,

# === COSMOLOGY ===
cosmologyName = 'LACosmology'  # from ini file
iniFile = "../SZ_filter/input/params.ini"
Config = SafeConfigParser()
Config.optionxform = str
lmax = 8000
cosmoDict = dictFromSection(Config, cosmologyName)
constDict = dictFromSection(Config, 'constants')
cc = ClusterCosmology(cosmoDict, constDict, lmax)
TCMB = 2.7255e6

#=== KAPPA MAP ===
kappaMap, r500 = NFWkappa(cc,
Пример #38
# critical = False
# atClusterZ = False

overdensity = 500.
critical = True
atClusterZ = True

# === TEMPLATE MAP ===
px = 0.1
arc = 50
hwidth = arc/2.
pxDown = 0.2
deg = utils.degree
arcmin =  utils.arcmin
shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=[[-hwidth*arcmin,-hwidth*arcmin],[hwidth*arcmin,hwidth*arcmin]], res=px*arcmin, proj="car")
shapeDown, wcsDown = enmap.geometry(pos=[[-hwidth*arcmin,-hwidth*arcmin],[hwidth*arcmin,hwidth*arcmin]], res=pxDown*arcmin, proj="car")
thetaMap = enmap.posmap(shape, wcs)
thetaMap = np.sum(thetaMap**2,0)**0.5
thetaMapDown = enmap.posmap(shapeDown, wcsDown)
thetaMapDown = np.sum(thetaMapDown**2,0)**0.5

comL = cc.results.comoving_radial_distance(zL)*cc.h
comS = cc.results.comoving_radial_distance(sourceZ)*cc.h
winAtLens = (comS-comL)/comS

kappaMap,r500 = NFWkappa(cc,massOverh,concentration,zL,thetaMap*180.*60./np.pi,winAtLens,overdensity=overdensity,critical=critical,atClusterZ=atClusterZ)

# === CMB POWER SPECTRUM ===      
Пример #39
class Axis:
	def __init__(self, n, scale, range):
		self.n, self.range, self.scale = n, range, scale
		self.f = np.log10 if scale == "log" else lambda x:x
		self.fr = self.f(range)
	def __call__(self, v):
		return np.minimum(self.n-1,np.floor((self.f(v)-self.fr[0])/(self.fr[1]-self.fr[0])*self.n).astype(np.int32))

def parse_axis(n, scale, range): return Axis(n, scale, [float(w) for w in range.split(":")])

xaxis = parse_axis(args.nx, args.sx, args.xrange)
yaxis = parse_axis(args.ny, args.sy, yrange)
xinds = np.arange(xaxis.n)

shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=np.array([yaxis.fr,xaxis.fr]).T*np.pi/180, shape=(yaxis.n,xaxis.n), proj="car")

ids = filedb.scans[args.sel]
for si in range(comm.rank, len(ids), comm.size):
	id    = ids[si]
	entry = filedb.data[id]
	ofile = "%s/%s.fits" % (args.odir, id)
	if args.c and os.path.isfile(ofile): continue
	print "reading %s" % id
		d     = actdata.read(entry)
		d     = actdata.calibrate(d)
	except (IOError, errors.DataMissing) as e:
		print "skipping (%s)" % e.message
Пример #40
	wo  = wcsutils.WCS(naxis=2)
	wo.wcs.ctype = ["RA---ZEA","DEC--ZEA"]
	wo.wcs.crval = [0,90]
	wo.wcs.cdelt = [res/deg2rad, res/deg2rad]
	wo.wcs.crpix = [1,1]
	x, y = wo.wcs_world2pix(0,90-R/deg2rad,1)
	y = int(np.ceil(y))
	n = 2*y-1
	wo.wcs.crpix = [y,y]
	omap = enmap.zeros((n,n),wo)

# Construct our projection coordinates this is a CAR system in order
# to make interpolation easy.
with dprint("construct imap"):
	ires = np.array([1,1./np.sin(R)])*res/args.supersample
	shape, wi = enmap.geometry(pos=[[np.pi/2-R,-np.pi],[np.pi/2,np.pi]], res=ires, proj="car")
	imap = enmap.zeros((ncomp,)+shape, wi)

# Define SHT for interpolation pixels
with dprint("construct sht"):
	minfo = curvedsky.map2minfo(imap)
	lmax_ideal = np.pi/res
	ps = ps[:,:,:lmax_ideal]
	lmax = ps.shape[-1]
	# We do not need all ms when centered on the pole. To reach 1e-10 relative
	# error up to R, we need mmax approx 9560*R in radians
	mmax = args.mmax or int(R*9560)
	ainfo = sharp.alm_info(lmax, mmax)
	sht = sharp.sht(minfo, ainfo)

with dprint("curvedsky tot"):
Пример #41
        return np.minimum(
            self.n - 1,
            np.floor((self.f(v) - self.fr[0]) / (self.fr[1] - self.fr[0]) *

def parse_axis(n, scale, range):
    return Axis(n, scale, [float(w) for w in range.split(":")])

xaxis = parse_axis(args.nx, args.sx, args.xrange)
yaxis = parse_axis(args.ny, args.sy, yrange)
xinds = np.arange(xaxis.n)

shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=np.array([yaxis.fr, xaxis.fr]).T * np.pi / 180,
                            shape=(yaxis.n, xaxis.n),

ids = filedb.scans[args.sel]
for si in range(comm.rank, len(ids), comm.size):
    id = ids[si]
    entry = filedb.data[id]
    ofile = "%s/%s.fits" % (args.odir, id)
    if args.c and os.path.isfile(ofile): continue
    print "reading %s" % id
        d = actdata.read(entry)
        d = actdata.calibrate(d)
    except (IOError, errors.DataMissing) as e:
        print "skipping (%s)" % e.message
Пример #42
    filename = lambda x,ext="fits",k=task: args.SimRoot+"_"+x+"_"+str(k).zfill(4)+args.save+"."+ext
        if args.flat and args.flat_force: raise
        if not(args.save_meanfield is None): raise
        cpatch = enmap.read_fits(filename("lensed"),box=box if not(args.flat) else None,wcs_override=fwcs if not(args.flat) else None)
        kpatch = enmap.read_fits(filename("kappa"),box=box if not(args.flat) else None,wcs_override=fwcs if not(args.flat) else None)
        if i==0: shape,wcs = cpatch.shape,cpatch.wcs
        assert args.flat or not(args.save_meanfield is None), "No sims found in directory specified. I can only make lensed sims if they are flat-sky."
        if not(inited): 
            if not(args.save_meanfield is None) and not(args.flat):
                template = enmap.read_fits(filename("lensed","fits",0),box=box if not(args.flat) else None,wcs_override=fwcs if not(args.flat) else None)
                shape,wcs = template.shape,template.wcs 
                shape,wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=box,res=args.res*np.pi/180./60., proj="car")
                if pol: shape = (3,) + shape
            mgen, kgen = init_flat(shape[-2:],wcs)
        inited = True
        unlensed = mgen.get_map(iau=args.iau)

        if not(args.save_meanfield is None):
            cpatch = unlensed
            kpatch = kgen.get_map()
            cpatch = lens(unlensed,kpatch)
        # enmap.write_fits(filename("lensed"),cpatch)
        # enmap.write_fits(filename("unlensed"),unlensed)

    if i==0:
Пример #43
parser.add_argument("--signal",type=str, default="ptsrc:100:1e3:-3")
parser.add_argument("--noise", type=str, default="1/f:20:2:0.5")
parser.add_argument("--seed",  type=int, default=1)
parser.add_argument("--measure", type=float, default=None)
parser.add_argument("--real",  type=str, default=None)
args = parser.parse_args()

log_level = log.verbosity2level(config.get("verbosity"))
L = log.init(level=log_level)

if args.area:
	area = enmap.read_map(args.area)
	if area.ndim == 2: area = area[None]
	shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=np.array([[-1,-1],[1,1]])*np.pi/180, shape=(600,600), pre=(3,), proj="car", ref=[0,0])
	area = enmap.zeros(shape, wcs)

def get_scans(area, signal, bore, dets, noise, seed=0, real=None, noise_override=None):
	scans = []
	# Get real scan information if necessary
	if real:
		real_scans = []
		db   = filedb.data
		ids  = fileb.scans[real].ids
		for id in ids:
			except errors.DataMissing as e:
Пример #44
# This program computes a simple estimation of the amount of distortion the
# flat-sky approximation involves
import numpy as np, argparse
from enlib import enmap
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-D", "--diameter", type=float, default=30)
parser.add_argument("-n", "--npix", type=int, default=800)
parser.add_argument("--proj", type=str, default="cea")
args = parser.parse_args()

r = args.diameter * np.pi / 180 / 2
shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=[[-r, -r], [r, r]],
                            shape=(args.npix, args.npix),

def linpos(n, b):
    return b[0] + (np.arange(n) + 0.5) * (b[1] - b[0]) / n

alpha = enmap.zeros((2, ) + shape, wcs)
pos = enmap.posmap(shape, wcs)
# I'm not sure how to compute this in general, so here's a specialization
# for cylindrical projections
if args.proj == "cea" or args.proj == "car":
    dec = pos[0, :, 0]
    ra = pos[1, 0, :]
    lindec = linpos(shape[0], enmap.box(shape, wcs)[:, 0])
    scale = 1 / np.cos(dec) - 1
    alpha[0] = (lindec - dec)[:, None]
Пример #45
	box = utils.minmax(off,0)
box = utils.bounding_box(boxes)
box = utils.widen_box(box, rad*5, relative=False)

# We assume that the two maps have the same pixelization
imaps = enmap.samewcs(np.array(imaps), imaps[0])
# Downsample by averaging
imaps = enmap.downgrade(imaps, (1,args.step))
naz   = imaps.shape[-1]

# Ok, build our output geometry
shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=box, res=args.res*utils.arcmin, proj="car", pre=(naz,))
omap = enmap.zeros(shape, wcs, dtype=dtype)

# Normalization
norm = enmap.zeros(shape[-2:],wcs)
norm[0,0] = 1
norm = enmap.smooth_gauss(norm, rad)[0,0]

# Loop through slices and populate
bazs = []
for iaz in range(naz):
	# Get our boresight az
	vals = []
	for i in range(nfile):
		# Go from detectors to y-pixel in input maps
Пример #46
        np.abs(d.boresight[1, 1:] - d.boresight[1, :-1])[::10]) * d.srate
    tref = d.boresight[0, d.nsamp / 2]

    # Build a small, high-res map around each source
    sdata = []
    with bench.mark("scan"):
        scan = actscan.ACTScan(entry, d=d)
    pcut = pmat.PmatCut(scan)
    junk = np.zeros(pcut.njunk, dtype)
    pcut.backward(tod, junk)
    #wtod = apply_bivar(tod*0+1,bivar,bsize_ivar,inplace=True)
    wtod = tod * 0 + ivar[:, None]
    pcut.backward(wtod, junk)
    for sid in sids:
        shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(
            pos=[srcpos[::-1, sid] - R, srcpos[::-1, sid] + R],
        area = enmap.zeros(shape, wcs, dtype)
        with bench.mark("pmap"):
            pmap = pmat.PmatMap(scan, area)
        rhs = enmap.zeros((3, ) + shape, wcs, dtype)
        div = rhs * 0
        with bench.mark("rhs"):
            pmap.backward(tod, rhs)
        with bench.mark("div"):
            pmap.backward(wtod, div)
        div = div[0]
        map = rhs.copy()
        map[:, div > 0] /= div[div > 0]
        map = map[0]
        # Crop the outermost pixel, where outside hits will have accumulated
Пример #47
parser.add_argument("--signal",type=str, default="ptsrc:100:1e3:-3")
parser.add_argument("--noise", type=str, default="1/f:20:2:0.5")
parser.add_argument("--seed",  type=int, default=1)
parser.add_argument("--measure", type=float, default=None)
parser.add_argument("--real",  type=str, default=None)
args = parser.parse_args()

log_level = log.verbosity2level(config.get("verbosity"))
L = log.init(level=log_level)

if args.area:
	area = enmap.read_map(args.area)
	if area.ndim == 2: area = area[None]
	shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=np.array([[-1,-1],[1,1]])*np.pi/180, shape=(600,600), pre=(3,), proj="car", ref=[0,0])
	area = enmap.zeros(shape, wcs)

def get_scans(area, signal, bore, dets, noise, seed=0, real=None, noise_override=None):
	scans = []
	# Get real scan information if necessary
	if real:
		real_scans = []
		db   = filedb.data
		ids  = fileb.scans[real].ids
		for id in ids:
			except errors.DataMissing as e: