Пример #1
 def A(self, u):
     s, a = self.dof.unzip(u)
     # U"u = [S"s, 0a]
     Uu = self.dof.zip(en.harm2map(en.map_mul(self.iS, en.map2harm(s))),
                       a * 0)
     # P'N"P u
     PNPu = self.PT(en.map_mul(self.iN, self.P(u)))
     return Uu + PNPu
Пример #2
 def A(self, xmap):
     #enmap.write_map(args.odir + "/A1.fits", xmap)
     iPx = mul(self.iP, enmap.map2harm(xmap))
     #enmap.write_map(args.odir + "/A2.fits", iPx.real)
     SiPx = enmap.harm2map(mul(self.S, iPx))
     #enmap.write_map(args.odir + "/A3.fits", SiPx)
     NiPx = mul(self.noise, enmap.harm2map(iPx))
     #enmap.write_map(args.odir + "/A3.fits", NiPx)
     res = xmap + SiPx + NiPx
     #enmap.write_map(args.odir + "/A4.fits", res)
     return res
Пример #3
 def M(self, u):
     # Multiplying things out, the full expression for A is:
     #  [ S" + sum(N")   sum(N"T) ]
     #  [  sum(T'N")     sum(T'T) ]
     # A reasonable approximation for this is
     #  [ S" + sum(sigma^{-2})    0    ]
     #  [         0           sum(T'T) ]
     # which can be directly inverted.
     s, a = self.dof.unzip(u)
     # Solve for the cmb signal component
     res_s = en.harm2map(en.map_mul(self.S_prec, en.map2harm(s)))
     res_a = np.linalg.solve(self.TT, a)
     return self.dof.zip(res_s, res_a)
Пример #4
def debug():
    teb = enmap.ifft(enmap.map2harm(unlensed)).real
    lteb = enmap.ifft(klteb).real
    if pol:
        io.quickPlot2d(unlensed[0], out_dir + "tmap.png")
        io.quickPlot2d(unlensed[1], out_dir + "qmap.png")
        io.quickPlot2d(unlensed[2], out_dir + "umap.png")
        io.quickPlot2d(teb[1], out_dir + "emap.png")
        io.quickPlot2d(teb[2], out_dir + "bmap.png")
        io.quickPlot2d(lensed[0], out_dir + "ltmap.png")
        io.quickPlot2d(lensed[1], out_dir + "lqmap.png")
        io.quickPlot2d(lensed[2], out_dir + "lumap.png")
        io.quickPlot2d(lteb[1], out_dir + "lemap.png")
        io.quickPlot2d(lteb[2], out_dir + "lbmap.png")
        io.quickPlot2d(unlensed, out_dir + "tmap.png")
        io.quickPlot2d(lensed, out_dir + "ltmap.png")

    t = teb[0, :, :]
    e = teb[1, :, :]
    b = teb[2, :, :]
    nt = noise[0, :, :]
    ne = noise[1, :, :]
    nb = noise[2, :, :]
    ntt2d = np.nan_to_num(fmaps.get_simple_power_enmap(nt) / kbeam_sim**2.)
    nee2d = np.nan_to_num(fmaps.get_simple_power_enmap(ne) / kbeam_sim**2.)
    nbb2d = np.nan_to_num(fmaps.get_simple_power_enmap(nb) / kbeam_sim**2.)

    utt2d = fmaps.get_simple_power_enmap(t)
    uee2d = fmaps.get_simple_power_enmap(e)
    ute2d = fmaps.get_simple_power_enmap(enmap1=t, enmap2=e)
    ubb2d = fmaps.get_simple_power_enmap(b)
    debug_edges = np.arange(2, 12000, 80)
    dbinner = stats.bin2D(modlmap_sim, debug_edges)
    cents, utt = dbinner.bin(utt2d)
    cents, uee = dbinner.bin(uee2d)
    cents, ute = dbinner.bin(ute2d)
    cents, ntt = dbinner.bin(ntt2d)
    cents, nee = dbinner.bin(nee2d)
    cents, nbb = dbinner.bin(nbb2d)
    #cents, ubb = dbinner.bin(ubb2d)

    tl = lteb[0, :, :]
    el = lteb[1, :, :]
    bl = lteb[2, :, :]
    ltt2d = fmaps.get_simple_power_enmap(tl)
    lee2d = fmaps.get_simple_power_enmap(el)
    lte2d = fmaps.get_simple_power_enmap(enmap1=tl, enmap2=el)
    lbb2d = fmaps.get_simple_power_enmap(bl)
    cents, ltt = dbinner.bin(ltt2d)
    cents, lee = dbinner.bin(lee2d)
    cents, lte = dbinner.bin(lte2d)
    cents, lbb = dbinner.bin(lbb2d)

    lcltt, lclee, lclte, lclbb = (
        x for x in cmb.unpack_cmb_theory(theory, fine_ells, lensed=True))
    cltt, clee, clte, clbb = (
        x for x in cmb.unpack_cmb_theory(theory, fine_ells, lensed=False))

    pl = io.Plotter(scaleY='log', scaleX='log')
    pl.add(cents, utt * cents**2., color="C0", marker="o", ls="none")
    pl.add(cents, uee * cents**2., color="C1", marker="o", ls="none")
    pl.add(fine_ells, cltt * fine_ells**2., color="C0", ls="--")
    pl.add(fine_ells, clee * fine_ells**2., color="C1", ls="--")
    pl.done(out_dir + "ccomp.png")

    pl = io.Plotter(scaleX='log')
    pl.add(cents, ute * cents**2., color="C0", marker="o", ls="none")
    pl.add(fine_ells, clte * fine_ells**2., color="C0", ls="--")
    pl.done(out_dir + "ccompte.png")

    # sells,stt,see,sbb,ste = np.loadtxt("data/cl_lensed.dat",unpack=True)
    # stt *= 2.*np.pi/TCMB**2./sells/(sells+1.)
    # see *= 2.*np.pi/TCMB**2./sells/(sells+1.)
    # sbb *= 2.*np.pi/TCMB**2./sells/(sells+1.)

    pl = io.Plotter(scaleY='log')  #,scaleX='log')

    # pl.add(sells,stt*sells**2.,color="C0",ls="-")
    # pl.add(sells,see*sells**2.,color="C1",ls="-")
    # pl.add(sells,sbb*sells**2.,color="C2",ls="-")

    pl.add(cents, ltt * cents**2., color="C0", marker="o", ls="none")
    pl.add(cents, lee * cents**2., color="C1", marker="o", ls="none")
    pl.add(cents, lbb * cents**2., color="C2", marker="o", ls="none")
    pl.add(cents, ntt * cents**2., color="C0", ls="-.", alpha=0.4)
    pl.add(cents, nee * cents**2., color="C1", ls="-.", alpha=0.4)
    pl.add(cents, nbb * cents**2., color="C2", ls="-.", alpha=0.4)
    pl.add(fine_ells, lcltt * fine_ells**2., color="C0", ls="--")
    pl.add(fine_ells, lclee * fine_ells**2., color="C1", ls="--")
    pl.add(fine_ells, lclbb * fine_ells**2., color="C2", ls="--")
    pl.done(out_dir + "lccomp.png")

    pl = io.Plotter(scaleX='log')
    pl.add(cents, lte * cents**2., color="C0", ls="-")
    pl.add(fine_ells, lclte * fine_ells**2., color="C0", ls="--")
    pl.done(out_dir + "lccompte.png")
Пример #5
    apowers = {}
    cpowers = {}
for polcomb in pol_list:
    kappa_stack[polcomb] = 0.
    if cluster:
        profiles[polcomb] = []
        apowers[polcomb] = []
        cpowers[polcomb] = []

for i in range(Nsims):

    unlensed = enmap.rand_map(shape_sim, wcs_sim, ps)
    lensed = lensing.lens_map_flat_pix(unlensed, alpha_pix, order=lens_order)
    klteb = enmap.map2harm(lensed)
    klteb_beam = klteb * kbeam_sim
    lteb_beam = enmap.ifft(klteb_beam).real
    noise = enmap.rand_map(shape_sim, wcs_sim, ps_noise, scalar=True)
    observed = lteb_beam + noise
    measured = enmap.downgrade(observed,
                               analysis_pixel_scale / sim_pixel_scale)
    if i == 0:


        shape_dat, wcs_dat = measured.shape, measured.wcs
        lxmap_dat, lymap_dat, modlmap_dat, angmap_dat, lx_dat, ly_dat = fmaps.get_ft_attributes_enmap(
            shape_dat, wcs_dat)
        nT = ntfunc(modlmap_dat)
        nP = npfunc(modlmap_dat)
Пример #6
parser.add_argument("-L", "--lmax-scale", type=float, default=np.inf)
parser.add_argument("-O", "--order", type=int, default=3)
args = parser.parse_args()

# Compute total 2d spectrum for the given input files, which must
# all have compatible geometry

nfile = len(args.ifiles)
ftot = None
ps_auto = None
for ifile in args.ifiles:
    print("Reading %s" % ifile)
    m = enmap.read_map(ifile)
    m = eval("m" + args.slice)
    m = m.apod(args.apod)
    m = enmap.map2harm(m)
    if ftot is None:
        ftot = m * 0
        ps_auto = enmap.zeros(m.shape[:1] + m.shape, m.wcs, m.dtype)
    ftot += m
    ps_auto += m[:, None] * np.conj(m[None, :])

print("Computing cross spectrum")
# Compute auto spectrum
ps_auto /= nfile**2
ftot /= nfile
# Compute total spectrum
ps_tot = ftot[:, None] * np.conj(ftot[None, :])
if len(args.ifiles) > 1:
    # Subtract to get cross spectrum
    ps_cross = ps_tot - ps_auto
Пример #7
    kappa_stack[polcomb] = 0.
    if cluster:
        profiles[polcomb] = []
        if maxlike:
            kappa_stack_maxlike[polcomb] = 0.
            profiles_maxlike[polcomb] = []
        apowers[polcomb] = []
        cpowers[polcomb] = []

for i in range(Nsims):

    unlensed = enmap.rand_map(shape_sim, wcs_sim, ps)
    lensed = lensing.lens_map_flat_pix(unlensed, alpha_pix, order=lens_order)
    klteb = enmap.map2harm(lensed)
    klteb_beam = klteb * kbeam_sim
    lteb_beam = enmap.ifft(klteb_beam).real
    noise = enmap.rand_map(shape_sim, wcs_sim, ps_noise, scalar=True)
    observed = lteb_beam + noise
    measured = enmap.downgrade(observed,
                               analysis_pixel_scale / sim_pixel_scale)
    if i == 0:

        shape_dat, wcs_dat = measured.shape, measured.wcs
        modr_dat = enmap.modrmap(shape_dat, wcs_dat) * 180. * 60. / np.pi

        # === ESTIMATOR ===

        template_dat = fmaps.simple_flipper_template_from_enmap(
            shape_dat, wcs_dat)
Пример #8
        w4 = np.mean(taper**4.)

        modlmap = imap.modlmap()
        ellmax = 6000
        ellmin = 200
        ellwidth = 40
        bin_edges = np.arange(ellmin, ellmax, ellwidth)
        binner = stats.bin2D(modlmap, bin_edges)

    imap = imap * taper
    phi = phi * taper
    if i == 0:
        io.quickPlot2d(phi, os.environ['WORK'] + "/web/plots/phimap.png")

    print("IQU to TEB...")
    teb = enmap.ifft(enmap.map2harm(imap)).real


    t = teb[0, :, :]
    e = teb[1, :, :]
    b = teb[2, :, :]
    spec2d = {}
    spec2d['tt'] = np.nan_to_num(fmaps.get_simple_power_enmap(t)) / w2
    spec2d['ee'] = np.nan_to_num(fmaps.get_simple_power_enmap(e)) / w2
    spec2d['bb'] = np.nan_to_num(fmaps.get_simple_power_enmap(b)) / w2
    spec2d['te'] = np.nan_to_num(fmaps.get_simple_power_enmap(t,
                                                              enmap2=e)) / w2
    spec2d['pp'] = np.nan_to_num(
        fmaps.get_simple_power_enmap(phi)) / w2 * (modlmap *
                                                   (modlmap + 1.))**2. / 4.
Пример #9
def add(res, m, desc):
	m2 = enmap.ifft(enmap.map2harm(m)).real
	print desc
Пример #10
def blur(m, sigma):
	l  = np.sum(m.lmap()**2,0)**0.5
	fm = enmap.map2harm(m)
	fm *= np.exp(-0.5*l**2*sigma**2)[None,:,:]
	return enmap.harm2map(fm)
Пример #11
 def M(self, xmap):
     #enmap.write_map(args.odir + "/M1.fits", xmap)
     res = enmap.harm2map(mul(self.prec, enmap.map2harm(xmap)))
     #enmap.write_map(args.odir + "/M2.fits", res)
     return res
Пример #12
def to_eb(m): return enmap.ifft(enmap.map2harm(m)).real
m_scal_u, m_scal_l, m_tens_u, m_tens_l, m_tot_u, m_tot_l = [enmap.downgrade(to_eb(i),os) for i in [m_scal_u, m_scal_l, m_tens_u, m_tens_l, m_tot_u, m_tot_l]]
Пример #13
import numpy as np, argparse
from scipy import ndimage
from enlib import enmap

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-r", "--apod-radius", type=int, default=64)
args = parser.parse_args()

def make_apod(shape, rad):
    mask = np.zeros(shape[-2:])
    mask[rad:-rad, rad:-rad] = 1
    w = np.maximum(1 - ndimage.distance_transform_edt(1 - mask) / rad, 0) ** 3
    return w

teb = enmap.read_map(args.ifile)
tqu = enmap.harm2map(enmap.fft(teb))
mask = make_apod(teb.shape, args.apod_radius)

tqu_mask = tqu * mask[None]
teb_mask = enmap.ifft(enmap.map2harm(tqu_mask)).real

res = enmap.samewcs([teb, tqu, tqu_mask, teb_mask], teb)
enmap.write_map(args.ofile, res)
Пример #14
    inputKappaMap, szMap = getKappaSZ(b,snap,massIndex,px,thetaMap.shape)

    # === DEFLECTION MAP ===
    a = alphaMaker(thetaMap)
    alpha = a.kappaToAlpha(inputKappaMap,test=False)
    alphamod = 180.*60.*np.sum(alpha**2,0)**0.5/np.pi
    print "alphaint ", alphamod[thetaMap*60.*180./np.pi<10.].mean()
    pos = thetaMap.posmap() + alpha
    pix = thetaMap.sky2pix(pos, safe=False)

    lensedTQU = lensing.displace_map(map, pix,order=5)
    lensedMapX = enmap.ifft(enmap.map2harm(lensedTQU)).real 
    lensedMapY = lensedMapX.copy()

    if szX:
        lensedMapX += (szMap/TCMB)
    if szY:
        lensedMapY += (szMap/TCMB)
    fotX = enmap.fft(lensedMapX,normalize=False)
    fotY = enmap.fft(lensedMapY,normalize=False)

    print "Reconstructing" , i , " ..."
    kappa = enmap.samewcs(qest.getKappa(polCombList[0]).real,thetaMap)