Пример #1
 def apply(self, tod):
     nmat.apply_window(tod, self.window)
     ft = fft.rfft(tod)
     self.nmat.apply_ft(ft, tod.shape[-1], tod.dtype)
     if self.filter is not None: ft *= self.filter
     fft.irfft(ft, tod, flags=['FFTW_ESTIMATE','FFTW_DESTROY_INPUT'])
     nmat.apply_window(tod, self.window)
     return tod
Пример #2
def calibrate_dark_fourier(data):
	"""Fourier deconvolution of dark detectors. Can't do this
	completely, as we don't have time constants."""
	require(data, ["dark_tod", "srate"])
	if data.dark_tod.size == 0: return data
	ft = fft.rfft(data.dark_tod)
	freqs  = np.linspace(0, data.srate/2, ft.shape[-1])
	butter = filters.butterworth_filter(freqs)
	ft /= butter[None]
	fft.irfft(ft, data.dark_tod, normalize=True)
	return data
Пример #3
def calibrate_tod_fourier(data):
	"""Deconvolve instrument filters and time constants from TOD"""
	require(data, ["tod", "tau", "srate", "speed", "mce_params"])
	if data.tod.size == 0: return data
	ft     = fft.rfft(data.tod)
	freqs  = np.linspace(0, data.srate/2, ft.shape[-1])
	# Deconvolve the butterworth filter
	butter = filters.mce_filter(freqs, data.mce_fsamp, data.mce_params)
	ft /= butter
	# And the time constants
	for di in range(len(ft)):
		ft[di] /= filters.tconst_filter(freqs, data.tau[di])
	## Optinally apply the beam aspect ratio correction
	#hbeam, vbeam = np.array(map(float,config.get("fix_beam_aspect").split(":")))*utils.arcmin*utils.fwhm
	#if vbeam != hbeam:
	#	el       = np.mean(data.boresight[2,::100])
	#	k        = 2*np.pi*freqs
	#	skyspeed = data.speed * np.cos(el)
	#	tsigma   = (vbeam**2-hbeam**2)**0.5/skyspeed
	#	ft *= np.exp(-0.5*tsigma**2*k**2)
	fft.irfft(ft, data.tod, normalize=True)
	#np.savetxt("test_enki1/tod_detau.txt", data.tod[0])
	del ft
	return data