Пример #1
		for id in filelist:
			f.write("%s\n" % id)
	shutil.copyfile(filedb.cjoin(["root","dataset","filedb"]),  args.odir + "/filedb.txt")
	try: shutil.copyfile(filedb.cjoin(["root","dataset","todinfo"]), args.odir + "/todinfo.txt")
	except (IOError, OSError): pass
# Set up logging
utils.mkdir(args.odir + "/log")
logfile   = args.odir + "/log/log%03d.txt" % myid
log_level = log.verbosity2level(config.get("verbosity"))
L = log.init(level=log_level, file=logfile, rank=myid, shared=False)
# And benchmarking
utils.mkdir(args.odir + "/bench")
benchfile = args.odir + "/bench/bench%03d.txt" % myid

# Read our point source list
params = pointsrcs.src2param(pointsrcs.read(args.srcs))
ntot   = len(params)
# Eliminate insignificant sources
params = params[np.abs(params[:,2])>args.minamp]

if comm.rank == 0:
	L.info("Got %d sources, keeping %d > %d uK" % (ntot,len(params),args.minamp))
	pointsrcs.write(args.odir + "/srcs.txt", pointsrcs.param2src(params))

# Our noise model is slightly different from the main noise model,
# since we assume it is white and independent between detectors,
# which is not strictly true. To minimize error, we measure the
# noise level using a method which is as close as possible to
# how we will use it later
def blockify(tod, w): return tod[:tod.size/w*w].reshape(-1,w)
def get_desloped_var(blocks):
Пример #2
def autocut(d, turnaround=None, ground=None, sun=None, moon=None, max_frac=None, pickup=None):
	"""Apply automatic cuts to calibrated data."""
	if not config.get("autocut"): return d
	ndet, nsamp = d.ndet, d.nsamp
	if not ndet or not nsamp: return d
	# Insert a cut into d if necessary
	if "cut" not in d:
		d += dataset.DataField("cut", sampcut.empty(ndet,nsamp))
	# insert an autocut datafield, to keep track of how much data each
	# automatic cut cost us
	d += dataset.DataField("autocut", [])
	def addcut(label, dcut, targets="c"):
		# det ndet part here allows for broadcasting of cuts from 1-det to full-det
		dn = dcut.sum()*d.ndet/dcut.ndet if dcut is not None else 0
		if dn == 0: d.autocut.append([label,0,0])
			n0, dn = d.cut.sum(), dcut.sum()
			dn = dn*d.cut.ndet/dcut.ndet
			if "c" in targets: d.cut *= dcut
			if "n" in targets: d.cut_noiseest *= dcut
			if "b" in targets: d.cut_basic *= dcut
			d.autocut.append([ label, dn, d.cut.sum() - n0 ]) # name, mycut, myeffect
	if config.get("cut_tconst") and "tau" in d:
		addcut("tconst", cuts.tconst_cut(nsamp, d.tau, config.get("cut_tconst")))
	if config.get("cut_stationary") and "boresight" in d:
		addcut("stationary", cuts.stationary_cut(d.boresight[1]))
	if config.get("cut_tod_ends") and "srate" in d:
		addcut("tod_ends", cuts.tod_end_cut(nsamp, d.srate))
	if config.get("cut_turnaround", turnaround) and "boresight" in d:
	if config.get("cut_ground", ground) and "boresight" in d and "point_offset" in d:
		addcut("ground", cuts.ground_cut(d.boresight, d.point_offset))
	if config.get("cut_sun", sun) and "boresight" in d and "point_offset" in d and "site" in d:
		addcut("avoidance",cuts.avoidance_cut(d.boresight, d.point_offset, d.site, "Sun", config.get("cut_sun_dist")*np.pi/180))
	if config.get("cut_moon", moon) and "boresight" in d and "point_offset" in d and "site" in d:
		addcut("moon",cuts.avoidance_cut(d.boresight, d.point_offset, d.site, "Moon", config.get("cut_moon_dist")*np.pi/180))
	if config.get("cut_pickup", pickup) and "boresight" in d and "pickup_cut" in d:
		addcut("pickup",cuts.pickup_cut(d.boresight[1], d.dets, d.pickup_cut))
	if config.get("cut_mostly_cut"):
		addcut("mostly_cut", cuts.cut_mostly_cut_detectors(d.cut_quality))
	if config.get("cut_obj"):
		objs = utils.split_outside(config.get("cut_obj"),",")
		for obj in objs:
			toks = obj.split(":")
			objname = toks[0]
			if objname.startswith("["):
				objname = [float(w)*utils.degree for w in objname[1:-1].split(",")]
			dist    = 0.2*utils.degree
			if len(toks) > 1: dist = float(toks[1])*utils.degree
			# Hack: only cut for noise estimation purposes if dist is negative
			targets = "cnb" if dist > 0 else "n"
			addcut(obj, cuts.avoidance_cut(d.boresight, d.point_offset, d.site, objname, dist), targets=targets)
	if config.get("cut_srcs"):
		cpar  = [tok.split(":") for tok in config.get("cut_srcs").split(",")]
		names, lims = [], []
		for par in cpar:
			if par[0] in ["map","nmat"]:
		if any(lims):
			params = pointsrcs.src2param(d.pointsrcs)
			params[:,5:7] = 1
			params[:,7]   = 0
			# Only bother with sources that are actually strong enough
			maxlim = max(lims+[0])
			params = params[params[:,2]>maxlim]
			cutlist = cuts.point_source_cut(d, params, lims)
			for name, c in zip(names, cutlist):
				if   name == "map":  addcut("point_srcs_m", c, "c")
				elif name == "nmat": addcut("point_srcs_n", c, "n")
	if config.get("cut_extra_srcs"):
		srclist = np.loadtxt(config.get("cut_extra_srcs"), usecols=(0,1), ndmin=2)
		srclim  = float(config.get("cut_extra_lim"))
		params  = np.zeros([len(srclist),8])
		params[:,:2]  = srclist[:,1::-1]*utils.degree
		params[:,2]   = 1
		params[:,5:7] = 1
		c = cuts.point_source_cut(d, params, srclim)
		addcut("point_srcs", c, "nbc")

	# What fraction is cut?
	cut_fraction = float(d.cut.sum())/d.cut.size
	# Get rid of completely cut detectors
	keep = np.where(d.cut.sum(axis=1) < nsamp)[0]
	ndet, nsamp = d.ndet, d.nsamp

	def cut_all_if(label, condition):
		if condition: dcut = sampcut.full(d.ndet, nsamp)
		else: dcut = None
		addcut(label, dcut)
	cut_all_if("max_frac",   config.get("cut_max_frac", max_frac) < cut_fraction)
	if "srate" in d:
		cut_all_if("tod_mindur", config.get("cut_tod_mindur") > nsamp/d.srate/60)
	cut_all_if("tod_mindet", config.get("cut_tod_mindet") > ndet)
	# Get rid of completely cut detectors again
	keep = np.where(d.cut.sum(axis=1) < nsamp)[0]

	return d
Пример #3
		for id in filelist:
			f.write("%s\n" % id)
	shutil.copyfile(filedb.cjoin(["root","dataset","filedb"]),  args.odir + "/filedb.txt")
	try: shutil.copyfile(filedb.cjoin(["root","dataset","todinfo"]), args.odir + "/todinfo.txt")
	except IOError: pass
# Set up logging
utils.mkdir(args.odir + "/log")
logfile   = args.odir + "/log/log%03d.txt" % myid
log_level = log.verbosity2level(config.get("verbosity"))
L = log.init(level=log_level, file=logfile, rank=myid, shared=False)
# And benchmarking
utils.mkdir(args.odir + "/bench")
benchfile = args.odir + "/bench/bench%03d.txt" % myid

# Read our point source list
params = pointsrcs.src2param(pointsrcs.read(args.srcs))
ntot   = len(params)
# Eliminate insignificant sources
params = params[np.abs(params[:,2])>args.minamp]

if comm.rank == 0:
	L.info("Got %d sources, keeping %d > %d uK" % (ntot,len(params),args.minamp))
	pointsrcs.write(args.odir + "/srcs.txt", pointsrcs.param2src(params))

# Our noise model is slightly different from the main noise model,
# since we assume it is white and independent between detectors,
# which is not strictly true. To minimize error, we measure the
# noise level using a method which is as close as possible to
# how we will use it later
def blockify(tod, w): return tod[:tod.size/w*w].reshape(-1,w)
def get_desloped_var(blocks):
Пример #4
         if not pertod:
             filter = mapmaking.FilterBuddyDmap(myscans,
             raise NotImplementedError(
                 "FIXME: Implement per tod buddy subtraction with dmaps"
 elif param["name"] == "src":
     if param["value"] == 0: continue
     if "params" not in param: params = myscans[0].pointsrcs
     else: params = pointsrcs.read(param["params"])
     params = pointsrcs.src2param(params)
     params = params.astype(np.float64)
     print "FIXME: how to handle per-source beams? Forcing to relative for now"
     params[:, 5:7] = 1
     params[:, 7] = 0
     filter = mapmaking.FilterAddSrcs(myscans,
     raise ValueError("Unrecognized fitler name '%s'" % param["name"])
 # Add to normal filters of post-noise-model filters based on parameters
 if "postnoise" in param and int(param["postnoise"]) > 0:
     print "postnosie"
Пример #5
					filter = mapmaking.FilterBuddyPertod(m, sys=sys, mul=-mul, tmul=tmul, nstep=nstep, prec=prec)
				# Warning: This only works if a dmap has already been initialized etc.
				m = dmap.read_map(fname, bbox=mybbox, tshape=tshape, comm=comm).astype(dtype)
				if not pertod:
					filter = mapmaking.FilterBuddyDmap(myscans, mysubs, m, sys=sys, mul=-mul, tmul=tmul)
					raise NotImplementedError("FIXME: Implement per tod buddy subtraction with dmaps")
		elif param["name"] == "src":
			if param["value"] == 0: continue
			if "params" not in param: srcs = myscans[0].pointsrcs
			else: srcs = pointsrcs.read(param["params"])
			# Restrict to chosen amplitude
			if "snr" in srcs.dtype.names:
				srcs = srcs[srcs.snr >= float(param["snr"])]
			srcparam = pointsrcs.src2param(srcs)
			srcparam = srcparam.astype(np.float64)
			filter = mapmaking.FilterAddSrcs(myscans, srcparam, sys=param["sys"], mul=-float(param["mul"]))
		elif param["name"] == "beamsym":
			if param["value"] == 0: continue
			ibeam = float(param["ibeam"])*utils.arcmin*utils.fwhm
			obeam = float(param["obeam"])*utils.arcmin*utils.fwhm
			filter = mapmaking.FilterBroadenBeamHor(ibeam, obeam)
			raise ValueError("Unrecognized fitler name '%s'" % param["name"])
		# Add to normal filters of post-noise-model filters based on parameters
		if "postnoise" in param and int(param["postnoise"]) > 0:
			print "postnosie", param["name"]
Пример #6
     myinds, mysubs, mybbox = scanutils.distribute_scans2(
         inds, costs, comm, boxes)
 L.info("Rereading shuffled scans")
 del myscans  # scans do take up some space, even without the tod being read in
 myinds, myscans = scanutils.read_scans(
 if args.srcsub:
     #### 2. Prepare our point source database and the corresponding cuts
     src_override = pointsrcs.read(args.srcs) if args.srcs else None
     for scan in myscans:
         scan.srcparam = pointsrcs.src2param(
             src_override if src_override is not None else scan.
         scan.srcparam, nmerged = planet9.merge_nearby(scan.srcparam)
         planet9.cut_srcs_rad(scan, scan.srcparam[nmerged > 1])
         hour = (scan.mjd0 % 1) % 24
         isday = hour > 11 or hour < 23
         if isday:
Пример #7
					filter = mapmaking.FilterBuddyPertod(m, sys=sys, mul=-mul, tmul=tmul, nstep=nstep, prec=prec)
				# Warning: This only works if a dmap has already been initialized etc.
				m = dmap.read_map(fname, bbox=mybbox, tshape=tshape, comm=comm).astype(dtype)
				if not pertod:
					filter = mapmaking.FilterBuddyDmap(myscans, mysubs, m, sys=sys, mul=-mul, tmul=tmul)
					raise NotImplementedError("FIXME: Implement per tod buddy subtraction with dmaps")
		elif param["name"] == "src":
			if param["value"] == 0: continue
			if "params" not in param: srcs = myscans[0].pointsrcs
			else: srcs = pointsrcs.read(param["params"])
			# Restrict to chosen amplitude
			if "snr" in srcs.dtype.names:
				srcs = srcs[srcs.snr >= float(param["snr"])]
			srcparam = pointsrcs.src2param(srcs)
			srcparam = srcparam.astype(np.float64)
			filter = mapmaking.FilterAddSrcs(myscans, srcparam, sys=param["sys"], mul=-float(param["mul"]))
		elif param["name"] == "beamsym":
			if param["value"] == 0: continue
			ibeam = float(param["ibeam"])*utils.arcmin*utils.fwhm
			obeam = float(param["obeam"])*utils.arcmin*utils.fwhm
			filter = mapmaking.FilterBroadenBeamHor(ibeam, obeam)
			raise ValueError("Unrecognized fitler name '%s'" % param["name"])
		# Add to normal filters of post-noise-model filters based on parameters
		if "postnoise" in param and int(param["postnoise"]) > 0:
			print("postnosie", param["name"])