Пример #1
def prepare_alm(alm=None, ainfo=None, lmax=None, pre=(), dtype=np.float64):
	"""Set up alm and ainfo based on which ones of them are available."""
	if alm is None:
		if ainfo is None:
			if lmax is None:
				raise ValueError("prepare_alm needs either alm, ainfo or lmax to be specified")
			ainfo = sharp.alm_info(lmax)
		alm = np.zeros(pre+(ainfo.nelem,), dtype=np.result_type(dtype,0j))
		ainfo = sharp.alm_info(nalm=alm.shape[-1])
	return alm, ainfo
Пример #2
def rand_alm(ps, ainfo=None, lmax=None, seed=None, dtype=np.complex128, m_major=True, return_ainfo=False):
	"""This is a replacement for healpy.synalm. It generates the random
	numbers in l-major order before transposing to m-major order in order
	to allow generation of low-res and high-res maps that agree on large
	scales. It uses 2/3 of the memory of healpy.synalm, and has comparable
	rtype = np.zeros([0],dtype=dtype).real.dtype
	ps    = np.asarray(ps)
	if ainfo is None: ainfo = sharp.alm_info(min(lmax,ps.shape[-1]-1) or ps.shape[-1]-1)
	if ps.ndim == 1:
		wps = ps[None,None]
	elif ps.ndim == 2:
		wps = powspec.sym_expand(ps, scheme="diag")
	elif ps.ndim == 3:
		wps = ps
		raise ValuerError("power spectrum must be [nl], [nspec,nl] or [ncomp,ncomp,nl]")
	ncomp = wps.shape[0]
	ps12  = enmap.multi_pow(wps, 0.5)
	# Draw random gaussian numbers in chunks to save memory
	alm   = np.empty([ncomp,ainfo.nelem],dtype=dtype)
	aflat = alm.reshape(-1).view(rtype)
	bsize = 0x10000
	if seed != None: np.random.seed(seed)
	for i in range(0, aflat.size, bsize):
		aflat[i:i+bsize] = np.random.standard_normal(min(bsize,aflat.size-i))
	# Transpose numbers to make them m-major.
	if m_major: ainfo.transpose_alm(alm,alm)
	# Scale alms by spectrum, taking into account which alms are complex
	ainfo.lmul(alm, (ps12/2**0.5).astype(rtype), alm)
	alm[:,:ainfo.lmax].imag  = 0
	alm[:,:ainfo.lmax].real *= 2**0.5
	if ps.ndim == 1: alm = alm[0]
	if return_ainfo: return alm, ainfo
	else: return alm
Пример #3
def alm2map_pos(alm,
    """Projects the given alms (with layout) on the specified pixel positions.
	alm[ncomp,nelem], pos[2,...] => res[ncomp,...]. It projects on a large
	cylindrical grid and then interpolates to the actual pixels. This is the
	general way of doing things, but not the fastest. Computing pos and
	interpolating takes a significant amount of time."""
    alm_full = np.atleast_2d(alm)
    if ainfo is None: ainfo = sharp.alm_info(nalm=alm_full.shape[-1])
    ashape, ncomp = alm_full.shape[:-2], alm_full.shape[-2]
    if deriv:
        # If we're computing derivatives, spin isn't allowed.
        # alm must be either [ntrans,nelem] or [nelem],
        # and the output will be [ntrans,2,ny,nx] or [2,ny,nx]
        ashape = ashape + (ncomp, )
        ncomp = 2
    tmap = make_projectable_map_by_pos(pos, ainfo.lmax, ashape + (ncomp, ),
                                       oversample, alm.real.dtype)
    # Project down on our final pixels. This will result in a slight smoothing
    res = enmap.samewcs(tmap.at(pos[:2], mode="wrap"), pos)
    # Remove any extra dimensions we added
    if alm.ndim == alm_full.ndim - 1: res = res[0]
    return res
Пример #4
# to make interpolation easy.
with dprint("construct imap"):
	ires = np.array([1,1./np.sin(R)])*res/args.supersample
	shape, wi = enmap.geometry(pos=[[np.pi/2-R,-np.pi],[np.pi/2,np.pi]], res=ires, proj="car")
	imap = enmap.zeros((ncomp,)+shape, wi)

# Define SHT for interpolation pixels
with dprint("construct sht"):
	minfo = curvedsky.map2minfo(imap)
	lmax_ideal = np.pi/res
	ps = ps[:,:,:lmax_ideal]
	lmax = ps.shape[-1]
	# We do not need all ms when centered on the pole. To reach 1e-10 relative
	# error up to R, we need mmax approx 9560*R in radians
	mmax = args.mmax or int(R*9560)
	ainfo = sharp.alm_info(lmax, mmax)
	sht = sharp.sht(minfo, ainfo)

with dprint("curvedsky tot"):
	with dprint("rand alm"):
		alm = curvedsky.rand_alm(ps, ainfo=ainfo, seed=1, m_major=False)
	with dprint("alm2map"):
		sht.alm2map(alm[:1], imap[:1].reshape(1,-1))
		if ncomp == 3:
			sht.alm2map(alm[1:3], imap[1:3,:].reshape(2,-1), spin=2)
		del alm
	# Make a test map to see if we can project between these
	with dprint("project"):
		omap = enmap.project(imap, omap.shape, omap.wcs, mode="constant", cval=np.nan)
		del imap
Пример #5
    shape, wi = enmap.geometry(pos=[[np.pi / 2 - R, -np.pi],
                                    [np.pi / 2, np.pi]],
    imap = enmap.zeros((ncomp, ) + shape, wi)

# Define SHT for interpolation pixels
with dprint("construct sht"):
    minfo = curvedsky.map2minfo(imap)
    lmax_ideal = np.pi / res
    ps = ps[:, :, :lmax_ideal]
    lmax = ps.shape[-1]
    # We do not need all ms when centered on the pole. To reach 1e-10 relative
    # error up to R, we need mmax approx 9560*R in radians
    mmax = args.mmax or int(R * 9560)
    ainfo = sharp.alm_info(lmax, mmax)
    sht = sharp.sht(minfo, ainfo)

with dprint("curvedsky tot"):
    with dprint("rand alm"):
        alm = curvedsky.rand_alm(ps, ainfo=ainfo, seed=1, m_major=False)
    with dprint("alm2map"):
        sht.alm2map(alm[:1], imap[:1].reshape(1, -1))
        if ncomp == 3:
            sht.alm2map(alm[1:3], imap[1:3, :].reshape(2, -1), spin=2)
        del alm
    # Make a test map to see if we can project between these
    with dprint("project"):
        omap = enmap.project(imap,
Пример #6
fields = [pixie.read_field(field) for field in sky]

# Smooth to target beam if requested. We do this the simple
# way, without repixelizing. This won't work around the poles
if args.apply_beam:
	print "Applying beam"
	# We will apply a hardcoded gaussian for now
	l       = np.arange(beam_lmax+1)
	beam    = np.exp(-0.5*l*(l+1)*bsigma**2)
	bmat    = np.zeros((3,3,len(beam)))
	for i in range(3): bmat[i,i] = beam
	# Smooth manually using full-sky geometry
	for field in fields:
		print field.name
		minfo = sharp.map_info_fejer1(field.map.shape[-2], field.map.shape[-1])
		ainfo = sharp.alm_info(lmax=beam_lmax)
		sht   = sharp.sht(minfo, ainfo)
		alm   = np.zeros((3,ainfo.nelem),dtype=complex)
		print "T -> alm"
		sht.map2alm(field.map[:1].reshape(1,-1), alm[:1])
		print "P -> alm"
		sht.map2alm(field.map[1:].reshape(2,-1), alm[1:], spin=2)
		print "lmul"
		alm   = ainfo.lmul(alm, bmat)
		# And transform back again
		print "alm -> T"
		sht.alm2map(alm[:1], field.map[:1].reshape(1,-1))
		print "alm -> P"
		sht.alm2map(alm[1:], field.map[1:].reshape(2,-1), spin=2)
		# Reapply spline filter
		print "Prefilter"
Пример #7
# Smooth to target beam if requested. We do this the simple
# way, without repixelizing. This won't work around the poles
if args.apply_beam:
    print "Applying beam"
    # We will apply a hardcoded gaussian for now
    l = np.arange(beam_lmax + 1)
    beam = np.exp(-0.5 * l * (l + 1) * bsigma**2)
    bmat = np.zeros((3, 3, len(beam)))
    for i in range(3):
        bmat[i, i] = beam
    # Smooth manually using full-sky geometry
    for field in fields:
        print field.name
        minfo = sharp.map_info_fejer1(field.map.shape[-2], field.map.shape[-1])
        ainfo = sharp.alm_info(lmax=beam_lmax)
        sht = sharp.sht(minfo, ainfo)
        alm = np.zeros((3, ainfo.nelem), dtype=complex)
        print "T -> alm"
        sht.map2alm(field.map[:1].reshape(1, -1), alm[:1])
        print "P -> alm"
        sht.map2alm(field.map[1:].reshape(2, -1), alm[1:], spin=2)
        print "lmul"
        alm = ainfo.lmul(alm, bmat)
        # And transform back again
        print "alm -> T"
        sht.alm2map(alm[:1], field.map[:1].reshape(1, -1))
        print "alm -> P"
        sht.alm2map(alm[1:], field.map[1:].reshape(2, -1), spin=2)
        # Reapply spline filter
        print "Prefilter"