def __init__(self, Fit, pars): self.Fit = Fit self.Model = Fit[pars.srcname].funcs['Spectrum'].genericName() self.ptsrc = pyLikelihood.PointSource_cast(Fit[pars.srcname].src) self.covar = np.array(utils.GetCovar(pars.srcname, self.Fit, False)) self.srcpars = pyLikelihood.StringVector() Fit[pars.srcname].src.spectrum().getFreeParamNames(self.srcpars)
def GetAndPrintResults(self, Fit): """Get and print some useful results. Also contruct a dictonnary and fill it with results""" if self.config['verbose'] == 'yes': self._log('Results', 'Print results of the fit') Result = {} if self.config['verbose'] == 'yes': print Fit.model, "\n""Results for the Fit") # Print src name, Npred and TS for source with TS > 5 print "Source Name\tNpred\tTS" #TODO #for src in Fit.model.srcNames: #if Fit.Ts(src) > 5: # print src, "\t%2.3f\t%2.3f" % (Fit.NpredValue(src), Fit.Ts(src)) # fill the dictonnary with some values Result['Optimizer'] = self.config['fitting']['optimizer'] Result['Npred'] = Fit.NpredValue(self.obs.srcname) Result['TS'] = Fit.Ts(self.obs.srcname) if self.config['verbose'] == 'yes': print "Values and (MINOS) errors for " + self.obs.srcname print "TS : ", Fit.Ts(self.obs.srcname) # Get the python object 'Spectrum' for the source of interest spectrum = Fit[self.obs.srcname].funcs['Spectrum'] # Get the names of the parameters for the source of interest ParName = spectrum.paramNames #Get the model type and fill the dictonnary stype = Fit.model.srcs[self.obs.srcname].spectrum().genericName() Result['ModelType'] = stype Result['log_like'] = Fit.logLike.value() #Add the energy information to the result dictionnary Result['Emin'] = self.obs.Emin Result['Emax'] = self.obs.Emax #Add the time information to the result dictionnary Result['tmin'] = self.config['time']['tmin'] Result['tmax'] = self.config['time']['tmax'] Result['SrcName'] = self.obs.srcname Result['Flux'] = Fit.flux(self.obs.srcname, self.obs.Emin, self.obs.Emax) Result['dFlux'] = Fit.fluxError(self.obs.srcname, self.obs.Emin, self.obs.Emax) for par in ParName: #Loop over the parameters and get value, error and scale ParValue = spectrum.getParam(par).value() ParError = spectrum.getParam(par).error() Scale = spectrum.getParam(par).getScale() Result[par] = ParValue * Scale Result['d' + par] = ParError * Scale if ParError > 0: # Compute MINOS errors for relevent parameters Fit.Ts(self.obs.srcname) > 5 and try: MinosErrors = Fit.minosError(self.obs.srcname, par) if self.config['verbose'] == 'yes': print( par + " : %2.2f +/- %2.2f [ %2.2f, + %2.2f ] %2.0e" % (ParValue, ParError, MinosErrors[0], MinosErrors[1], Scale)) Result.update( {'d' + par + '-': MinosErrors[0] * Scale}) Result.update( {'d' + par + '+': MinosErrors[1] * Scale}) except: if self.config['verbose'] == 'yes': print( par + " : %2.2f +/- %2.2f %2.0e" % (ParValue, ParError, Scale)) else: if self.config['verbose'] == 'yes': print(par + " : %2.2f %2.0e" % (ParValue, Scale)) try: # get covariance matrix if self.config['verbose'] == 'yes': utils.GetCovar(self.obs.srcname, Fit) except: pass #if the covariance matrix has not been computed if self.config['verbose'] == 'yes': utils.GetFluxes(Fit, self.obs.Emin, self.obs.Emax) #print the flux of all the sources #Compute an UL if the source is too faint if float(self.config['UpperLimit']['TSlimit']) > Fit.Ts( self.obs.srcname): if self.config['UpperLimit']['envelope'] == 'yes': self.EnvelopeUL(Fit) else: Ulval = self.ComputeUL(Fit) Result['Ulvalue'] = Ulval return Result #Return the dictionnary