def drawRect_( self, rect ): parent = self.__parent() if not parent: return surface = parent._surface if not surface: return context = AppKit.NSGraphicsContext.currentContext() # Taken from the OS X Cocoa Drawing Guide section on # "Creating a Flip Transform". frameRect = self.bounds() xform = AppKit.NSAffineTransform.transform() sendMsg( xform, "translateXBy:", 0.0, "yBy:", frameRect.size.height ) sendMsg( xform, "scaleXBy:", 1.0, "yBy:", -1.0 ) xform.concat() parent._imageRep.draw()
def makeCairoSurface( self ): if not self._surface: self._imageRep = sendMsg( AppKit.NSBitmapImageRep.alloc(), "initWithBitmapDataPlanes:", None, "pixelsWide:", self.__maxWidth, "pixelsHigh:", self.__maxHeight, "bitsPerSample:", 8, "samplesPerPixel:", 4, "hasAlpha:", True, "isPlanar:", False, "colorSpaceName:", AppKit.NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace, "bitmapFormat:", 0, "bytesPerRow:", 4 * self.__maxWidth, "bitsPerPixel:", 32 ) # This NSGraphicsContext retains the NSBitmapImageRep we # pass it, but for some reason it doesn't release it on # destruction... See this class' __del__() method for how # we deal with this. nsContext = sendMsg( AppKit.NSGraphicsContext, "graphicsContextWithBitmapImageRep:", self._imageRep ) self._surface = cairo_surface_from_NSGraphicsContext( nsContext, self.__maxWidth, self.__maxHeight ) return self._surface
def register( self ): NSDNC = Foundation.NSDistributedNotificationCenter self.__center = NSDNC.defaultCenter() sendMsg( self.__center, "addObserver:", self, "selector:", self.onNotification, "name:", u"EnsoKeyNotifier_msg", "object:", u"EnsoKeyNotifier" )
def run( self ): "Entering" ) app = AppKit.NSApplication.sharedApplication() if not app.delegate(): "Attaching app delegate." ) delegate = _AppDelegate.alloc().init() app.setDelegate_( delegate ) else: "An app delegate is already attached; " "skipping installation." ) timer = sendMsg( _Timer.alloc(), "initWithCallback:", self.__timerCallback ) signature = sendMsg( timer, "methodSignatureForSelector:", timer.onTimer ) invocation = sendMsg( Foundation.NSInvocation, "invocationWithMethodSignature:", signature ) sendMsg( invocation, "setSelector:", timer.onTimer ) sendMsg( invocation, "setTarget:", timer ) sendMsg( Foundation.NSTimer, "scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:", _TIMER_INTERVAL, "invocation:", invocation, "repeats:", objc.YES ) keyNotifier = _KeyNotifierController() keyNotifier.start() atexit.register( keyNotifier.stop ) keyListener = sendMsg( _KeyListener.alloc(), "initWithCallback:", self.__keyCallback ) keyListener.register() atexit.register( keyListener.unregister ) self.onInit() if not app.isRunning(): "Calling" ) else: "Application appears to be running already; " "skipping" )
def onNotification(self, notification): #print "notification received: %s" % userInfo = notification.userInfo() eventDict = {} for key in userInfo: eventDict[key] = sendMsg(userInfo, "objectForKey:", key) self.__callback(eventDict)
def __init__( self, x, y, maxWidth, maxHeight ): self.__x = x self.__y = y self.__maxWidth = maxWidth self.__maxHeight = maxHeight self.__width = maxWidth self.__height = maxHeight self._surface = None self.__opacity = 0xff rect = Foundation.NSMakeRect( self.__x, _convertY( self.__y, self.__height ), self.__width, self.__height ) style = AppKit.NSBorderlessWindowMask self.__wind = sendMsg( AppKit.NSWindow.alloc(), "initWithContentRect:", rect, "styleMask:", style, "backing:", AppKit.NSBackingStoreBuffered, "defer:", objc.YES ) self.__wind.setBackgroundColor_( AppKit.NSColor.clearColor() ) self.__view = _TransparentWindowView.alloc().initWithParent_( self ) self.__wind.setContentView_( self.__view ) self.__wind.setLevel_( AppKit.NSPopUpMenuWindowLevel ) self.__wind.setOpaque_( objc.NO ) self.__wind.setAlphaValue_( 1.0 )
def __init__(self, x, y, maxWidth, maxHeight): self.__x = x self.__y = y self.__maxWidth = maxWidth self.__maxHeight = maxHeight self.__width = maxWidth self.__height = maxHeight self._surface = None self.__opacity = 0xff rect = Foundation.NSMakeRect(self.__x, _convertY(self.__y, self.__height), self.__width, self.__height) self.__wind = AppKit.NSWindow.alloc( ).initWithContentRect_styleMask_backing_defer_( rect, AppKit.NSBorderlessWindowMask, AppKit.NSBackingStoreBuffered, objc.YES) self.__wind.setBackgroundColor_(AppKit.NSColor.clearColor()) self.__view = _TransparentWindowView.alloc().initWithParent_(self) self.__wind.setContentView_(self.__view) self.__wind.setLevel_(AppKit.NSPopUpMenuWindowLevel) self.__wind.setOpaque_(objc.NO) self.__wind.setAlphaValue_(1.0) self._imageRep = sendMsg( AppKit.NSBitmapImageRep.alloc(), "initWithBitmapDataPlanes:", None, "pixelsWide:", self.__maxWidth, "pixelsHigh:", self.__maxHeight, "bitsPerSample:", 8, "samplesPerPixel:", 4, "hasAlpha:", True, "isPlanar:", False, "colorSpaceName:", AppKit.NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace, "bitmapFormat:", 0, "bytesPerRow:", 4 * self.__maxWidth, "bitsPerPixel:", 32)
def onNotification( self, notification ): #print "notification received: %s" % userInfo = notification.userInfo() eventDict = {} for key in userInfo: eventDict[key] = sendMsg( userInfo, "objectForKey:", key ) self.__callback( eventDict )
def run(self):"Entering") app = AppKit.NSApplication.sharedApplication() if not app.delegate():"Attaching app delegate.") delegate = _AppDelegate.alloc().init() app.setDelegate_(delegate) else:"An app delegate is already attached; " "skipping installation.") timer = sendMsg(_Timer.alloc(), "initWithCallback:", self.__timerCallback) signature = sendMsg(timer, "methodSignatureForSelector:", timer.onTimer) invocation = sendMsg(Foundation.NSInvocation, "invocationWithMethodSignature:", signature) sendMsg(invocation, "setSelector:", timer.onTimer) sendMsg(invocation, "setTarget:", timer) sendMsg(Foundation.NSTimer, "scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:", _TIMER_INTERVAL, "invocation:", invocation, "repeats:", objc.YES) keyNotifier = _KeyNotifierController() keyNotifier.start() atexit.register(keyNotifier.stop) keyListener = sendMsg(_KeyListener.alloc(), "initWithCallback:", self.__keyCallback) keyListener.register() atexit.register(keyListener.unregister) self.onInit() if not app.isRunning():"Calling") else:"Application appears to be running already; " "skipping")
def set( seldict ): success = False tryToPaste = False # TODO: Set 'files' selection. selClipboardMapping = { "text" : AppKit.NSStringPboardType, "html" : AppKit.NSHTMLPboardType } # TODO: Actually decide on an ordering of richest to least-rich # clipboard types, b/c this matters in OS X. typesToPaste = [ selType for selType in selClipboardMapping if seldict.has_key( selType ) ] if typesToPaste: pb = AppKit.NSPasteboard.generalPasteboard() sendMsg( pb, "declareTypes:", [ selClipboardMapping[selType] for selType in typesToPaste ], "owner:", None ) for selType in typesToPaste: if sendMsg( pb, "setString:", seldict[selType], "forType:", selClipboardMapping[selType] ): tryToPaste = True if tryToPaste: # TODO: Figure out whether the paste is successful. key_utils.simulatePaste() success = True return success
def set(seldict): success = False tryToPaste = False # TODO: Set 'files' selection. selClipboardMapping = { "text": AppKit.NSStringPboardType, "html": AppKit.NSHTMLPboardType } # TODO: Actually decide on an ordering of richest to least-rich # clipboard types, b/c this matters in OS X. typesToPaste = [ selType for selType in selClipboardMapping if seldict.has_key(selType) ] if typesToPaste: pb = AppKit.NSPasteboard.generalPasteboard() sendMsg(pb, "declareTypes:", [selClipboardMapping[selType] for selType in typesToPaste], "owner:", None) for selType in typesToPaste: if sendMsg(pb, "setString:", seldict[selType], "forType:", selClipboardMapping[selType]): tryToPaste = True if tryToPaste: # TODO: Figure out whether the paste is successful. key_utils.simulatePaste() success = True return success
def __init__( self, x, y, maxWidth, maxHeight ): self.__x = x self.__y = y self.__maxWidth = maxWidth self.__maxHeight = maxHeight self.__width = maxWidth self.__height = maxHeight self._surface = None self.__opacity = 0xff rect = Foundation.NSMakeRect( self.__x, _convertY( self.__y, self.__height ), self.__width, self.__height ) self.__wind = AppKit.NSWindow.alloc().initWithContentRect_styleMask_backing_defer_( rect, AppKit.NSBorderlessWindowMask, AppKit.NSBackingStoreBuffered, objc.YES) self.__wind.setBackgroundColor_( AppKit.NSColor.clearColor() ) self.__view = _TransparentWindowView.alloc().initWithParent_( self ) self.__wind.setContentView_( self.__view ) self.__wind.setLevel_( AppKit.NSPopUpMenuWindowLevel ) self.__wind.setOpaque_( objc.NO ) self.__wind.setAlphaValue_( 1.0 ) self._imageRep = sendMsg( AppKit.NSBitmapImageRep.alloc(), "initWithBitmapDataPlanes:", None, "pixelsWide:", self.__maxWidth, "pixelsHigh:", self.__maxHeight, "bitsPerSample:", 8, "samplesPerPixel:", 4, "hasAlpha:", True, "isPlanar:", False, "colorSpaceName:", AppKit.NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace, "bitmapFormat:", 0, "bytesPerRow:", 4 * self.__maxWidth, "bitsPerPixel:", 32 )
def unregister( self ): sendMsg( self.__center, "removeObserver:", self )
def register(self): NSDNC = Foundation.NSDistributedNotificationCenter self.__center = NSDNC.defaultCenter() sendMsg(self.__center, "addObserver:", self, "selector:", self.onNotification, "name:", u"EnsoKeyNotifier_msg", "object:", u"EnsoKeyNotifier")
def unregister(self): sendMsg(self.__center, "removeObserver:", self)