Пример #1
class StatusLayer(AbstractOverlay):

    filename = Str()
    document = Instance(SVGDocument)

    # Default size attributes if the svg does not specify them
    doc_width = 48.0
    doc_height = 48.0

    # The type determines if the layer is displayed as part of the component's
    # overlay or underlays
    type = Enum('overlay', 'underlay')

    # The position of the legend with respect to its overlaid component.
    # * c  = Center
    # * ur = Upper Right
    # * ul = Upper Left
    # * ll = Lower Left
    # * lr = Lower Right
    align = Enum("c", "ur", "ul", "ll", "lr")

    # How big should the graphic be in comparison to the rest of the plot
    # area
    scale_factor = Float(0.5)

    # Initial transparency
    alpha = Float(1.0)

    # The minimum time it takes for the the layer to fade out, in
    # milliseconds. Actual time may be longer, depending on the pyface toolkit
    fade_out_time = Float(50)

    # The number of steps to take to fade from the initial transparency to
    # invisible
    fade_out_steps = Int(10)

    def __init__(self, component, *args, **kw):
        super(StatusLayer, self).__init__(component, *args, **kw)

        if self.document is None:
            if self.filename == '':
                self.filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data',
            tree = etree.parse(self.filename)
            root = tree.getroot()
            self.document = SVGDocument(root, renderer=KivaRenderer)

        if hasattr(self.document, 'getSize'):
            self.doc_width = self.document.getSize()[0]
            self.doc_height = self.document.getSize()[1]

    def overlay(self, other_component, gc, view_bounds=None, mode="normal"):
        """ Draws this component overlaid on another component.

        Implements AbstractOverlay.
        with gc:

            plot_width = self.component.width
            plot_height = self.component.height

            origin_x = self.component.padding_left
            origin_y = self.component.padding_top

            # zoom percentage, use the scale_factor as a % of the plot size.
            # base the size on the smaller aspect - if the plot is tall and narrow
            # the overlay should be 50% of the width, if the plot is short and wide
            # the overlay should be 50% of the height.
            if gc.height() < gc.width():
                scale = (plot_height/self.doc_height)*self.scale_factor
                scale = (plot_width/self.doc_width)*self.scale_factor

            scale_width = scale*self.doc_width
            scale_height = scale*self.doc_height

            # Set up the transforms to align the graphic to the desired position
            if self.align == 'ur':
                gc.translate_ctm(origin_x + (plot_width-scale_width),
                                origin_y + plot_height)
            elif self.align == 'lr':
                gc.translate_ctm(origin_x + (plot_width-scale_width),
                                origin_y + scale_height)
            elif self.align == 'ul':
                                origin_y + plot_height)
            elif self.align == 'll':
                                origin_y + scale_height)
                gc.translate_ctm(origin_x + (plot_width-scale_width)/2,
                                 origin_y + (plot_height+scale_height)/2)

            # SVG origin is the upper right with y positive down, so
            # we need to flip everything
            gc.scale_ctm(scale, -scale)


            self._draw_component(gc, view_bounds, mode)


    def fade_out(self):
        interval = self.fade_out_time/self.fade_out_steps
        self.timer = Timer(interval, self._fade_out_step)

    def _fade_out_step(self):
        """ Fades out the overlay over a half second. then removes it from
            the other_component's overlays
        if self.alpha <= 0:
            if self.type == 'overlay':
            self.alpha = 1.0
            raise StopIteration
            self.alpha -= 0.1