Пример #1
class ContourSurf(Pipeline):
    Plots a the contours of a surface using grid-spaced data for
    elevation supplied as a 2D array.

    **Function signatures**::

        contour_surf(s, ...)
        contour_surf(x, y, s, ...)
        contour_surf(x, y, f, ...)        

    s is the elevation matrix, a 2D array. The contour lines plotted
    are lines of equal s value.
    x and y can be 1D or 2D arrays (such as returned by numpy.ogrid or
    numpy.mgrid), but the points should be located on an orthogonal grid
    (possibly non-uniform). In other words, all the points sharing a same
    index in the s array need to have the same x or y value. For 
    arbitrary-shaped position arrays (non-orthogonal grids), see the mesh 

    If only 1 array s is passed, the x and y arrays are assumed to be
    made from the indices of arrays, and an uniformly-spaced data set is 
    If 3 positional arguments are passed the last one must be an array s,
    or a callable, f, that returns an array. x and y give the
    coordinates of positions corresponding to the s values."""

    _source_function = Callable(array2d_source)

    _pipeline = [WarpScalarFactory, ContourSurfaceFactory]
Пример #2
class Quiver3D(Points3d):
    Plots glyphs (like arrows) indicating the direction of the vectors
    at the positions supplied.

    **Function signatures**::
        quiver3d(u, v, w, ...)
        quiver3d(x, y, z, u, v, w, ...)
        quiver3d(x, y, z, f, ...)
    u, v, w are numpy arrays giving the components of the vectors.

    If only 3 arrays, u, v, and w are passed, they must be 3D arrays, and 
    the positions of the arrows are assumed to be the indices of the
    corresponding points in the (u, v, w) arrays.

    If 6 arrays, (x, y, z, u, v, w) are passed, the 3 first arrays give
    the position of the arrows, and the 3 last the components. They
    can be of any shape.

    If 4 positional arguments, (x, y, z, f) are passed, the last one must be 
    a callable, f, that returns vectors components (u, v, w) given the
    positions (x, y, z)."""

    scalars = Array(help="""optional scalar data.""")

    _source_function = Callable(vector_scatter)

    _pipeline = [
Пример #3
class Contour3d(Pipeline):
    Plots iso-surfaces for a 3D volume of data suplied as arguments.

    **Function signatures**::

        contour3d(scalars, ...)
        contour3d(x, y, z, scalars, ...)

    scalars is a 3D numpy arrays giving the data on a grid.

    If 4 arrays, (x, y, z, scalars) are passed, the 3 first arrays give
    the position of the arrows, and the last the scalar value. The x, y
    and z arrays are then supposed to have been generated by
    `numpy.mgrid`, in other words, they are 3D arrays, with positions
    lying on a 3D orthogonal and regularly spaced grid with nearest
    neighbor in space matching nearest neighbor in the array. The
    function builds a scalar field assuming  the points are regularly

    If 4 positional arguments, (x, y, z, f) are passed, the last one
    can also be a callable, f, that returns vectors components (u, v, w) 
    given the positions (x, y, z)."""

    _source_function = Callable(scalar_field)

    _pipeline = [
Пример #4
class MayaviViewer(IVTK):
    """ A viewer window for mlab.

    _scene_factory = Callable(mayavi_scene_factory)

    def _size_default(self):
        return (400, 300)
Пример #5
class SceneEditor(BasicEditorFactory):
    """ A TraitsUI editor factory for SceneModel instances.

    # The class of the editor object to be constructed.
    klass = _SceneEditor

    # The class or factory function for creating the actual scene object.
    scene_class = Callable(DecoratedScene)
Пример #6
class NullEngine(Engine):
    This class represents a NullEngine which creates a DummyViewer with
    a scene set to None.  This allows us to write full mayavi scripts
    without the need for a UI and this is perfect for testing, or to 
    use Mayavi (and VTK) as a numerical engine.

    This engine does not allow for rendring.
    scene_factory = Callable(dummy_viewer_factory)
Пример #7
class CallbackCSVLoader(CSVLoaderController):
    """ Simple handler for a TraitsUI view to call a given callback on

    # A callable called when the TraitsUI view is closed. The instance
    # that the view was editing is passed to this callable.
    callback = Callable()

    def closed(self, info, is_ok):
        print "CallbackHander"
        if is_ok:
Пример #8
class Flow(Pipeline):
    Creates a trajectory of particles following the flow of a vector field. 
    **Function signatures**::
        flow(u, v, w, ...)
        flow(x, y, z, u, v, w, ...)
        flow(x, y, z, f, ...)

    u, v, w are numpy arrays giving the components of the vectors.

    If only 3 arrays, u, v, and w are passed, they must be 3D arrays, and 
    the positions of the arrows are assumed to be the indices of the
    corresponding points in the (u, v, w) arrays.

    If 6 arrays, (x, y, z, u, v, w) are passed, the 3 first arrays give
    the position of the arrows, and the 3 last the components. The x, y
    and z arrays are then supposed to have been generated by
    `numpy.mgrid`, in other words, they are 3D arrays, with positions
    lying on a 3D orthogonal and regularly spaced grid with nearest
    neighbor in space matching nearest neighbor in the array. The
    function builds a vector field assuming  the points are regularly

    If 4 positional arguments, (x, y, z, f) are passed, the last one must be 
    a callable, f, that returns vectors components (u, v, w) given the
    positions (x, y, z)."""

    scalars = Array(help="""optional scalar data.""")

    _source_function = Callable(vector_field)

    _pipeline = [

    def __call_internal__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Override the call to be able to choose whether to apply an
        ExtractVectorNorm filter.
        self.source = self._source_function(*args, **kwargs)
        kwargs.pop('name', None)
        # Copy the pipeline so as not to modify it for the next call
        self.pipeline = self._pipeline[:]
        if tools._has_scalar_data(self.source):
        return self.build_pipeline()
Пример #9
class Points3d(Pipeline):
    Plots glyphs (like points) at the position of the supplied data.

    **Function signatures**::

        points3d(x, y, z...)
        points3d(x, y, z, s, ...)
        points3d(x, y, z, f, ...)

    x, y and z are numpy arrays, or lists, all of the same shape, giving 
    the positions of the points.

    If only 3 arrays x, y, z are given, all the points are drawn with the 
    same size and color. 
    In addition, you can pass a fourth array s of the same
    shape as x, y, and z giving an associated scalar value for each
    point, or a function f(x, y, z) returning the scalar value. This
    scalar value can be used to modulate the color and the size of the

    _source_function = Callable(scalar_scatter)

    _pipeline = [

    scale_factor = Any('auto',
                       help='The scaling applied to the glyphs. '
                       'the size of the glyph is by default calculated '
                       'from the inter-glyph spacing. Specify a float to '
                       'give the maximum glyph size in drawing units')

    def __call_internal__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Override the call to be able to scale automatically the glyphs.
        scale_factor = kwargs.get('scale_factor', 'auto')
        if scale_factor == 'auto':
            kwargs['scale_factor'] = 1
        g = Pipeline.__call_internal__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        if scale_factor == 'auto':
            g.glyph.glyph.scale_factor = \
            g.glyph.glyph.clamping = True
            g.glyph.glyph.clamping = False
        return g
Пример #10
class ImShow(Pipeline):
    View a 2D array as an image. 

    **Function signatures**::

        imshow(s, ...)
    s is a 2 dimension array. The values of s are mapped to a color using
    the colormap."""

    _source_function = Callable(array2d_source)

    _pipeline = [
Пример #11
class ActorEditor(BasicEditorFactory):
    """ An editor factory for TVTK scenes.

    # The class of the editor object to be constructed.
    klass = _ActorEditor

    # The class or factory function for creating the actual scene object.
    scene_class = Callable(DecoratedScene)

    # Keyword arguments to pass to the scene factory.
    scene_kwds = Dict()

    # The name of the trait used for ITVTKActorModel.disable_render.
    disable_render_name = Str('disable_render')

    # The name of the trait used for ITVTKActorModel.do_render.
    do_render_name = Str('do_render')
Пример #12
class IVTK(ApplicationWindow):
    """ Provides an Scene along without an embedded Python shell.
    This is useful when scripting from the vanilla Python or IPython

    # The `Scene` instance into which VTK renders.
    scene = Instance(Scene)

    # The callable (or class) to create the scene instance
    _scene_factory = Callable(DecoratedScene)

    # 'object' interface.
    def __init__(self, **traits):
        """ Creates a new application window. """

        # Base class constructor.
        super(IVTK, self).__init__(**traits)
        self.title = 'TVTK Scene'
        self.menu_bar_manager = create_ivtk_menu(self)

    # `IWindow` interface.
    def close(self):
        if self.scene is not None:
        super(IVTK, self).close()

    # Protected 'ApplicationWindow' interface.

    # The icon of the window
    icon = Instance(ImageResource, scene_icon)

    def _create_contents(self, parent):
        """ Create the contents of the window. """

        self.scene = self._scene_factory(parent)

        return self.scene.control
Пример #13
class TriangularMesh(Mesh):
    Plots a surface using a mesh defined by the position of its vertices
    and the triangles connecting them.

    **Function signatures**::

        triangular_mesh(x, y, z, triangles ...)
    x, y, z are arrays giving the positions of the vertices of the surface.
    triangles is a list of triplets (or an array) list the vertices in
    each triangle. Vertices are indexes by their appearance number in the
    position arrays.

    For simple structures (such as rectangular grids) prefer the surf or
    mesh functions, as they will create more efficient data structures.

    _source_function = Callable(triangular_mesh_source)
Пример #14
class Plot3d(Pipeline):
    Draws lines between points.

    **Function signatures**::

        plot3d(x, y, z, ...)
        plot3d(x, y, z, s, ...)
    x, y, z and s are numpy arrays or lists of the same shape. x, y and z
    give the positions of the successive points of the line. s is an
    optional scalar value associated with each point."""

    tube_radius = Trait(0.025,
                        help="""radius of the tubes used to represent the
                        lines, If None, simple lines are used.

    _source_function = Callable(line_source)

    _pipeline = [

    def __call_internal__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Override the call to be able to choose whether to apply
        self.source = self._source_function(*args, **kwargs)
        kwargs.pop('name', None)
        # Copy the pipeline so as not to modify it for the next call
        self.pipeline = self._pipeline[:]
        if self.kwargs['tube_radius'] == None:
        return self.build_pipeline()
Пример #15
class CustomBarChart(Pipeline):
		custom version of BarChart. It has two more keyword arguments, x_scale, y_scale,
			which is in charge of the lateral_scale in the X and Y direction.
	Plots vertical glyphs (like bars) scaled vertical, to do
	histogram-like plots.

	This functions accepts a wide variety of inputs, with positions given
	in 2-D or in 3-D.

	**Function signatures**::

		barchart(s, ...)
		barchart(x, y, s, ...)
		barchart(x, y, f, ...)
		barchart(x, y, z, s, ...)
		barchart(x, y, z, f, ...)

	If only one positional argument is passed, it can be a 1-D, 2-D, or 3-D
	array giving the length of the vectors. The positions of the data
	points are deducted from the indices of array, and an
	uniformly-spaced data set is created.

	If 3 positional arguments (x, y, s) are passed the last one must be
	an array s, or a callable, f, that returns an array. x and y give the
	2D coordinates of positions corresponding to the s values. 
	If 4 positional arguments (x, y, z, s) are passed, the 3 first are
	arrays giving the 3D coordinates of the data points, and the last one
	is an array s, or a callable, f, that returns an array giving the
	data value.

	_source_function = Callable(vertical_vectors_source)

	_pipeline = [VectorsFactory, ]

	mode = Trait('cube', bar_mode_dict,
					desc='The glyph used to represent the bars.')

	lateral_scale = CFloat(0.9, desc='The lateral scale of the glyph, '
				'in units of the distance between nearest points')

	def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
		""" Override the call to be able to scale automaticaly the axis.
		g = Pipeline.__call__(self, *args, **kwargs)
		gs = g.glyph.glyph_source
		# Use a cube source for glyphs.
		if not 'mode' in kwargs:
			gs.glyph_source = gs.glyph_list[-1]
		# Position the glyph tail on the point.
		gs.glyph_position = 'tail'
		gs.glyph_source.center = (0.0, 0.0, 0.5)
		g.glyph.glyph.orient = False
		if not 'color' in kwargs:
			g.glyph.color_mode = 'color_by_scalar'
		if not 'scale_mode' in kwargs:
			g.glyph.scale_mode = 'scale_by_vector_components'
		g.glyph.glyph.clamping = False
		x, y, z = g.mlab_source.x, g.mlab_source.y, g.mlab_source.z
		scale_factor = g.glyph.glyph.scale_factor* \
					tools._min_axis_distance(x, y, z)
		x_scale = kwargs.pop('x_scale', self.lateral_scale)
		y_scale = kwargs.pop('y_scale', self.lateral_scale)
			g.glyph.glyph_source.glyph_source.y_length = \
			g.glyph.glyph_source.glyph_source.x_length = \
		except TraitError:
			" Not all types of glyphs have controlable y_length and x_length"

		return g
	def get_all_traits(self):
			this function determines the set of possible keys in kwargs.
			add two keywords, x_scale, y_scale.
		Returns all the traits of class, and the classes in the pipeline.
		#call the parental one first.
		traits = Pipeline.get_all_traits(self)
		traits['x_scale'] = Trait(0.9, desc='The scale of the glyph on the x-axis, '
				'in units of the distance between nearest points')
		traits['y_scale'] = Trait(0.9, desc='The scale of the glyph on the y-axis, '
				'in units of the distance between nearest points')
		return traits
Пример #16
class Mesh(Pipeline):
    Plots a surface using grid-spaced data supplied as 2D arrays.

    **Function signatures**::

        mesh(x, y, z, ...)
    x, y, z are 2D arrays, all of the same shape, giving the positions of
    the vertices of the surface. The connectivity between these points is
    implied by the connectivity on the arrays. 

    For simple structures (such as orthogonal grids) prefer the `surf` function,
    as it will create more efficient data structures. For mesh defined by
    triangles rather than regular implicit connectivity, see the 
    `triangular_mesh` function.

    scale_mode = Trait('none', {
        'none': 'data_scaling_off',
        'scalar': 'scale_by_scalar',
        'vector': 'scale_by_vector'
                       help="""the scaling mode for the glyphs
                            ('vector', 'scalar', or 'none').""")

    scale_factor = CFloat(0.05,
                          desc="""scale factor of the glyphs used to represent 
                        the vertices, in fancy_mesh mode. """)

    tube_radius = Trait(0.025,
                        help="""radius of the tubes used to represent the
                        lines, in mesh mode. If None, simple lines are used.

    scalars = Array(help="""optional scalar data.""")

    mask = Array(help="boolean mask array to suppress some data points.")

    representation = Trait(
        desc="""the representation type used for the surface.""")

    _source_function = Callable(grid_source)

    _pipeline = [
        ExtractEdgesFactory, GlyphFactory, TubeFactory, SurfaceFactory

    def __call_internal__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Override the call to be able to choose whether to apply
        self.source = self._source_function(*args, **kwargs)
        kwargs.pop('name', None)
        # Copy the pipeline so as not to modify it for the next call
        self.pipeline = self._pipeline[:]
        if not self.kwargs['representation'] in ('mesh', 'fancymesh'):
            self.pipeline = [
            ] + self.pipeline
            if self.kwargs['tube_radius'] == None:
            if not self.kwargs['representation'] == 'fancymesh':
            self.kwargs['representation'] = 'surface'
        return self.build_pipeline()
Пример #17
class BarChart(Pipeline):
    Plots vertical glyphs (like bars) scaled vertical, to do
    histogram-like plots.

    This functions accepts a wide variety of inputs, with positions given
    in 2-D or in 3-D.

    **Function signatures**::

        barchart(s, ...)
        barchart(x, y, s, ...)
        barchart(x, y, f, ...)
        barchart(x, y, z, s, ...)
        barchart(x, y, z, f, ...)

    If only one positional argument is passed, it can be a 1-D, 2-D, or 3-D
    array giving the length of the vectors. The positions of the data
    points are deducted from the indices of array, and an
    uniformly-spaced data set is created.

    If 3 positional arguments (x, y, s) are passed the last one must be
    an array s, or a callable, f, that returns an array. x and y give the
    2D coordinates of positions corresponding to the s values. 
    If 4 positional arguments (x, y, z, s) are passed, the 3 first are
    arrays giving the 3D coordinates of the data points, and the last one
    is an array s, or a callable, f, that returns an array giving the
    data value.

    _source_function = Callable(vertical_vectors_source)

    _pipeline = [

    mode = Trait('cube',
                 desc='The glyph used to represent the bars.')

    lateral_scale = CFloat(0.9,
                           desc='The lateral scale of the glyph, '
                           'in units of the distance between nearest points')

    auto_scale = true(desc='whether to compute automatically the '
                      'lateral scaling of the glyphs. This might be '
                      'computationally expensive.')

    def __call_internal__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Override the call to be able to scale automatically the axis.
        g = Pipeline.__call_internal__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        gs = g.glyph.glyph_source
        # Use a cube source for glyphs.
        if not 'mode' in kwargs:
            gs.glyph_source = gs.glyph_dict['cube_source']
        # Position the glyph tail on the point.
        gs.glyph_position = 'tail'
        gs.glyph_source.center = (0.0, 0.0, 0.5)
        g.glyph.glyph.orient = False
        if not 'color' in kwargs:
            g.glyph.color_mode = 'color_by_scalar'
        if not 'scale_mode' in kwargs:
            g.glyph.scale_mode = 'scale_by_vector_components'
        g.glyph.glyph.clamping = False
        # The auto-scaling code. It involves finding the minimum
        # distance between points, which can be very expensive. We
        # shortcut this calculation for structured data
        if len(args) == 1 or self.auto_scale:
            min_axis_distance = 1
            x, y, z = g.mlab_source.x, g.mlab_source.y, g.mlab_source.z
            min_axis_distance = \
                    tools._min_axis_distance(x, y, z)
        scale_factor = g.glyph.glyph.scale_factor * min_axis_distance
        lateral_scale = kwargs.pop('lateral_scale', self.lateral_scale)
            g.glyph.glyph_source.glyph_source.y_length = \
            g.glyph.glyph_source.glyph_source.x_length = \
        except TraitError:
            " Not all types of glyphs have controlable y_length and x_length"

        return g
Пример #18
class Engine(HasStrictTraits):
    """ The Mayavi engine base class.

    # The version of this class.  Used for persistence.
    __version__ = 0

    # The scenes associated with this project.
    scenes = List(Scene, record=True)

    # The list to provide to a TreeEditor.  Always add on a AdderNode.
    # TODO: It makes more sense to put the modification of the list
    # in some other UI module, and not here.
    children_ui_list = Property(record=False)

    # Our name.
    name = Str('Mayavi Engine')

    # Current scene.
    current_scene = Property(Instance(Scene), record=False)

    # Current object.
    current_object = Property(record=False)

    # Current selection -- the currently selected object on the tree.
    current_selection = Property(record=False)

    # Has the Engine started?  Use this event to do something after
    # the engine has been started.
    started = Event(record=False)

    # An optional callable that will generate a usable new viewer
    # containing a `enthought.tvtk.pyface.TVTKScene` instance. Ideally
    # the viewer should have an interface like
    # `enthought.tvtk.pyface.TVTKWindow` -- basically it must
    # implement the `closing` and `activated` events, however, this is
    # not necessary.  The created viewer is used by the `new_scene`
    # method to create a new Viewer.  This is a mechanism to use a
    # user specified scene with the Engine and have the ability to
    # load saved visualizations using the new scene.  Handy for things
    # like off-screen rendering.
    scene_factory = Callable(viewer_factory)

    # Are we running?
    running = Bool(False, record=False)

    # The recorder for script recording.
    recorder = Instance(Recorder, record=False)

    # Private traits.

    _current_scene = Instance(Scene)
    _current_object = Instance(HasTraits)
    _current_selection = Instance(HasTraits)
    _viewer_ref = Dict

    # View related traits.
    current_selection_view = View(Item(
        enabled_when='_current_selection is not None',

    # `object` interface
    def __init__(self, **traits):
        super(Engine, self).__init__(**traits)

        # FIXME: This is tied to preferences.  It really should not be
        # we need to use bind_preferences here.
        cbk = lambda: self.trait_property_changed('children_ui_list', [], self.
        preference_manager.root.on_trait_change(cbk, 'show_helper_nodes')

    def __get_pure_state__(self):
        d = self.__dict__.copy()
        for x in [
                '_current_scene', '_current_object', '__sync_trait__',
                '_viewer_ref', '__traits_listener__'
            d.pop(x, None)
        return d

    def __set_pure_state__(self, state):
        # Current number of scenes.
        n_scene = len(self.scenes)
        # Number of scenes in saved state.
        n_saved_scene = len(state.scenes)
        # Remove extra ones.
        for i in range(n_scene - n_saved_scene):
        # Add new ones.
        for i in range(n_saved_scene - n_scene):
        # Set the state.
        state_pickler.set_state(self, state)

    def __getstate__(self):
        return state_pickler.dumps(self)

    def __setstate__(self, str_state):
        state = state_pickler.loads_state(str_state)

    # `Engine` interface
    def start(self):
        """This is called by the plugin when the plugin actually
        # Notify any listeners that the engine is started.
        self.started = self
        self.running = True

    def stop(self):
        self.running = False

    def add_source(self, src, scene=None):
        """Adds a source to the pipeline. Uses the current scene unless a
        scene is given in the scene keyword argument."""
        passed_scene = scene
        if scene is not None:
            tvtk_scene = scene.scene
            for sc in self.scenes:
                if sc.scene == tvtk_scene:
                    scene = sc
                error('This scene is not managed by mayavi')
            scene = self.current_scene

        # Create a new scene if none is available.
        if scene is None:
            scene = self.current_scene
        self.current_object = src

    def add_filter(self, fil, obj=None):
        """Adds a filter to the pipeline at an appropriate point. Adds it 
        to the selected object, or to an object passed as the 
        kwarg `obj`.
        passed_obj = obj
        if obj is None:
            obj = self.current_object
        if not isinstance(obj, Base):
            msg = 'No valid current object, '\
                  'please select an active object.'
        if (obj is not None) and (not isinstance(obj, Scene)):
            if obj.running:
                self.current_object = fil
                msg = 'Current object is not active, '\
                      'please select an active object.'
            if obj is None:
                error('Please create a VTK scene and open some data first.')
                error('No data: cannot use a Filter/Module/ModuleManager.')

    def add_module(self, mod, obj=None):
        """Adds a module to the pipeline at an appropriate point. Adds it 
        to the selected object, or to an object passed through the 
        kwarg `obj`.
        self.add_filter(mod, obj=obj)

    def save_visualization(self, file_or_fname):
        """Given a file or a file name, this saves the current
        visualization to the file.
        # Save the state of VTK's global warning display.
        o = vtk.vtkObject
        w = o.GetGlobalWarningDisplay()
        o.SetGlobalWarningDisplay(0)  # Turn it off.
            state_pickler.dump(self, file_or_fname)
            # Reset the warning state.

    def load_visualization(self, file_or_fname):
        """Given a file/file name this loads the visualization."""
        # Save the state of VTK's global warning display.
        o = vtk.vtkObject
        w = o.GetGlobalWarningDisplay()
        o.SetGlobalWarningDisplay(0)  # Turn it off.
            # Get the state from the file.
            state = state_pickler.load_state(file_or_fname)
            # Add the new scenes.
            for scene_state in state.scenes:
                scene = self.scenes[-1]
                # Disable rendering initially.
                if scene.scene is not None:
                    scene.scene.disable_render = True
                # Update the state.
                # Setting the state will automatically reset the
                # disable_render.
            # Reset the warning state.

    def open(self, filename, scene=None):
        """Open a file given a filename if possible in either the
        current scene or the passed `scene`.
        passed_scene = scene
        reader = registry.get_file_reader(filename)
        if reader is None:
            msg = 'No suitable reader found for the file %s' % filename
            src = None
            if scene is None:
                scene = self.current_scene
            if scene is None:
                scene = self.new_scene()
                sc = scene.scene
                if sc is not None:
                    sc.busy = True
                callable = reader.get_callable()
                if reader.factory is None:
                    src = callable()
                    # Factory functions are passed the filename and a
                    # reference to the engine.
                    src = callable(filename, self)
                if src is not None:
                    self.add_source(src, passed_scene)
                if sc is not None:
                    sc.busy = False
            if src is not None:
                return src

    def record(self, msg):
        """This is merely a convenience method to record messages to the
        script recorder.
        r = self.recorder
        if r is not None:

    # Scene creation/deletion related methods.
    def add_scene(self, scene, name=None):
        """Add given `scene` (a `pyface.tvtk.scene.Scene` instance) to
        the mayavi engine so that mayavi can manage the scene.  This
        is used when the user creates a scene.  Note that for the
        `EnvisageEngine` this is automatically taken care of when you
        create a new scene using the TVTK scene plugin.


         scene - `pyface.tvtk.scene.Scene`

          The scene that needs to be managed from mayavi.

         name - `str` 
          The name assigned to the scene.  It tries to determine the
          name of the scene from the passed scene instance.  If this
          is not possible it defaults to 'Mayavi Scene'.
        if name is None:
            if hasattr(scene, 'name'):
                name = scene.name
                name = 'Mayavi Scene %d' % scene_id_generator.next()

        s = Scene(scene=scene, name=name, parent=self)
        # We don't want the startup setup to be recorded.
        recorder = self.recorder
        self.current_scene = s
        if recorder is not None:

    def remove_scene(self, scene, **kwargs):
        """Remove a given `scene` (a `pyface.tvtk.scene.Scene`
        instance) from the mayavi engine if it is already being
        managed by mayavi.  Note that for the `EnvisageEngine` this is
        automatically taken care of when you close a scene started
        using the TVTK scene plugin.


         scene - `pyface.tvtk.scene.Scene`

          The scene that needs to be removed from mayavi.
        s = None
        for index, x in enumerate(self.scenes):
            if x.scene is scene:
                s = x
        if s is not None:
            # Don't record it shutting down.  To do this we must
            # unregister it here so we don't record unnecessary calls.
            recorder = self.recorder
            if recorder is not None:

        # Remove the reference to the viewer if any.
        if scene in self._viewer_ref:
            del self._viewer_ref[scene]

        # Clear the current scene if it has been removed.
        if scene is self._current_scene:
            self._current_scene = None

    def new_scene(self, viewer=None, name=None, **kwargs):
        """Create or manage a new VTK scene window.  If no `viewer`
        argument is provided, the method creates a new viewer using
        `self.scene_factory`.  If `self.scene_factory` is `None` then
        it creates an `ivtk` viewer.  This code requires that the
        `viewer` has a `scene` attribute/trait that is a
        `pyface.tvtk.scene.Scene`.  It also works best if the viewer
        supports `closing` and `activated` events.

        The method returns the created viewer.

         viewer - The viewer object, if None, one is created for you.

         name - The name attribute of the viewer

         ``**kwargs`` - The extra keyword arguments are passed along to
         the scene factory.

        if viewer is None:
            factory_kwargs = {}
            factory_kwargs_names = get_args(self.scene_factory)
            for arg, value in kwargs.iteritems():
                if arg in factory_kwargs_names:
                    factory_kwargs[arg] = value

            viewer = self.scene_factory(**factory_kwargs)

        if name is not None:
            viewer.name = name
        # Hang on to a reference to this viewer, if not done this will cause a
        # crash with Qt4.  This because the viewer will be closed and gc'd if
        # there isn't a reference to it.  When the viewer is gc'd the scene is
        # also closed and the engine will have a dead scene causing a crash.
        self._viewer_ref[viewer.scene] = viewer

        if hasattr(viewer, 'on_trait_change'):
            viewer.on_trait_change(self._on_scene_closed, 'closing')
            viewer.on_trait_change(self._on_scene_activated, 'activated')
            if hasattr(viewer, 'title'):
                self.current_scene.sync_trait('name', viewer, 'title')
        return viewer

    def close_scene(self, scene):
        """Given a scene created from new_scene, this method closes it
        and removes the scene from the list of scenes we manage.


         scene - `pyface.tvtk.scene.Scene` or an object that holds a
         reference to a `pyface.tvtk.scene.Scene` in a `scene`
        viewer = self.get_viewer(scene)
        if hasattr(scene, 'close'):
        elif scene.scene is not None:
        if viewer is not None and hasattr(viewer, 'close'):

    def get_viewer(self, scene):
        """Return the viewer associated with a given scene.

         scene - An `enthought.mayavi.core.scene.Scene` instance.
        return self._viewer_ref.get(scene.scene)

    def dialog_view(self):
        """ Default dialog view for Engine objects.
        return None

    # Non-public interface
    def _on_select(self, object):
        """Called by the EngineTree when an object on the view is
        selected.  This basically sets the current object and current
        self.current_selection = object
        self._current_object = object
            scene = object.scene
            for s in self.scenes:
                if s.scene == scene:
                    self._current_scene = s
        except AttributeError:

    def _get_current_scene(self):
        n_scene = len(self.scenes)
        if n_scene == 0:
            return None
        elif n_scene == 1:
            return self.scenes[0]
        elif self._current_scene is not None:
            return self._current_scene
        elif n_scene > 1:
            return self.scenes[-1]
            return None

    def _set_current_scene(self, scene):
        old = self._current_scene
        self._current_scene = scene
        self.trait_property_changed('current_scene', old, scene)

    def _get_current_object(self):
        if self._current_object is not None:
            return self._current_object
        elif self.current_scene is not None:
            return self.current_scene
            return None

    def _set_current_object(self, object):
        old = self._current_object
        self._current_object = object
        self.trait_property_changed('current_object', old, object)

    def _get_current_selection(self):
        return self._current_selection

    def _set_current_selection(self, object):
        old = self._current_selection
        if not isinstance(object, (Base, AdderNode)):
            object = None
        self._current_selection = object
        self.trait_property_changed('current_selection', old, object)

    def _on_scene_closed(self, obj, name, old, new):

    def _on_scene_activated(self, obj, name, old, new):
        for scene in self.scenes:
            if scene.scene is obj.scene:
                self.current_scene = scene

    def _get_children_ui_list(self):
        """ Trait getter for children_ui_list Property.
        if preference_manager.root.show_helper_nodes \
                    and len(self.scenes) == 0:
            return [SceneAdderNode(object=self)]
            return self.scenes

    def _trigger_children_ui_list(self, old, new):
        """ Trigger a children_ui_list change when scenes changed.
        self.trait_property_changed('children_ui_list', old, new)

    def _recorder_changed(self, old, new):
        if new is not None:
            new.record('# Recorded script from Mayavi2')
            new.record('from numpy import array')
            new.record('    engine = mayavi.engine')
            new.record('except NameError:')
            new.record('    from enthought.mayavi.api import Engine')
            new.record('    engine = Engine()')
            new.record('    engine.start()')
            new.record('if len(engine.scenes) == 0:')
            new.record('    engine.new_scene()')
            new.record('# ------------------------------------------- ')
        elif old is not None:
            old.record('# ------------------------------------------- ')
            old.record('from enthought.mayavi.tools.show import show')
Пример #19
class OffScreenEngine(Engine):
    # Overriding the scene factory trait of Engine.
    scene_factory = Callable(off_screen_viewer_factory)

    # Our name.
    name = Str('Mayavi offscreen Engine')
Пример #20
id_trait = Str(desc='the name of the view')

# Contents of the view trait (i.e., a single Group object)
content_trait = Instance(Group, desc='the content of the view')

# The menu bar for the view
#menubar_trait = Instance( 'enthought.pyface.action.MenuBarManager',
#                          desc = 'the menu bar for the view' )

# The tool bar for the view
#toolbar_trait = Instance( 'enthought.pyface.action.ToolBarManager',
#                          desc = 'the tool bar for the view' )

# An optional model/view factory for converting the model into a viewable
# 'model_view' object
model_view_trait = Callable(desc='the factory function for converting a'
                            'model into a model/view object')

# Reference to a Handler object trait
handler_trait = Any(desc='the handler for the view')

# Dialog window title trait
title_trait = Str(desc='the window title for the view')

# Dialog window icon trait
#icon_trait = Instance( 'enthought.pyface.image_resource.ImageResource',
#                     desc = 'the ImageResource of the icon file for the view' )

# User interface 'kind' trait. The values have the following meanings:
# * 'panel': An embeddable panel. This type of window is intended to be used as
#   part of a larger interface.
Пример #21
class TableFilter ( HasPrivateTraits ):
    """ Filter for items displayed in a table.
    #  Trait definitions:

    # UI name of this filter (so the user can identify it in the UI)
    name = Str( 'Default filter' )
    # Default name that can be automatically overridden
    _name = Str( 'Default filter' )
    # A user-readable description of what kind of object satisfies the filter
    desc = Str( 'All items' )
    # A callable function that returns whether the passed object is allowed
    # by the filter
    allowed = Callable( lambda object: True )

    # Is the filter a template (i.e., non-deletable, non-editable)?
    template = false

    #  Class constants:

    # Traits that are ignored by the _anytrait_changed() handler
    ignored_traits = [ '_name', 'template', 'desc' ]

    #  Traits view definitions:

    traits_view = View( 
        'name{Filter name}', '_', 
        Include( 'filter_view' ),
        title   = 'Edit Filter',
        width   = 0.2,
        buttons = [ 'OK',
                        name         = 'Help',
                        action       = 'show_help',
                        defined_when = "ui.view_elements.content['filter_view']"
                                       ".help_id != ''"

    searchable_view = View( [
        [ Include( 'search_view' ), '|[]' ],
        [ 'handler.status~', '|[]<>' ],
        [ 'handler.find_next`Find the next matching item`',
          'handler.find_previous`Find the previous matching item`',
          'handler.select`Select all matching items`',
          'handler.OK`Exit search`', '-<>'   ],
        '|<>' ],
        title  = 'Search for',
        kind   = 'livemodal',
        undo   = False,
        revert = False,
        ok     = False,
        cancel = False,
        help   = False,
        width  = 0.25 )

    search_view = Group( Include( 'filter_view' ) )

    filter_view = Group()

    #  Returns whether a specified object meets the filter/search criteria:
    #  (Should normally be overridden)

    def filter ( self, object ):
        """ Returns whether a specified object meets the filter or search 
        return self.allowed( object )

    #  Returns a user readable description of what kind of object will
    #  satisfy the filter:
    #  (Should normally be overridden):

    def description ( self ):
        """ Returns a user-readable description of what kind of object 
        satisfies the filter.
        return self.desc

    #  Edits the contents of the filter:

    def edit ( self, object ):
        """ Edits the contents of the filter.

        The ''object'' parameter is a sample object for the table that the 
        filter will be applied to. It is supplied in case the filter needs to
        extract data or metadata from the object. If the table is empty, the 
        ''object'' argument is None.
        return self.edit_traits( kind = 'livemodal' )

    #  'object' interface:

    def __str__ ( self ):
        return self.name

    #  Event handlers:

    def _anytrait_changed ( self, name, old, new ):
        if ((name not in self.ignored_traits) and
            ((self.name == self._name) or (self.name == ''))):
            self.name = self._name = self.description()
Пример #22
class Pipeline(HasTraits):
    """ Function used to build pipelines for helper functions """
    #doc = ''
    _source_function = Callable()

    _pipeline = List()

    # Traits here only for documentation purposes
    figure = Instance('enthought.mayavi.core.scene.Scene',
                      help='Figure to populate.')

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Calls the logics of the factory, but only after disabling 
            rendering, if needed.
        # First retrieve the scene, if any.
        if 'figure' in kwargs:
            figure = kwargs['figure']
            assert isinstance(figure, (Scene, None))
            scene = figure.scene
            scene = tools.gcf().scene
        if scene is not None:
            self._do_redraw = not scene.disable_render
            scene.disable_render = True
        # Then call the real logic
        output = self.__call_internal__(*args, **kwargs)
        # And re-enable the rendering, if needed.
        if scene is not None:
            scene.disable_render = not self._do_redraw
        return output

    def __call_internal__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Builds the source and runs through the pipeline, returning
        the last object created by the pipeline."""
        self.source = self._source_function(*args, **kwargs)
        # Copy the pipeline so as not to modify it for the next call
        self.pipeline = self._pipeline[:]
        return self.build_pipeline()

    def store_kwargs(self, kwargs):
        """ Merges the given keyword argument, with traits default and
            store the resulting dictionary in self.kwargs."""
        kwargs = kwargs.copy()
        name = kwargs.pop('name', None)
        all_traits = self.get_all_traits()
        if not set(kwargs.keys()).issubset(all_traits.keys()):
            raise ValueError, "Invalid keyword arguments : %s" % \
                    ', '.join(str(k) for k in
                              set(kwargs.keys()).difference(all_traits.keys()) )
        traits = self.get(self.class_trait_names())
        [traits.pop(key) for key in traits.keys() if key[0] == '_']
        self.kwargs = traits

    def build_pipeline(self):
        """ Runs through the pipeline, applying pipe after pipe. """
        object = self.source
        for pipe in self.pipeline:
            keywords = set(pipe.class_trait_names())
            this_kwargs = {}
            for key, value in self.kwargs.iteritems():
                if key in keywords:
                    this_kwargs[key] = value
            object = pipe(object, **this_kwargs)._target
        return object

    def get_all_traits(self):
        """ Returns all the traits of class, and the classes in the pipeline.
        traits = {}
        for pipe in self._pipeline:
        return traits
Пример #23
class Surf(Pipeline):
    Plots a surface using regularly-spaced elevation data supplied as a 2D 

    **Function signatures**::

        surf(s, ...)
        surf(x, y, s, ...)
        surf(x, y, f, ...)        
    s is the elevation matrix, a 2D array, where indices along the first
    array axis represent x locations, and indices along the second array
    axis represent y locations. 
    x and y can be 1D or 2D arrays such as returned by numpy.ogrid or
    numpy.mgrid. Arrays returned by numpy.meshgrid require a transpose
    first to obtain correct indexing order.
    The points should be located on an orthogonal grid (possibly 
    non-uniform). In other words, all the points sharing a same
    index in the s array need to have the same x or y value. For 
    arbitrary-shaped position arrays (non-orthogonal grids), see the mesh 

    If only 1 array s is passed, the x and y arrays are assumed to be
    made from the indices of arrays, and an uniformly-spaced data set is 
    If 3 positional arguments are passed the last one must be an array s,
    or a callable, f, that returns an array. x and y give the
    coordinates of positions corresponding to the s values."""

    _source_function = Callable(array2d_source)

    _pipeline = [WarpScalarFactory, PolyDataNormalsFactory, SurfaceFactory]

    warp_scale = Any(1,
                     help="""scale of the z axis (warped from
                        the value of the scalar). By default this scale
                        is a float value.
                        If you specify 'auto', the scale is calculated to 
                        give a pleasant aspect ratio to the plot,
                        whatever the bounds of the data.

                        If you specify a value for warp_scale in
                        addition to an extent, the warp scale will be
                        determined by the warp_scale, and the plot be
                        positioned along the z axis with the zero of the
                        data centered on the center of the extent. If you
                        are using explicit extents, this is the best way
                        to control the vertical scale of your plots.

                        If you want to control the extent (or range)
                        of the surface object, rather than its scale,
                        see the `extent` keyword argument.

    mask = Array(help="boolean mask array to suppress some data points.")

    def __call_internal__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Override the call to be able to scale automatically the axis.
        self.source = self._source_function(*args, **kwargs)
        kwargs.pop('name', None)
        # Deal with both explicit warp scale and extent, this is
        # slightly hairy. The wigner example is a good test case for
        # this.
        if not 'warp_scale' in kwargs and not 'extent' in kwargs:
                xi, xf, yi, yf, _, _ = self.source.data.bounds
                zi, zf = self.source.data.scalar_range
            except AttributeError:
                xi, xf, yi, yf, _, _ = self.source.image_data.bounds
                zi, zf = self.source.image_data.scalar_range
            aspect_ratios = [(zf - zi) / (xf - xi), (zf - zi) / (yf - yi)]
            if min(aspect_ratios) < 0.01 or max(aspect_ratios) > 100:
                print 'Warning: the range of your scalar values differs by ' \
                'more than a factor 100 than the range of the grid values ' \
                'and you did not '\
                'specify a warp_scale. You could try warp_scale="auto".'
        if 'warp_scale' in kwargs and not kwargs['warp_scale']=='auto' \
                and 'extent' in kwargs:
            # XXX: I should use the logging module.
            print 'Warning: both warp_scale and extent keyword argument ' \
            'specified, the z bounds of the extents will be overridden'
            xi, xf, yi, yf, zi, zf = kwargs['extent']
            zo = 0.5 * (zi + zf)
                si, sf = self.source.data.scalar_range
            except AttributeError:
                si, sf = self.source.image_data.scalar_range
            z_span = kwargs['warp_scale'] * abs(sf - si)
            zi = zo + si * kwargs['warp_scale']
            zf = zi + z_span
            kwargs['extent'] = (xi, xf, yi, yf, zi, zf)
            kwargs['warp_scale'] = 1
        elif kwargs.get('warp_scale', 1) == 'auto':
            if 'extent' in kwargs:
                if 'warp_scale' in kwargs:
                    print "Warning: extent specified, warp_scale='auto' " \
                    xi, xf, yi, yf, _, _ = self.source.data.bounds
                    zi, zf = self.source.data.scalar_range
                except AttributeError:
                    xi, xf, yi, yf, _, _ = self.source.image_data.bounds
                    zi, zf = self.source.image_data.scalar_range
                z0 = zf - zi
                dz = 0.3 * ((xf - xi) + (yf - yi))
                zi = z0 - 0.5 * dz
                zf = z0 + 0.5 * dz
                kwargs['extent'] = (xi, xf, yi, yf, zi, zf)
            kwargs['warp_scale'] = 1.

        # Copy the pipeline so as not to modify it for the next call
        self.pipeline = self._pipeline[:]
        return self.build_pipeline()