Пример #1
def cursor2cars(cursor):
    cars = []
    for row in cursor:# each row is a tuple
        c = Car(brand=row[1],model=row[2],price=row[3])
        c.id = row[0] # we don't need to cast type, it has already to cast to correct type
    return cars
Пример #2
def cursor2cars(cursor):
    cars = []
    for row in cursor:  # each row is a tuple
        c = Car(brand=row[1], model=row[2], price=row[3])
        c.id = row[
            0]  # we don't need to cast type, it has already to cast to correct type
    return cars
Пример #3
def load_by_parameter(brand):
    with sqlite3.connect(Database) as conn:
        conn.text_factory = str # by default, it will return unicode, so change it to 'str'
        # ?  placeholder
        # the real parameter expects a tuple or list, so we have to wrap it
        # into tuple
        # even there is just only one element
        cursor = conn.execute("SELECT Id,Brand,Model,Price FROM Cars WHERE Brand=?",(brand,))

        # named placeholder
        cursor = conn.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) AS Count,AVG(Price) FROM Cars WHERE Brand=:brand",{"brand":brand})
        # we know the result is only one row, so we can call fetchone()
        row = cursor.fetchone()
        print "'{brand}' has {total} cars, average price is {avgprice:.3f}".format(brand=brand,total=row[0],avgprice=row[1])
Пример #4
def load_access_col_by_name():
    to access each column in row by name instead of index
    we need to set connection's row_factory to 'sqlite3.Row'
    with sqlite3.connect(Database) as conn:
        conn.text_factory = str # by default, it will return unicode, so change it to 'str'
        conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
        cursor = conn.execute("SELECT * FROM Cars")
        cars = []
        for row in cursor:
            c = Car(brand=row["Brand"],price=row["Price"],model=row["Model"])
            c.id = row["Id"]

Пример #5
def load_access_col_by_name():
    to access each column in row by name instead of index
    we need to set connection's row_factory to 'sqlite3.Row'
    with sqlite3.connect(Database) as conn:
        conn.text_factory = str  # by default, it will return unicode, so change it to 'str'
        conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row

        cursor = conn.execute("SELECT * FROM Cars")
        cars = []
        for row in cursor:
            c = Car(brand=row["Brand"], price=row["Price"], model=row["Model"])
            c.id = row["Id"]

Пример #6
def load_by_parameter(brand):
    with sqlite3.connect(Database) as conn:
        conn.text_factory = str  # by default, it will return unicode, so change it to 'str'

        # ?  placeholder
        # the real parameter expects a tuple or list, so we have to wrap it
        # into tuple
        # even there is just only one element
        cursor = conn.execute(
            "SELECT Id,Brand,Model,Price FROM Cars WHERE Brand=?", (brand, ))

        # named placeholder
        cursor = conn.execute(
            "SELECT COUNT(*) AS Count,AVG(Price) FROM Cars WHERE Brand=:brand",
            {"brand": brand})
        # we know the result is only one row, so we can call fetchone()
        row = cursor.fetchone()
        print "'{brand}' has {total} cars, average price is {avgprice:.3f}".format(
            brand=brand, total=row[0], avgprice=row[1])
Пример #7
def placeholder_insert():
    c1 = Car(brand="Hummer", price=12359, model="a1")
    c2 = Car(brand="Volvo", price=9000, model="cz")

    with sqlite3.connect(Database) as conn:
        cursor = conn.cursor()

        # ?  placeholder
        cursor.execute("INSERT INTO Cars(Brand,Model,Price) VALUES(?,?,?)",
                       (c1.brand, c1.model, c1.price))
        print "newly create id: {}".format(cursor.lastrowid)

        # named placeholder
            "INSERT INTO Cars(Brand,Model,Price) VALUES(:brand,:model,:price)",
                'brand': c2.brand,
                'model': c2.model,
                'price': c2.price
        print "newly create id: {}".format(cursor.lastrowid)
Пример #8
def load_basic():
    with sqlite3.connect(Database) as conn:
        conn.text_factory = str # by default, it will return unicode, so change it to 'str'
        cursor = conn.execute("SELECT Id,Brand,Model,Price FROM Cars ORDER BY PRICE")
Пример #9
def load_basic():
    with sqlite3.connect(Database) as conn:
        conn.text_factory = str  # by default, it will return unicode, so change it to 'str'
        cursor = conn.execute(
            "SELECT Id,Brand,Model,Price FROM Cars ORDER BY PRICE")
Пример #10
import sqlite3
from tqdm import tqdm
from entities import Car

SampleCars = [
    Car('Audi', 52642),
    Car('Mercedes', 57127),
    Car('Skoda', 9000),
    Car('Volvo', 29000),
    Car('Bentley', 350000),
    Car('Hummer', 41400),
    Car('Volkswagen', 21600)

Database = "tests.db"

################################ INSERT
def raw_insert(cars):
    this method is not recommended
    You shouldn’t assemble your query using Python’s string operations because doing so is insecure
    it makes your program vulnerable to an SQL injection attack
    template = "INSERT INTO Cars(Brand,Price) VALUES('{brand}',{price})"

    with sqlite3.connect(Database) as conn:
        for c in tqdm(cars):
            conn.execute(template.format(brand=c.brand, price=c.price))