def work(self, encoder_network): while not self.coord.should_stop() and self.epoch < self.num_epochs: step = 0 env = Environment(self.img_path) # 开始一个episode while step < self.train_batches_per_epoch: images_np = env.load_image(self.img_offset) self.img_offset += 1 raw_img, target_img, act_list, mse = env.take_action(images_np) encoder_network.update_state_predicter(raw_img, act_list, target_img, encoder_network.update_action_predicter( raw_img, act_list, target_img, # 缺少自动编码器的Loss encoder_network.pull_all_params() step += 1 self.epoch += 1
def test_terminal_level_detection_override(): terms = ( ('dumb', (TermLevel.DUMB, '@')), ('linux', (TermLevel.ANSI_BASIC, '@')), ('xterm-color', (TermLevel.ANSI_BASIC, '@')), ('xterm-256color', (TermLevel.ANSI_EXTENDED, '@')), ('xterm-direct', (TermLevel.ANSI_DIRECT, '@')), ('fbterm', (TermLevel.ANSI_EXTENDED, '@')), ) for name, expected in terms: detection.env = Environment(environ=dict(TERM=name, PY_CONSOLE_COLOR_SEP='@')) if name == 'fbterm': # :-/ detection.is_fbterm = True assert detection.detect_terminal_level() == expected from . import windows # try win implementation terms = ( ('dumb', (TermLevel.DUMB, '@')), ('xterm-color', (TermLevel.ANSI_BASIC, '@')), ('xterm-256color', (TermLevel.ANSI_EXTENDED, '@')), ('cygwin', (TermLevel.ANSI_DIRECT, '@')), # ? ) for name, expected in terms: windows.env = Environment(environ=dict(TERM=name, PY_CONSOLE_COLOR_SEP='@')) assert windows.detect_terminal_level() == expected windows.env = Environment(environ=dict(ANSICON='1')) assert windows.detect_terminal_level() ==( TermLevel.ANSI_EXTENDED, ';')
def main(): # Define if argument requirements exact_count = -1 # Set to -1 to disable exact arg checking min_count = 1 # Set to -1 to disable min arg checking max_count = -1 # Set to -1 to disable max arg checking summary = "IBM Homework test script" usage = "usage: %prog [options] <test_name> <args>" # Set the add custom options callback if necessary add_custom_options_cb = 0 # custom_options_cb # Allocate and initialize the scripts environment env = Environment(os.path.basename(__file__), usage, summary, exact_count, min_count, max_count, add_custom_options_cb) # Execute script specific functionality if env.error == False and env.complete == False: env.error = execute (env) # Exit the program env.exit()
def test_palette_support(): terms = ( ('dumb', TermLevel.DUMB), ('linux', TermLevel.ANSI_BASIC), ('xterm-color', TermLevel.ANSI_BASIC), ('xterm-256color', TermLevel.ANSI_EXTENDED), ) for name, result in terms: detection.env = Environment(environ=dict(TERM=name)) assert detection.detect_terminal_level() == result detection.env = Environment(environ=dict(COLORTERM='24bit')) assert detection.detect_terminal_level() == TermLevel.ANSI_DIRECT from . import windows # try win implementation terms = ( ('dumb', TermLevel.DUMB), ('xterm-color', TermLevel.ANSI_BASIC), ('xterm-256color', TermLevel.ANSI_EXTENDED), ('cygwin', TermLevel.ANSI_DIRECT), # ? ) for name, result in terms: windows.env = Environment(environ=dict(TERM=name)) assert windows.detect_terminal_level() == result windows.env = Environment(environ=dict(ANSICON='1')) assert windows.detect_terminal_level() == TermLevel.ANSI_EXTENDED
def __init__(self, sim_number, init=True, _seed=None, ATNE=True): super(EnvironmentListener, self).__init__() seed(_seed) self.ATNE = ATNE self.sim_number = sim_number self.post_process = PostGraph(self.sim_number, columns=[ "sim_number", "sim_step", "veh_id", "edge_id", "speed", "capacity", "budget", "prev_poi" ]) self.t = 0 self.break_condition = False #condition to check if all vehicles has arrived file_dir = os.path.dirname(GraphSetting.sumo_config) map_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(file_dir, r"*.map")) try: self.sim_env =[0]) print(f"loaded map from {map_list[0]}") except IndexError: print(f".map file generating for {GraphSetting.sumo_config}") self.sim_env = Environment(), self.sim_env) if init: self.initial_reward_random(GraphSetting.reward_numbers) self.initial_route_random(GraphSetting.car_numbers) self.junction_sub()
class Worker_thread: # スレッドは学習環境environmentを持ちます def __init__(self, thread_name, thread_type, parameter_server, config): self.environment = Environment(thread_name, thread_type, parameter_server, config) self.thread_type = thread_type self.parameter_server = parameter_server self.config = config def run(self): while True: if not(self.config.isLearned) and self.thread_type is 'learning': # learning threadが走る if not(self.config.isLearned) and self.thread_type is 'test': # test threadを止めておく time.sleep(1.0) if self.config.isLearned and self.thread_type is 'learning': # learning threadを止めておく time.sleep(3.0) break if self.config.isLearned and self.thread_type is 'test': # test threadが走る time.sleep(3.0) break
def __init__(self): self.state_dim = STATE_DIM # m x n grid self.action_dim = ACTION_DIM # action : up, down, right, left self.env = Environment(self.state_dim, self.action_dim) self.agent = Agent(self.state_dim, self.action_dim) self.episode = 0 self.batch_size = BATCH_SIZE self.isTraining = TRAINING self.isPlaying = PLAYING #======opengl setting====== argv = sys.argv glutInit(argv) glutInitWindowPosition(0,0) glutInitWindowSize(WIN_WIDTH, WIN_HEIGHT) glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DEPTH) glutCreateWindow("DQN example") glutDisplayFunc(self.display) glutReshapeFunc(self.reshape) glutKeyboardFunc(self.keyCB) #====================== if self.isTraining: else: if self.isPlaying: self.agent.load(saved_weight) self.playing() glutMainLoop()
def train_elog(env: Environment, epochs: int, train_epochs_interval: int): for epoch in tqdm(range(epochs)): state = env.reset() done = False data = { 'features': [], 'rewards': [], 'cards': [], 'idxs': state.feature.idxs } while not done: action = DecisionResponse([]) d: DecisionState = state.decision player: Player = env.players[d.controlling_player] player.makeDecision(state, action) x = state.feature.to_numpy() data['features'].append(x) data['cards'].append(action.single_card) obs, reward, done, _ = env.step(action) data['rewards'].extend([reward] * (len(data['features']) - len(data['rewards']))) for player in env.players: if isinstance(player, RolloutPlayer): player.rollout.update(**data) if (epoch + 1) % train_epochs_interval == 0: player.rollout.learn()
def main(): start_date = datetime.datetime(2002, 1, 1) end_date = datetime.datetime(2021, 1, 30) stocks = web.DataReader('SPY', 'yahoo', start_date, end_date) env = Environment(stocks, LOOK_BACK, stocks.shape[1]) in_dim = env.observation_shape[0] out_dim = env.action_space.n agent = Agent(in_dim, out_dim) agent.reset() optimizer = optim.RMSprop(agent.parameters(), lr=0.05) for epi in range(EPISODES): state = env.set_state() for t in range(env.total_days - env.look_back): action = agent.act(state) state, reward, done = env.step(action) agent.rewards.append(reward) if done: break loss =, GAMMA) total_reward = sum(agent.rewards) reward_records = agent.rewards agent.reset() #clear memory after training print(f'Episode {epi}, Loss: {loss}, Profit: {total_reward}') print("----Training Over----") cum_rewards = np.cumsum(reward_records) plt.title("Cumulative Profit on Last Episode") plt.xlabel("Days of Trading") plt.ylabel("Price ($)") plt.plot(cum_rewards)
def main(cfg: DictConfig) -> None: "The entry point for parsing user-provided texts" assert cfg.model_path is not None, "Need to specify model_path for testing." assert cfg.input is not None assert cfg.language in ("english", "chinese")"\n" + OmegaConf.to_yaml(cfg)) # load the model checkpoint model_path = hydra.utils.to_absolute_path(cfg.model_path)"Loading the model from %s" % model_path) checkpoint = load_model(model_path) restore_hyperparams(checkpoint["cfg"], cfg) vocabs = checkpoint["vocabs"] model = Parser(vocabs, cfg) model.load_state_dict(checkpoint["model_state"]) device, _ = get_device()"\n" + str(model))"#parameters = %d" % sum([p.numel() for p in model.parameters()])) input_file = hydra.utils.to_absolute_path(cfg.input) ds = UserProvidedTexts(input_file, cfg.language, vocabs, cfg.encoder) loader = DataLoader( ds, batch_size=cfg.eval_batch_size, collate_fn=form_batch, num_workers=cfg.num_workers, pin_memory=torch.cuda.is_available(), ) env = Environment(loader, model.encoder, subbatch_max_tokens=9999999) state = env.reset() oup = (sys.stdout if cfg.output is None else open( hydra.utils.to_absolute_path(cfg.output), "wt")) time_start = time() with torch.no_grad(): # type: ignore while True: with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(cfg.amp): # type: ignore actions, _ = model(state) state, done = env.step(actions) if done: for tree in env.pred_trees: assert tree is not None print(tree.linearize(), file=oup) # pred_trees.extend(env.pred_trees) # load the next batch try: with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(cfg.amp): # type: ignore state = env.reset() except EpochEnd: # no next batch available (complete)"Time elapsed: %f" % (time() - time_start)) break if cfg.output is not None:"Parse trees saved to %s" % cfg.output)
def __init__(self): super(EnvironmentListener, self).__init__() self.sim_env = Environment() self.initial_reward_random(GraphSetting.reward_numbers) self.initial_route_random(GraphSetting.car_numbers) self.junction_sub()
def test_color_disabled_none_false(): detection.env = Environment(environ={}) assert detection.color_is_disabled() is None detection.env = Environment(environ=dict(CLICOLOR='')) assert detection.color_is_disabled() is None detection.env = Environment(environ=dict(CLICOLOR='1')) assert detection.color_is_disabled() is False
def __init__(self, alpha=0.1, gamma=0.9, epsilon=0.6, verbose=True): self.env = Environment() self.alpha = alpha self.gamma = gamma self.epsilon = epsilon self.verbose = verbose self.num_actions = 8 self.qtable = {} self.current_state = self.env.detect_nearby()
def test_color_allowed(): detection.env = Environment(environ={}) assert detection.color_is_allowed() is True detection.env = Environment(environ=dict(CLICOLOR='0')) assert detection.color_is_allowed() is False detection.env = Environment(environ=dict(NO_COLOR='')) assert detection.color_is_allowed() is False
def test_lava_is_terminal(): env = Environment(CONFIG, add_agent_value=False) _, r, done = env.step('R') assert r == 0 assert not done _, r, done = env.step('R') assert r == -10 assert done
def test_successful_trajectory(): env = Environment(CONFIG, add_agent_value=False) steps = ['R', 'U', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'U'] for step in steps: s, r, done = env.step(step) assert s.coordinate == (1, 6) assert np.all(s.observation == np.array([[2, 2, 2], [0, 0, 2], [0, 0, 2]])) assert r == 100 assert done
def train(self, my_lambda, true_star_value): environment = Environment() terminated = False eligibility = np.zeros([36]) # initial state where both player and dealer draw black card card = round(random.uniform(1, 10)) dealer_card = round(random.uniform(1, 10)) states = [] actions = [] current_state = [dealer_card, card] current_action = self.epsilon_action(current_state) while not terminated: current_action_index = 1 if current_action == 'hit' else 0 states.append(current_state) actions.append(current_action_index) old_card = card state_prime, reward = environment.step(current_state, current_action) card = state_prime[1] # reward is 2 when state is not terminated because 0 overlaps with termination state draw reward # handle terminal state future action values to be 0 current_reward = 0 action_prime = None if reward != 2: current_reward = reward delta = current_reward + (0 - self.do_approximation( [dealer_card, old_card], current_action_index)) else: action_prime = self.epsilon_action([dealer_card, card]) action_prime_index = 1 if action_prime == 'hit' else 0 delta = current_reward + (self.do_approximation( [dealer_card, card], action_prime_index) - self.do_approximation( [dealer_card, old_card], current_action_index)) eligibility = (my_lambda * eligibility + self.feature_vector.flatten()) self.weights += self.step_size * delta * eligibility current_state = [dealer_card, card] current_action = action_prime if reward == -1 or reward == 1 or reward == 0: terminated = True mse = self.calculate_mse(true_star_value) return mse
def __init__(self, dataset: Dataset, policy_net: PolicyNet): self.dataset = dataset self.epochs = ExpSet.epochs self.episodes = ExpSet.episodes = True self.steps = ExpSet.max_T self.env = Environment(self.dataset.KG) self.policy_net = policy_net self.embedder = self.dataset.embedder self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(policy_net.parameters(), lr=ExpSet.learning_rate)
def train(self): environment = Environment() terminated = False # initial state where both player and dealer draw black card card = round(random.uniform(1, 10)) dealer_card = round(random.uniform(1, 10)) states = [] actions = [] rewards = [] # first state states.append([dealer_card, card]) while not terminated: self.value_steps[dealer_card][card] += 1 action = self.epsilon_action([dealer_card, card]) action_index = 1 if action == 'hit' else 0 state_prime, reward = environment.step([dealer_card, card], action) card = state_prime[1] if reward == -1 or reward == 1 or reward == 0: terminated = True else: # reward is 2 when state is not terminated because 0 overlaps with termination state draw reward states.append(state_prime) reward = 0 actions.append(action_index) rewards.append(reward) average_reward = np.sum(rewards) visited_states = [] for i in range(len(states)): card, dealer_card = states[i][1], states[i][0] if self.check_visited(visited_states, card, dealer_card): self.action_value_steps[dealer_card][card][actions[i]] += 1 current_action_value = self.action_value_function[dealer_card][card][actions[i]] current_action_value_step = self.action_value_steps[dealer_card][card][actions[i]] # Q(St, At) = Q(St, At) + 1 / N(St, At) * (Gt - Q(St, At)) new_action_value = (current_action_value + (1 / current_action_value_step) * (average_reward - current_action_value)) self.action_value_function[dealer_card][card][actions[i]] = new_action_value visited_states.append([card, dealer_card])
def simulate(env: Environment, n: int, tree: GameTree, turn_log=False, action_log=False, card_log=False) -> SimulationData: # TODO: Fix this shit sim_data = SimulationData(Supply(env.config).get_supply_card_types()) for i in tqdm(range(n)): state: State = env.reset() if tree: tree.reset(state) done = False t_start = time.time() starting_player_buy = None while not done: action: DecisionResponse = DecisionResponse([]) d: DecisionState = state.decision pid: int = d.controlling_player player = env.players[pid] player.makeDecision(state, action) if state.phase == Phase.ActionPhase: # +1 to turns to get current turn sim_data.update_action(i, pid, state.player_states[pid].turns + 1,[0]) if state.phase == Phase.BuyPhase and tree: tree.advance(action.single_card) log_buy = (state.phase == Phase.BuyPhase) obs, reward, done, _ = env.step(action) if turn_log and log_buy: if pid == 0: starting_player_buy = action.single_card else: sim_data.update_turn(i, 0, state.player_states[0].turns, state.get_player_score(0), starting_player_buy, state.get_coin_density(0)) sim_data.update_turn(i, 1, state.player_states[1].turns, state.get_player_score(1), action.single_card, state.get_coin_density(1)) if card_log and log_buy: if pid == 1: sim_data.update_card(i, 0, state.player_states[0].turns, state.get_card_counts(0)) sim_data.update_card(i, 1, state.player_states[1].turns, state.get_card_counts(1)) if state.player_states[0].turns > state.player_states[1].turns: sim_data.update_card(i, 0, state.player_states[0].turns, state.get_card_counts(0)) sim_data.update_turn(i, 0, state.player_states[0].turns, state.get_player_score(0), starting_player_buy, state.get_coin_density(0)) t_end = time.time() sim_data.update(, t_end - t_start) sim_data.finalize( print('===SUMMARY===') print(sim_data.summary) return sim_data
def test_color_forced(): detection.env = Environment(environ={}) assert detection.color_is_forced().value is None detection.env = Environment(environ=dict(CLICOLOR_FORCE='0')) assert detection.color_is_forced() is False detection.env = Environment(environ=dict(CLICOLOR_FORCE='foo')) assert detection.color_is_forced() is True detection.env = Environment(environ=dict(CLICOLOR_FORCE='1')) assert detection.color_is_forced() is True
def test_reward_for_bridge_completion_is_given_only_once(): env = Environment(CONFIG, add_agent_value=False) steps = ['R', 'U', 'R', 'R', 'R'] for step in steps: _, r, _ = env.step(step) assert r == 1 _, r, _ = env.step('L') _, r, _ = env.step('R') assert r == 0
def train_iteratively(args): # iteration 1 team_blue = [PGAgent(idx, "blue") for idx in range(args.n_friends)] team_red = [ Agent(args.n_friends + idx, "red") for idx in range(args.n_enemies) ] training_agents = team_blue agents = team_blue + team_red env = Environment(agents) args.n_actions = 6 + args.n_enemies args.n_inputs = 4 + 3 * (args.n_friends - 1) + 3 * args.n_enemies model = ForwardModel(input_shape=args.n_inputs, n_actions=args.n_actions) for agent in training_agents: agent.set_model(model) training_agents = train_agents(env, training_agents, args) trained_model = copy.deepcopy(training_agents[0].model) for iteration in range(args.n_iterations): args.n_steps = 10000 * (iteration + 2) team_blue = [PGAgent(idx, "blue") for idx in range(args.n_friends)] team_red = [ PGAgent(args.n_friends + idx, "red") for idx in range(args.n_enemies) ] training_agents = team_blue agents = team_blue + team_red env = Environment(agents, args) model = ForwardModel(input_shape=args.n_inputs, n_actions=args.n_actions) model.load_state_dict(trained_model.state_dict()) model.eval() for agent in team_red: agent.set_model(model) model = ForwardModel(input_shape=args.n_inputs, n_actions=args.n_actions) for agent in team_blue: agent.set_model(model) training_agents = train_agents(env, training_agents, args) trained_model = copy.deepcopy(training_agents[0].model), args.path + f'RUN_{get_run_id()}.torch')
def __init__(self): iostreams = (sys.stdin, sys.stdout, sys.stderr) (self.stdin, self.stdout, self.stderr) = iostreams self.debug = False self.verbose = True self.core = True self.closures = True self.rdr = Reader() self.environment = Environment() self.init()
def __init__(self, game_dir): if torch.cuda.device_count() == 0: print_c('No cuda capable device detected!') raise NotImplemented self.agent = ManualCustomAgent( config_file_path='config/config_eval.yaml') self.env = Environment(game_dir) self.out_handler = OutputHandler() self.input_handler = InputHandler(callback=self.do_step) self.scores, self.dones = [0], [0] self.obs, self.infos = None, None
def __init__(self): self.stdin = sys.stdin self.stdout = sys.stdout self.stderr = sys.stderr self.debug = False self.verbose = True self.core = True self.closure = True self.reader = Reader() self.env = Environment() self.init()
def __init__(self): self.env = Environment() low_state_value = self.env.state_space(PVmin, Ebmin, Dmin) high_state_value = self.env.state_space(PVmax, Ebmax, Dmax) num_states = high_state_value - low_state_value + 1 num_actions = 3 if os.path.exists(q_table_path): print("Q table Loading !!!") self.load_q_table() else: print("Q table Initializing !!!") self.q_table = np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=(num_states, num_actions))
def envConfig(): if request.method == 'POST': global marseEnv mydict = request.get_json() marseEnv = Environment(temperature=mydict.get('temperature'), humidity=mydict.get('humidity'), solar_flare=mydict.get('solar-flare'), storm=mydict.get('storm'), area_map=mydict.get('area-map')) if marseEnv.solar_flare: myrover.battery = 11 if marseEnv.storm: shield_index = None for index, item in enumerate(myrover.inventory): if item.type == 'storm-shield': shield_index = index if shield_index is not None: if myrover.inventory[shield_index].qty == 1: myrover.inventory.pop(shield_index) else: myrover.inventory[shield_index].qty = myrover.inventory[ shield_index].qty - 1 else: func = request.environ.get('werkzeug.server.shutdown') if func is None: raise RuntimeError('Not running with the Werkzeug Server') func() return Response(status=200)
def main(_): #cpu only tf.config.experimental.set_visible_devices([], 'GPU') tf.get_logger().setLevel('INFO') #tf.debugging.set_log_device_placement(True) config = get_config(FLAGS) or FLAGS env = Environment(config, is_training=True) game = CFRRL_Game(config, env) model_weights_queues = [] experience_queues = [] if FLAGS.num_agents == 0 or FLAGS.num_agents >= mp.cpu_count(): FLAGS.num_agents = mp.cpu_count() - 1 print('Agent num: %d, iter num: %d\n'%(FLAGS.num_agents+1, FLAGS.num_iter)) for _ in range(FLAGS.num_agents): model_weights_queues.append(mp.Queue(1)) experience_queues.append(mp.Queue(1)) tm_subsets = np.array_split(game.tm_indexes, FLAGS.num_agents) coordinator = mp.Process(target=central_agent, args=(config, game, model_weights_queues, experience_queues)) coordinator.start() agents = [] for i in range(FLAGS.num_agents): agents.append(mp.Process(target=agent, args=(i, config, game, tm_subsets[i], model_weights_queues[i], experience_queues[i]))) for i in range(FLAGS.num_agents): agents[i].start() coordinator.join()
def test_env_reset_position_after_few_steps(): env = Environment(CONFIG, add_agent_value=False) env.reset() env.step('R') env.step('U') assert env.agent_position != env.start_position env.reset() assert env.agent_position == env.start_position
def __init__( self): iostreams=(sys.stdin, sys.stdout, sys.stderr) (self.stdin, self.stdout, self.stderr) = iostreams self.verbose = False self.core = True self.closures = True self.rdr = Reader() self.environment = Environment() self.init()
def extract_functions(prgm): """ Removes all function bodies from prgm and inserts the functions into a new environment frame. """ lines = prgm.split('\n') lines = [line.strip() for line in lines] env = Environment() i = 0 max_len = len(lines) while i < max_len: line = lines[i] # Transform classes into functions that return objects if line.startswith('class '): match_obj = re.match(r'class ([\$A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\((.*)\)(.*)', line) child_class_name = arguments = parent_classes = inherit_obj = re.match(r' inherits (.*)', parent_classes) if inherit_obj: parent_class_names = classes = [name.strip() for name in parent_class_names.split(',')] env.new_type(classes, child_class_name) else: # There were no parent classes provided. # By default, this class should inherit from Object. env.new_type(['Object'], child_class_name) lines[i] = 'sub ' + child_class_name + '(' + arguments + ')' lines.insert(i + 1, '$type="' + child_class_name + '"') max_len += 1 _, end = find_next_end_else(lines, i + 1, True) lines.insert(end, 'return this') max_len += 1 i += 1 i = 0 while i < len(lines): line = lines[i] if line.startswith('sub '): name = name_of_function(line) arg_list = args_of_function(line) ret_type = return_type_of_function(line) _, end = find_next_end_else(lines, i + 1, True) func_body = lines[i+1 : end] env.assign_hook(name, Function(name, arg_list, func_body, return_type=ret_type)) # Remove the function definition from the program, # and replace it with a hook directive. lines[i : end+1] = [':hook {0}'.format(name)] else: i += 1 prgm = '\n'.join(lines) return prgm, env
class Elisp(Lisp): def __init__(self): self.stdin = sys.stdin self.stdout = sys.stdout self.stderr = sys.stderr self.debug = False self.verbose = True self.core = True self.closure = True self.reader = Reader() self.env = Environment() self.init() def init(self): # core functions self.env.set('eq', Function(self.eq)) self.env.set('quote', Function(self.quote)) self.env.set('car', Function( self.env.set('cdr', Function(self.cdr)) self.env.set('cons', Function(self.cons)) self.env.set('atom', Function(self.atom)) self.env.set('cond', Function(self.cond)) # utility functions self.env.set('print', Function(self.println)) # special forms self.env.set('lambda', Function(self.lambda_fun)) self.env.set('label', Function(self.label)) # meta-elements self.env.set('__elisp__', self) self.env.set('__global__', self.env) def lambda_fun(self, env, args): if self.env != env.get('__global__') and self.closure: return Closure(env, args[0], args[1:]) else: return Lambda(args[0], args[1:]) def usage(self): self.print_banner() print ('%s <options> [elisp files]\n' % NAME.lower()) def print_banner(self): print ('The %s programming shell %s' % (NAME, VERSION)) print (' Type `help` for more information\n') def print_help(self): print ('Help for eLisp %s' % VERSION) print (' Type `help` for more information') print (' Type `env` to see the bindings in current environment') print (' Type `load` followed by one or more filenames to load source files') print (' Type `quit` to exit the interpreter') def push(self, env=None): if env: self.env = self.env.push(env) else: self.env = self.env.push() def pop(self): self.env = self.env.pop() def repl(self): while True: source = self.get_complete_command() try: if source in ['quit']: break elif source in ['help']: self.print_help() elif source.startswith('load'): files = source.split(' ')[1:] self.process_files(files) elif source in ['env']: print (self.env) else: self.process(source) except AttributeError: print ('Could not process command: ', source) return def process(self, source): sexpr = self.reader.get_sexpr(source) while sexpr: result = None try: result = self.eval(sexpr) except Error as err: print (err) if self.verbose: self.stdout.write(' %s\n' % result) sexpr = self.reader.get_sexpr() def eval(self, sexpr): try: return sexpr.eval(self.env) except ValueError as err: print (err) return FALSE def get_complete_command(self, line="", depth=0): if line != '': line = line + ' ' if self.env.level != 0: prompt = PROMPT + '%i%s ' % (self.env.level, DEPTH_MARK * (depth + 1)) else: if depth == 0: prompt = PROMPT else: prompt = PROMPT + "%s " % (DEPTH_MARK * (depth + 1)) line = line + self.read_line(prompt) balance = 0 for c in line: if c == '(': balance += 1 elif c == ')': balance -= 1 if balance > 0: return self.get_complete_command(line, depth + 1) elif balance < 0: raise ValueError('Invalid paren pattern') else: return line def read_line(self, prompt): if prompt and self.verbose: self.stdout.write('%s' % prompt) self.stdout.flush() line = self.stdin.readline() if len(line) == 0: return 'EOF' if line [-1] == '\n': line = line[:-1] return line def process_files(self, files): self.verbose = False for filename in files: infile = open(filename, 'r') self.stdin = infile source = self.get_complete_command() while source not in ['EOF']: self.process(source) source = self.get_complete_command() infile.close() self.stdin = sys.stdin self.verbose = True
char.SetSpike(50,188) #char.SetSpike(90,50) g=Geometry() char.x_co = 1 char.y_co = 3 #location of last room last_x = 6 last_y = 1 stopper = 0 cooldown = 0 endgame = 0 environ = eval('env_%d_%d()' %(char.x_co,char.y_co)) envi = Environment(environ[0], environ[1], environ[2], environ[3], environ[4]) #print environ[1].rects if random.randint(0, 1) == 0:'data//snd//bgm//07 - Positive Force.mp3') else:'data//snd//bgm//10 - Potential for Anything.mp3'), 0.0) #title of game pygame.display.set_caption('Py Mega Man 1') while True: #Invincibility frams if char.cooldown > 0: char.cooldown -= 1
portalimg=pygame.image.load('data//img//warptoken.bmp') portal=MovingEntity(portalimg, 0, 0, ENT_PORTAL) portal.SetPos(180, 84) portalimg2=pygame.image.load('data//img//warptoken2.bmp') portal2=MovingEntity(portalimg2, 0, 0, ENT_PORTAL) portal2.SetPos(180, 84) char.teleportpoint=[(50, 50), False] counter=0 #random counter to cheat gifs #initalizes all parts of screen #if char.tokens == 0: #if unique_id not in tokens: env=Environment(GAMERECT, g, img, bg, (char, plat, plat2, sprite, checkpoint,checkpoint2, spikes, trinket, portal)) #env2=Environment(GAMERECT, g, img, bg, (char, plat, plat2, sprite, checkpoint, spikes, trinket)) ##env=Environment(GAMERECT, g, img, bg, (char, plat, plat2, sprite, checkpoint,checkpoint2)) #else: # env=Environment(GAMERECT, g, img, bg, (char, plat, plat2, sprite, checkpoint,checkpoint2, spikes)) #plays bgm if random.randint(0, 1) == 0:'data//snd//bgm//07 - Positive Force.mp3') else:'data//snd//bgm//10 - Potential for Anything.mp3'), 0.0) #title of game pygame.display.set_caption('VVVVVV')
# A_2 = np.random.rand(n_corr_states,n_ind_states) # sum_A_2 = np.sum(A_2, axis=1) # # # for i in range(len(sum_A_2)): # # A_2[i] = A_2[i]/sum_A_2[i] p_matrix = combine_transition(chan_list_1, chan_list_2, A_1, A_2) print p_matrix config = {'n_nodes': 3, 'p_matrix': p_matrix, 'n_channels': 3} env = Environment(config) history = [] for i in range(2): history.append(env.get_state()) data = np.array(history) print data corr = np.corrcoef(data, rowvar=False) print corr # print cov_
def new_env(self, dry=False): user_env = EnvFile.Load( new_env = Environment(tool.create(dry)) new_env.update(user_env.env, WORK_DIR=self.__dir) return new_env
from env import Environment env = Environment() file_name = env.capture_camera_image_into_temp_file() env.save_file_for_later(file_name)
def test_finding_defining_env(self): outer = Environment({"my-var": 1}) inner = Environment(outer=outer) assert_equals(outer, inner.defining_env("my-var"))
class Lithp(Lisp): """ The Lithper class is the interpreter driver. It does the following: 1. Initialize the global environment 2. Parse the cl arguments and act on them as appropriate 3. Initialize the base Lisp functions 4. Read input 5. Evaluate 6. Print 7. Loop back to #4 """ def __init__( self): iostreams=(sys.stdin, sys.stdout, sys.stderr) (self.stdin, self.stdout, self.stderr) = iostreams self.verbose = False self.core = True self.closures = True self.rdr = Reader() self.environment = Environment() self.init() def init(self): # Define core functions self.environment.set("eq", Function(self.eq)) self.environment.set("quote", Function(self.quote)) self.environment.set("car", Function( self.environment.set("cdr", Function(self.cdr)) self.environment.set("cons", Function(self.cons)) self.environment.set("atom", Function(self.atom)) self.environment.set("cond", Function(self.cond)) # Define utility function self.environment.set("print", Function(self.println)) # Special forms self.environment.set("lambda", Function(self.lambda_)) self.environment.set("label", Function(self.label)) # Define meta-elements self.environment.set("__lithp__", self) self.environment.set("__global__", self.environment) def usage(self): self.print_banner() print print NAME.lower(), " <options> [lithp files]\n" def print_banner(self): print "The", NAME, "programming shell", VERSION print " by Fogus,", WWW print " Type :help for more information" print def print_help(self): print "Help for Lithp v", VERSION print " Type :help for more information" print " Type :env to see the bindings in the current environment" print " Type :load followed by one or more filenames to load source files" print " Type :quit to exit the interpreter" def push(self, env=None): if env: self.environment = self.environment.push(env) else: self.environment = self.environment.push() def pop(self): self.environment = self.environment.pop() def repl(self): while True: # Stealing the s-expression parsing approach from [CLIPS]( source = self.get_complete_command() # Check for any REPL directives try: if source in [":quit"]: break elif source in [":help"]: self.print_help() elif source.startswith(":load"): files = source.split(" ")[1:] self.process_files(files) elif source in [":env"]: print(self.environment) else: self.process(source) except AttributeError: print "Could not process command: ", source return # Source is processed one s-expression at a time. def process(self, source): sexpr = self.rdr.get_sexpr(source) while sexpr: result = None try: result = self.eval(sexpr) except Error as err: print(err) if self.verbose: self.stdout.write(" %s\n" % result) sexpr = self.rdr.get_sexpr() # In the process of living my life I had always heard that closures and dynamic scope # cannot co-exist. As a thought-experiment I can visualize why this is the case. That is, # while a closure captures the contextual binding of a variable, lookups in dynamic scoping # occur on the dynamic stack. This means that you may be able to close over a variable as # long as it's unique, but the moment someone else defines a variable of the same name # and attempt to look up the closed variable, it will resolve to the top-most binding on the # dynamic stack. This assumes that the lookup occurs before the variable of the same name # is popped. While this is conceptually easy to grasp, I still wanted to see what would # happen in practice -- and it wasn't pretty. def lambda_(self, env, args): if self.environment != env.get("__global__") and self.closures: return Closure(env, args[0], args[1:]) else: return Lambda(args[0], args[1:]) # Delegate evaluation to the form. def eval(self, sexpr): try: return sexpr.eval(self.environment) except ValueError as err: print(err) return FALSE # A complete command is defined as a complete s-expression. Simply put, this would be any # atom or any list with a balanced set of parentheses. def get_complete_command(self, line="", depth=0): if line != "": line = line + " " if self.environment.level != 0: prompt = PROMPT + " %i%s " % (self.environment.level, DEPTH_MARK * (depth+1)) else: if depth == 0: prompt = PROMPT + "> " else: prompt = PROMPT + "%s " % (DEPTH_MARK * (depth+1)) line = line + self.read_line(prompt) # Used to balance the parens balance = 0 for ch in line: if ch == "(": # This is not perfect, but will do for now balance = balance + 1 elif ch == ")": # Too many right parens is a problem balance = balance - 1 if balance > 0: # Balanced parens gives zero return self.get_complete_command(line, depth+1) elif balance < 0: raise ValueError("Invalid paren pattern") else: return line def read_line(self, prompt) : if prompt and self.verbose: self.stdout.write("%s" % prompt) self.stdout.flush() line = self.stdin.readline() if(len(line) == 0): return "EOF" if line[-1] == "\n": line = line[:-1] return line # Lithp also processes files using the reader plumbing. def process_files(self, files): self.verbose = False for filename in files: infile = open( filename, 'r') self.stdin = infile source = self.get_complete_command() while(source not in ["EOF"]): self.process(source) source = self.get_complete_command() infile.close() self.stdin = sys.stdin self.verbose = True
def test_changing_var_in_outer_env(self): env = Environment(outer=Environment({"my-var": 1})) env.defining_env("my-var")["my-var"] = 2 assert_equals(2, env["my-var"])
import numpy as np from config import config import model from env import Environment ############################################# config.use_gpu = True ############################################# config.rl_model = "double_dqn" config.rl_model = "bootstrapped_double_dqn" config.rl_final_exploration_step = 20000 config.apply_batchnorm = False model = model.load() env = Environment() max_episode = 2000 total_steps = 0 exploration_rate = config.rl_initial_exploration dump_freq = 10 episode_rewards = 0 num_optimal_episodes = 0 sum_reward = 0 sum_loss = 0.0 save_freq = 100 bootstrapped = False if config.rl_model in ["bootstrapped_double_dqn"]: bootstrapped = True
def main(): """Main function - includes tests and runs the REPL.""" if len(sys.argv) > 1: first_arg = sys.argv[1] if first_arg == '--test': env = Environment() execute_statement('x = 3', env) execute_statement('x+=7', env) execute_statement('y=9.23', env) env.new_frame() execute_statement('x = 5', env) print(env.frames) execute_statement('z="hello world"', env) execute_statement('z +="!!!"', env) execute_statement('a= `gelatin`', env) print(env.frames) ast = AST("3*4+5 ^ 7") print(ast.parse()) print(ast.collapse_indices(ast.build_indices())) ast = AST("18+15*9:3+10") print(ast.parse()) print(ast.collapse_indices(ast.build_indices())) print(evaluate_expression('1+2+3+4', Environment())) print(evaluate_expression('45+7*8', Environment())) print(evaluate_expression('3.2+18^2-7', Environment())) print(evaluate_expression('1:2 + 1:3 + 1:5', Environment())) print(evaluate_expression('2:3 + 3^3 - 1:5', Environment())) print(evaluate_expression('1234', Environment())) ast = AST("3 + 1 == 4") print(ast.parse()) ast = AST("3 + 1 > 4") print(ast.parse()) ast = AST("18:1 != 18.2") print(ast.parse()) ast = AST("x = 4") print(ast.parse()) ast = AST("y = 3 > 4") print(ast.parse()) env2 = Environment() execute_statement('x = 3+5*4', env2) execute_statement('y = x + 19 - 3*6', env2) print(env2.frames) elif first_arg == '--test2': ast = AST('x = "ice cream, eggs, and milk" + "...alpha or beta"') print(ast.parse()) ast = AST('y = f(1 + 1, 2 + 2, 3 + 3) - g((9+7)*2, 128/(2+2))') print(ast.parse()) ast = AST('z = f("ice cream", "eggs and milk") * g("alpha or beta", 3:8, "gamma or delta")') print(ast.parse()) ast = AST('makeList(1,2,3) + makeList(4,5,6)') print(ast.parse()) ast = AST('[max(16, 25), max(36, max(49, 64))]') print(ast.parse()) ast = AST('[concat_lists([10], [20]), concat_lists([30], [40])]') print(ast.parse()) elif first_arg == '--test3': ast = AST('[1, 2, 3]') print(ast.split_list_elems()) ast = AST('[f(2), f(3), f(4)]') print(ast.split_list_elems()) ast = AST('[f(2, 3), f(3, 4, 5), f(4, 1)]') print(ast.split_list_elems()) ast = AST('1 + 2 * 3') print(ast.split_list_elems()) print(ast.parse()) elif first_arg == '--test4': ast = AST('x.length()') print(ast.parse()) ast = AST('[1,2,3].length()') print(ast.parse()) ast = AST('3.01') print(ast.parse()) ast = AST('3.1') print(ast.parse()) elif first_arg == '--test5': env = Environment() env.new_type(['Number'], 'ComplexNumber') c = {'$type': 'ComplexNumber', 'real': 1, 'imag': 2} print(env.value_is_a(c, 'ComplexNumber')) print(env.value_is_a(c, 'Number')) print(env.value_is_a(c, 'Int')) print("") env.new_type(['Object'], 'Food') env.new_type(['Food'], 'Pizza') env.new_type(['Food'], 'Dessert') env.new_type(['Dessert'], 'ChocolateItem') env.new_type(['Pizza'], 'PepperoniPizza') env.new_type(['Pizza', 'ChocolateItem'], 'ChocolatePizza') pepperoni_pizza = {'$type': 'PepperoniPizza'} chocolate_pizza = {'$type': 'ChocolatePizza'} print(env.value_is_a(pepperoni_pizza, 'PepperoniPizza')) print(env.value_is_a(pepperoni_pizza, 'Pizza')) print(env.value_is_a(pepperoni_pizza, 'Food')) print(env.value_is_a(pepperoni_pizza, 'Dessert')) print(env.value_is_a(pepperoni_pizza, 'ChocolateItem')) print("") print(env.value_is_a(chocolate_pizza, 'PepperoniPizza')) print(env.value_is_a(chocolate_pizza, 'Pizza')) print(env.value_is_a(chocolate_pizza, 'Food')) print(env.value_is_a(chocolate_pizza, 'Dessert')) print(env.value_is_a(chocolate_pizza, 'ChocolateItem')) print("") env.new_type(['ChocolatePizza'], 'HugeChocolatePizza') huge_chocolate_pizza = {'$type': 'HugeChocolatePizza'} print(env.value_is_a(huge_chocolate_pizza, 'PepperoniPizza')) print(env.value_is_a(huge_chocolate_pizza, 'Pizza')) print(env.value_is_a(huge_chocolate_pizza, 'Food')) print(env.value_is_a(huge_chocolate_pizza, 'Dessert')) print(env.value_is_a(huge_chocolate_pizza, 'ChocolateItem')) print(env.value_is_a(huge_chocolate_pizza, 'ChocolatePizza')) print("") elif first_arg == '--test6': ast = AST('{1, 2 | 3, 4}') print(ast.parse()) elif first_arg == '--test7': ast = AST('throw "something"') print(ast.parse()) elif first_arg == '--test8': ast = AST('true and not false') print(ast.parse()) print(ast.collapse_indices(ast.build_indices())) elif first_arg == '--test9': sample = """ x = 5 // comment // comment /* multi line comment */y = 6 z = "" """ print(preprocess(sample)) elif first_arg == '--test-all': tests.test_all('capacita_programs') elif first_arg == '--test-all-fast': tests.test_all('capacita_programs', False) else: # Run a program from a text file: file_name = first_arg try: execute_program(file_to_str(file_name)) except IOError: print("Could not read file: " + file_name) exit() repl()