Пример #1
def clean_the_input(line):
    check the input is numeric and if so, round to two decimal
    input:  line    --- input quantity
    output: line    --- if it is a numeric value, a value of two decimal, 
                        otherwise, just return the value as it was

    if mcf.chkNumeric(line):
        line = str(ecf.round_up(float(line)))

    return line
def clean_the_input(line):
    check the input is numeric and if so, round to two decimal
    input:  line    --- input quantity
    output: line    --- if it is a numeric value, a value of two decimal, 
                        otherwise, just return the value as it was

    if mcf.chkNumeric(line):
        line = str(ecf.round_up(float(line)))

    return line
def make_table_with_year(hlist, y_list, title, color):
    creata a html table for a give list of sub html page with year of violation
    input:  hlist   --- a list of sub html page names
    output: line    --- a line contain html descriptions of a table
    if len(hlist) == 0:
        line = ''
        line = '<table border=1 cellpadding=5 style="margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto">\n'
        line = line + '<tr><th style="color:' + color + '">' + title + '</th><th>Predicted Year</th></tr>\n<tr>'
        ecnt = 0
        for k in range(0, len(hlist)):
            msid = hlist[k]
            year = y_list[k]
            line = line + '<td><a href="' + web_address + 'Htmls/' + msid + '_plot.html">' + msid + '</a></td>\n'
            line = line + '<td>' + str(ecf.round_up(year)) + '</td></tr>\n'

        line = line + '</table>\n'

    return line
def make_table_with_year(hlist, y_list, title, color):
    creata a html table for a give list of sub html page with year of violation
    input:  hlist   --- a list of sub html page names
    output: line    --- a line contain html descriptions of a table
    if len(hlist) == 0:
        line = ''
        line  = '<table border=1 cellpadding=5 style="margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto">\n'
        line  = line + '<tr><th style="color:' + color +'">' + title + '</th><th>Predicted Year</th></tr>\n<tr>'
        ecnt  = 0
        for k in range(0, len(hlist)):
            msid = hlist[k]
            year = y_list[k]
            line = line + '<td><a href="' + web_address + 'Htmls/' + msid + '_plot.html">' + msid + '</a></td>\n'
            line = line + '<td>' + str(ecf.round_up(year)) + '</td></tr>\n'
        line  = line + '</table>\n'

    return line
Пример #5
def unit_modification(val, tchk):
    modify value depending on unit
    input:  val         --- original value
            tchk        --- whether this is temp and need to be converted into k
                            if degc tchk = 1
                               degf tchk = 2
                               psia tchk = 3
    output: val         --- updated value
    tchk = int(float(tchk))
    if tchk == 1:
        val += 273.15               #--- C to K conversion
    elif tchk == 2:
        val = ecf.f_to_k(val)       #--- F to K conversion
    elif tchk == 3:
        val /= 0.145038             #--- kp to psia conversion
#--- round off the value to 2 dicimal points
    val = ecf.round_up(val)

    return val
Пример #6
def create_violation_notification(msid, pdata, min_a, min_b, max_a, max_b, tmax):
    check violation and create notification
    input:  msid    --- msid
            pdata   --- data set (see "read_data" for details)
            min_a   --- intercept value of the lower envelope prediction
            min_b   --- slope value of the lower envelope prediction
            max_a   --- intercept value of the upper envelope prediction
            max_b   --- slope value of the upper envelope prediction
            tmax    --- prediction ending point in time
    output: line    --- lower violation description (can be empty)
            line2   --- upper violation description (can be empty0
            pchk_l  --- indicator of whether there is lower violation (if 1)
            pchk_u  --- indicator of whether there is upper violation (if 1)
#--- predict violation
    line   = ''
    line2  = ''
    yl_time = 0.0
    yt_time = 0.0
    rl_time = 0.0
    rt_time = 0.0
    pchk_l  = 0
    pchk_u  = 0
#--- check lower violations
    vlimit = pdata[15][-1]
    if vlimit not in ['-999', '-998', '998', '999']:
        vtime1 = predict_violation(min_a, min_b, tmax, vlimit, side = 0)
        if vtime1 == tmax:
            line = 'The data are aready in Red Lower Violation'
            rl_time = -1.0
            vlimit = pdata[13][-1]
            vtime2 = predict_violation(min_a, min_b, tmax, vlimit, side = 0)
            if vtime2 == tmax:
                line = 'The data are aready in Yellow Lower Violation'
                yl_time = -1.0
            elif (vtime2 > 0) and (vtime2 < tmax + 5):
                line   = 'The data may violate the lower yellow limit at Year: ' + str(ecf.round_up(vtime2))
                yl_time = vtime2
                pchk_l  = 1
#--- check upper violations
    vlimit = pdata[16][-1]
    if vlimit not in ['-999', '-998', '998', '999']:
        vtime1 = predict_violation(min_a, min_b, tmax, vlimit, side = 1)
        if vtime1 == tmax:
            if line == '':
                line  = 'The data are aready in Red Upper Violation'
                line2 = ''
                line2 = 'The data are aready in Red Upper Violation'
            rt_time = -1.0
            vlimit = pdata[14][-1]
            vtime2 = predict_violation(max_a, max_b, tmax, vlimit, side = 1)
            if (vtime2 > 0) and (vtime2 < tmax + 5):
                if line == '':
                    if vtime2 == tmax:
                        line = 'The data are aready in Yellow Upper Violation'
                        yt_time = -1.0
                        line   = 'The data may violate the upper yellow limit at Year: ' + str(ecf.round_up(vtime2))
                        line2  = ''
                        yt_time = vtime2
                        pchk_u  = 1
                    if vtime2 == tmax:
                        line2 = 'The data are aready in Yellow Upper Violation'
                        yt_time = -1.0
                        line2  = 'The data may violate the upper yellow limit  at Year: ' + str(ecf.round_up(vtime2))
                        yt_time = vtime2
                        pchk_u  = 1
#-- update violation time estimate database
    vtdata = [yl_time, yt_time, rl_time, rt_time]
    ved.incert_data(msid, vtdata)

    return [line, line2, pchk_l, pchk_u]
Пример #7
def compute_stats(data, y_min, y_max, r_min, r_max):
    compute basic statistics for the given data
    input:  data    --- data
            y_min   --- yellow lower limit
            y_max   --- yellow upper limit
            r_min   --- red lower limit
            r_max   --- red upper limit
    output: a list of stat results:
            cnt     --- number of the data points
            avg     --- mean
            med     --- median
            dmin    --- min
            dmax    --- max
            y_min_cnt   --- the number of times the data violoated the lower yellow limit
            y_max_cnt   --- the number of times the data violoated the upper yellow limit
            r_min_cnt   --- the number of times the data violoated the lower red limit
            r_max_cnt   --- the number of times the data violoated the upper red limit
    #--- remove out layers
    dlen = len(data)
    cut = int(0.025 * dlen)
    ndata = data[cut:dlen - cut]
    if len(ndata) == 0:
        ndata = data

    darray = numpy.array(ndata)
    #--- compute data statistics
    cnt = len(data)
    avg = ecf.round_up(numpy.mean(darray))
    med = ecf.round_up(numpy.median(darray))
    std = ecf.round_up(numpy.std(darray))
    dmin = ecf.round_up(min(ndata))
    dmax = ecf.round_up(max(ndata))
    #--- fine the numbers of times the data violated limits
    #--- if they is no limit (998, 999 etc), just use huge numbers as limit
    if r_min in [-999, -998, -99]:
        r_min = -1.0e12
    if y_min in [-999, -998, -99]:
        y_min = -1.0e12

    if r_max in [999, 998, 99]:
        r_max = 1.0e12
    if y_max in [999, 998, 99]:
        y_max = 1.0e12

    y_min_cnt = 0
    y_max_cnt = 0
    r_min_cnt = 0
    r_max_cnt = 0
    for k in range(0, cnt):

        if data[k] < r_min:
            r_min_cnt += 1

        elif data[k] < y_min:
            y_min_cnt += 1

        if data[k] > r_max:
            r_max_cnt += 1

        elif data[k] > y_max:
            y_max_cnt += 1

    return [
        cnt, avg, med, std, dmin, dmax, y_min_cnt, y_max_cnt, r_min_cnt,
Пример #8
def create_violation_notification(msid, pdata, min_a, min_b, max_a, max_b,
    check violation and create notification
    input:  msid    --- msid
            pdata   --- data set (see "read_data" for details)
            min_a   --- intercept value of the lower envelope prediction
            min_b   --- slope value of the lower envelope prediction
            max_a   --- intercept value of the upper envelope prediction
            max_b   --- slope value of the upper envelope prediction
            tmax    --- prediction ending point in time
    output: line    --- lower violation description (can be empty)
            line2   --- upper violation description (can be empty0
            pchk_l  --- indicator of whether there is lower violation (if 1)
            pchk_u  --- indicator of whether there is upper violation (if 1)
    #--- predict violation
    line = ''
    line2 = ''
    yl_time = 0.0
    yt_time = 0.0
    rl_time = 0.0
    rt_time = 0.0
    pchk_l = 0
    pchk_u = 0
    #--- check lower violations
    vlimit = pdata[15][-1]
    if vlimit not in ['-999', '-998', '998', '999']:
        vtime1 = predict_violation(min_a, min_b, tmax, vlimit, side=0)
        if vtime1 == tmax:
            line = 'The data are aready in Red Lower Violation'
            rl_time = -1.0
            vlimit = pdata[13][-1]
            vtime2 = predict_violation(min_a, min_b, tmax, vlimit, side=0)

            if vtime2 == tmax:
                line = 'The data are aready in Yellow Lower Violation'
                yl_time = -1.0

            elif (vtime2 > 0) and (vtime2 < tmax + 5):
                line = 'The data may violate the lower yellow limit at Year: ' + str(
                yl_time = vtime2
                pchk_l = 1
#--- check upper violations
    vlimit = pdata[16][-1]
    if vlimit not in ['-999', '-998', '998', '999']:
        vtime1 = predict_violation(min_a, min_b, tmax, vlimit, side=1)
        if vtime1 == tmax:
            if line == '':
                line = 'The data are aready in Red Upper Violation'
                line2 = ''
                line2 = 'The data are aready in Red Upper Violation'

            rt_time = -1.0
            vlimit = pdata[14][-1]
            vtime2 = predict_violation(max_a, max_b, tmax, vlimit, side=1)
            if (vtime2 > 0) and (vtime2 < tmax + 5):
                if line == '':
                    if vtime2 == tmax:
                        line = 'The data are aready in Yellow Upper Violation'
                        yt_time = -1.0
                        line = 'The data may violate the upper yellow limit at Year: ' + str(
                        line2 = ''
                        yt_time = vtime2
                        pchk_u = 1
                    if vtime2 == tmax:
                        line2 = 'The data are aready in Yellow Upper Violation'
                        yt_time = -1.0
                        line2 = 'The data may violate the upper yellow limit  at Year: ' + str(
                        yt_time = vtime2
                        pchk_u = 1
#-- update violation time estimate database
    vtdata = [yl_time, yt_time, rl_time, rt_time]
    ved.incert_data(msid, vtdata)

    return [line, line2, pchk_l, pchk_u]
Пример #9
def compute_stats(data, y_min, y_max, r_min, r_max):
    compute basic statistics for the given data
    input:  data    --- data
            y_min   --- yellow lower limit
            y_max   --- yellow upper limit
            r_min   --- red lower limit
            r_max   --- red upper limit
    output: a list of stat results:
            cnt     --- number of the data points
            avg     --- mean
            med     --- median
            dmin    --- min
            dmax    --- max
            y_min_cnt   --- the number of times the data violoated the lower yellow limit
            y_max_cnt   --- the number of times the data violoated the upper yellow limit
            r_min_cnt   --- the number of times the data violoated the lower red limit
            r_max_cnt   --- the number of times the data violoated the upper red limit
#--- remove out layers
    dlen  = len(data)
    cut   = int(0.025 * dlen)
    ndata = data[cut:dlen-cut]
    if len(ndata) == 0:
        ndata = data

    darray = numpy.array(ndata)
#--- compute data statistics
    cnt  = len(data)
    avg  = ecf.round_up(numpy.mean(darray))
    med  = ecf.round_up(numpy.median(darray))
    std  = ecf.round_up(numpy.std(darray))
    dmin = ecf.round_up(min(ndata))
    dmax = ecf.round_up(max(ndata))
#--- fine the numbers of times the data violated limits
#--- if they is no limit (998, 999 etc), just use huge numbers as limit
    if r_min in [-999, -998, -99]:
        r_min = -1.0e12
    if y_min in [-999, -998, -99]:
        y_min = -1.0e12

    if r_max in [999, 998, 99]:
        r_max = 1.0e12
    if y_max in [999, 998, 99]:
        y_max = 1.0e12

    y_min_cnt = 0
    y_max_cnt = 0
    r_min_cnt = 0
    r_max_cnt = 0
    for k in range(0, cnt):

        if data[k] < r_min:
            r_min_cnt += 1

        elif data[k] < y_min:
            y_min_cnt += 1

        if data[k] > r_max:
            r_max_cnt += 1

        elif data[k] > y_max:
            y_max_cnt += 1

    return [cnt, avg, med, std, dmin, dmax, y_min_cnt, y_max_cnt, r_min_cnt, r_max_cnt]