Пример #1
    def start_execution_process(self, driver):

        # make scheduling
        logger.info("Building Schedule")
        heft_schedule = run_heft(self.workflow, self.rm, self.estimator)
        Utility.Utility.validate_static_schedule(self.workflow, heft_schedule)
        logger.info("HEFT makespan: " + str(Utility.Utility.makespan(heft_schedule)))

        self.execution_process_start_time = time.time()

        self.current_schedule = heft_schedule
Пример #2
    def check_for_nodes_fault(self):
        finished_task_count = len(self.current_schedule.finished_node_item_pairs())
        all_task_count  = len(self.workflow.get_all_unique_tasks())
        # if finished_task_count >= all_task_count*0.5:

        end_execution_time = time.time()
        start = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.execution_process_start_time)
        end  = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(end_execution_time)
        diff = (end - start).seconds

        # if finished_task_count >= (all_task_count * 0.75) and not self.fail_has_been_generated:

        # bsm20 - 9 res - 1.42 min - deadline: 1.5 min
        # diff = [10, 25, 50, 75]
        # bsm10 - 9 res - 1.14 min - deadline: 1.2 min
        # diff - [8, 20, 40, 60]

        if diff >=10 and not self.fail_has_been_generated:
            logger.info("Tring to kill")
            self.fail_has_been_generated = True
            resources = list(sorted(self.active_resources.keys()))
            # resources_to_be_killed = resources[:int(len(resources)/2)]
            resources_to_be_killed = resources[:3]
            # resources_to_be_killed = [resources[0]]
            for executor_id in resources_to_be_killed:
                rinfo = self.active_resources[executor_id]

            # now we can count that resources has been gone. We need:
            # 1) update rm
            # 2) update schedule, marks part of tasks as a failed
            # 3) relaunch scheduling and remake schedule
            # 3) check if the new solution is within deadline border
            # 4) if it is not, try to generate new solution with reduced count tasks
            # 5) repeat 3 - 5 until either succesful is found or there is no option any more
            # 6) if solution has been found apply, other raise exception about deadline violation

            # return
            # raise NotImplementedError

            # update rm and estimator

            # remove all planned tasks from the current schedule
            # and marks failed tasks
            new_mapping = {}
            for (node, items) in self.current_schedule.mapping.items():
                new_node = self.rm.get_node_by_name(node.name)
                new_mapping[new_node] = []
                for item in items:
                    if new_node.state == Node.Down and item.state == ScheduleItem.EXECUTING:
                        ## Note! in the old schedule (self.current_schedule) this tasks will be marked as failed too
                        item.state = ScheduleItem.FAILED
                    if item.state != ScheduleItem.UNSTARTED:
            clean_schedule = Schedule(new_mapping)

            logger.info("===RESCHEDULING PHASE===")
            logger.info("Current schedule: %s" % self.current_schedule)
            logger.info("Clean schedule: %s" % clean_schedule)

            ## replace current with reduced one (workflow-2) to save time
            # self.workflow = self.workflow_2

            st = time.time()
            not_calculated_bsm, not_calculated_swan = self.wf_struct_opt(schedule=self.current_schedule, level=-14)
            end = time.time()
            logger.info("TIME to adapt executio process: %s" % (end - st))
            # not_calculated_bsm, not_calculated_swan = [], []

            # resume execution process
            heft_schedule = run_heft(self.workflow, self.rm, self.estimator, fixed_schedule=clean_schedule)

            # make it finished
            for id in not_calculated_bsm:
                node, item = heft_schedule.place_non_failed(id)
                item.state = ScheduleItem.FINISHED

            for id in not_calculated_swan:
                node, item = heft_schedule.place_non_failed(id)
                item.state = ScheduleItem.FINISHED

            logger.info("NOT_CALCULATED_BSM: %s" % len(not_calculated_bsm))
            logger.info("New Heft Schedule: %s" % heft_schedule)

            logger.info("New HEFT makespan: " + str(Utility.Utility.makespan(heft_schedule)))
            logger.info("===END RESCHEDULING PHASE===")
            self.current_schedule = heft_schedule
