Пример #1
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, ITRS, EarthLocation, AltAz
from astropy import units as u
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import time

from numpy.core._multiarray_umath import ndarray
from scipy.spatial import distance
from scipy.linalg import det

print("Running Test Cases...")

# !------------ Test 1 - GCRS to ITRS
from envs.transformations import gcrs2irts_matrix_a, get_eops, gcrs2irts_matrix_b
eop = get_eops()

xyz1: ndarray = np.array([1285410, -4797210, 3994830], dtype=np.float64)

t = datetime(year=2007, month=4, day=5, hour=12, minute=0, second=0)
object = SkyCoord(x=xyz1[0] * u.m,
                  y=xyz1[1] * u.m,
                  z=xyz1[2] * u.m,
                  obstime=t)  # just for astropy
itrs = object.transform_to(ITRS)

test1a_error = distance.euclidean(itrs.cartesian.xyz._to_value(u.m),
                                  gcrs2irts_matrix_a(t, eop) @ xyz1)
test1b_error = distance.euclidean(itrs.cartesian.xyz._to_value(u.m),
                                  gcrs2irts_matrix_b(t, eop) @ xyz1)
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, config=env_config):
        # super(SSA_Tasker_Env, self).__init__()
        s = time.time()
        self.runtime = {'__init__': 0, 'reset': 0, 'step': 0, 'step prep': 0, 'propagate next true state': 0,
                        'perform predictions': 0, 'update with observation': 0, 'Observations and Reward': 0,
                        'filter_error': 0, 'visible_objects': 0, 'object_visibility': 0, 'anees': 0,
                        'failed_filters': 0, 'plot_sigma_delta': 0, 'plot_rewards': 0, 'plot_anees': 0,
                        'plot_actions': 0, 'all_true_obs': 0, 'plot_visibility': 0, 'predict method': 0}
        """Simulation configuration"""
        self.t_0 = config['t_0']                # time at start of simulation
        self.dt = config['time_step']           # length of time steps [s]
        self.n = config['steps']                # max run steps
        self.m = config['rso_count']            # number of Resident Space Object (RSO) to include in the simulation
        self.obs_limit = np.radians(config['obs_limit'])  # don't observe objects below this elevation [rad]
        self.obs_returned = config['obs_returned']
        self.reward_type = config['reward_type']

        # configuration parameters for RSOs; sma: Semi-major axis [m], ecc: Eccentricity [u], inc: Inclination (rad),
        # raan: Right ascension of the ascending node (rad), argp: Argument of perigee (rad), nu: True anomaly (rad)

        self.orbits = config['orbits']              # orbits to sample from
        self.obs_lla = np.array(config['observer']) * [deg2rad, deg2rad, 1]  # Observer coordinates - lat, lon, height (deg, deg, m)
        self.obs_itrs = lla2ecef(self.obs_lla)      # Observer coordinates in ITRS (m)
        self.update_interval = config['update_interval']  # how often an observation should be taken
        self.i = 0

        """Filter configuration"""
        # standard deviation of noise added to observations [rad, rad, m]
        self.obs_type = config['obs_type']
        if self.obs_type == 'aer':
            self.z_sigma = config['z_sigma'] * np.array([arcsec2rad, arcsec2rad, 1])
        elif self.obs_type == 'xyz':
            self.z_sigma = config['z_sigma']
            print('Invalid Observation Type: ' + str(config['obs_type']))
        # standard deviation of noise added to initial state estimates; [m, m, m, m/s, m/s, m/s]
        self.x_sigma = np.array(config['x_sigma'])
        self.Q = Q_noise_fn(dim=2, dt=self.dt, var=config['q_sigma'] ** 2, block_size=3, order_by_dim=False)
        self.eops = get_eops()
        self.fx = config['fx']
        self.hx = config['hx']
        self.mean_z = config['mean_z']
        self.residual_z = config['residual_z']
        self.msqrt = config['msqrt']
        self.alpha, self.beta, self.kappa = config['alpha'], config['beta'], config[
            'kappa']  # sigma point configuration parameters

        """Prep arrays"""
        # variables for the filter
        x_dim = int(6)
        z_dim = int(3)
        if config['P_0'] is None:
            self.P_0 = np.copy(np.diag(self.x_sigma ** 2))  # Assumed covariance of the estimates at simulation start
            self.P_0 = np.copy(config['P_0'])
        if config['R'] is None:
            self.R = np.diag(self.z_sigma ** 2)  # Noise added to the filter during observation updates
            self.R = np.copy(config['R'])
        self.x_true = np.empty(shape=(self.n, self.m, x_dim))  # true means for all objects at each time step
        self.x_filter = np.empty(shape=(self.n, self.m, x_dim))  # filter means for all objects at each time step
        self.P_filter = np.empty(shape=(self.n, self.m, x_dim, x_dim))  # covariances for all objects at each time step
        self.obs = np.empty(shape=(self.n, self.m, x_dim * 2))  # observations for all objects at each time step
        self.time = [self.t_0 + (timedelta(seconds=self.dt) * i) for i in range(self.n)]  # time for all time steps
        self.trans_matrix = gcrs2irts_matrix_b(self.time, self.eops)  # used for celestial to terrestrial
        self.z_noise = np.empty(shape=(self.n, self.m, z_dim))  # array to contain the noise added to each observation
        self.z_true = np.empty(shape=(self.n, self.m, z_dim))  # array to contain the true observations which are made
        self.y = np.empty(shape=(self.n, self.m, z_dim))  # array to contain the innovation of each observation
        self.S = np.empty(shape=(self.n, self.m, z_dim, z_dim))  # array to contain the innovation covariance
        self.x_noise = np.empty(shape=(self.m, x_dim))  # array to contain the noise added to each RSO
        self.filters = []  # creates a list for ukfs

        """variables for environment performance"""
        self.delta_pos = np.empty((self.n, self.m))  # euclidean distance between true and filter mean position elements
        self.delta_vel = np.empty((self.n, self.m))  # euclidean distance between true and filter mean velocity elements
        self.sigma_pos = np.empty((self.n, self.m))  # euclidean magnitude of diagonal position elements of covariance
        self.sigma_vel = np.empty((self.n, self.m))  # euclidean magnitude of diagonal velocity elements of covariance
        self.scores = np.empty((self.n, self.m))  # score of each RSO at each time step
        self.rewards = np.empty(self.n)  # reward for each time step
        self.failed_filters_id = []  # prep list for failed states
        self.failed_filters_msg = ["None"] * self.m  # prep list for failure messages
        self.actions = np.empty(self.n, dtype=int)  # prep variable for keeping track of all previous actions
        self.obs_taken = np.empty(self.n,
                                  dtype=bool)  # prep variable for keeping track of which obs were actually taken
        self.x_failed = np.array([1e20, 1e20, 1e20, 1e12, 1e12, 1e12])  # failed filter will be set to this value
        self.P_failed = np.diag([1e20, 1e20, 1e20, 1e12, 1e12, 1e12])  # failed filter will be set to this value
        self.nees = np.empty((self.n, self.m))  # used for normalized estimation error squared (NEES) and its average
        self.visibility = []  # used to store a log of visible objects at each time step
        self.sigmas_h = np.empty((self.n, x_dim * 2 + 1, z_dim))  # used to store sigmas points used in updates

        """Define Gym spaces"""
        self.action_space = gym.spaces.Discrete(self.m)  # the action is choosing which RSO to look at
        if self.obs_returned == 'flatten':
            self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=np.tile(-np.inf, (self.m * 12)), # flat 1d array for MLP
                                                    high=np.tile(np.inf, (self.m * 12)),
                                                    dtype=np.float64)  # obs is x [6] and diag(P) [6] for each RSO [m]
        elif self.obs_returned == 'aer':
            self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=np.tile(-np.inf, (self.m * 4)), # flat 1d array for MLP
                                                    high=np.tile(np.inf, (self.m * 4)),
                                                    dtype=np.float64)  # obs is aer [3] and trace(P) [1] for each RSO [m]
            self.observation = np.zeros(self.m * 4)
            self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=np.tile(-np.inf, (self.m, 12)), # 2d array for readability
                                                    high=np.tile(np.inf, (self.m, 12)),
                                                    dtype=np.float64)  # obs is x [6] and diag(P) [6] for each RSO [m]
        """Initial reset and seed calls"""
        self.np_random = None
        self.init_seed = self.seed()
        e = time.time()
        self.runtime['__init__'] += e - s
Пример #3
samples = 20000
step_size = 60 * 2.5  # seconds
max_gap = 1.5  # hours
duration = 4  # hours
obs_limit = np.radians(15)
first_window = 45  # minutes
n = int(np.ceil(duration * 60 * 60 / step_size))

observer = (38.828198, -77.305352, 20.0)  # lat, lon, height (deg, deg, m)
obs_lla = np.array(observer) * [deg2rad, deg2rad, 1
                                ]  # lat, lon, height (deg, deg, m)
obs_itrs = lla2ecef(obs_lla)  # lat, lon, height (deg, deg, m) to ITRS (m)
RE = Earth.R_mean.to_value(u.m)
t_0 = datetime(2020, 5, 4, 0, 0, 0)
t_samples = [t_0 + timedelta(seconds=step_size) * i for i in range(n)]
eops = get_eops()
trans_matrix = gcrs2irts_matrix_a(t=t_samples, eop=eops)
hx_kwargs = [{
    "trans_matrix": trans_matrix[i],
    "observer_itrs": obs_itrs,
    "observer_lla": obs_lla
} for i in range(n)]

candidates = []
seed = 0
random_state = np.random.RandomState(seed)

for i in tqdm(range(samples)):
    regime = random_state.choice(a=['LEO', 'MEO', 'GEO', 'Tundra', 'Molniya'],
                                 p=[1 / 3, 1 / 3, 1 / 9, 1 / 9, 1 / 9])
    accepted = False