Пример #1
class DemoClass(ParamStorage):
        A demonstration class using SpecialVariable
        The behaviour we desire is that a SpecialVariable
        acts like a ParamStorage (i.e. we can get or set 
        by attribute or item 
        x.state = 3 and
        x['state'] = 3
        give the same result, and
        print x['state'] and
        print x.state 
        give the same result. This is easy enough to achieve 
        for all cases other than getting from x.state. It turns out
        that __getattr__ does not override the default method
        for state *if* state is set in the class instance.
        To get around that, we have to use a fake name (fakes here)
        and instead of storing state, we store _state. This makes daling with
        with all of the conditions a little more complicated and a little 
        slower, but it allows a much more consistent interface.
        At any time, a SpecialVariable can simply be over-written by using 
        assigning to its fake name.
        instance the class
            x = demonstration()
        set a non-special value 'cheese'
            x.foo = 'bar'
        we can use this as x.foo or x['foo']
            print x.foo,x['foo']
        which should give bar bar
        now use the SpecialVariable. There are many way to load this up, 
        but an easy one is via a dictionary.
            data = {'state':np.ones(2)*5.  ,'foo':np.ones(10)}
            name = {'state':'of the nation','foo':'bar'}
            this = {'data':data,'name':name}
            x.state = this
            print x.state,x['state']
        which gives [ 5.  5.] [ 5.  5.], so we get the same from either
        approach. Note that what is returned from the SpecialVariable is 
        only what is in this['data']['state'], and that is fully the intention
        of the SpecialVariable class. It can be loaded with rich information
        from a range of sources, but if you want a quick interpretation of
        the data (i.e. x.state) you only get what is in x.state, or more fully,
        The other data that we passed to the SpecialVariable is as it was
        when read in, but relative to x._state, i.e. we have:
        which is bar.
        If you want to directly access the SpecialVariable, you can use:
        which is the same as
            x._state or x[x.fakes['state']]
        It is not adviseable to directly use the underscore access as the fakes 
        lookup dictionary can be changed. It is best to always use 
        x.fakes['state']. Indeed, if you want to override the 'special' nature
        of a term such as 'state', you can simply remove their entry from the 
            old_dict = x.fakes.copy()
            del x.fakes['state']
        Now, if you type:
            print x.state
        You get a KeyError for state, so it would have been better to:
            x.fakes = old_dict.copy()
            del x.fakes['state']
            x['state'] = x[old_dict['state']]
            print x.state
        which should give [ 5.  5.], but the type of x.state will have
        changed from SpecialVariable to np.ndarray.
        If you want to convert the SpecialVariable back to a dictionary
        you can do:
            print x[x.fakes['state']].to_dict()
        or a little less verbosely:
            print x._state.to_dict()

    def __init__(self,info=[],thisname=None,readers=[],\
        Class initialisation.
        Set up self.state and self.other as SpecialVariables
        and initialise them to None.
        nSpecial = len(self.get('fakes'))
        for i in self.fakes:
            thatname = thisname and "%s.%s"%(thisname,i)
            self[i] = SpecialVariable(logger=logger,info=info,thisname=thatname,\
            self[i] = None

    get = lambda self,this :ParamStorage.__getattr__(self,this)
    get.__name__ = 'get'
    get.__doc__ = '''
       An alternative interface to get the value of a class member
       that by-passes any more complex mechanisms. This returns the 'true'
       value of a class member, as opposed to an interpreted value.
    set = lambda self,this,that :ParamStorage.__setattr__(self,this,that)
    set.__name__ = 'set'
    set.__doc__ = '''
        An alternative interface to set the value of a class member
        that by-passes any more complex mechanisms. This sets the 'true'
        value of a class member, as opposed to an interpreted value.

    var = lambda self,this : self[self['fakes'][this]]
    var.__doc__ = '''
        Return the data associated with SpecialVariable this, 
        rather than an interpretation of it
    def __set_if_unset(self,name,value):
        A utility to check if the requested attribute
        is not currently set, and to set it if so.
        if name in self.fakes:
            fname = self.fakes[name]
            if not fname in self.__dict__:
                return True
            if not name in self.__dict__:  
                return True
        return False

    def __getattr__(self,name):
            get attribute, e.g. return self.state
        return self.__getitem__(name)

    def __setattr__(self,name,value):
            set attribute, e.g. self.state = 3
        if not self.__set_if_unset(name,value):
    def __getitem__(self,name):
            get item for class, e.g. x = self['state']
        if name in ['Data','Name']:
            return self._state[name.lower()]
        elif name in ['Control','Location']:
            return self._state[name.lower()]
        elif name in self.fakes:
            this = self.get(self.fakes[name])
            return SpecialVariable.__getitem__(this,name)
            this = self.get(name)
            return self.__dict__.__getitem__ ( name )

    def __setitem__(self,name,value,nocheck=False):
            set item for class e.g. self['state'] = 3
        if nocheck or not self.__set_if_unset(name,value):
            if name in ['Data','Name']:
                self._state[name.lower()] = value
            elif name in ['Control','Location']:
                self._state[name.lower()] = value
            elif name in self.fakes:
                this = self.get(self.fakes[name])
                this = self.get(name)
Пример #2
class SpecialVariable(ParamStorage):
    A class that can deal with the datatypes needed for eoldas

    It allows a variable to be set to various data types
    and interprets these into the data structure.
    The data structure imposed here is:
    to store some item called 'this'. Other information can be stored as well
    but part of the idea here is to have some imposed constraints on the
    data structure so that we can sensibly load up odfferent datasets.
    The idea is that data will be stored in self.data and associated 
    metadata in self.name. If items are given the same name in both
    sub-structures, we can easily keep track of them. There is no actual
    requirement that this is adhered to, but it is certainy permitted and
    encouraged for the indended use of this class.
    Probably the most important thing then about this class is that is
    a SpecialVariable is assigned different data types, then it can do sensible
    things with them in the context of the EOLDAS (and wider applications).
    When an assignment takes place (either of ther form 
        self.state = foo
        self['state'] = foo
    then what is actually stored depends on the type and nature of foo. The 
    main features as follows:
    If foo is a string:
        A guess is made that it is a filename, and an attempt is made to
        read the file. All directories in the list self.dirnames are 
        searched for the filename, and any readable files found are 
        considered candidates, Each of these is read in turn. A set of
        potential data formats, specified by the readers in readers 
        (self.reader_functions) is considered, as if a sucessful interpretation
        takes place the data is returned and stiored in the derired variable.
        So, for example, if we have self.state = foo as above and foo is a valid, 
        readable file in the list of directories specified, and it is 
        interprable with one of the formats defined, then the main dataset
        is loaded into:
        (alternatively known as self.data['state']).
    If foo is a ParamStorage, it should have the same structure as that here 
        (i.e. self.data and self.name) and these structures are then loaded.
    If foo is a dictionary (type dict)
        It is first converted to a ParamStorage and then loaded as above.
    If foo is any other datatype, it is left pretty much as it, except that
        an attempt to convert to a np.array is made.
        Depending on the format, there might be data other than the main
        dataset (e.g. locational information) and these are loaded by the 
        loaders into relevant oarts of self.data and self.name.
        For classes that use this class for EOLDAS, we will typically use:
        self.data.state     : state variable data
        self.data.sd        : uncertainty information as sd
                              (or a similar fuller representation)
        self.data.control   : control information (e.g. view angles)
        self.data.location  : location information
        with associated descriptor data in the relevant parts of self.name.
        The idea for simple use of the data structure then is for all of these
        datasets represented as 2D datasets, where the number of rows in
        each of the self.data.state etc field will be the same, but
        the number of columns will tend to vary (e.g different numbers of state
        The reason for considering such a 2D 'flat'(ish) representation is
        that it is easy to tabulate and understand. In fact the data will be of
        quite high dimension. E.g. is the data vary by time, x and y, then
        we would have 3 columns for self.data.location, with descriptors for
        the columns in self.name.location, and corresponding state data in
        self.data.state (with the number of state variables determining the
        number of columns in that table).
        As mentioned, at the pooint of this class, there is no strict 
        requirement for any such structure ti the data loaded or used, but 
        that is the plan for EOLDAS use, so worth documenting at this point.


    def __init__(self,info=[],name=None,thisname=None,readers=[],log_terms={},\
        Class SpecialVariable initialisation.
        Sets up the class as a ParamStorage and calls self.init()
        See init() fort a fuller descripotion of the options.
        name = name or thisname
        if name == None:
           import time
           thistime = str(time.time())
           name = type(self).__name__
           name =  "%s.%s" % (name,thistime)
        self.thisname = name


    def init(self,info=[],name=None,readers=[],log_terms={},\
        Initialise information in a SpecialVariable instance.
            info        :   Information tthat can be passed through to reader
                            methods (a list).
            thisname    :   a name to use to identify this instance in any
                            logging. By default this is None. If thisname is set
                            to True, then logging is to stdout.
            readers     :   A list of reader methods that are pre-pended to 
                            those already contained in the class.
            log_terms   :   A dictionary of log options. By default
                            If thisname is set, and logfile specified, then 
                            logs are logged to that file. If thisname is set
                            to True, then logging is to stdout.
            datadir     :   A list of directories to search for data files
                            to interpret if the SpecialVariable is set to a 
            env         :   An environment variable that can be used to extend
                            the datadir variable.
            header      :   A header string to use to identify pickle files.
                            By default, this is set to
                            "EOLDAS -- plewis -- UCL -- V0.1"
            simple      :   A flag to swicth off the 'complicated' 
                            interpretation methods, i.e. just set and return 
                            variables literally, do not try to interpret them.
        if name == None:
           import time
           thistime = str(time.time())
           name = type(self).__name__
           name =  "%s.%s" % (name,thistime)
        self.thisname = name

        # this is where we will put any data     
        self.data = ParamStorage()
        self.name = ParamStorage()

        self.info = info

        self.datadir = datadir or ['.']
        self.env = env     

        # sort logging and log if thisname != None
        self.log_terms = {'logfile':None,'logdir':'log','debug':True}
        # override logging info
        for (key,value) in log_terms.iteritems():
            self.log_terms[key] = value
        self.logger= sortlog(self,self.log_terms['logfile'],logger,name=self.thisname,\
        self.simple = simple

    set = lambda self,this,value :ParamStorage.__setattr__(self,this,value)
    set.__name__ = 'set'
    set.__doc__ = """
        A method to set the literal value of this, rather than attempt
        an interpretation (e.g. used when self.simple is True)
    get = lambda self,this :ParamStorage.__getattr__(self,this)
    get.__name__ = 'get'
    get.__doc__ = """
        A method to get the literal value of this, rather than attempt
        an interpretation (e.g. used when self.simple is True)

    def __setitem__(self,this,value):
        Variable setting method for style self['this']. 
        Interpreted the same as via __setattr__.
        # always set the item
    def __setattr__(self,this,value):
        Variable setting method for style self.this
        Varies what it does depending on the type of value.
        The method interprets and sets the SpecialVariable value:
            1.  ParamStorage or SpecialVariable. The data are directly loaded.
                This is one of the most flexible formats for input. It expects
                fields 'data' and/or 'name', which are loaded into self.
                There will normally be a field data.this, where this is 
                the variable name passed here.
            2.  A dictionary, same format as the ParamStorage.
            3.  A tuple, interpreted as (data,name) and loaded accordingly.
            4.  *string* as filename (various formats). An attempt to read the
                string as a file (of a set of formats) is made. If none pass 
                then it it maintained as a string.
            5.  A numpy array (np.array) that is loaded into self.data.this.
            6.  Anything else. Loaded into self.data.this as a numpy array.
        if self.simple:
        t = type(value)
            if t == ParamStorage or t == SpecialVariable:
                # update the whole structure
            elif t == dict:
                n_value = ParamStorage().from_dict(value)
            elif t == tuple or t == list:
                # assumed to be (data,name) or [data,name]
            elif t == str:
                # set the term
                # interpret as a file read if possible
            elif t == np.ndarray:
            if self.logger:
                self.logger.info("Failed to set SpecialVariable %s from %s %s"\
        if self.logger:
            self.logger.info("Set variable %s from type %s"%(this,t.__name__))

    def __getattr__(self,name):
        Variable getting method for style self.this 
        If the field 'data' exists in self.__dict__ and 'name'
        is in the dictionary, then the field self.data.this is returned.
        Otherwise, if the field 'name' is in self.__dict__, self.name
        is returned.
        Otherwise return None.

        if 'data' in self.__dict__ and name in self.data.__dict__:
            return self.data.__dict__.__getitem__ ( name )
        elif name in self.__dict__:
            return self.__dict__.__getitem__ ( name )
            return None

    def __getitem__(self,name):
        Variable getting method for style self['this']. 
        Interpreted the same as via __getattr__.
        # first look in data
        if 'data' in self.__dict__ and name in self.data.__dict__:
            return self.data.__dict__.__getitem__ ( name )
        elif name in self.__dict__:
            return self.__dict__.__getitem__ ( name )
            return None

    def process_data_string(self,name,info=[],fmt=None):
        Attempt to load data from a string, assuming the string is a filename.
        The array self.datadir is searched for readable files with the 
        string 'name' (also self.env), and a list of potential files
        considered for reading.
        Each readable file is passed to self.read, and if it is interpretable,
        it is loaded according to the read method.
        Note tha the format can be specified. If not, then all formats
        are attempted until a sucessful read is made.
        from eoldas_Lib import get_filename

        orig = self.data[name]
        if self.logger:
            self.logger.debug('%s is a string ... see if its a readable file ...' \
                          % name)
        # find a list of potential files
        goodfiles, is_error = get_filename(orig,datadir=self.datadir,\
        if is_error[0] and self.logger:
        if self.logger:
            self.logger.debug("*** looking at potential files %s"%str(goodfiles))
        # loop over all files that it might be
        for goodfile in goodfiles:
            stuff,is_error = reader(self,goodfile,name,fmt=fmt,info=info)
            if not is_error[0] and self.logger:
                self.logger.info("Read file %s "%goodfile)
        if self.logger:

    write = lambda self,filename,fmt : writer(self,filename,None,fmt=fmt)    
    read  = lambda self,filename,fmt : reader(self,filename,None,fmt=fmt,info=[])  
Пример #3
class State(ParamStorage):
    A data class to represent and manipulate state vector data

    def __init__(self,options,limits=None,bounds=None,\
        Initialise State class
            options     :   A ParamStorage data type. Most terms can be 
                            over-ridden via Options, but it should normally 
                options.thisname    :   same as name below
                options.names       :   same as names below
                options.datadir     :   same as datadir
                options.location    :   same as location
                options.limits      :   same as limits
                options.control     :   same as control
                options.env         :   an environment variable containing
                                        directory names to search for input
                options.bounds      :   same as bounds
            limits      :   List of limits to apply when reading data.
                            Limits atre also used to quantize locational data.
                            Should be of the same length as `location`
                            with each sub-list of the form [min,max,step].
                            The default is [0,None,1].
            bounds      :   List of bounds to be applied to the data, or 
                            the same length as datatypes, with each sub-list of
                            the form [min,max]
            datatype    :   The state variable data types. This will 
                            normally be `x` or `y`but may for instance be
                            `x1` or `y2`
            names       :   List of state vector names 
                            e.g. [`lai`, `chlorophyl`]
            control     :   List of strings describing control variables
                            e.g. [`mask`,`vza`,`sza`,`vaa`,saa`]
            location    :   List of strings describing location, e.g.
            datadir     :   List of ditrectories to search for data in.
            logfile     :   File name to be used for logging
            logdir      :   Directory to put logfile if logfile is not
                            an absolute pathname.
            name        :   Name to be used in logging. The default is None
                            so there is no logging. If set to True, logs 
                            to stdout. Otherwise logs to logfile if set.
            header      :   Over ride the default header string used
                            for pickle files.
            info        :   A list that is passed through to file readers etc
            readers     :   A list of file readers that is pre-prended to 
                            existing ones.
            writers     :   A list of file readers that is pre-prended to 
                            existing ones.
            grid        :   Flag to interpret the data on a grid
                            This is done by interpolation, but a mask
                            is set to 2 for such values.

    def reinit(self,options,names=None,datatype=None,limits=None,\
        Method to re-initialise the class instance
        The setup is on the whole controlled by the datatype which
            contains e.g. 'x'. This is used to set up the members
            self.x and self.y as SpecialVariables (see SpecialVariable
            in eoldas_SpecialVariable.py). There are some special attributes
            for datatypes starting with 'y'. These are assumed to be 
            observational data, which means that when they are read, the 
            data names associated with them are not limited to those in 
            self.names but rather set to whatever is read in in the data. This 
            is because the data names for observational data may be terms such 
            as waveband names etc that need special interpretation. Also,
            the default output format for observational data is 
            different to that of other data.  
        The elements self.state is a SpecialVariables which means 
            that they can be assigned various data types (see SpecialVariables)
            and loaded accordingly (e.g. if a filename is specified, this is 
            read in to the data structure. The SpecialVariables contain 'hidden'
            datasets, which here are mainly the 'control' and 'location'
            information. A SpecialVariable has two internal structures: `data`
            and `name`. The former is used to store data values (e.g. the 
            state values) and the latter to store associated metadata.
            For example, `control` is passed here e.g. as [`mask`,`vza`] and this
            gives the metadata that are stored in `name`. The actual values
            of the control data are stored in the `data` section. For
            location, we might be passed [`time`,`row`,`col`], so this is set
            in names.location, and the data.location contains the values
            of the location at each of these elements. For the actual state
            dataset, this is stored according to its name, so for `x` the values
            are stored in data.x and the associated data names in name.x.
        State datasets must represent at least the mean and standard deviation
            of a state for them to be of value in EOLDAS. TThe mean is accessed
            as e.g. self.state for the state dataset. 
            The sd is accessed can be accessed as self._state.sd if it 
            has been set. This reference can also be used to directly set 
            data associated with a SpecialVariable, e.g.
            self.Data.control = np.zeros([2,3])
            to represent 2 samples with 3 control variables. You can access name
            information similarly with
            print self.Name.control
            but this will generate a KeyError if the term has not been set. You
            can check it exists with:
            key = 'control'
            if key in self.Name:
                this = (self.Data[key],self.Name[key])
            To get e.g. a dictionary representation of a SpecialVariable
            you can use eg:
            to get the name dictionary, or
                thisdict = self._state.to_dict()
            to get the full representation, which then contains 'data' and
            'name' as well as some other information stored in the 
            You can similarly load them using e.g. 

        # set up a fakes dictionary from the data types
        self.set('datatype', datatype)
        self.set('fakes', {'state': '_state'})

        # first check that options is sensible
        self.__check_type(options, ParamStorage, fatal=True)
        self.options = options

        from eoldas_Lib import set_default_limits,\
                    check_limits_valid,quantize_location, sortopt

        nSpecial = 1
        if name == None:
            import time
            thistime = str(time.time())
            name = type(self).__name__
            name = "%s.%s" % (name, thistime)
        self.thisname = name
        self.options.thisname = str(name).replace(' ', '_')

        log_terms = {\
            'logfile':logfile or sortopt(self.options,'logfile',None),\
            'logdir':logdir or sortopt(self.options,'logdir',None),\
            'debug' : debug or sortopt(self.options,'debug',True)}

        self.datadir = datadir or sortopt(self.options, 'datadir', ["."])
        self.header = header or "EOLDAS pickle V1.0 - plewis"
        env = env or sortopt(self.options, 'env', None)
        names = names or sortopt(self.options, 'names', None)
        location = location or sortopt(self.options, 'location', ['time'])
        control = control or sortopt(self.options, 'control', [])
        limits = limits or sortopt(self.options,'limits',\
        limits = limits or self.options.limits
        limits = np.array(check_limits_valid(limits))
        bounds = bounds or sortopt(self.options,'bounds',\
                    [[None,None]] * xlen(names))
        self.options.bounds = bounds

        self.headers = {'PARAMETERS-V2':"PARAMETERS-V2", \
            'PARAMETERS':"PARAMETERS", \
            'BRDF': 'BRDF'}
        self.headers_2 = {'BRDF-UCL': 'location'}

        #  The ones pre-loaded are
        # self.read_functions = [self.read_pickle,self.read_numpy_fromfile]
        self._state = SpecialVariable(info=info,name=self.thisname,\
        # self._state is where data are read into
        # but self.Data and self.Name are where we access them from
        self.grid = grid
        # this is so we can access this object from
        # inside a SpecialVariable
        self.state = np.array([0.])
        # a default data fmt output
        if datatype[0] == 'y':
            self.Name.fmt = 'BRDF'
            self.Name.state = np.array(['dummy'])
            self.Name.fmt = 'PARAMETERS'
            n_params = xlen(names)
            if not n_params:
                error_msg = \
                    "The field 'names' must be defined in options or"+ \
                    "passed directly to this method if you have the data type x"
                raise Exception(error_msg)
        self.Name.state = np.array(names)
        self.Name.location = np.array(location)
        self.Name.control = np.array(control)
        self.Name.header = self.header
        self.Name.bounds = np.array(bounds)
        self.Name.qlocation = np.array(limits)
        self.Name.datadir = datadir
        # sort this object's name
        # sort logging
        self.logger = sortlog(self,
        self.logger.info('Initialising %s' % type(self).__name__)

    get = lambda self, this: ParamStorage.__getattr__(self, this)
    get.__name__ = 'get'
    get.__doc__ = '''
        An alternative interface to get the value of a class member
        that by-passes any more complex mechanisms. This returns the 'true'
        value of a class member, as opposed to an interpreted value.

    set = lambda self, this, that: ParamStorage.__setattr__(self, this, that)
    set.__name__ = 'set'
    set.__doc__ = '''
        An alternative interface to set the value of a class member
        that by-passes any more complex mechanisms. This sets the 'true'
        value of a class member, as opposed to an interpreted value.

    def __set_if_unset(self, name, value):
            A utility to check if the requested attribute
            is not currently set, and to set it if so.
        if name in self.fakes.keys():
            fname = self.fakes[name]
            if not fname in self.__dict__:
                ParamStorage.__setattr__(self, fname, value)
                return True
            if not name in self.__dict__:
                ParamStorage.__setattr__(self, name, value)
                return True
        return False

    def __getattr__(self, name):
            get attribute, e.g. return self.state
        return self.__getitem__(name)

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
            set attribute, e.g. self.state = 3
        if not self.__set_if_unset(name, value):
            self.__setitem__(name, value, nocheck=True)

    def __getitem__(self, name):
            get item for class, e.g. x = self['state']
        if name in ['Data', 'Name']:
            return self._state[name.lower()]
        elif name in ['Control', 'Location']:
            return self._state[name.lower()]
        elif name == 'state':
            return SpecialVariable.__getattr__(self._state, name)
            #return super( State, self ).__getattr__(name )
            return self.__dict__.__getitem__(name)

    def __setitem__(self, name, value, nocheck=False):
            set item for class e.g. self['state'] = 3
        if nocheck or not self.__set_if_unset(name, value):
            if name in ['Data', 'Name']:
                self._state[name.lower()] = value
            elif name in ['Control', 'Location']:
                self._state[name.lower()] = value
            elif name == 'state':
                # NB 'self' during the __setitem__ call
                # will be self._state as far as we are
                # concerned here
                    self._state.name.datatype = self.datatype
                SpecialVariable.__setattr__(self._state, name, value)
                #super( State, self ).__setattr__(name,value)
                # apply any overrides from options
                self.apply_defaults(self._state, self.options)
                if self.grid:
                    if 'location' in self.Name.dict().keys():
                ParamStorage.__setattr__(self, name, value)

    def apply_defaults(self, this, options):
        datatypes = np.array(options.datatypes).flatten()
        for i in datatypes:
                this.data.sd = np.array([float(v) for v in options.sd])
                n_samples = this.data.state.shape[0]
                if (np.array(options.sd)).size == 1:
                    this.data.sd = this.data.state * 0. + np.array(
                elif this.data.sd.size != this.data.state.size:
                    this.data.sd = np.tile(np.array(options.sd),n_samples).\
                default = options[i].default
                options[i].sddefault = np.array(options.sd).flatten()
                for jj in xrange(this.data.state.shape[1]):
                    ww = np.where(np.array([np.isnan(i) for \
                                   i in this.data.state[:,jj].astype(float)]))
                    this.data.state[ww, jj] = default[jj]

    def ungrid(self, state, sd):
	Utility to take a gridded dataset that has been gridded using 
	self.regrid() and ungrid it.

	The ungridding is applied to self.x.state and self.x.sd

	Locational information is formed in


		state 	: state array
		sd    	: sd array
	        location: location
                qlocation:quantised location data 
            qlocations = self.ungridder.qlocation
            locations = self.ungridder.location
            nloc = self.ungridder.nloc
            raise Exception("You are trying to ungrid a dataset that wasn't gridded using State.regrid()" +\
                " so the ungridder information is not available. Either load the data using State.grid " +\
                " or set it up some other way or avoid calling this method with this type of data")
        h0 = [qlocations[..., 0].flatten()]
        for i in xrange(1, nloc):
            h1 = qlocations[..., i].flatten()
        qlocations = np.array(h0).T
        h0 = [locations[..., 0].flatten()]
        for i in xrange(1, nloc):
            h1 = locations[..., i].flatten()
        locations = np.array(h0).T
        h0 = [state[..., 0].flatten()]
        for i in xrange(1, state.shape[-1]):
            h1 = state[..., i].flatten()
        state = np.array(h0).T
        h0 = [sd[..., 0].flatten()]
        for i in xrange(1, sd.shape[-1]):
            h1 = sd[..., i].flatten()
        sd = np.array(h0).T
        return locations, qlocations, state, sd

    def regrid(self):
        Utility to regrid non-gridded state (& associated) data 
        If no data are specified (we can see this because
        self.Data.qlocation doesnt exist) then a default grid
        is generated.
            grid       : state vector grid (offset in name)
            sdgrid     : state vector sd grid (offset in name)
            ngrid      : n samples from ip data for grids
            wheregrid  : where grid points are data points
            qlocation = self.Data.qlocation
            has_data = True
            self.logger.info("Looking at loading a grid")
            nd = len(self.Name.qlocation)
            qlocation = np.zeros((2, nd))
            for i in xrange(nd):
                qlocation[:, i] = self.Name.qlocation[0][0:2]
            # no data defined, so set up a default grid
            has_data = False
            self.logger.info("No input data given: using default grid")
        if type(self.Data.state) == str:
            # somehow the magic reader hasnt worked
            raise Exception("Datafile %s hasn't been interpreted as state data"\

        if np.array(self.Data.state).size == 1 and np.array(
                self.Data.state) == np.array(None):
            has_data = False

        datatype = self.options.datatype
        if datatype == 'y':
            self.logger.info("Not loading grid as datatype is y")
            if not self.options[datatype].apply_grid:
                self.logger.info("Not loading grid as apply_grid not set")
            default = self.options[datatype].default
            default = np.zeros_like(self.Name.state).astype(float)
            sddefault = self.options[datatype].sddefault
            sddefault = list(np.array(default) * 0.)

        self.ungridder = ParamStorage()

        nd = qlocation.shape[1]
        limits = self.Name.qlocation
        nparams = len(default)
        x = []
        minx = []
        stepx = []
        # number of location dimensions == nd
        for i in xrange(nd):
            xmin = qlocation[:, i].min()
            xmax = qlocation[:, i].max()
            xstep = 1
            lim = limits[i]
            if lim[0] != None:
                xmin = lim[0]
            if lim[1] != None:
                xmax = lim[1]
            if lim[2] != None:
                xstep = lim[2]
            # LEWIS: 20 June 2012 ERROR if xstep used
            # x.append((xmax-xmin + 1)/xstep)
            x.append((xmax - xmin) / xstep + 1)
        self.Name.qlocation_min = minx
        self.Name.qlocation_step = stepx
        # x contains the number of desired samples
        # in each dimension
        # now loop over all observations and place in grid
        ntot = np.array(x).prod()
        grid = np.zeros(ntot).reshape(tuple(x))
        sdgrid = np.zeros(ntot).reshape(tuple(x))
        ngrid = np.zeros(ntot / x[-1], dtype=int).reshape(tuple(x[:nd]))
        # now fill the grid
        all = ':,'
        for i in xrange(1, nd):
            all = '%s:,' % all
        for i in xrange(nparams):
            if i >= len(default):
                self.logger.error("Incorrect length for default")
            if i >= len(sddefault):
                self.logger.error("Incorrect length for sd")
            exec('grid[%s%d] = default[%d]' % (all, i, i))
            exec('sdgrid[%s%d] = sddefault[%d]' % (all, i, i))
        if has_data:
            for i in xrange(qlocation.shape[0]):
                loc = tuple(qlocation[i, :])  #-minx[:nd])
                ngrid[loc] += 1
                thisdata = self.Data.state[i]
                if ngrid[loc] == 1:
                    grid[loc][:] = thisdata
                    grid[loc][:] += thisdata
            # LEWIS 20 June 2012
            if self.Name.datatype == 'x':
                # take mean
                for loc in np.where(ngrid > 1)[0]:
                    grid[loc][:] = grid[loc][:] / float(ngrid[loc])

        wheregrid = np.where(ngrid > 0)
        self.Name.gridder = ParamStorage()
        self.Name.gridder.nd = len(self.Name.qlocation)
        self.Data.gridder = ParamStorage()
        self.Data.gridder.grid = grid
        self.Data.gridder.ngrid = ngrid
        self.Data.gridder.sdgrid = sdgrid
        self.Data.gridder.wheregrid = wheregrid
        self.Name.gridder.grid = minx
        self.Name.gridder.sdgrid = minx
        self.Name.gridder.stepx = stepx
        self.Name.gridder.wheregrid = wheregrid[0].size
        self.Data.gridder.ngrid = x

        # now form the information needed for ungridding
        state = grid
        nloc = len(state.shape) - 1
        ss = np.array(state.shape)
        ss[-1] = nloc
        ss = tuple(ss)
        qlocation_min = minx
        qlocation_step = stepx
        locations = np.zeros(ss)
        qlocations = np.zeros(ss, dtype=int)
        for i in xrange(nloc):
            aa = np.zeros(nloc, dtype=object)
            for jj in xrange(ss[i]):
                if i == 0:
                    qlocations[jj, ..., i] = jj
                    locations[jj, ..., i] = jj * stepx[i] + qlocation_min[i]
                elif i == 1:
                    qlocations[:, jj, ..., i] = jj
                    locations[:, jj, ..., i] = jj * stepx[i] + qlocation_min[i]
                elif i == 2:
                    qlocations[:, :, jj, ..., i] = jj
                    locations[:, :, jj, ...,
                              i] = jj * stepx[i] + qlocation_min[i]
                elif i == 3:
                    qlocations[:, :, :, jj, ..., i] = jj
                    locations[:, :, :, jj, ...,
                              i] = jj * stepx[i] + qlocation_min[i]
                elif i == 4:
                    qlocations[:, :, :, :, jj, ..., i] = jj
                    locations[:, :, :, :, jj, ...,
                              i] = jj * stepx[i] + qlocation_min[i]
                    raise Exception('How many dimensions in your dataset ??? > 4 ??? thats ridiculous'+\
                                " ... I can't write that ")
        self.ungridder.qlocation = qlocations
        self.ungridder.location = locations
        self.ungridder.nloc = nloc

    def tester(self):
            Run a test using  all methods to check competence
        print '== Data type:', self.datatype
        print '==============='
        print "  name: state"
        print "  fmt: %s:" % self.Name.fmt
        state = self.state
        print "  n_samples: %d" % xlen(state)
        print "data:"
        if xlen(state):
            print state
            print 'not set'

        # look for items that appear in both name and data
        name = self.Name
        data = self.Data
        for i in name.dict():
            if i != 'state' and i in data.dict():
                print "Sub Dataset: %s" % i
                print "----------------"
                print name[i]
                print "----------------"
                print data[i]

    def get_dimension_span(self):
        Return the number of unique samples in each dimension
        retval = {}
        locations = self.Data.location
        for i in xrange(self.Name.location):
            n = xlen(np.unique(data[i]))
            if n == 1:
                n = 0
            retval[i] = n
        return retval

    def __check_type(self, this, thistype, fatal=False, where=None):
        if type(thistype) != type:
            thistype = type(thistype)
        if type(this) != thistype:
            self.error = True
            self.error_msg = "Unexpected type %s to variable " % \
            if where != None:
                self.error_msg = self.error_msg + " " + str(where)
            self.error_msg = self.error_msg +  ": should be type %s" \
                % thistype
            if self.logger:
                self.logger.error("Error %s: " % str(self.error),
            if fatal:
                raise Exception(self.error_msg)
            return not self.error
        self.error = False
        return not self.error

    def __name_guess_suffix(self):
        If no name is assigned, we get the default name from
        self.getname() and add this string on the back of it.

        Here, it is defined as a time string for now.
        import time
        # need to make one up
        return str(time.time())

    def __logger(self, x):
        if self.log:
            print x

    def getname(self):
        Return the name associated with this class ("eoldas") or 
        # must be better way of getting this ... leave for later
        if not self.__pcheck(self.options, "thisname"):
            return type(self).__name__
            return self.options.thisname

    __pcheck = lambda self, this, name: this.dict().has_key(name)

    def startlog(self, log_terms, name=None):
        Start the logger.

        This is called on initialisation and you shouldn't 
            normally need to access it.
        import logging
        from eoldas_Lib import set_up_logfile
            self.logger = ParamStorage()
        logfile = log_terms['logfile'] or self.options.logfile
        logdir = log_terms['logdir'] or self.options.logdir
        name = name or self.options.thisname
        self.logger = set_up_logfile(logfile,\

    def write(self, filename, dataset, fmt='pickle'):
        A state data write method
        writer(self, filename, dataset, fmt=fmt)