Пример #1
def get_host_auth_info(host_auth_id):
    db = get_db()

    field_a = ['id', 'auth_mode', 'user_name', 'user_pswd', 'user_param', 'cert_id', 'encrypt']
    field_b = ['host_id', 'host_lock', 'host_ip', 'host_port', 'host_desc', 'group_id', 'host_sys_type', 'protocol']

    sql = 'SELECT {},{} ' \
          'FROM `{}auth_info` AS a ' \
          'LEFT JOIN `{}host_info` AS b ON `a`.`host_id`=`b`.`host_id` ' \
          'WHERE `a`.`id`={};'.format(','.join(['`a`.`{}`'.format(i) for i in field_a]),
                                      ','.join(['`b`.`{}`'.format(i) for i in field_b]),
                                      db.table_prefix, db.table_prefix,
    db_ret = db.query(sql)

    if db_ret is None or len(db_ret) != 1:
        return None
    x = DbItem()
    x.load(db_ret[0], ['a_{}'.format(i) for i in field_a] + ['b_{}'.format(i) for i in field_b])

    h = dict()
    h['host_ip'] = x.b_host_ip
    h['host_port'] = x.b_host_port
    h['sys_type'] = x.b_host_sys_type
    h['auth_mode'] = x.a_auth_mode
    h['user_name'] = x.a_user_name
    h['protocol'] = x.b_protocol

    if x.a_encrypt is None:
        h['encrypt'] = 1
        h['encrypt'] = x.a_encrypt

    if x.a_user_param is None:
        h['user_param'] = ''
        h['user_param'] = x.a_user_param

    h['user_auth'] = x.a_user_pswd

    if x.a_auth_mode == 1:
        h['user_auth'] = x.a_user_pswd
    elif x.a_auth_mode == 2:
        if x.a_cert_id is None:
            cert_id = 0
            cert_id = int(x.a_cert_id)  # int(user_auth)
        sql = 'SELECT `cert_pri` FROM `{}key` WHERE `cert_id`={};'.format(db.table_prefix, cert_id)
        db_ret = db.query(sql)
        if db_ret is not None and len(db_ret) == 1:
            (cert_pri,) = db_ret[0]
            h['user_auth'] = cert_pri
            return None
    elif x.a_auth_mode == 0:
        h['user_auth'] = ''
        return None

    return h
Пример #2
def get_user_list(with_admin=False):
    db = get_db()
    ret = list()

    field_a = ['account_id', 'account_type', 'account_name', 'account_status', 'account_lock', 'account_desc']

    if with_admin:
        where = ''
        where = 'WHERE `a`.`account_type`<100'

    sql = 'SELECT {} FROM `{}account` as a {} ORDER BY `account_name`;'.format(','.join(['`a`.`{}`'.format(i) for i in field_a]), db.table_prefix, where)
    db_ret = db.query(sql)
    if db_ret is None:
        return ret

    for item in db_ret:
        x = DbItem()
        x.load(item, ['a_{}'.format(i) for i in field_a])
        h = dict()
        h['user_id'] = x.a_account_id
        h['user_type'] = x.a_account_type
        h['user_name'] = x.a_account_name
        h['user_status'] = x.a_account_status
        h['user_lock'] = x.a_account_lock
        h['user_desc'] = x.a_account_desc
    return ret
Пример #3
def alloc_host(user_name, host_list):
    db = get_db()
    field_a = ['host_id']
    sql = 'SELECT {} FROM `{}auth` AS a WHERE `account_name`="{}";'.format(','.join(['`a`.`{}`'.format(i) for i in field_a]), db.table_prefix, user_name)
    db_ret = db.query(sql)
    ret = dict()
    for item in db_ret:
        x = DbItem()
        x.load(item, ['a_{}'.format(i) for i in field_a])
        host_id = int(x.a_host_id)
        ret[host_id] = host_id

    a_list = list()
    for item in host_list:
        if item in ret:
        for item in a_list:
            host_id = int(item)
            sql = 'INSERT INTO `{}auth` (`account_name`, `host_id`) VALUES ("{}", {});'.format(db.table_prefix, user_name, host_id)
            ret = db.exec(sql)
            if not ret:
                return False
        return True
        return False
Пример #4
def get_cert_list():
    db = get_db()
    field_a = ['cert_id', 'cert_name', 'cert_pub', 'cert_pri', 'cert_desc']
    sql = 'SELECT {} FROM `{}key` AS a;'.format(','.join(['`a`.`{}`'.format(i) for i in field_a]), db.table_prefix)
    db_ret = db.query(sql)

    ret = list()

    if db_ret is None:
        return ret

    for item in db_ret:
        x = DbItem()

        x.load(item, ['a_{}'.format(i) for i in field_a])
        h = dict()

        h['cert_id'] = x.a_cert_id
        if x.a_cert_name is None:
            x.a_cert_name = ''

        h['cert_name'] = x.a_cert_name
        h['cert_pub'] = x.a_cert_pub

        h['cert_pri'] = x.a_cert_pri
        if x.a_cert_desc is None:
            x.a_cert_desc = ''
        h['cert_desc'] = x.a_cert_desc
    return ret
Пример #5
def alloc_host_user(user_name, host_auth_dict):
    db = get_db()
    field_a = ['host_id', 'host_auth_id']
    sql = 'SELECT {} FROM `{}auth` AS a WHERE `account_name`="{}";'.format(
        ','.join(['`a`.`{}`'.format(i) for i in field_a]), db.table_prefix,
    db_ret = db.query(sql)
    ret = dict()
    for item in db_ret:
        x = DbItem()
        x.load(item, ['a_{}'.format(i) for i in field_a])
        host_id = int(x.a_host_id)
        host_auth_id = int(x.a_host_auth_id)
        if host_id not in ret:
            ret[host_id] = dict()

        temp = ret[host_id]
        temp[host_auth_id] = host_id
        ret[host_id] = temp

    add_dict = dict()
    for k, v in host_auth_dict.items():
        host_id = int(k)
        auth_id_list = v
        for item in auth_id_list:
            host_auth_id = int(item)
            if host_id not in ret:
                add_dict[host_auth_id] = host_id
            temp = ret[host_id]
            if host_auth_id not in temp:
                add_dict[host_auth_id] = host_id

        for k, v in add_dict.items():
            host_auth_id = int(k)
            host_id = int(v)
            sql = 'INSERT INTO `{}auth` (`account_name`, `host_id`, `host_auth_id`) VALUES ("{}", {}, {});'.format(
                db.table_prefix, user_name, host_id, host_auth_id)
            ret = db.exec(sql)
            if not ret:
                return False
        return True
        return False
Пример #6
def sys_user_list(host_id, with_pwd=True, host_auth_id=0):
    db = get_db()
    field_a = ['id', 'host_id', 'auth_mode', 'user_name', 'user_pswd', 'user_param', 'cert_id', 'log_time']
    if host_auth_id == 0:
        sql = 'SELECT {} ' \
              'FROM `{}auth_info` AS a ' \
              'WHERE `a`.`host_id`={};'.format(','.join(['`a`.`{}`'.format(i) for i in field_a]), db.table_prefix, int(host_id))
        sql = 'SELECT {} ' \
              'FROM `{}auth_info` AS a ' \
              'WHERE `a`.`id`={} and `a`.`host_id`={};'.format(','.join(['`a`.`{}`'.format(i) for i in field_a]), db.table_prefix, int(host_auth_id), int(host_id))

    db_ret = db.query(sql)

    if db_ret is None:
        return None
    ret = list()
    for item in db_ret:
        x = DbItem()
        x.load(item, ['a_{}'.format(i) for i in field_a])

        h = dict()
        # h['id'] = x.a_id

        h['host_auth_id'] = x.a_id
        h['host_id'] = x.a_host_id
        # h['pro_type'] = x.a_pro_type
        h['auth_mode'] = x.a_auth_mode
        h['user_name'] = x.a_user_name
        if with_pwd:
            h['user_pswd'] = x.a_user_pswd

        if x.a_user_param is None:
            h['user_param'] = ''
            h['user_param'] = x.a_user_param

        h['cert_id'] = x.a_cert_id
        h['log_time'] = x.a_log_time
        # if x.a_auth_mode == 2:
        #     h['user_auth'] = x.a_user_auth
        # else:
        #     h['user_auth'] = "******"

    return ret
Пример #7
def get_group_list():
    db = get_db()
    field_a = ['group_id', 'group_name']
    sql = 'SELECT {} FROM `{}group` AS a; '.format(','.join(['`a`.`{}`'.format(i) for i in field_a]), db.table_prefix)
    db_ret = db.query(sql)
    if db_ret is None:
        return list()

    ret = list()
    for item in db_ret:
        x = DbItem()
        x.load(item, ['a_{}'.format(i) for i in field_a])
        h = dict()

        h['id'] = x.a_group_id
        h['group_name'] = x.a_group_name
    return ret
Пример #8
def get_log_list(_filter, limit):
    db = get_db()

    _where = ''

    if len(_filter) > 0:
        _where = 'WHERE ( '

        need_and = False
        for k in _filter:
            if k == 'account_name':
                if need_and:
                    _where += ' AND'
                _where += ' `a`.`account_name`="{}"'.format(_filter[k])
                need_and = True

            if k == 'user_name':
                if need_and:
                    _where += ' AND'
                _where += ' `a`.`account_name`="{}"'.format(_filter[k])
                need_and = True

            elif k == 'search':
                # 查找,限于主机ID和IP地址,前者是数字,只能精确查找,后者可以模糊匹配
                # 因此,先判断搜索项能否转换为数字。

                if need_and:
                    _where += ' AND '

                _where += '('
                _where += '`a`.`host_ip` LIKE "%{}%" )'.format(_filter[k])
                need_and = True
        _where += ')'

    # http://www.jb51.net/article/46015.htm
    field_a = ['id', 'session_id', 'account_name', 'host_ip', 'host_port', 'auth_type', 'sys_type', 'user_name', 'ret_code',
               'begin_time', 'end_time', 'log_time', 'protocol']

    sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `{}log` AS a {};'.format(db.table_prefix, _where)

    db_ret = db.query(sql)
    total_count = db_ret[0][0]
    # 修正分页数据
    _limit = ''
    if len(limit) > 0:
        _page_index = limit['page_index']
        _per_page = limit['per_page']
        _limit = 'LIMIT {},{}'.format(_page_index * _per_page, (_page_index + 1) * _per_page)

        if _page_index * _per_page >= total_count:
            _page_index = int(total_count / _per_page)
            _limit = 'LIMIT {},{}'.format(_page_index * _per_page, (_page_index + 1) * _per_page)

    sql = 'SELECT {} FROM `{}log` AS a {} ORDER BY `begin_time` DESC {};'.format(','.join(['a.{}'.format(i) for i in field_a]), db.table_prefix, _where, _limit)
    db_ret = db.query(sql)

    ret = list()
    for item in db_ret:
        x = DbItem()
        x.load(item, ['a_{}'.format(i) for i in field_a])
        h = dict()
        h['id'] = x.a_id
        h['session_id'] = x.a_session_id
        h['account_name'] = x.a_account_name
        h['host_ip'] = x.a_host_ip
        h['host_port'] = x.a_host_port
        h['auth_type'] = x.a_auth_type
        h['sys_type'] = x.a_sys_type
        h['user_name'] = x.a_user_name
        h['ret_code'] = x.a_ret_code
        cost_time = (x.a_end_time - x.a_begin_time)
        if cost_time < 0:
            cost_time = 0
        h['cost_time'] = cost_time
        h['begin_time'] = x.a_begin_time
        if x.a_protocol is not None:
            h['protocol'] = x.a_protocol
            if x.a_sys_type == 1:
                h['protocol'] = 1
                h['protocol'] = 2


    return total_count, ret
Пример #9
def get_all_host_info_list(_filter, order, limit, with_pwd=False):
    db = get_db()

    _where = ''

    if len(_filter) > 0:
        _where = 'WHERE ( '

        need_and = False
        for k in _filter:
            if k == 'host_group':
                if need_and:
                    _where += ' AND'
                _where += ' `b`.`group_id`={}'.format(_filter[k])
                need_and = True
            elif k == 'host_sys_type':
                if need_and:
                    _where += ' AND'
                _where += ' `a`.`host_sys_type`={}'.format(_filter[k])
                need_and = True
            elif k == 'search':
                # 查找,限于主机ID和IP地址,前者是数字,只能精确查找,后者可以模糊匹配
                # 因此,先判断搜索项能否转换为数字。

                if need_and:
                    _where += ' AND '

                _where += '('
                _where += '`a`.`host_ip` LIKE "%{}%" OR `a`.`host_desc` LIKE "%{}%" )'.format(_filter[k], _filter[k], _filter[k])
                need_and = True
        _where += ')'

    # http://www.jb51.net/article/46015.htm
    field_a = ['host_id', 'host_lock', 'host_ip', 'host_port', 'protocol', 'host_desc', 'group_id', 'host_sys_type']
    field_b = ['group_name']

    sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) ' \
          'FROM `{}host_info` AS a ' \
          'LEFT JOIN `{}group` AS b ON `a`.`group_id`=`b`.`group_id` ' \
          '{};'.format(db.table_prefix, db.table_prefix, _where)

    db_ret = db.query(sql)
    if db_ret is None:
        return 0, list()
    total_count = db_ret[0][0]

    # 修正分页数据
    _limit = ''
    if len(limit) > 0:
        _page_index = limit['page_index']
        _per_page = limit['per_page']
        _limit = 'LIMIT {},{}'.format(_page_index * _per_page, (_page_index + 1) * _per_page)

        if _page_index * _per_page >= total_count:
            _page_index = int(total_count / _per_page)
            _limit = 'LIMIT {},{}'.format(_page_index * _per_page, (_page_index + 1) * _per_page)

    # 生成排序规则
    _order = ''
    if order is not None:
        _order = 'ORDER BY '
        if 'host_id' == order['name']:
            _order += '`a`.`host_id`'
        elif 'ip' == order['name']:
            _order += '`a`.`host_ip`'
            _order = ''

        if not order['asc'] and len(_order) > 0:
            _order += ' DESC'

    sql = 'SELECT {},{} ' \
          'FROM `{}host_info` AS a ' \
          'LEFT JOIN `{}group` AS b ON `a`.`group_id`=`b`.`group_id` ' \
          '{} {} {};'.format(','.join(['`a`.`{}`'.format(i) for i in field_a]),
                             ','.join(['`b`.`{}`'.format(i) for i in field_b]),
                             db.table_prefix, db.table_prefix,
                             _where, _order, _limit)

    db_ret = db.query(sql)
    if db_ret is None:
        return 0, list()

    ret = list()
    for item in db_ret:
        x = DbItem()
        x.load(item, ['a_{}'.format(i) for i in field_a] +
               ['b_{}'.format(i) for i in field_b])

        h = dict()
        h['host_id'] = x.a_host_id
        h['host_port'] = x.a_host_port
        h['protocol'] = x.a_protocol
        h['host_lock'] = x.a_host_lock
        h['host_ip'] = x.a_host_ip
        h['host_desc'] = x.a_host_desc
        h['group_id'] = x.a_group_id
        h['host_sys_type'] = x.a_host_sys_type
        group_name = '默认分组'
        if x.b_group_name is not None:
            group_name = x.b_group_name
        h['group_name'] = group_name

        # h['auth_list'] = list()
        # auth_list = h['auth_list']
        h['auth_list'] = sys_user_list(x.a_host_id, with_pwd)
        # auth = dict()
        # auth['host_auth_id'] = x.c_id
        # auth['auth_mode'] = x.c_auth_mode
        # auth['user_name'] = x.c_user_name
        # auth_list.append(auth)

    return total_count, ret
Пример #10
def get_auth_info(auth_id):
    @param auth_id: integer
    db = get_db()

    field_a = ['auth_id', 'account_name', 'host_auth_id', 'host_id']
    field_b = ['host_sys_type', 'host_ip', 'host_port', 'protocol']
    field_c = ['user_pswd', 'cert_id', 'user_name', 'encrypt', 'auth_mode', 'user_param']
    field_d = ['account_lock']

    sql = 'SELECT {},{},{},{} ' \
          'FROM `{}auth` AS a ' \
          'LEFT JOIN `{}host_info` AS b ON `a`.`host_id`=`b`.`host_id` ' \
          'LEFT JOIN `{}auth_info` AS c ON `a`.`host_auth_id`=`c`.`id` ' \
          'LEFT JOIN `{}account` AS d ON `a`.`account_name`=`d`.`account_name` ' \
          'WHERE `a`.`auth_id`={};' \
          ''.format(','.join(['`a`.`{}`'.format(i) for i in field_a]),
                    ','.join(['`b`.`{}`'.format(i) for i in field_b]),
                    ','.join(['`c`.`{}`'.format(i) for i in field_c]),
                    ','.join(['`d`.`{}`'.format(i) for i in field_d]),
                    db.table_prefix, db.table_prefix, db.table_prefix, db.table_prefix,

    db_ret = db.query(sql)

    if db_ret is None or len(db_ret) != 1:
        return None

    db_item = DbItem()

                 ['a_{}'.format(i) for i in field_a] +
                 ['b_{}'.format(i) for i in field_b] +
                 ['c_{}'.format(i) for i in field_c] +
                 ['d_{}'.format(i) for i in field_d]

    ret = dict()
    ret['host_ip'] = db_item.b_host_ip
    ret['sys_type'] = db_item.b_host_sys_type
    ret['account_name'] = db_item.a_account_name
    ret['account_lock'] = db_item.d_account_lock
    # h['host_lock'] = x.a_host_lock
    ret['host_port'] = db_item.b_host_port
    ret['protocol'] = db_item.b_protocol
    ret['encrypt'] = db_item.c_encrypt
    ret['auth_mode'] = db_item.c_auth_mode
    ret['user_name'] = db_item.c_user_name
    ret['user_param'] = db_item.c_user_param

    if db_item.c_auth_mode == 1:
        ret['user_auth'] = db_item.c_user_pswd
    elif db_item.c_auth_mode == 2:
        cert_id = db_item.c_cert_id

        sql = 'SELECT `cert_pri` FROM `{}key` WHERE `cert_id`={}'.format(db.table_prefix, int(cert_id))
        db_ret = db.query(sql)
        if db_ret is None or len(db_ret) > 1:
            return None
        ret['user_auth'] = db_ret[0][0]

    return ret
Пример #11
def get_host_info_list_by_user(_filter, order, limit):
    db = get_db()

    _where = ''
    if len(_filter) > 0:
        _where = 'WHERE ( '

        need_and = False
        for k in _filter:
            if k == 'host_group':
                if need_and:
                    _where += ' AND'
                _where += ' b.group_id={}'.format(_filter[k])
                need_and = True
            elif k == 'host_sys_type':
                if need_and:
                    _where += ' AND'
                _where += ' b.host_sys_type={}'.format(_filter[k])
                need_and = True

            elif k == 'account_name':
                if need_and:
                    _where += ' AND'
                _where += ' a.account_name=\'{}\''.format(_filter[k])
                need_and = True

            elif k == 'search':
                # 查找,限于主机ID和IP地址,前者是数字,只能精确查找,后者可以模糊匹配
                # 因此,先判断搜索项能否转换为数字。

                if need_and:
                    _where += ' AND '

                _where += '('
                _where += 'b.host_ip LIKE "%{}%" OR b.host_desc LIKE "%{}%" )'.format(_filter[k], _filter[k], _filter[k])
                need_and = True

    _where += ')'

    field_a = ['auth_id', 'host_id', 'account_name', 'host_auth_id']
    field_b = ['host_id', 'host_lock', 'host_ip', 'protocol', 'host_port', 'host_desc', 'group_id', 'host_sys_type']
    field_c = ['group_name']
    field_d = ['auth_mode', 'user_name']
    sql = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT a.host_id) ' \
          'FROM {}auth AS a ' \
          'LEFT JOIN {}host_info AS b ON a.host_id = b.host_id ' \
          '{};'.format(db.table_prefix, db.table_prefix, _where)

    db_ret = db.query(sql)
    total_count = db_ret[0][0]

    # 修正分页数据
    _limit = ''
    if len(limit) > 0:
        _page_index = limit['page_index']
        _per_page = limit['per_page']
        _limit = 'LIMIT {},{}'.format(_page_index * _per_page, (_page_index + 1) * _per_page)

        if _page_index * _per_page >= total_count:
            _page_index = int(total_count / _per_page)
            _limit = 'LIMIT {},{}'.format(_page_index * _per_page, (_page_index + 1) * _per_page)

    # 生成排序规则
    _order = ''
    # log.d(order['name'])
    if order is not None:
        _order = 'ORDER BY '
        if 'host_id' == order['name']:
            _order += 'b.host_id'
        elif 'ip' == order['name']:
            _order += 'b.host_ip'
            _order = ''

        if not order['asc'] and len(_order) > 0:
            _order += ' DESC'

    sql = 'SELECT {}, {},{},{} ' \
          'FROM {}auth AS a ' \
          'LEFT JOIN {}host_info AS b ON a.host_id=b.host_id ' \
          'LEFT JOIN {}group AS c ON b.group_id = c.group_id ' \
          'LEFT JOIN {}auth_info AS d ON d.id = a.host_auth_id ' \
          '{} {} {};' \
          ''.format(','.join(['a.{}'.format(i) for i in field_a]),
                    ','.join(['b.{}'.format(i) for i in field_b]),
                    ','.join(['c.{}'.format(i) for i in field_c]),
                    ','.join(['d.{}'.format(i) for i in field_d]),
                    db.table_prefix, db.table_prefix, db.table_prefix, db.table_prefix,
                    _where, _order, _limit)

    db_ret = db.query(sql)
    ret = list()
    temp = dict()
    for item in db_ret:
        x = DbItem()
        x.load(item, ['a_{}'.format(i) for i in field_a] + ['b_{}'.format(i) for i in field_b] + ['c_{}'.format(i) for i in field_c] + ['d_{}'.format(i) for i in field_d])

        host_ip = x.b_host_ip
        protocol = x.b_protocol
        key = '{}-{}'.format(host_ip, protocol)
        temp_auth = None
        extend_auth_list = sys_user_list(x.b_host_id, False, x.a_host_auth_id)
        if extend_auth_list is not None and len(extend_auth_list) > 0:
            auth = extend_auth_list[0]
            auth['auth_id'] = x.a_auth_id
            temp_auth = auth
        add = False
        if key in temp:
            h = temp[key]
            auth_list = h['auth_list']
            h['auth_list'] = auth_list
            h = dict()
            h['host_id'] = x.b_host_id
            h['host_lock'] = x.b_host_lock
            h['host_ip'] = host_ip
            h['host_port'] = x.b_host_port
            h['host_desc'] = x.b_host_desc
            h['group_id'] = x.b_group_id
            h['host_sys_type'] = x.b_host_sys_type
            h['protocol'] = x.b_protocol
            group_name = '默认分组'
            if x.c_group_name is not None:
                group_name = x.c_group_name
            h['group_name'] = group_name
            add = True
            temp[key] = h
            h['auth_list'] = list()
            auth_list = h['auth_list']
            h['auth_list'] = auth_list

        if add:

    return total_count, ret