Пример #1
def getItemWithBaseItemAttribute(lookfor, baseItemID, eager=None):
    # A lot of this is described in more detail in #1597
    item = gamedata_session.query(Item).get(lookfor)
    base = getItem(baseItemID)

    # we have to load all attributes for this object, otherwise we'll lose access to them when we expunge.
    # todo: figure out a way to eagerly load all these via the query...
    for x in [*inspect(Item).relationships.keys(), 'description']:
        getattr(item, x)

    # Copy over the attributes from the base, but ise the items attributes when there's an overlap
    # WARNING: the attribute object still has the old typeID. I don't believe we access this typeID anywhere in the code,
    # but should keep this in mind for now.
    item._Item__attributes = {**base.attributes, **item.attributes}

    # Expunge the item form the session. This is required to have different Abyssal / Base combinations loaded in memory.
    # Without expunging it, once one Abyssal Web is created, SQLAlchmey will use it for all others. We don't want this,
    # we want to generate a completely new object to work with
    return item
Пример #2
def getItemWithBaseItemAttribute(lookfor, baseItemID, eager=None):
    # A lot of this is described in more detail in #1597
    item = gamedata_session.query(Item).get(lookfor)
    base = getItem(baseItemID)

    # we have to load all attributes for this object, otherwise we'll lose access to them when we expunge.
    # todo: figure out a way to eagerly load all these via the query...
    for x in [*inspect(Item).relationships.keys(), 'description']:
        getattr(item, x)

    # Copy over the attributes from the base, but ise the items attributes when there's an overlap
    # WARNING: the attribute object still has the old typeID. I don't believe we access this typeID anywhere in the code,
    # but should keep this in mind for now.
    item._Item__attributes = {**base.attributes, **item.attributes}

    # Expunge the item form the session. This is required to have different Abyssal / Base combinations loaded in memory.
    # Without expunging it, once one Abyssal Web is created, SQLAlchmey will use it for all others. We don't want this,
    # we want to generate a completely new object to work with
    return item