Пример #1
    def handle_message(self, msg):
        if not self.check_message(msg):
            return False

        # if not direct message, check if it starts with a mention to the bot name
        text = msg['text']
        if not is_direct_channel(msg['channel']):
            # Mentions me?
            has_mention, text = has_initial_mentioning(text, self.rtm.user_id,
            if not has_mention:
                return False

        # process the text
        pyjokes_regx = EP_Regex.get_pattern(self._used_regexes[0])
        regx         = re.compile(pyjokes_regx, re.IGNORECASE)
        match        = regx.search(text.strip())
        if not match:
            return False

        # prepare the answer
        message = get_the_joke(match)

        # send the message
        if is_direct_channel(msg['channel']):
            # get who is talking to me, aka, user
            user = self.rtm.find_user(msg['user'])

            yield from user.send_message(message)
            return True
            reply = {'text': '<@{}> {}'.format(msg['user'], message),
                     'type': 'message', 'channel': msg['channel']}
            yield from self.rtm.send_event(reply)
            return True
Пример #2
    def match_event(self, state, msg):
        event = None
        match = None

        if not state.isstate('idle') and msg == 'cancel':
            return 'cancel', None

        if state.isstate('idle'):
            tran_rgx = re.compile(EP_Regex.get_pattern(self._used_regexes[0]))
            vote_rgx = re.compile(EP_Regex.get_pattern(self._used_regexes[1]))

            # '(?P<action>\bcreate \b|\bclose \b|\bshow (?:\bresults of \b)?\b)' \
            match = tran_rgx.search(msg)
            if match:
                action    = get_group_from_match(match, 'action',    '').strip()
                object    = get_group_from_match(match, 'object',    '').strip()
                poll_code = get_group_from_match(match, 'poll_code', '').strip()

                if action.startswith('show') and (action.endswith('result') or action.endswith('results')):
                    if 'poll' in object or 'voting' in object:
                        return 'request_results', match

                elif action.startswith('show'):
                    if 'poll' in object or 'voting' in object:
                        if 'open' in object:
                            return 'request_open_polls', match
                            return 'request_all_polls', match

                elif action.startswith('create'):
                    if 'poll' in object or 'voting' in object:
                        return 'open_poll', match

                elif action.startswith('close'):
                    if 'poll' in object or 'voting' in object:
                        if poll_code:
                            return 'close_poll', match

            # match a vote value
            match = vote_rgx.match(msg)
            if match:
                action = get_group_from_match(match, 'action', '')
                if action.startswith('vote'):
                    return 'vote_poll', match

        elif state.isstate('ask_topic'):
            if msg:
                return 'receive_topic', None
                return 'topic_error', None

        elif state.isstate('ask_code'):
            code_rgx = re.compile(EP_Regex.get_pattern(self._used_regexes[2]))
            match = code_rgx.match(msg)
            if match:
                return 'receive_code', match
                return 'code_error', None

        elif state.isstate('ask_hours'):
            match = re.compile(r"(?P<hours>[0-9]{1,3})").match(msg)
            if match:
                return 'receive_hours', match
                return 'hours_error', None

        elif state.isstate('ask_open_confirm'):
            if msg == 'yes' or msg == 'no':
                return 'confirm_open', None
                return 'confirm_open_error', None

        elif state.isstate('ask_close_confirm'):
            if msg == 'yes' or msg == 'no':
                return 'confirm_close', None
                return 'confirm_close_error', None

            event = None
            match = None

        return event, match