def build_ref_tree(self): start_time = time.time() print "\n> Loading taxonomy from file: %s ...\n" % (self.cfg.taxonomy_fname) self.taxonomy = GGTaxonomyFile(self.cfg.taxonomy_fname, EpacConfig.REF_SEQ_PREFIX) print "\n=> Building a multifurcating tree from taxonomy with %d seqs ...\n" % self.taxonomy.seq_count() self.validate_taxonomy() self.build_multif_tree() print "\n==> Building the reference alignment ...\n" self.export_ref_alignment() self.export_ref_taxonomy() print "\n===> Saving the outgroup for later re-rooting ...\n" self.save_rooting() print "\n====> RAxML call: resolve multifurcation ...\n" self.resolve_multif() self.load_reduced_refalign() print "\n=====> RAxML-EPA call: labeling the branches ...\n" self.epa_branch_labeling() print "\n======> Post-processing the EPA tree (re-rooting, taxonomic labeling etc.) ...\n" self.epa_post_process() self.calc_node_heights() if self.cfg.verbose: print "\n=======> Checking branch labels ...\n" print "shared rank names before training: " + repr(self.taxonomy.get_common_ranks()) print "shared rank names after training: " + repr(self.mono_index()) print "\n=======> Saving the reference JSON file ...\n" self.write_json() elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time print "\n*********** Done! (%.0f s) **********\n" % elapsed_time
class RefTreeBuilder: def __init__(self, config): self.cfg = config self.mfresolv_job_name = self.cfg.subst_name("mfresolv_%NAME%") self.epalbl_job_name = self.cfg.subst_name("epalbl_%NAME%") self.optmod_job_name = self.cfg.subst_name("optmod_%NAME%") self.raxml_wrapper = RaxmlWrapper(config) self.outgr_fname = self.cfg.tmp_fname("%NAME%_outgr.tre") self.reftree_mfu_fname = self.cfg.tmp_fname("%NAME%_mfu.tre") self.reftree_bfu_fname = self.cfg.tmp_fname("%NAME%_bfu.tre") self.optmod_fname = self.cfg.tmp_fname("%NAME%.opt") self.lblalign_fname = self.cfg.tmp_fname("%NAME%_lblq.fa") self.reftree_lbl_fname = self.cfg.tmp_fname("%NAME%_lbl.tre") self.reftree_tax_fname = self.cfg.tmp_fname("%NAME%_tax.tre") self.brmap_fname = self.cfg.tmp_fname("%NAME%_map.txt") def validate_taxonomy(self): # make sure we don't taxonomy "irregularities" (more than 7 ranks or missing ranks in the middle) action = self.cfg.wrong_rank_count if action != "ignore": autofix = action == "autofix" errs = self.taxonomy.check_for_disbalance(autofix) if len(errs) > 0: if action == "autofix": print "WARNING: %d sequences with invalid annotation (missing/redundant ranks) found and were fixed as follows:\n" % len(errs) for err in errs: print "Original: %s\t%s" % (err[0], err[1]) print "Fixed as: %s\t%s\n" % (err[0], err[2]) elif action == "skip": print "WARNING: Following %d sequences with invalid annotation (missing/redundant ranks) were skipped:\n" % len(errs) for err in errs: self.taxonomy.remove_seq(err[0]) print "%s\t%s" % err else: # abort print "ERROR: %d sequences with invalid annotation (missing/redundant ranks) found:\n" % len(errs) for err in errs: print "%s\t%s" % err print "\nPlease fix them manually (add/remove ranks) and run the pipeline again (or use -wrong-rank-count autofix option)" print "NOTE: Only standard 7-level taxonomies are supported at the moment. Although missing trailing ranks (e.g. species) are allowed," print "missing intermediate ranks (e.g. family) or sublevels (e.g. suborder) are not!\n" sys.exit() # check for duplicate rank names action = self.cfg.dup_rank_names if action != "ignore": autofix = action == "autofix" dups = self.taxonomy.check_for_duplicates(autofix) if len(dups) > 0: if action == "autofix": print "WARNING: %d sequences with duplicate rank names found and were renamed as follows:\n" % len(dups) for dup in dups: print "Original: %s\t%s" % (dup[0], dup[1]) print "Duplicate: %s\t%s" % (dup[2], dup[3]) print "Renamed to: %s\t%s\n" % (dup[2], dup[4]) elif action == "skip": print "WARNING: Following %d sequences with duplicate rank names were skipped:\n" % len(dups) for dup in dups: self.taxonomy.remove_seq(dup[2]) print "%s\t%s\n" % (dup[2], dup[3]) else: # abort print "ERROR: %d sequences with duplicate rank names found:\n" % len(dups) for dup in dups: print "%s\t%s\n%s\t%s\n" % dup print "Please fix (rename) them and run the pipeline again (or use -dup-rank-names autofix option)" sys.exit() # check for invalid characters in rank names self.taxonomy.normalize_rank_names() self.taxonomy.close_taxonomy_gaps() def build_multif_tree(self): c = self.cfg tb = TaxTreeBuilder(c, self.taxonomy) (t, ids) =, c.reftree_max_seqs_per_leaf, c.reftree_clades_to_include, c.reftree_clades_to_ignore) self.reftree_ids = frozenset(ids) self.reftree_size = len(ids) self.reftree_multif = t # IMPORTANT: select GAMMA or CAT model based on tree size! self.cfg.resolve_auto_settings(self.reftree_size) if self.cfg.debug: refseq_fname = self.cfg.tmp_fname("%NAME%_seq_ids.txt") # list of sequence ids which comprise the reference tree with open(refseq_fname, "w") as f: for sid in ids: f.write("%s\n" % sid) # original tree with taxonomic ranks as internal node labels reftax_fname = self.cfg.tmp_fname("%NAME%_mfu_tax.tre") t.write(outfile=reftax_fname, format=8) # def export_ref_alignment(self): """This function transforms the input alignment in the following way: 1. Filter out sequences which are not part of the reference tree 2. Add sequence name prefix (r_)""" in_file = self.cfg.align_fname ref_seqs = None formats = ["fasta", "phylip", "iphylip", "phylip_relaxed", "iphylip_relaxed"] for fmt in formats: try: ref_seqs = SeqGroup(sequences=in_file, format = fmt) break except: if self.cfg.debug: print("Guessing input format: not " + fmt) if ref_seqs == None: print("Invalid input file format: %s" % in_file) print("The supported input formats are fasta and phylip") sys.exit() self.refalign_fname = self.cfg.tmp_fname("%NAME%_matrix.afa") with open(self.refalign_fname, "w") as fout: for name, seq, comment, sid in ref_seqs.iter_entries(): seq_name = EpacConfig.REF_SEQ_PREFIX + name if seq_name in self.reftree_ids: fout.write(">" + seq_name + "\n" + seq + "\n") def export_ref_taxonomy(self): self.taxonomy_map = {} for sid, ranks in self.taxonomy.iteritems(): if sid in self.reftree_ids: self.taxonomy_map[sid] = ranks if self.cfg.debug: tax_fname = self.cfg.tmp_fname("%NAME%_tax.txt") with open(tax_fname, "w") as fout: for sid, ranks in self.taxonomy_map.iteritems(): ranks_str = self.taxonomy.lineage_str(sid, True) fout.write(sid + "\t" + ranks_str + "\n") def save_rooting(self): rt = self.reftree_multif tax_map = self.taxonomy.get_map() self.taxtree_helper = TaxTreeHelper(tax_map, self.cfg) self.taxtree_helper.set_mf_rooted_tree(rt) outgr = self.taxtree_helper.get_outgroup() outgr_size = len(outgr.get_leaves()) outgr.write(outfile=self.outgr_fname, format=9) self.reftree_outgroup = outgr if self.cfg.verbose: print "Outgroup for rooting was saved to: %s, outgroup size: %d" % (self.outgr_fname, outgr_size) # remove unifurcation at the root if len(rt.children) == 1: rt = rt.children[0] # now we can safely unroot the tree and remove internal node labels to make it suitable for raxml rt.write(outfile=self.reftree_mfu_fname, format=9) # RAxML call to convert multifurcating tree to the strictly bifurcating one def resolve_multif(self): print "\nReducing the alignment: \n" self.reduced_refalign_fname = self.raxml_wrapper.reduce_alignment(self.refalign_fname) print "\nResolving multifurcation: \n" raxml_params = ["-s", self.reduced_refalign_fname, "-g", self.reftree_mfu_fname, "-F", "--no-seq-check"] if self.cfg.mfresolv_method == "fast": raxml_params += ["-D"] elif self.cfg.mfresolv_method == "ultrafast": raxml_params += ["-f", "e"] self.invocation_raxml_multif =, raxml_params) if self.raxml_wrapper.result_exists(self.mfresolv_job_name): # self.raxml_wrapper.copy_result_tree(self.mfresolv_job_name, self.reftree_bfu_fname) # self.raxml_wrapper.copy_optmod_params(self.mfresolv_job_name, self.optmod_fname) bfu_fname = self.raxml_wrapper.result_fname(self.mfresolv_job_name) # RAxML call to optimize model parameters and write them down to the binary model file print "\nOptimizing model parameters: \n" raxml_params = ["-f", "e", "-s", self.reduced_refalign_fname, "-t", bfu_fname, "--no-seq-check"] if self.cfg.raxml_model == "GTRCAT" and not self.cfg.compress_patterns: raxml_params += ["-H"] self.invocation_raxml_optmod =, raxml_params) if self.raxml_wrapper.result_exists(self.optmod_job_name): self.raxml_wrapper.copy_result_tree(self.optmod_job_name, self.reftree_bfu_fname) self.raxml_wrapper.copy_optmod_params(self.optmod_job_name, self.optmod_fname) if not self.cfg.debug: self.raxml_wrapper.cleanup(self.optmod_job_name) else: print "RAxML run failed (model optimization), please examine the log for details: %s" \ % self.raxml_wrapper.make_raxml_fname("output", self.optmod_job_name) sys.exit() if not self.cfg.debug: self.raxml_wrapper.cleanup(self.mfresolv_job_name) else: print "RAxML run failed (mutlifurcation resolution), please examine the log for details: %s" \ % self.raxml_wrapper.make_raxml_fname("output", self.mfresolv_job_name) sys.exit() def load_reduced_refalign(self): formats = ["fasta", "phylip_relaxed"] for fmt in formats: try: self.reduced_refalign_seqs = SeqGroup(sequences=self.reduced_refalign_fname, format = fmt) break except: pass if self.reduced_refalign_seqs == None: print("FATAL ERROR: Invalid input file format in %s! (load_reduced_refalign)" % self.reduced_refalign_fname) sys.exit() # dummy EPA run to label the branches of the reference tree, which we need to build a mapping to tax ranks def epa_branch_labeling(self): # create alignment with dummy query seq self.refalign_width = len(self.reduced_refalign_seqs.get_seqbyid(0)) self.reduced_refalign_seqs.write(format="fasta", outfile=self.lblalign_fname) with open(self.lblalign_fname, "a") as fout: fout.write(">" + "DUMMY131313" + "\n") fout.write("A"*self.refalign_width + "\n") epa_result = self.raxml_wrapper.run_epa(self.epalbl_job_name, self.lblalign_fname, self.reftree_bfu_fname, self.optmod_fname) self.reftree_lbl_str = epa_result.get_std_newick_tree() self.raxml_version = epa_result.get_raxml_version() self.invocation_raxml_epalbl = epa_result.get_raxml_invocation() if self.raxml_wrapper.epa_result_exists(self.epalbl_job_name): if not self.cfg.debug: self.raxml_wrapper.cleanup(self.epalbl_job_name, True) else: print "RAxML EPA run failed, please examine the log for details: %s" \ % self.raxml_wrapper.make_raxml_fname("output", self.epalbl_job_name) sys.exit() def epa_post_process(self): lbl_tree = Tree(self.reftree_lbl_str) self.taxtree_helper.set_bf_unrooted_tree(lbl_tree) self.reftree_tax = self.taxtree_helper.get_tax_tree() self.bid_ranks_map = self.taxtree_helper.get_bid_taxonomy_map() if self.cfg.debug: self.reftree_tax.write(outfile=self.reftree_lbl_fname, format=5) self.reftree_tax.write(outfile=self.reftree_tax_fname, format=3) def build_branch_rank_map(self): self.bid_ranks_map = {} for node in self.reftree_tax.traverse("postorder"): if not node.is_root() and hasattr(node, "B"): parent = node.up self.bid_ranks_map[node.B] = parent.ranks # print "%s => %s" % (node.B, parent.ranks) elif self.cfg.verbose: print "INFO: EPA branch label missing, mapping to taxon skipped (%s)" % def write_branch_rank_map(self): with open(self.brmap_fname, "w") as fbrmap: for node in self.reftree_tax.traverse("postorder"): if not node.is_root() and hasattr(node, "B"): fbrmap.write(node.B + "\t" + ";".join(self.bid_ranks_map[node.B]) + "\n") def calc_node_heights(self): """Calculate node heights on the reference tree (used to define branch-length cutoff during classification step) Algorithm is as follows: Tip node or node resolved to Species level: height = 1 Inner node resolved to Genus or above: height = min(left_height, right_height) + 1 """ nh_map = {} dummy_added = False for node in self.reftree_tax.traverse("postorder"): if not node.is_root(): if not hasattr(node, "B"): # In a rooted tree, there is always one more node/branch than in unrooted one # That's why one branch will be always not EPA-labelled after the rooting if not dummy_added: node.B = "DDD" dummy_added = True species_rank = Taxonomy.EMPTY_RANK else: print "FATAL ERROR: More than one tree branch without EPA label (calc_node_heights)" sys.exit() else: species_rank = self.bid_ranks_map[node.B][6] bid = node.B if node.is_leaf() or species_rank != Taxonomy.EMPTY_RANK: nh_map[bid] = 1 else: lchild = node.children[0] rchild = node.children[1] nh_map[bid] = min(nh_map[lchild.B], nh_map[rchild.B]) + 1 # remove heights for dummy nodes, since there won't be any placements on them if dummy_added: del nh_map["DDD"] self.node_height_map = nh_map def __get_all_rank_names(self, root): rnames = set([]) for node in root.traverse("postorder"): ranks = node.ranks for rk in ranks: rnames.add(rk) return rnames def mono_index(self): """This method will calculate monophyly index by looking at the left and right hand side of the tree""" children = self.reftree_tax.children if len(children) == 1: while len(children) == 1: children = children[0].children if len(children) == 2: left = children[0] right =children[1] lset = self.__get_all_rank_names(left) rset = self.__get_all_rank_names(right) iset = lset & rset return iset else: print("Error: input tree not birfurcating") return set([]) def build_hmm_profile(self, json_builder): print "Building the HMMER profile...\n" # this stupid workaround is needed because RAxML outputs the reduced # alignment in relaxed PHYLIP format, which is not supported by HMMER refalign_fasta = self.cfg.tmp_fname("%NAME%_ref_reduced.fa") self.reduced_refalign_seqs.write(outfile=refalign_fasta) hmm = hmmer(self.cfg, refalign_fasta) fprofile = hmm.build_hmm_profile() json_builder.set_hmm_profile(fprofile) if not self.cfg.debug: FileUtils.remove_if_exists(refalign_fasta) FileUtils.remove_if_exists(fprofile) def write_json(self): jw = RefJsonBuilder() jw.set_taxonomy(self.bid_ranks_map) jw.set_tree(self.reftree_lbl_str) jw.set_outgroup(self.reftree_outgroup) jw.set_ratehet_model(self.cfg.raxml_model) jw.set_tax_tree(self.reftree_multif) jw.set_pattern_compression(self.cfg.compress_patterns) mdata = { "ref_tree_size": self.reftree_size, "ref_alignment_width": self.refalign_width, "raxml_version": self.raxml_version, "timestamp": str(, "invocation_epac": self.invocation_epac, "invocation_raxml_multif": self.invocation_raxml_multif, "invocation_raxml_optmod": self.invocation_raxml_optmod, "invocation_raxml_epalbl": self.invocation_raxml_epalbl } jw.set_metadata(mdata) seqs = self.reduced_refalign_seqs.get_entries() jw.set_sequences(seqs) if not self.cfg.no_hmmer: self.build_hmm_profile(jw) orig_tax = self.taxonomy_map jw.set_origin_taxonomy(orig_tax) print "Calculating the speciation rate...\n" tp = tree_param(tree = self.reftree_lbl_str, origin_taxonomy = orig_tax) jw.set_rate(tp.get_speciation_rate_fast()) jw.set_nodes_height(self.node_height_map) jw.set_binary_model(self.optmod_fname) print "Writing down the reference file...\n" jw.dump(self.cfg.refjson_fname) def cleanup(self): FileUtils.remove_if_exists(self.outgr_fname) FileUtils.remove_if_exists(self.reftree_mfu_fname) FileUtils.remove_if_exists(self.reftree_bfu_fname) FileUtils.remove_if_exists(self.optmod_fname) FileUtils.remove_if_exists(self.lblalign_fname) FileUtils.remove_if_exists(self.outgr_fname) FileUtils.remove_if_exists(self.reduced_refalign_fname) FileUtils.remove_if_exists(self.refalign_fname) # top-level function to build a reference tree def build_ref_tree(self): start_time = time.time() print "\n> Loading taxonomy from file: %s ...\n" % (self.cfg.taxonomy_fname) self.taxonomy = GGTaxonomyFile(self.cfg.taxonomy_fname, EpacConfig.REF_SEQ_PREFIX) print "\n=> Building a multifurcating tree from taxonomy with %d seqs ...\n" % self.taxonomy.seq_count() self.validate_taxonomy() self.build_multif_tree() print "\n==> Building the reference alignment ...\n" self.export_ref_alignment() self.export_ref_taxonomy() print "\n===> Saving the outgroup for later re-rooting ...\n" self.save_rooting() print "\n====> RAxML call: resolve multifurcation ...\n" self.resolve_multif() self.load_reduced_refalign() print "\n=====> RAxML-EPA call: labeling the branches ...\n" self.epa_branch_labeling() print "\n======> Post-processing the EPA tree (re-rooting, taxonomic labeling etc.) ...\n" self.epa_post_process() self.calc_node_heights() if self.cfg.verbose: print "\n=======> Checking branch labels ...\n" print "shared rank names before training: " + repr(self.taxonomy.get_common_ranks()) print "shared rank names after training: " + repr(self.mono_index()) print "\n=======> Saving the reference JSON file ...\n" self.write_json() elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time print "\n*********** Done! (%.0f s) **********\n" % elapsed_time