def bfs_population_xls(usecols=None): """Return the municipality Excel file as a pandas.DataFrame.""" url = '' path = DATA_DOWNLOADS_DIR / 'bfs_municipality_population.xlsx' download_and_save(url, path, load=False) print(f"Loading {path}...", flush=True) sheet = pd.read_excel(path, sheet_name='2018', header=1, skipfooter=5, usecols=usecols) return sheet
def bfs_residence_work_xls(header=(3, 4), usecols=None): """Return the residence-workplace commute Excel file as a pandas.DataFrame.""" url = '' path = DATA_DOWNLOADS_DIR / 'bfs_residence_work.xlsx' download_and_save(url, path, load=False) print(f"Loading {path}...", flush=True) sheet = pd.read_excel(path, sheet_name='Commune of residence perspect.', header=header, skipfooter=4, usecols=usecols) return sheet
def download_matrix_mtx(): """ Downloads and returns path to .mtx traffic matrix. """ from zipfile import ZipFile zippath = DATA_DOWNLOADS_DIR / "" download_and_save( "", zippath) mtx_path, = extract_zip(zippath, "_CH_", DATA_DOWNLOADS_DIR) return mtx_path
def get_shape_file(): """ Downloads and returns path to shape file with cantons. """ zippath = DATA_DOWNLOADS_DIR / "" download_and_save( "", zippath) shapefile = "BOUNDARIES_2020/DATEN/swissBOUNDARIES3D/SHAPEFILE_LV95_LN02/swissBOUNDARIES3D_1_3_TLM_KANTONSGEBIET" DATA_MAP_DIR = DATA_DOWNLOADS_DIR / "map" paths = extract_zip(zippath, shapefile, DATA_MAP_DIR) return os.path.splitext(paths[0])[0]
def download_zones_gpkg(): """ Downloads and returns path to .gpkg database with zone info. """ from zipfile import ZipFile zippath = DATA_DOWNLOADS_DIR / "" download_and_save( "", zippath) gpkgzip = "" gpkgzip_path, = extract_zip(zippath, gpkgzip, DATA_DOWNLOADS_DIR) DATA_MAP_DIR = DATA_DOWNLOADS_DIR / "map" gpkg_path, = extract_zip(gpkgzip_path, "Verkehrszonen_Schweiz_NPVM_2017.gpkg", DATA_MAP_DIR) return gpkg_path
def fetch_openzh_covid_data(*, cache_duration=3600): """ Returns a dictionary of lists {canton abbreviation: number of cases per day}. """ url = '' path = DATA_DOWNLOADS_DIR / 'covid19_cases_switzerland_openzh.csv' raw = download_and_save(url, path, cache_duration=cache_duration) rows = raw.decode('utf8').split() cantons = rows[0].split(',')[1:-1] # Skip the "Date" and "CH" cell. data = {canton: [] for canton in cantons} for day in rows[1:]: # Skip the header. cells = day.split(',')[1:-1] # Skip "Date" and "CH". assert len(cells) == len(cantons), (len(cells), len(cantons)) for canton, cell in zip(cantons, cells): data[canton].append(float(cell or 'nan')) return data
def get_field_data_all_cantons(field, cache_duration=1e9): url = '' + field + '_switzerland_openzh.csv' file_path = 'covid19_' + field + '_switzerland_openzh.csv' path = DATA_DOWNLOADS_DIR / file_path raw = download_and_save(url, path, cache_duration=cache_duration) rows = raw.decode('utf8').split() cantons = rows[0].split(',')[1:-1] # Skip the "Date" and "CH" cell. data = {canton: [] for canton in cantons} date = [] for day in rows[1:]: # Skip the header. cells = day.split(',')[1:-1] # Skip "Date" and "CH". date.append(date_fromisoformat(day.split(',')[0])) assert len(cells) == len(cantons), (len(cells), len(cantons)) for canton, cell in zip(cantons, cells): data[canton].append(float(cell or 'nan')) data['date'] = date return data