Пример #1
	def deviceStartComm(self, dev):
		self.debugLog(u"%s starting communication" % dev.name)
		dev.stateListOrDisplayStateIdChanged() # Force plugin to refresh states from devices.xml 1.1.0
		if self.cache is None: return
		if "lastreset" in dev.states:
			d = indigo.server.getTime()
			if dev.states["lastreset"] == "": dev.updateStateOnServer("lastreset", d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d "))
		if self.cache.deviceInCache (dev.id) == False:
			self.debugLog(u"%s not in cache, appears to be a new device or plugin was just started" % dev.name)
			self.cache.cacheDevices() # Failsafe
		self.addWatchedStates("*", dev.deviceTypeId, dev.id) # Failsafe
		#self.cache.dictDump (self.cache.devices[dev.id])
		dev.updateStateOnServer(key="statedisplay", value=True, uiValue="True")
		if dev.deviceTypeId == "epslcdwe":
				# 1.1.0 added preferences for speed
				if eps.propValid(dev, "speed", True) == False: 
					props = dev.pluginProps
					props["speed"] = "mph"
				# 1.1.0 added preferences for pressure
				if eps.propValid(dev, "pressure", True) == False: 
					props = dev.pluginProps
					props["pressure"] = "inHg"
				indigo.server.log("Error trying to save new device properties, please edit the device and re-save properties to get past this issue", isError=True)
		if dev.deviceTypeId == "epslcdir":
			# Extract zone names
			loop = 1
			if eps.propValid (dev, "device", True):
				devEx = indigo.devices[int(dev.pluginProps["device"])]
				self.debugLog ("\tGetting zone names from %s" % devEx.name)
				for s in devEx.zoneNames:
					#def stringToLCD (self, value, length, padLeft = False):
					value = self.lcd.stringToLCD (s, 20, dev.pluginProps["textspaces"])
					self.debugLog ("\t\t%s returned value is %s" % (s, value))
					self.lcd.stringToGraphics (dev, "zonename" + str(loop) + "_", s)
					loop = loop + 1
Пример #2
	def addWatchedStates (self, subDevId = "*", deviceTypeId = "*", mainDevId = "*"):
		if deviceTypeId == "*" or deviceTypeId == "epslcdsb":
			if mainDevId != "*":
				dev = indigo.devices[int(mainDevId)]
				devChild = indigo.devices[int(dev.pluginProps["device"])]
				subDevId = devChild.id # Must be specific for multiple choice
				for i in range (1, 6):
					if eps.propValid (dev, "state" + str(i), True):
						self.cache.addWatchState (dev.pluginProps["state" + str(i)], subDevId, "epslcdsb", dev.id)
		elif deviceTypeId == "*" or deviceTypeId == "epslcddt": # 1.12
			dev = indigo.devices[int(mainDevId)]
			if dev.pluginProps["systemdate"] == False and dev.pluginProps["usevariable"] == False:
				if mainDevId != "*":
					devChild = indigo.devices[int(dev.pluginProps["device"])]
					subDevId = devChild.id # Must be specific for multiple choice
					if eps.propValid (dev, "state", True):
						if eps.propValid (devChild, dev.pluginProps["state"]):
							self.cache.addWatchState (dev.pluginProps["state"], subDevId, "epslcddt", dev.id)	
							self.cache.addWatchProperty (dev.pluginProps["state"], subDevId, "epslcddt", dev.id)	
							# Since properties don't auto-update, force an update here - the only thing we are doing
							# this on is lastChanged
							self.dateTimeDeviceUpdate (dev, dev.lastChanged)
		elif deviceTypeId == "*" or deviceTypeId == "epslcdalc":
			for s in plug.defAlarmClock:
				self.cache.addWatchState (s, subDevId, "epslcdalc")
			dev = indigo.devices[int(mainDevId)]
		elif deviceTypeId == "*" or deviceTypeId == "epslcdth":
			for s in plug.defThermostat:
				self.cache.addWatchState (s, subDevId, "epslcdth")
			dev = indigo.devices[int(mainDevId)]
			# If an extended device was configure then add watches for it
			if eps.propValid (dev, "device2", True):
				devExtended = indigo.devices[int(dev.pluginProps["device2"])]
				for s in plug.defThermostatEx:
					self.cache.addWatchState (s, devExtended.id, "*", dev.id) 
		elif deviceTypeId == "*" or deviceTypeId == "epslcdwe":
			if mainDevId != "*":
				# self, stateName, subDevId = "*", deviceTypeId = "*", mainDevId = "*"
				dev = indigo.devices[int(mainDevId)]
				devChild = indigo.devices[int(dev.pluginProps["device"])]
				subDevId = devChild.id # Must be specific for multiple choice
				# If an extended device was configure then add watches for it
				if eps.propValid (dev, "device2", True):
					devExtended = indigo.devices[int(dev.pluginProps["device2"])]
					for s in plug.defWeatherEx:
						self.cache.addWatchState (s, devExtended.id, "*", dev.id) 
				if devChild.pluginId == "com.fogbert.indigoplugin.wunderground": # Weather Underground plugin		
					for s in plug.defWUnderground:
						self.cache.addWatchState (s, subDevId, "epslcdwe", dev.id) 
				elif devChild.pluginId == "com.perceptiveautomation.indigoplugin.weathersnoop": # Weathersnoop plugin	
					for s in plug.defWeathersnoop:
						self.cache.addWatchState (s, subDevId, "epslcdwe", dev.id)
					self.cache.addWatchState ("temperature_" + dev.pluginProps["temps"], subDevId, "epslcdwe", dev.id)
					self.cache.addWatchState ("dayRain_" + dev.pluginProps["measures"], subDevId, "epslcdwe", dev.id)
					self.cache.addWatchState ("rainOneHour_" + dev.pluginProps["measures"], subDevId, "epslcdwe", dev.id)
					# 1.1.0 from dewPoint to Pressure
					self.cache.addWatchState ("dewPoint" + dev.pluginProps["temps"], subDevId, "epslcdwe", dev.id)
					self.cache.addWatchState ("windChill" + dev.pluginProps["temps"], subDevId, "epslcdwe", dev.id)
					self.cache.addWatchState ("windSpeed_" + dev.pluginProps["speed"], subDevId, "epslcdwe", dev.id)
					self.cache.addWatchState ("windGust_" + dev.pluginProps["speed"], subDevId, "epslcdwe", dev.id)
					self.cache.addWatchState ("relativeBarometricPressure_" + dev.pluginProps["pressure"], subDevId, "epslcdwe", dev.id)
				elif devChild.pluginId == "com.perceptiveautomation.indigoplugin.NOAAWeather": # NOAA
					for s in plug.defNOAA:
						self.cache.addWatchState (s, subDevId, "epslcdwe", dev.id)
		elif deviceTypeId == "*" or deviceTypeId == "epslcdir":
			for s in plug.defSprinklers:
				self.cache.addWatchState (s, subDevId, "epslcdir")
			dev = indigo.devices[int(mainDevId)]
			# If an extended device was configure then add watches for it
			if eps.propValid (dev, "device2", True):
				devExtended = indigo.devices[int(dev.pluginProps["device2"])]
				for s in plug.defIrrigationEx:
					self.cache.addWatchState (s, devExtended.id, "*", dev.id) 
		#self.cache.dictDump (self.cache.devices)