def plot_model_density(self, overlay, sample, xlim=[], ylim=[], line_color="g", figure_size=(7, 8), lognorm=True, filetype="png", resolution=300, filename=None): """ Plots the resulting regression model of the data """ # Plot data plot_agency_magnitude_density(, True, sample, xlim, ylim, figure_size, lognorm) # Plot Model model_x, model_y, self.standard_deviation = self.retrieve_model() title_string = self.model_type.get_string(self.keys[2], self.keys[0]) plt.plot(model_x, model_y, line_color, linewidth=2.0, label=title_string) #plt.title(r"{:s}".format(title_string), fontsize=14) plt.legend(loc=2, frameon=False) if filename: utils._save_image(filename, filetype, resolution) if not overlay:
def plot_agency_magnitude_pair(data, overlay=False, xlim=[], ylim=[], marker="o", figure_size=(7, 8), filetype="png", resolution=300, filename=None): """ Plots the agency magnitude pair :param dict data: Query result for a particular joint agency-magnitude pair combination :param bool overlay: Allows another layer to be rendered on top (True) or closes the figure for plotting (False) :param list xlim: Lower and upper bounds for x-axis :param list ylim: Lower and upper bounds for y-axis """ if not data: print "No pairs found - abandoning plot!" return fig = plt.figure(figsize=figure_size) keys = data.keys() plt.errorbar(data[keys[0]], data[keys[2]], xerr=data[keys[1]], yerr=data[keys[3]], marker=marker, mfc="b", mec="k", ls="None", ecolor="r") plt.xlabel(utils._to_latex(keys[0]), fontsize=16) plt.ylabel(utils._to_latex(keys[2]), fontsize=16) plt.grid(True) if len(xlim) == 2: lowx = xlim[0] highx = xlim[1] else: lowx = np.floor(np.min(data[keys[0]])) highx = np.ceil(np.max(data[keys[0]])) if len(ylim) == 2: lowy = ylim[0] highy = ylim[1] else: lowy = np.floor(np.min(data[keys[2]])) highy = np.ceil(np.max(data[keys[2]])) if lowy < lowx: lowx = lowy if highy > highx: highx = highy plt.ylim(lowx, highx) plt.xlim(lowx, highx) # Overlay 1:1 line plt.plot(np.array([lowx, highx]), np.array([lowx, highx]), ls="--", color=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], zorder=1) plt.tight_layout() if filename: utils._save_image(filename, filetype, resolution) if not overlay: return data
def plot_magnitude_conversion_model(self, model, overlay, line_color="g", filetype="png", resolution=300, filename=None): """ Plots a specific magnitude conversion model (to overlay on top of a current figure) """ model_x = np.arange(0.9 * np.min([self.keys[0]]), 1.1 * np.max([self.keys[0]]), 0.01) model_y, _ = model.convert_value(model_x, 0.0) plt.plot(model_x, model_y, line_color, linewidth=2.0, label=model.model_name) plt.legend(loc=2, frameon=False) if filename: utils._save_image(filename, filetype, resolution) if not overlay:
def plot_agency_magnitude_density(data, overlay=False, number_samples=0, xlim=[], ylim=[], figure_size=(7, 8), lognorm=True, filetype="png", resolution=300, filename=None): """ """ keys = data.keys() if not data: print "No pairs found - abandoning plot!" return if len(xlim) == 2: lowx = xlim[0] highx = xlim[1] else: lowx = np.floor(np.min(data[keys[0]])) highx = np.ceil(np.max(data[keys[0]])) if len(ylim) == 2: lowy = ylim[0] highy = ylim[1] else: lowy = np.floor(np.min(data[keys[2]])) highy = np.ceil(np.max(data[keys[2]])) if lowy < lowx: lowx = lowy if highy > highx: highx = highy xbins = np.linspace(lowx - 0.05, highx + 0.05, ((highx + 0.05 - lowx - 0.05) / 0.1) + 2.0) ybins = np.linspace(lowx - 0.05, highx + 0.05, ((highx + 0.05 - lowx - 0.05) / 0.1) + 2.0) density = sample_agency_magnitude_pairs(data, xbins, ybins, number_samples) fig = plt.figure(figsize=figure_size) if lognorm: cmap = deepcopy("jet")) data_norm = LogNorm(vmin=0.1, vmax=np.max(density)) else: cmap = deepcopy("jet")) cmap.set_under("w") data_norm = Normalize(vmin=0.1, vmax=np.max(density)) #density[density < 1E-15] == np.nan plt.pcolormesh(xbins[:-1] + 0.05, ybins[:-1] + 0.05, density.T, norm=data_norm, cmap=cmap) cbar = plt.colorbar() cbar.set_label("Number Events", fontsize=16) plt.xlabel(utils._to_latex(keys[0]), fontsize=16) plt.ylabel(utils._to_latex(keys[2]), fontsize=16) plt.grid(True) plt.ylim(lowx, highx) plt.xlim(lowx, highx) # Overlay 1:1 line plt.plot(np.array([lowx, highx]), np.array([lowx, highx]), ls="--", color=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], zorder=1) plt.tight_layout() if filename: utils._save_image(filename, filetype, resolution) if not overlay: return data