rhs[mnx_id] = math.fabs(rgt['coefficient'])

    equation_str = ' + '.join([f'{value} {key}' for key, value in lhs.items()]) + \
        " = " + \
        ' + '.join([f'{value} {key}' for key, value in rhs.items()])

    equilibrator_reaction = Reaction.parse_formula(ccache.get_compound,

        result = equilibrator_calculator.standard_dg_prime(
        dG0_prime = str(result.value.to('kilocal / mole').magnitude)
        uncertainty = str(result.error.to('kilocal / mole').magnitude)

        ln_RI = equilibrator_calculator.ln_reversibility_index(
        if not type(ln_RI) == float:
            ln_RI = str(ln_RI.magnitude)

        output_handle.write("\t".join([rxn, dG0_prime, uncertainty, ln_RI]) +
    except Exception as e:
        output_handle.write("\t".join([rxn, "Unable to retrieve energy"]) +

    #These are all true, as per earlier condition

print("Saving reactions")
Пример #2
class rpEquilibrator:
    """Class containing collection of functions to intereact between rpSBML files and equilibrator. Includes a function to convert an rpSBML file to a SBtab format for MDF analysis
    def __init__(self, rpsbml=None, ph=7.5, ionic_strength=200, pMg=10.0, temp_k=298.15):
        """Constructor class for rpEquilibrator

        :param rpsbml: rpSBML object (Default: None)
        :param ph: pH of the cell input from the rpSBML model input (Default: 7.5)
        :param ionic_strength: Ionic strength from the rpSBML model input (Default: 200)
        :param pMg: pMg value from the rpSBML model input (Default: 10.0)
        :param temp_k: Temperature from the rpSBML model input in Kelvin (Default: 298.15)

        :type rpsbml: rpSBML
        :type ph: float
        :type ionic_strength: float
        :type pMg: float
        :type temp_k: float

        .. document private functions
        .. automethod:: _makeSpeciesStr
        .. automethod:: _makeReactionStr
        .. automethod:: _speciesCmpQuery
        .. automethod:: _reactionCmpQuery
        .. automethod:: _reactionStrQuery
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self.logger.debug('Started instance of rpEquilibrator')
        self.cc = ComponentContribution()
        self.cc.p_h = Q_(ph)
        self.cc.ionic_strength = Q_(str(ionic_strength)+' mM')
        self.cc.p_mg = Q_(pMg)
        self.cc.temperature = Q_(str(temp_k)+' K')
        self.ph = ph
        self.ionic_strength = ionic_strength
        self.pMg = pMg
        self.temp_k = temp_k
        #self.mnx_default_conc = json.load(open('data/mnx_default_conc.json', 'r'))
        self.mnx_default_conc = json.load(open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath( __file__ )), 'data', 'mnx_default_conc.json'), 'r'))
        self.rpsbml = rpsbml
        self.calc_cmp = {}

    ############################### PRIVATE ##########################################

    #TODO: metanetx.chemical:MNXM7 + bigg.metabolite:pi
    def _makeSpeciesStr(self, libsbml_species, ret_type='xref'):
        """Private function that makes a Equilibrator friendly string of a species

        :param libsbml_species: A libsbml species object
        :param ret_type: Type of output. Valid output include: ['name', 'id', 'xref']

        :type libsbml_species: libsbml.Species
        :type ret_type: str

        Take a libsbml species object, parse the MIRIAM or the brsynth (if present) to return 
        the equilibrator appropriate string. The order of preference is the following:
        example input MIRIAM annotation: {'inchikey': ['GPRLSGONYQIRFK-UHFFFAOYSA-N'], 'seed': ['cpd00067'], 'sabiork': ['39'], 'reactome': ['R-ALL-74722', 'R-ALL-70106', 'R-ALL-5668577', 'R-ALL-428548', 'R-ALL-428040', 'R-ALL-427899', 'R-ALL-425999', 'R-ALL-425978', 'R-ALL-425969', 'R-ALL-374900', 'R-ALL-372511', 'R-ALL-351626', 'R-ALL-2872447', 'R-ALL-2000349', 'R-ALL-194688', 'R-ALL-193465', 'R-ALL-163953', 'R-ALL-156540', 'R-ALL-1470067', 'R-ALL-113529', 'R-ALL-1132304'], 'metacyc': ['PROTON'], 'hmdb': ['HMDB59597'], 'chebi': ['5584', '13357', '10744', '15378'], 'bigg': ['M_h', 'h'], 'metanetx': ['MNXM89553', 'MNXM145872', 'MNXM1', 'MNXM01']}
        ret_type -> valid options (xref, id, name)

        :rtype: str
        :return: The string id of the species or False if fail
        self.logger.debug('ret_type: '+str(ret_type))
        if ret_type=='name':
            return libsbml_species.getName()
        elif ret_type=='id':
            return libsbml_species.getId()
        elif ret_type=='xref':
            annot = libsbml_species.getAnnotation()
            if not annot:
                self.logger.error('Cannot retreive the annotation')
                return False
            miriam_dict = self.rpsbml.readMIRIAMAnnotation(annot)
            self.logger.debug('miriam_dict: '+str(miriam_dict))
            if not miriam_dict:
                self.logger.warning('The object annotation does not have any MIRIAM entries')
                return False
            if 'kegg' in miriam_dict:
                if miriam_dict['kegg']:
                        #take the lowest value
                        int_list = [int(i.replace('C', '')) for i in miriam_dict['kegg']]
                        return 'KEGG:'+str(miriam_dict['kegg'][int_list.index(min(int_list))])
                    except ValueError:
                        self.logger.warning('There is a non int value in: '+str(miriam_dict['kegg']))
            elif 'chebi' in miriam_dict:
                if miriam_dict['chebi']:
                        #take the lowest value
                        int_list = [int(i) for i in miriam_dict['chebi']]
                        return 'CHEBI:'+str(miriam_dict['chebi'][int_list.index(min(int_list))])
                    except ValueError:
                        self.logger.warning('There is a non int value in: '+str(miriam_dict['chebi']))
            elif 'metanetx' in miriam_dict:
                if miriam_dict['metanetx']:
                        #take the lowest value
                        int_list = [int(i.replace('MNXM', '')) for i in miriam_dict['metanetx']]
                        return 'metanetx.chemical:'+str(miriam_dict['metanetx'][int_list.index(min(int_list))])
                    except ValueError:
                        self.logger.warning('There is a non int value in: '+str(miriam_dict['metanetx']))
            elif 'inchikey' in miriam_dict:
                if miriam_dict['inchikey']:
                    if len(miriam_dict['inchikey'])==1:
                        return miriam_dict['inchikey'][0]
                        self.logger.warning('There are multiple values of inchikey: '+str(miriam_dict['inchikey']))
                        self.logger.warning('Taking the first one')
                        return miriam_dict['inchikey'][0]
                self.logger.warning('Could not extract string input for '+str(miriam_dict))
                return False
            self.logger.warning('The MIRIAM annotation does not have the required information')
            return False
            self.logger.warning('Cannot determine ret_type: '+str(ret_type))

    def _makeReactionStr(self, libsbml_reaction, ret_type='xref', ret_stoichio=True):
        """Make the reaction formulae string to query equilibrator

        :param libsbml_reaction: A libsbml reaction object
        :param ret_type: Type of output. Valid output include: ['name', 'id', 'xref'] (Default: xref)
        :param ret_stoichio: Return the stoichio or not (Default: True)

        :type libsbml_reaction: libsbml.Reaction
        :type ret_type: str
        :type ret_stoichio: bool

        :rtype: str
        :return: The string id of the reaction or False if fail
        reac_str = ''
        for rea in libsbml_reaction.getListOfReactants():
            rea_str = self._makeSpeciesStr(self.rpsbml.model.getSpecies(rea.getSpecies()), ret_type)
            if rea_str:
                if ret_stoichio:
                    reac_str += str(rea.getStoichiometry())+' '+str(rea_str)+' + '
                    reac_str += str(rea_str)+' + '
                return False
        reac_str = reac_str[:-2]
        reac_str += '<=> ' #TODO: need to find a way to determine the reversibility of the reaction
        for pro in libsbml_reaction.getListOfProducts():
            pro_str = self._makeSpeciesStr(self.rpsbml.model.getSpecies(pro.getSpecies()), ret_type)
            if pro_str:
                if ret_stoichio:
                    reac_str += str(pro.getStoichiometry())+' '+str(pro_str)+' + '
                    reac_str += str(pro_str)+' + '
                return False
        reac_str = reac_str[:-2]
        self.logger.debug('reac_str: '+str(reac_str))
        return reac_str

    ################### Equilibrator component contribution queries instead of using the native functions ###########

    def _speciesCmpQuery(self, libsbml_species):
        """Use the native equilibrator-api compound contribution method

        :param libsbml_species: A libsbml species object

        :type libsbml_species: libsbml.Reaction

        :rtype: tuple
        :return: Tuple of size two with mu and sigma values in that order or (None, None) if fail
        annot = libsbml_species.getAnnotation()
        if not annot:
            self.logger.warning('The annotation of '+str(libsbml_species)+' is None....')
            return None, None
        brs_annot = self.rpsbml.readBRSYNTHAnnotation(libsbml_species.getAnnotation())
        #TODO: handle the condition where there are no inchi values but there are SMILES -- should rarely, if ever happen
        self.logger.debug('libsbml_species: '+str(libsbml_species))
        #self.logger.debug('brs_annot: '+str(brs_annot))
        #Try to get the cmp from the ID
        spe_id = self._makeSpeciesStr(libsbml_species)
        spe_cmp = None
        if spe_id:
            self.logger.debug('Trying to find the CMP using the xref string: '+str(spe_id))
            spe_cmp = self.cc.ccache.get_compound(self._makeSpeciesStr(libsbml_species))
        if not spe_cmp:
            self.logger.debug('Trying to find the CMP using the structure')
            #try to find it in the local data - we do this because there are repeated species in many files
            if brs_annot['inchi'] in self.calc_cmp:
                spe_cmp = self.calc_cmp[brs_annot['inchi']]
            elif brs_annot['smiles'] in self.calc_cmp:
                spe_cmp = self.calc_cmp[brs_annot['smiles']]
                #if you cannot find it then calculate it
                    spe_cmp = get_or_create_compound(self.cc.ccache, brs_annot['inchi'], mol_format='inchi')
                    self.calc_cmp[brs_annot['inchi']] = spe_cmp
                    self.calc_cmp[brs_annot['smiles']] = spe_cmp
                except (OSError, KeyError, GroupDecompositionError) as e:
                        spe_cmp = get_or_create_compound(self.cc.ccache, brs_annot['smiles'], mol_format='smiles')
                        self.calc_cmp[brs_annot['smiles']] = spe_cmp
                        self.calc_cmp[brs_annot['inchi']] = spe_cmp
                    except (OSError, KeyError, GroupDecompositionError) as e:
                        self.logger.warning('The following species does not have brsynth annotation InChI or SMILES: '+str(libsbml_species.getId()))
                        self.logger.warning('Or Equilibrator could not convert the structures')
                        return None, None
        if spe_cmp.id==4: #this is H+ and can be ignored
            return 'h', 'h'
        self.logger.debug('spe_cmp: '+str(spe_cmp))
        #mu, sigma = self.cc.predictor.preprocess.get_compound_prediction(eq_cmp[0])
        mu, sigma = self.cc.predictor.preprocess.get_compound_prediction(spe_cmp)
        return mu, sigma

    def _reactionCmpQuery(self, libsbml_reaction, write_results=False, physio_param=1e-3):
        """This method makes a list of structure compounds and uses equilibrator to return the reaction dG

        :param libsbml_reaction: A libsbml reaction object
        :param write_results: Write the results to the rpSBML file (Default: False)
        :param physio_param: The physiological parameter, i.e. the concentration of the compounds to calculate the dG (Default: 1e-3)

        :type libsbml_reaction: libsbml.Reaction
        :type write_results: bool
        :type physio_param: float

        :rtype: tuple
        :return: Tuple of size three with dfG_prime_o, dfG_prime_m, uncertainty values in that order or False if fail
        mus = []
        sigma_vecs = []
        S = []
        dfG_prime_o = None
        dfG_prime_m = None
        uncertainty = None
        for rea in libsbml_reaction.getListOfReactants():
            self.logger.debug('------------------- '+str(rea.getSpecies())+' --------------')
            mu, sigma = self._speciesCmpQuery(self.rpsbml.model.getSpecies(rea.getSpecies()))
            self.logger.debug('mu: '+str(mu))
            if not mu:
                self.logger.warning('Failed to calculate the reaction mu thermodynamics using compound query')
                if write_results:
                    self.rpsbml.addUpdateBRSynth(libsbml_reaction, 'dfG_prime_o', 0.0, 'kj_per_mol')
                    self.rpsbml.addUpdateBRSynth(libsbml_reaction, 'dfG_prime_m', 0.0, 'kj_per_mol')
                    self.rpsbml.addUpdateBRSynth(libsbml_reaction, 'dfG_uncert', 0.0, 'kj_per_mol')
                return False
            elif mu=='h': #skipping the Hydrogen
        for pro in libsbml_reaction.getListOfProducts():
            mu, sigma = self._speciesCmpQuery(self.rpsbml.model.getSpecies(pro.getSpecies()))
            if not mu:
                self.logger.warning('Failed to calculate the reaction mu thermodynamics using compound query')
                if write_results:
                    self.rpsbml.addUpdateBRSynth(libsbml_reaction, 'dfG_prime_o', 0.0, 'kj_per_mol')
                    self.rpsbml.addUpdateBRSynth(libsbml_reaction, 'dfG_prime_m', 0.0, 'kj_per_mol')
                    self.rpsbml.addUpdateBRSynth(libsbml_reaction, 'dfG_uncert', 0.0, 'kj_per_mol')
                return False
            elif mu=='h': #skipping the Hydrogen
        mus = Q_(mus, 'kJ/mol')
        sigma_vecs = Q_(sigma_vecs, 'kJ/mol')
        np_S = np.array(S)
        dfG_prime_o = np_S.T@mus
        dfG_prime_o = float(dfG_prime_o.m[0])
        ###### adjust fot physio parameters to calculate the dGm'
        #TODO: check with Elad
        dfG_prime_m = float(dfG_prime_o)+float(self.cc.RT.m)*sum([float(sto[0])*float(np.log(co)) for sto, co in zip(S, [physio_param]*len(S))])
        uncertainty = np_S.T@sigma_vecs
        uncertainty = [email protected]
        uncertainty = uncertainty.m[0][0]
        if write_results:
            self.rpsbml.addUpdateBRSynth(libsbml_reaction, 'dfG_prime_o', dfG_prime_o, 'kj_per_mol')
            self.rpsbml.addUpdateBRSynth(libsbml_reaction, 'dfG_prime_m', dfG_prime_m, 'kj_per_mol')
            self.rpsbml.addUpdateBRSynth(libsbml_reaction, 'dfG_uncert', uncertainty, 'kj_per_mol')
        return dfG_prime_o, dfG_prime_m, uncertainty

    ## Not sure if we should implement such a function -- recommended by Elad I geuss
    def pathwayCmpQuery(self, write_results=False):
        #1) build the stochio matrix taking into account all the species of the reaction -- must keep track

    #################### native equilibrator-api functions ###############

    def speciesStrQuery(self, libsbml_species, write_results=False):
        Return the formation energy of a chemical species
        return False

    #TODO: when an inchikey is passed, (and you don't have any other xref) and equilibrator finds the correct species then update the MIRIAM annotations
    def _reactionStrQuery(self, libsbml_reaction, write_results=False):
        """Build the string reaction from a libSBML reaction object to send to equilibrator and return the different thermodynamics analysis available

        :param libsbml_reaction: A libsbml reaction object
        :param write_results: Write the results to the rpSBML file (Default: False)

        :type libsbml_reaction: libsbml.Reaction
        :type write_results: bool

        :rtype: bool
        :return: Success or failue of the function
        reac_str = ''
            reac_str = self._makeReactionStr(libsbml_reaction)
            self.logger.debug('The reaction string is: '+str(reac_str))
            if not reac_str:
                self.logger.warning('Could not generate the reaction string for: '+str(libsbml_reaction))
                if write_results:
                    self.logger.warning('Writing the 0 results to the file')
                    self.rpsbml.addUpdateBRSynth(libsbml_reaction, 'dfG_prime_o', 0.0, 'kj_per_mol')
                    self.rpsbml.addUpdateBRSynth(libsbml_reaction, 'dfG_prime_m', 0.0, 'kj_per_mol')
                    self.rpsbml.addUpdateBRSynth(libsbml_reaction, 'dfG_uncert', 0.0, 'kj_per_mol')
                    #Are there default values for these?
                    #self.rpsbml.addUpdateBRSynth(libsbml_reaction, 'reversibility_index', 0.0)
                    #self.rpsbml.addUpdateBRSynth(libsbml_reaction, 'balanced', rxn.is_balanced())
                return False
            rxn = self.cc.parse_reaction_formula(reac_str)
            standard_dg = self.cc.standard_dg(rxn)
            standard_dg_prime = self.cc.standard_dg_prime(rxn)
            physiological_dg_prime = self.cc.physiological_dg_prime(rxn)
            ln_reversibility_index = self.cc.ln_reversibility_index(rxn)
            if type(ln_reversibility_index)==float:
                self.logger.warning('The reversibility index is infinite: '+str(ln_reversibility_index))
                ln_reversibility_index = None
                ln_reversibility_index_error = None
                ln_reversibility_index_error = ln_reversibility_index.error.m
                ln_reversibility_index = ln_reversibility_index.value.m
            self.logger.debug('ln_reversibility_index: '+str(ln_reversibility_index))
            self.logger.debug('standard_dg.value.m: '+str(standard_dg.value.m))
            self.logger.debug('standard_dg.error.m: '+str(standard_dg.error.m))
            self.logger.debug('standard_dg_prime.value.m: '+str(standard_dg_prime.value.m))
            self.logger.debug('standard_dg_prime.error.m: '+str(standard_dg_prime.error.m))
            self.logger.debug('physiological_dg_prime.value.m: '+str(physiological_dg_prime.value.m))
            self.logger.debug('physiological_dg_prime.error.m: '+str(physiological_dg_prime.error.m))
            if write_results:
                self.rpsbml.addUpdateBRSynth(libsbml_reaction, 'dfG_prime_o', standard_dg_prime.value.m, 'kj_per_mol')
                self.rpsbml.addUpdateBRSynth(libsbml_reaction, 'dfG_prime_m', physiological_dg_prime.value.m, 'kj_per_mol')
                self.rpsbml.addUpdateBRSynth(libsbml_reaction, 'dfG_uncert', standard_dg.error.m, 'kj_per_mol')
                if ln_reversibility_index:
                    self.rpsbml.addUpdateBRSynth(libsbml_reaction, 'reversibility_index', ln_reversibility_index)
                self.rpsbml.addUpdateBRSynth(libsbml_reaction, 'balanced', rxn.is_balanced())
            return (rxn.is_balanced(),
                   (ln_reversibility_index, ln_reversibility_index_error),
                   (float(standard_dg.value.m), float(standard_dg.error.m)),
                   (float(standard_dg_prime.value.m), float(standard_dg_prime.error.m)), 
                   (float(physiological_dg_prime.value.m), float(physiological_dg_prime.error.m)))
        except equilibrator_cache.exceptions.ParseException:
            self.logger.warning('One of the reaction species cannot be parsed by equilibrator: '+str(reac_str))
            return False
        except equilibrator_cache.exceptions.MissingDissociationConstantsException:
            self.logger.warning('Some of the species have not been pre-caclulated using ChemAxon')

    ########################### PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ###################################

    #WARNING: taking the sum of the reaction thermodynamics is perhaps not the best way to do it
    def pathway(self, pathway_id='rp_pathway', write_results=True):
        """Calculate the dG of a heterologous pathway

        :param pathway_id: The id of the heterologous pathway of interest (Default: rp_pathway)
        :param write_results: Write the results to the rpSBML file (Default: True)

        :type pathway_id: str
        :type write_results: bool

        :rtype: tuple
        :return: Tuple with the following information, in order: sum dG_prime, std dG_prime, sum dG_prime_o, std dG_prime_o, sum dG_prime_m, std dG_prime_m. Also False if function error.
        groups = self.rpsbml.model.getPlugin('groups')
        rp_pathway = groups.getGroup(pathway_id)
        if not rp_pathway:
            self.logger.error('Cannot retreive the pathway: '+str(pathway_id))
            return False
        pathway_balanced = []
        pathway_reversibility_index = []
        pathway_reversibility_index_error = []
        pathway_standard_dg = []
        pathway_standard_dg_error = []
        pathway_standard_dg_prime = []
        pathway_standard_dg_prime_error = []
        pathway_physiological_dg_prime = []
        pathway_physiological_dg_prime_error = []
        for react in [self.rpsbml.model.getReaction(i.getIdRef()) for i in rp_pathway.getListOfMembers()]:
            self.logger.debug('Sending the following reaction to _reactionStrQuery: '+str(react))
            res = self._reactionStrQuery(react, write_results)
            self.logger.debug('The result is :'+str(res))
            if res:
                #WARNING: the uncertainty for the three thermo calculations should be the same
                if not res[1][0]==None:
                if not res[1][1]==None:
                #ignoring --  need to see if legacy component contribution can return these values
                self.logger.info('Native equilibrator string query failed')
                self.logger.info('Trying equilibrator_api component contribution')
                self.logger.debug('Trying to calculate using CC: '+str(react))
                res = self._reactionCmpQuery(react, write_results)
                if res:
                    #TODO: need to implement
                    self.logger.warning('Cannot calculate the thermodynmics for the reaction: '+str(react))
                    self.logger.warning('Setting everything to 0')
                    #TODO: need to implement
                    #return False
        #WARNING return is ignoring balanced and reversibility index -- need to implement in legacy to return it (however still writing these results to the SBML)
        if write_results:
            self.rpsbml.addUpdateBRSynth(rp_pathway, 'dfG_prime_o', np.sum(pathway_standard_dg_prime), 'kj_per_mol')
            self.rpsbml.addUpdateBRSynth(rp_pathway, 'dfG_prime_o_std', np.std(pathway_standard_dg_prime), 'kj_per_mol')
            self.rpsbml.addUpdateBRSynth(rp_pathway, 'dfG_prime_m', np.sum(pathway_physiological_dg_prime), 'kj_per_mol')
            self.rpsbml.addUpdateBRSynth(rp_pathway, 'dfG_prime_m_std', np.std(pathway_physiological_dg_prime), 'kj_per_mol')
            self.rpsbml.addUpdateBRSynth(rp_pathway, 'dfG_uncert', np.mean(pathway_standard_dg_prime_error), 'kj_per_mol')
            self.rpsbml.addUpdateBRSynth(rp_pathway, 'dfG_uncert_std', np.std(pathway_standard_dg_prime_error), 'kj_per_mol')
        return (np.sum(pathway_standard_dg_prime), np.std(pathway_standard_dg_prime)), (np.sum(pathway_physiological_dg_prime), np.std(pathway_physiological_dg_prime)), (np.sum(pathway_standard_dg_prime), np.std(pathway_standard_dg_prime))

    def toNetworkSBtab(self, output, pathway_id='rp_pathway', thermo_id='dfG_prime_o', fba_id='fba_obj_fraction', stdev_factor=1.96):
        """Convert an SBML pathway to a simple network for input to equilibrator-pathway for MDF

        :param output: Output path of the TSV file
        :param pathway_id: The id of the heterologous pathway of interest (Default: rp_pathway)
        :param thermo_id: The id of the thermodynamics result to be exported to the SBtab file (Default: dfG_prime_o, Valid Options: [dfG_prime_o, dfG_prime_m])
        :param fba_id: The id of the FBA value to be exported to SBtab (Default: fba_obj_fraction)
        :param stdev_factor: The standard deviation factor (Default: 1.96)

        :type output: str
        :type pathway_id: str
        :type thermo_id: str
        :type fba_id: str
        :type stdev_factor: float

        :rtype: bool
        :return: Success or failure of the function
        groups = self.rpsbml.model.getPlugin('groups')
        rp_pathway = groups.getGroup(pathway_id)
        if not rp_pathway:
            self.logger.error('Cannot retreive the pathway: '+str(pathway_id))
            return False
        with open(output, 'w') as fo:
            ####################### Make the header of the document ##############
            fo.write("!!!SBtab DocumentName='E. coli central carbon metabolism - balanced parameters' SBtabVersion='1.0'\t\t\t\n")
            fo.write("!!SBtab TableID='Configuration' TableType='Config'\t\t\t\n")
            fo.write("algorithm\tMDF\tECM, or MDF\t\n")
            fo.write("ionic_strength\t"+str(self.ionic_strength)+" mM\t\t\n")
            fo.write("stdev_factor    "+str(stdev_factor)+"\n")
            ####################### Make the reaction list ######################
            fo.write("!!SBtab TableID='Reaction' TableType='Reaction'\t\t\t\n")
            #TODO: need to sort it in the reverse order
            #TODO: use the rpGraph to sort the pathway in the right order
            ordered_react = [self.rpsbml.model.getReaction(i.getIdRef()) for i in rp_pathway.getListOfMembers()]
            ordered_react.sort(key=lambda x: int(x.getId().replace('RP', '')), reverse=True)
            #for react in [self.rpsbml.model.getReaction(i.getIdRef()) for i in rp_pathway.getListOfMembers()]:   
            for react in ordered_react:
                react_str = self._makeReactionStr(react, 'id', True)
                if react_str:
                    self.logger.error('Cannot build the reaction: '+str(rect))
                    return False
            ########################## Make the species list ###################
            fo.write("!!SBtab TableID='Compound' TableType='Compound'\t\t\t\n")
            rp_species = self.rpsbml.readUniqueRPspecies(pathway_id)
            for spe_id in rp_species:
                spe = self.rpsbml.model.getSpecies(spe_id)
                miriam_dict = self.rpsbml.readMIRIAMAnnotation(spe.getAnnotation())
                if not miriam_dict:
                    self.logger.warning('The object annotation does not have any MIRIAM entries')
                    return False
                iden_str = None
                if 'kegg' in miriam_dict:
                    if miriam_dict['kegg']:
                            #take the lowest value
                            int_list = [int(i.replace('C', '')) for i in miriam_dict['kegg']]
                            iden_str = 'KEGG:'+str(miriam_dict['kegg'][int_list.index(min(int_list))])
                        except ValueError:
                            self.logger.warning('There is a non int value in: '+str(miriam_dict['kegg']))
                if 'chebi' in miriam_dict and not iden_str:
                    if miriam_dict['chebi']:
                            #take the lowest value
                            int_list = [int(i) for i in miriam_dict['chebi']]
                            iden_str = 'CHEBI:'+str(miriam_dict['chebi'][int_list.index(min(int_list))])
                        except ValueError:
                            self.logger.warning('There is a non int value in: '+str(miriam_dict['chebi']))
                if 'metanetx' in miriam_dict and not iden_str:
                    if miriam_dict['metanetx']:
                            #take the lowest value
                            int_list = [int(i.replace('MNXM', '')) for i in miriam_dict['metanetx']]
                            iden_str = 'metanetx.chemical:'+str(miriam_dict['metanetx'][int_list.index(min(int_list))])
                        except ValueError:
                            self.logger.warning('There is a non int value in: '+str(miriam_dict['metanetx']))
                if 'inchikey' in miriam_dict and not iden_str:
                    if miriam_dict['inchikey']:
                        if len(miriam_dict['inchikey'])==1:
                            iden_str = miriam_dict['inchikey'][0]
                            self.logger.warning('There are multiple values of inchikey: '+str(miriam_dict['inchikey']))
                            self.logger.warning('Taking the first one')
                            iden_str = miriam_dict['inchikey'][0]
                if not iden_str:
                    self.logger.warning('Could not extract string input for '+str(miriam_dict))
            ################## Add FBA values ##############################
            #TODO: perhaps find a better way than just setting this to 1
            fo.write("!!SBtab TableID='Flux' TableType='Quantity' Unit='mM/s'\t\t\t\n")
            for react in [self.rpsbml.model.getReaction(i.getIdRef()) for i in rp_pathway.getListOfMembers()]:
                brs_annot = self.rpsbml.readBRSYNTHAnnotation(react.getAnnotation())
                if fba_id:
                    if fba_id in brs_annot:
                        #the saved value is mmol_per_gDW_per_hr while rpEq required mmol_per_s
                        #WARNING: rpEq says that these values are mMol/s while here we have mMol/gDw/h. However not changing since this would mean doing /3600 and
                        #given the values that seems wrong
                        fo.write("rate of reaction\t"+str(react.getId())+"\t"+str(brs_annot[fba_id]['value'])+"\t\n")
                        self.logger.warning('Cannot retreive the FBA value '+str(fba_id)+'. Setting a default value of 1.')
                        fo.write("rate of reaction\t"+str(react.getId())+"\t1\t\n")
                    fo.write("rate of reaction\t"+str(react.getId())+"\t1\t\n")
            ################## Add the concentration bounds ##############################
            fo.write("!!SBtab TableID='ConcentrationConstraint' TableType='Quantity' Unit='mM'\t\t\t\n")
            for spe_id in rp_species: 
                self.logger.debug('========= '+str(spe_id)+' ========')
                is_found = False
                spe = self.rpsbml.model.getSpecies(spe_id)
                miriam_dict = self.rpsbml.readMIRIAMAnnotation(spe.getAnnotation())
                if not miriam_dict:
                    self.logger.warning('The object annotation does not have any MIRIAM entries')
                if 'metanetx' in miriam_dict:
                    for mnx in miriam_dict['metanetx']:
                        if mnx in list(self.mnx_default_conc.keys()) and not is_found:
                            self.logger.debug('Found default concentration range for '+str(spe.getId())+' ('+str(mnx)+'): '+str(self.mnx_default_conc[mnx]))
                            is_found = True
                if not is_found:
                    self.logger.debug('Using default values for '+str(spe.getId()))
            ############################ Add the thermo value ###########################
            #TODO: perform on the fly thermodynamic calculations when the values are not included within the SBML file
            if thermo_id:
                fo.write("!!SBtab TableID='Thermodynamics' TableType='Quantity' StandardConcentration='M'\t\t\t\n")
                for react in [self.rpsbml.model.getReaction(i.getIdRef()) for i in rp_pathway.getListOfMembers()]:
                    brs_annot = self.rpsbml.readBRSYNTHAnnotation(react.getAnnotation())
                        #TODO: switch to dfG_prime_m when you are sure how to calculate it using the native equilibrator function
                        if thermo_id in brs_annot:
                            if brs_annot[thermo_id]:
                                fo.write("reaction gibbs energy\t"+str(react.getId())+"\t\t"+str(brs_annot['dfG_prime_o']['value'])+"\tkJ/mol\n")
                                self.logger.error(str(thermo_id)+' is empty. Was rpThermodynamics run on this SBML? Aborting...')
                                return False
                            self.logger.error('There is no '+str(thermo_id)+' in the reaction '+str(react.getId()))
                            return False
                    except KeyError:
                        self.logger.error('The reaction '+str(react.getId())+' does not seem to have the following thermodynamic value: '+str(thermo_id))
                        return False
        return True

    def MDF(self, pathway_id='rp_pathway', thermo_id='dfG_prime_o', fba_id='fba_obj_fraction', stdev_factor=1.96, write_results=True):
        """Perform MDF analysis on the rpSBML file 

        :param pathway_id: The id of the heterologous pathway of interest (Default: rp_pathway)
        :param thermo_id: The id of the thermodynamics result to be exported to the SBtab file (Default: dfG_prime_o, Valid Options: [dfG_prime_o, dfG_prime_m])
        :param fba_id: The id of the FBA value to be exported to SBtab (Default: fba_obj_fraction)
        :param stdev_factor: The standard deviation factor (Default: 1.96)
        :param write_results: Write the results to the rpSBML file (Default: True)

        :type pathway_id: str
        :type thermo_id: str
        :type fba_id: str
        :type stdev_factor: float
        :type write_results: bool

        :rtype: float
        :return: MDF of the pathway
        to_ret_mdf = None
        groups = self.rpsbml.model.getPlugin('groups')
        rp_pathway = groups.getGroup(pathway_id)
        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpOutputFolder:
            path_sbtab = os.path.join(tmpOutputFolder, 'tmp_sbtab.tsv')
            sbtab_status = self.toNetworkSBtab(path_sbtab, pathway_id=pathway_id, thermo_id=thermo_id, fba_id=fba_id, stdev_factor=stdev_factor)
            if not sbtab_status:
                self.logger.error('There was a problem generating the SBtab... aborting')
                return 0.0
                pp = Pathway.from_sbtab(path_sbtab, comp_contrib=self.cc)
                    mdf_sol = pp.calc_mdf()
                    self.logger.warning('The calc_mdf function failed')
                    self.logger.warning('Exception: Cannot solve MDF primal optimization problem')
                    self.rpsbml.addUpdateBRSynth(rp_pathway, 'MDF', 0.0, 'kj_per_mol')
                    return 0.0
                #mdf_sol = pp.mdf_analysis()
                #plt_reac_plot = mdf_sol.reaction_plot
                #plt_cmp_plot = mdf_sol.compound_plot
                to_ret_mdf = float(mdf_sol.mdf.m)
                if write_results:
                    self.rpsbml.addUpdateBRSynth(rp_pathway, 'MDF', float(mdf_sol.mdf.m), 'kj_per_mol')
            except KeyError as e:
                self.logger.warning('Cannot calculate MDF')
                self.rpsbml.addUpdateBRSynth(rp_pathway, 'MDF', 0.0, 'kj_per_mol')
                return 0.0
            except equilibrator_cache.exceptions.MissingDissociationConstantsException as e:
                self.logger.warning('Some species are invalid: '+str(e))
                self.rpsbml.addUpdateBRSynth(rp_pathway, 'MDF', 0.0, 'kj_per_mol')
                return 0.0
        return to_ret_mdf