def update_points_in_rectangle(bottom_left_corner, width, height, step): if bottom_left_corner is None or width is None or height is None or step is None\ or not isinstance(bottom_left_corner, tuple) \ or not isinstance(width, float) \ or not isinstance(height, float) \ or not isinstance(step, float): raise InvalidInputException( "Please provide bottom left corner point, width and height of rectangle and update step." ) connection = providers.db_connection_provider.get_connection() updated = 0 has_errors = "No" start_time = try: cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" UPDATE spatial_core_point SET point = point(point[0] + {0}, point[1] + {0}) WHERE point <@ box(point({1}, {2}), point({3}, {4})) """.format(step, bottom_left_corner[0], bottom_left_corner[1], bottom_left_corner[0] + width, bottom_left_corner[1] + height)) updated = cursor.rowcount cursor.close() connection.commit() except Exception: has_errors = "Yes" connection.rollback() finally: end_time = connection.close() return has_errors, updated, get_milliseconds(start_time, end_time)
def update_point_by_coordinates(x, y, step): if x is None or y is None or step is None \ or not isinstance(x, float) \ or not isinstance(y, float) \ or not isinstance(step, float): raise InvalidInputException( "Please provide 'x' and 'y' values for existing point and update step." ) connection = providers.db_connection_provider.get_connection() updated = 0 has_errors = "No" start_time = try: cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" UPDATE spatial_core_point SET point = point(point[0] + {0}, point[1] + {0}) WHERE point ~= point({1}, {2}) """.format(step, x, y)) updated = cursor.rowcount cursor.close() connection.commit() except Exception: has_errors = "Yes" connection.rollback() finally: end_time = connection.close() return has_errors, updated, get_milliseconds(start_time, end_time)
def insert_point(x, y): if x is None or y is None or not isinstance(x, float) or not isinstance( y, float): raise InvalidInputException( "Please provide 'x' and 'y' values for point") connection = providers.db_connection_provider.get_connection() inserted = 0 has_errors = "No" start_time = try: cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO spatial_core_point (point) VALUES (point({0}, {1})) """.format(x, y)) inserted = cursor.rowcount cursor.close() connection.commit() except Exception: has_errors = "Yes" connection.rollback() finally: end_time = connection.close() return has_errors, inserted, get_milliseconds(start_time, end_time)
def find_point_by_coordinates(x, y): if x is None or y is None or not isinstance(x, float) or not isinstance( y, float): raise InvalidInputException( "Please provide 'x' and 'y' values for point!") connection = providers.db_connection_provider.get_connection() found = 0 has_errors = "No" start_time = try: cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" SELECT * FROM spatial_core_point WHERE point ~= point({0}, {1}) """.format(x, y)) found = cursor.rowcount cursor.close() except Exception: has_errors = "Yes" finally: end_time = connection.close() return has_errors, found, get_milliseconds(start_time, end_time)
def find_points_in_rotated_rectangle(bottom_left_corner, width, height, angle): if bottom_left_corner is None or width is None or height is None or angle is None \ or not isinstance(bottom_left_corner, tuple) \ or not isinstance(width, float) \ or not isinstance(height, float)\ or not isinstance(angle, float): raise InvalidInputException( "Please provide bottom left corner point, width, height and angle of rectangle!" ) connection = providers.db_connection_provider.get_connection() found = 0 has_errors = "No" start_time = try: cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" SELECT * FROM spatial_core_point WHERE rotated_rectangle_contains(point, box(point({0}, {1}), point({2}, {3})), {4}) """.format(bottom_left_corner[0], bottom_left_corner[1], bottom_left_corner[0] + width, bottom_left_corner[1] + height, angle)) found = cursor.rowcount cursor.close() except Exception: has_errors = "Yes" finally: end_time = connection.close() return has_errors, found, get_milliseconds(start_time, end_time)
def delete_points_in_rectangle(bottom_left_corner, width, height): if bottom_left_corner is None or width is None or height is None \ or not isinstance(bottom_left_corner, tuple) \ or not isinstance(width, float) \ or not isinstance(height, float): raise InvalidInputException( "Please provide bottom left corner point, width and height of bounding box!" ) connection = providers.db_connection_provider.get_connection() deleted = 0 has_errors = "No" start_time = try: cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" DELETE FROM spatial_core_point WHERE point <@ box(point({0}, {1}), point({2}, {3})) """.format(bottom_left_corner[0], bottom_left_corner[1], bottom_left_corner[0] + width, bottom_left_corner[1] + height)) deleted = cursor.rowcount cursor.close() connection.commit() except Exception: has_errors = "Yes" connection.rollback() finally: end_time = connection.close() return has_errors, deleted, get_milliseconds(start_time, end_time)
def delete_points_in_circle(center, radius): if center is None or radius is None or not isinstance( center, tuple) or not isinstance(radius, float): raise InvalidInputException("Please provide circle center and radius!") connection = providers.db_connection_provider.get_connection() deleted = 0 has_errors = "No" start_time = try: cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" DELETE FROM spatial_core_point WHERE circle '(({0}, {1}), {2})' @> point; """.format(center[0], center[1], radius)) deleted = cursor.rowcount cursor.close() connection.commit() except Exception: has_errors = "Yes" connection.rollback() finally: end_time = connection.close() return has_errors, deleted, get_milliseconds(start_time, end_time)
def find_points_in_rectangle(bottom_left_corner, width, height): if bottom_left_corner is None or width is None or height is None \ or not isinstance(bottom_left_corner, tuple) \ or not isinstance(width, float) \ or not isinstance(height, float): raise InvalidInputException( "Please provide bottom left corner point, width and height of bounding box!" ) connection = providers.db_connection_provider.get_connection() found = 0 has_errors = "No" start_time = try: cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" SELECT * FROM relational_point WHERE x >= {0} AND x <= {1} AND y >= {2} AND y <= {3} """.format(bottom_left_corner[0], bottom_left_corner[0] + width, bottom_left_corner[1], bottom_left_corner[1] + height)) found = cursor.rowcount cursor.close() except Exception: has_errors = "Yes" finally: end_time = connection.close() return has_errors, found, get_milliseconds(start_time, end_time)
def update_points_in_circle(center, radius, step): if center is None or radius is None or step is None \ or not isinstance(center, tuple) \ or not isinstance(radius, float) \ or not isinstance(step, float): raise InvalidInputException( "Please provide circle center and radius and update step.") connection = providers.db_connection_provider.get_connection() updated = 0 has_errors = "No" start_time = try: cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" UPDATE spatial_core_point SET point = point(point[0] + {0}, point[1] + {0}) WHERE circle '(({1}, {2}), {3})' @> point; """.format(step, center[0], center[1], radius)) updated = cursor.rowcount cursor.close() connection.commit() except Exception: has_errors = "Yes" connection.rollback() finally: end_time = connection.close() return has_errors, updated, get_milliseconds(start_time, end_time)
def delete_points_in_rotated_rectangle(bottom_left_corner, width, height, angle): if bottom_left_corner is None or width is None or height is None or angle is None \ or not isinstance(bottom_left_corner, tuple) \ or not isinstance(width, float) \ or not isinstance(height, float)\ or not isinstance(angle, float): raise InvalidInputException( "Please provide bottom left corner point, width, height and angle of rectangle!" ) connection = providers.db_connection_provider.get_connection() deleted = 0 has_errors = "No" start_time = try: cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" DELETE FROM relational_point WHERE rotated_rectangle_contains(x, y, {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}) """.format(bottom_left_corner[0], bottom_left_corner[1], width, height, angle)) deleted = cursor.rowcount cursor.close() connection.commit() except Exception: has_errors = "Yes" connection.rollback() finally: end_time = connection.close() return has_errors, deleted, get_milliseconds(start_time, end_time)
def delete_point_by_coordinates(x, y): if x is None or y is None or not isinstance(x, float) or not isinstance( y, float): raise InvalidInputException( "Please provide 'x' and 'y' values for point") connection = providers.db_connection_provider.get_connection() deleted = 0 has_errors = "No" start_time = try: cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" DELETE FROM relational_point WHERE x = {0} AND y = {1} """.format(x, y)) deleted = cursor.rowcount cursor.close() connection.commit() except Exception: has_errors = "Yes" connection.rollback() finally: end_time = connection.close() return has_errors, deleted, get_milliseconds(start_time, end_time)
def update_point_by_coordinates(x, y, step): if x is None or y is None or step is None \ or not isinstance(x, float) \ or not isinstance(y, float) \ or not isinstance(step, float): raise InvalidInputException( "Please provide 'x' and 'y' values for existing point and update step." ) connection = providers.db_connection_provider.get_connection() updated = 0 has_errors = "No" start_time = try: cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" UPDATE spatial_postgis_point SET point = st_setsrid(st_makepoint(st_x(point) + {0}, st_y(point) + {0}), 4326) WHERE st_intersects(point, st_geomfromtext('POINT({1} {2})', 4326)) """.format(step, x, y)) updated = cursor.rowcount cursor.close() connection.commit() except Exception: has_errors = "Yes" connection.rollback() finally: end_time = connection.close() return has_errors, updated, get_milliseconds(start_time, end_time)
def update_points_in_circle(center, radius, step): if center is None or radius is None or step is None \ or not isinstance(center, tuple) \ or not isinstance(radius, float) \ or not isinstance(step, float): raise InvalidInputException( "Please provide circle center and radius and update step!") connection = providers.db_connection_provider.get_connection() updated = 0 has_errors = "No" start_time = try: cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" UPDATE spatial_postgis_point SET point = st_setsrid(st_makepoint(st_x(point) + {0}, st_y(point) + {0}), 4326) WHERE st_dwithin(st_geomfromtext('POINT({1} {2})', 4326), point, {3}); """.format(step, center[0], center[1], radius)) updated = cursor.rowcount cursor.close() connection.commit() except Exception: has_errors = "Yes" connection.rollback() finally: end_time = connection.close() return has_errors, updated, get_milliseconds(start_time, end_time)
def find_points_in_circle(center, radius): if center is None or radius is None or not isinstance( center, tuple) or not isinstance(radius, float): raise InvalidInputException("Please provide circle center and radius!") connection = providers.db_connection_provider.get_connection() found = 0 has_errors = "No" start_time = try: cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" SELECT * FROM relational_point WHERE circle_contains(x, y, {0}, {1}, {2}); """.format(center[0], center[1], radius)) found = cursor.rowcount cursor.close() except Exception: has_errors = "Yes" finally: end_time = connection.close() return has_errors, found, get_milliseconds(start_time, end_time)
def insert_points(points): if points is None or not isinstance(points, list): raise InvalidInputException("Please provide points") connection = providers.db_connection_provider.get_connection() inserted = 0 has_errors = "No" start_time = try: cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.executemany( "INSERT INTO relational_point (x, y) VALUES (%s, %s);", points) inserted = cursor.rowcount cursor.close() connection.commit() except Exception: has_errors = "Yes" connection.rollback() finally: end_time = connection.close() return has_errors, inserted, get_milliseconds(start_time, end_time)
def update_points_in_rotated_rectangle(bottom_left_corner, width, height, angle, step): if bottom_left_corner is None or width is None or height is None or angle is None \ or not isinstance(bottom_left_corner, tuple) \ or not isinstance(width, float) \ or not isinstance(height, float)\ or not isinstance(angle, float) \ or not isinstance(step, float): raise InvalidInputException( "Please provide bottom left corner point, width, height and angle of rectangle and update step!" ) connection = providers.db_connection_provider.get_connection() updated = 0 has_errors = "No" start_time = try: cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" UPDATE spatial_postgis_point SET point = st_setsrid(st_makepoint(st_x(point) + {0}, st_y(point) + {0}), 4326) WHERE st_intersects(point, st_rotate(st_makeenvelope({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, 4326), radians({5}))) """.format(step, bottom_left_corner[0], bottom_left_corner[1], bottom_left_corner[0] + width, bottom_left_corner[1] + height, angle)) updated = cursor.rowcount cursor.close() connection.commit() except Exception: has_errors = "Yes" connection.rollback() finally: end_time = connection.close() return has_errors, updated, get_milliseconds(start_time, end_time)