def get_color(line): color = chopnl(line).upper() # strip newline and make case insensitive if color.find(',') != -1: color = color.split(',') if len(color) >= 3: try: color = (int(color[0]), int(color[1]), int(color[2])) return color except: errorbox("Error in imgv.conf", "'%s' is an invalid color" % (line[:-1])) elif color not in gl.COLORS.keys(): errorbox("Error in imgv.conf", "'%s' is an invalid color" % (line[:-1])) return gl.COLORS[color]
SUBDIRS = 0 SORT_HIT = 0 IMG_TYPES = [".gif",".GIF", ".jpg",".JPG", ".jpeg",".JPEG", ".png",".PNG", ".bmp",".BMP", ".ppm",".PPM", ".pcx",".PCX", ".tga",".TGA", ".tif",".TIF", ".tiff",".TIFF", ".pnm",".PNM", ".pbm",".PBM", ".pgm",".PGM", ".xpm",".XPM", ".xcf",".XCF", ".lbm",".LBM", ".iff",".IFF"] if MOVIES_VAL: for t in (".mpg", ".MPG", ".mpeg", ".MPEG"): IMG_TYPES.append(t) if not version.ver >= "1.1": errorbox("Version Error", "You need pygame 1.1 or greater to run imgv") if len(argv) < 2: if START_DIRECTORY_VAL == "CURRENT": dir_or_file = '.' else: dir_or_file = START_DIRECTORY_VAL else: dir_or_file = argv[1] if not os.path.exists(dir_or_file): # make a full path if user didn't (i.e., they typed "../foo/bar/bla.jpg") dir_or_file = BASE_DIR + os.sep + dir_or_file # set initial directory values