def _loadFile(self):
         f = open(self._fileName, "r")
         s = f.readline()
         while len(s)>1:
             tok = s.split(",")
             function to turn string into entity
             if len(tok) == 3:
                 tok[2] = tok[2].split("\n")
                 book = Book(int(tok[0]), tok[1], tok[2][0])
                 tok[3] = tok[3].split("\n")
                 book = Book(int(tok[0]), tok[1], tok[2], tok[3][0])
             BookRepository.add(self, book)
             s = f.readline()
     except Exception as e:
         raise RepoError("Error reading input file: " + str(e))
Пример #2
 def _loadBinaryFile(self):
         f = open(self._fileName, "rb")
         self._clients = pickle.load(f)
     except EOFError:
         self._clients = []
     except IOError as ioe:
         raise RepoError("An error occured: " + str(ioe))
 def add(self, rental):
     Adds the given rental in the repository
     Input: rental - an object of the class Rental
     Exceptions: RepoError - if the rental exists in the repository already
     if rental in self._rentals:
         raise RepoError("! This book rental exists already")
 def _saveFile(self):
         f = open(self._fileName, "w")
         for c in ClientRepository.get_clients(self):
             f.write(str(c.get_id()) + "," + c.get_name() + "\n")
     except Exception as e:
         raise RepoError("Error writing file: " + str(e))
Пример #5
 def _loadFile(self):
     with open(self._fileName, "r") as f:
             json_books = json.load(f)
             for b in json_books:
                 book = self.json_to_book(b)
                 BookRepository.add(self, book)
         except JSONDecodeError as je:
             raise RepoError("could not load file: " + str(je))
 def remove(self, element):
     function that removes an element from repository
     :param element: student/assignment/grade
     :return: -
     if element not in self.__entities:
         raise RepoError("Inexisting element")
 def add(self, client):
     Adds a given client in the repository
     Input: client - an object of the class Client
     Exception: RepoError - if the client exists in the repository already
     if client in self._clients:
         raise RepoError("! This client already exists.")
    def _loadFile(self):
        with open(self._fileName, "r") as f:

                json_clients = json.load(f)
                for c in json_clients:
                    client = self.json_to_client(c)
                    ClientRepository.add(self, client)
            except JSONDecodeError as je:
                raise RepoError("could not load file: " + str(je))
Пример #9
    def _loadFile(self):
        with open(self._fileName, "r") as f:

                json_rentals = json.load(f)
                for r in json_rentals:
                    rental = self.json_to_rental(r)
                    RentalRepository.add(self, rental)
            except JSONDecodeError as je:
                raise RepoError("could not load file: " + str(je))
 def available_rent(self,rental):
     Checks id the book from the given rent is available to be rented
     Input: rental - an object of the class Rental
     Exceptions: RepoError - if the book is not available to be rented
     for i in range (0,len(self._rentals)):
         if self._rentals[i].get_b_id() == rental.get_b_id() and (self._rentals[i].get_returned_date() == None):
             raise RepoError("! The book is not available at the moment")
 def add(self, element):
     function that adds a new element to the repository
     :param element: student/assignment/grade
     :return: -
     if element not in self.__entities:
         raise RepoError("Element already exist!")
Пример #12
 def add(self, book):
     Adds a given book to the repository
     Input: book - an object of the class Book
     Exceptions: RepoError - if the book exists in the repository already
     if book in self._books:
         raise RepoError("! We already have this book.")
 def search(self, element):
     function that search for an element in repository
     :param element: student/assignment/grade
     :return: -
     if element not in self.__entities:
         raise RepoError("Inexisting element")
     for elem in self.__entities:
         if elem == element:
             return elem
 def list(self):
     Gives a list containing the clients from repository in a printable form
     Output: a list of the clients in the repository
     Exception: RepoError - if the repository is empty
     if len(self._clients) == 0:
         raise RepoError("! There is nothing to list.")
     clients = "ID \t Name \n"
     for c in self._clients:
         clients += str(c) + "\n"
     return clients
Пример #15
 def list(self):
     Gives a list containing the books as printable strings
     Output: a list of the books in the repository
     Exceptions: RepoError - if the repository is empty
     if len(self._books) == 0:
         raise RepoError("! Nothing to list")
     books = "ID \t Title \t  Author \t\t\t\t Description \n"
     for i in range(0, len(self._books)):
         books += str(self._books[i]) + "\n"
     return books
 def remove(self,rental ):
     Removes the given rental from the repository
     Input: rental - an object of the class Rental
     Exceptions: RepoError - if the rental does not exist in the repository 
     if rental not in self._rentals:
         raise RepoError("! There is no such rental, so it cannot be removed")
     while i < len(self._rentals):
         if self._rentals[i] == rental:
             del self._rentals[i]
 def update(self, rental):
     Updates the given rental (changes every attribute except the rental id)
     Input: rental - an object of the class Rental
     Output: r - the oldest version of the updated rental
     Exception: RepoError -  if the rental does not exist in the repository
     if rental not in self._rentals:
         raise RepoError("! We cannot update the rentas, as it does not exist.")
     for i in range (0,len(self._rentals)):
         if self._rentals[i] == rental:
             r = self._rentals[i]
             self._rentals[i] = rental
             return r
    def _loadFile(self):
            f = open(self._fileName, "r")
            s = f.readline()

            while len(s) > 1:
                tok = s.split(",")
                tok[1] = tok[1].split("\n")
                client = Client(int(tok[0]), tok[1][0])
                ClientRepository.add(self, client)
                s = f.readline()
        except Exception as e:
            raise RepoError("Error reading input file: " + str(e))
    def update(self, client):
        Changes the name of the client with the same id as the given client
        Input: client - an object of the class Client
        Exception: RepoError - if the client does not exist in the repository 
        if client not in self._clients:
            raise RepoError(
                "! This client does not exist, therefore cannot be updated.")

        for i in range(0, len(self._clients)):
            if self._clients[i] == client:
                c = self._clients[i]
                self._clients[i] = client
                return c
Пример #20
    def update(self, book):
        Updates the given book ( changes only the title, author or description)
        Input: book - an object of the class Book
        Output: b - the old version of the book
        Exceptions: RepoError - if the book does not exist in the repository 
        if book not in self._books:
            raise RepoError(
                "! We can't update the book because it doesn't exist.")

        for i in range(0, len(self._books)):
            if self._books[i] == book:
                b = self._books[i]
                self._books[i] = book
                return b
 def _saveFile(self):
         f = open(self._fileName, "w")
         for b in BookRepository.get_books(self):
             function to turn entity into string
             if b.get_description() != None:
                 f.write(str(b.get_id()) +","+b.get_title()+","+ b.get_author()+","+b.get_description()+"\n")
                 f.write(str(b.get_id()) +","+b.get_title()+","+ b.get_author()+"\n")
     except Exception as e:
         raise RepoError("Error writing file" +str(e))
 def remove(self, client):
     Removes the given client from the repository
     Input: client - an object of the class Client
     Exception: RepoError - if the client does not exist in the repository 
     if client not in self._clients:
         raise RepoError(
             "! This client does not exist, therefore cannot be removed.")
     i = 0
     while i < len(self._clients):
         if self._clients[i] == client:
             c = self._clients[i]
             del self._clients[i]
             i += 1
     return c
Пример #23
    def remove(self, book):
        Removes the given book from the repository
        Input: book - an object of the class Book
        Exceptions: RepoError - if the book does not exist in the repository 
        if book not in self._books:
            raise RepoError("! We don't even have that book.")
        i = 0
        while i < len(self._books):
            if self._books[i] == book:
                b = self._books[i]
                del self._books[i]
                i += 1

        return b
 def _saveFile(self):
         f = open(self._fileName, "w")
         for r in RentalRepository.get_rentals(self):
             if r.get_returned_date() != None:
                     str(r.get_id()) + "," + str(r.get_b_id()) + "," +
                     str(r.get_c_id()) + "," +
                     date_to_str_format(r.get_rent_date()) + "," +
                     date_to_str_format(r.get_due_date()) + "," +
                     date_to_str_format(r.get_returned_date()) + "\n")
                     str(r.get_id()) + "," + str(r.get_b_id()) + "," +
                     str(r.get_c_id()) + "," +
                     date_to_str_format(r.get_rent_date()) + "," +
                     date_to_str_format(r.get_due_date()) + "\n")
     except Exception as e:
         raise RepoError("Error writing file" + str(e))
    def _loadFile(self):


            f = open(self._fileName, "r")
            s = f.readline()

            while len(s) > 1:
                tok = s.split(",")
                if len(tok) == 5:
                    tok[4] = tok[4].split("\n")
                    rental = Rental(int(tok[0]), int(tok[1]), int(tok[2]),
                                    tok[3], tok[4][0])
                    tok[5] = tok[5].split("\n")
                    rental = Rental(int(tok[0]), int(tok[1]), int(tok[2]),
                                    tok[3], tok[4], tok[5][0])
                RentalRepository.add(self, rental)
                s = f.readline()
        except Exception as e:
            raise RepoError("Error reading input file: " + str(e))