def update(self, name, value): if name in [ 'rocfname', 'typeinfo', 'bancascores']: if self.rocfname: #TODO manage erroneous files db = np.loadtxt(self.rocfname) self.rocscores = ROCScores(db, self.typeinfo.lower()) else: bancadb = banca.Banca() db = bancadb.get_data(self.bancascores[:2], self.bancascores[3:]) print self.bancascores[:2] print self.bancascores[3:] self.rocscores = ROCScores(db, 'score')
class RocManager(HasTraits): # Reference to the ROC curve rocfname = File(label='Score file', desc='The file containing the ROC curve scores') bancascores = banca_choose # Type of information typeinfo = type_score_type # Number of bootstrapq nbbootstrap = nb_bootstrap_type # Alpha alpha = alpha_type # Container of the ROC scores rocscores = Instance(ROCScores) # Use bootstrap usebootstrap = Bool(True, label= 'Use bootstrap', desc='Check if you want to use bootstrap') @on_trait_change('rocfname', 'typeinfo', 'nbbootstrap', 'alpha', 'usebootstrap', 'bancascores') def update(self, name, value): if name in [ 'rocfname', 'typeinfo', 'bancascores']: if self.rocfname: #TODO manage erroneous files db = np.loadtxt(self.rocfname) self.rocscores = ROCScores(db, self.typeinfo.lower()) else: bancadb = banca.Banca() db = bancadb.get_data(self.bancascores[:2], self.bancascores[3:]) print self.bancascores[:2] print self.bancascores[3:] self.rocscores = ROCScores(db, 'score') def compute(self): """Compute all the necessary things for the ROC curve.""" if self.usebootstrap: # We ask to use bootstrap self.rocscores.get_confidence_interval(\ alpha=self.alpha, repet=self.nbbootstrap ) else: roccurve = self.rocscores.get_roc() plt.figure() roccurve.plot() roccurve.get_polar_representation().plot() plt.figure() roccurve.plot_det() plt.figure() self.rocscores.display_distributions() plt.figure() roccurve.plot_FMR_FNMR_versus_threshold()