Пример #1
def header(name, should_be):
    >> header <name> <value>
    Check to make sure the header <name> for the last page is as given.
    headers = browser.get_headers()
    if not headers.has_key(name):
        raise TwillAssertionError("missing header %s" % name)

    if headers[name] != should_be:
        raise TwillAssertionError("header %s is %s != %s" % (name, headers[name], should_be))
Пример #2
def find(what, flags=''):
    >> find <regexp> [<flags>]
    Succeed if the regular expression is on the page.  Sets the local
    variable __match__ to the matching text.

    Flags is a string consisting of the following characters:

    * i: ignorecase
    * m: multiline
    * s: dotall

    For explanations of these, please see the Python re module
    regexp = re.compile(what, _parseFindFlags(flags))
    page = browser.get_html()

    m = regexp.search(page)
    if not m:
        raise TwillAssertionError("no match to '%s'" % (what, ))

    if m.groups():
        match_str = m.group(1)
        match_str = m.group(0)

    _, local_dict = get_twill_glocals()
    local_dict['__match__'] = match_str
Пример #3
def url(should_be):
    >> url <regexp>

    Check to make sure that the current URL matches the regexp.  The local
    variable __match__ is set to the matching part of the URL.
    regexp = re.compile(should_be)
    current_url = browser.get_url()

    m = None
    if current_url is not None:
        m = regexp.search(current_url)
        current_url = ''

    if not m:
        raise TwillAssertionError("""\
current url is '%s';
does not match '%s'
""" % (

    if m.groups():
        match_str = m.group(1)
        match_str = m.group(0)

    global_dict, local_dict = get_twill_glocals()
    local_dict['__match__'] = match_str
    return match_str
Пример #4
def code(should_be):
    >> code <int>
    Check to make sure the response code for the last page is as given.
    if browser.get_code() != int(should_be):
        raise TwillAssertionError("code is %s != %s" % (browser.get_code(),
Пример #5
def notfind(what, flags=''):
    >> notfind <regexp> [<flags>]
    Fail if the regular expression is on the page.
    regexp = re.compile(what, _parseFindFlags(flags))
    page = browser.get_html()

    if regexp.search(page):
        raise TwillAssertionError("match to '%s'" % (what, ))
Пример #6
def tidy_ok():
    >> tidy_ok

    Assert that 'tidy' produces no warnings or errors when run on the current

    If 'tidy' cannot be run, will fail silently (unless 'tidy_should_exist'
    option is true; see 'config' command).
    page = browser.get_html()
    if page is None:
        raise TwillAssertionError("not viewing HTML!")
    (clean_page, errors) = run_tidy(page)
    if clean_page is None:              # tidy doesn't exist...
        if _options.get('tidy_should_exist'):
            raise TwillAssertionError("cannot run 'tidy'")
    elif errors:
        raise TwillAssertionError("tidy errors:\n====\n%s\n====\n" % (errors,))
Пример #7
def formvalue(formname, fieldname, value):
    >> formvalue <formname> <field> <value>

    Set value of a form field.

    There are some ambiguities in the way formvalue deals with lists:
    'formvalue' will *add* the given value to a list of multiple selection,
    for lists that allow it.

    Forms are matched against 'formname' as follows:
      1. regexp match to actual form name;
      2. if 'formname' is an integer, it's tried as an index.

    Form controls are matched against 'fieldname' as follows:
      1. unique exact match to control name;
      2. unique regexp match to control name;
      3. if fieldname is an integer, it's tried as an index;
      4. unique & exact match to submit-button values.

    Formvalue ignores read-only fields completely; if they're readonly,
    nothing is done, unless the config options ('config' command) are

    'formvalue' is available as 'fv' as well.
    form = browser.get_form(formname)
    if form is None:
        raise TwillAssertionError("no matching forms!")

    control = browser.get_form_field(form, fieldname)

    browser.clicked(form, control)
    if isinstance(control, html.CheckboxGroup):

    elif 'readonly' in control.attrib.keys() and \
        print>>OUT, 'forcing read-only form field to writeable'
        del control.attrib['readonly']
    elif 'readonly' in control.attrib.keys() or \
        (hasattr(control, 'type') and control.type == 'file'):
        print>>OUT, 'form field is read-only or ignorable; nothing done.'

    if hasattr(control, 'type') and control.type == 'file':
        raise TwillException(
                    'form field is for file upload; use "formfile" instead'

    set_form_control_value(control, value)
Пример #8
def _parseFindFlags(flags):
        'i': re.IGNORECASE,
        'm': re.MULTILINE,
        's': re.DOTALL,
    finalFlags = 0
    for char in flags:
            finalFlags |= KNOWN_FLAGS[char]
        except IndexError:
            raise TwillAssertionError("unknown 'find' flag %r" % char)
    return finalFlags
Пример #9
def follow(what):
    >> follow <regexp>
    Find the first matching link on the page & visit it.
    regexp = re.compile(what)
    link = browser.find_link(regexp)
    if link != '':
        return browser.get_url()

    raise TwillAssertionError("no links match to '%s'" % (what,))
Пример #10
def title(what):
    >> title <regexp>
    Succeed if the regular expression is in the page title.
    regexp = re.compile(what)
    title = browser.get_title()

    print >> OUT, "title is '%s'." % (title, )

    m = regexp.search(title)
    if not m:
        raise TwillAssertionError("title does not contain '%s'" % (what, ))

    if m.groups():
        match_str = m.group(1)
        match_str = m.group(0)

    global_dict, local_dict = get_twill_glocals()
    local_dict['__match__'] = match_str
    return match_str