Пример #1
    def testEditor(self):
        """ Check that the theme editor backend functionality is working. """

        -   Check that theme specific properties show up on the form
        -   Check load, save, delete modes as well as test

        #   Log in as administrator and load the theme editor
        self.client.login(username=self.admin.username, password='******')
        response = self.client.get('/themes/customize/')
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)

        #   Check that the "advanced" properties for all themes show up in the form
        #   (using ThemeController directly for theme switching, since testSelector()
        #   covers the Web interface)
        tc = ThemeController()
        theme_names = tc.get_theme_names()
        for theme_name in theme_names:
            variables_filename = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'esp', 'themes', 'theme_data', theme_name, 'variables.less')
            if os.path.exists(variables_filename):
                response = self.client.get('/themes/customize/')
                self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
                variables = re.findall(r'@(\S+):\s+?(\S+);', open(variables_filename).read())
                for (varname, value) in variables:
                    self.assertTrue(len(re.findall(r'<input.*?name="%s".*?value="%s".*?>', response.content, flags=re.I)) > 0)

        #   Test that we can change a parameter and the right value appears in the stylesheet
        def verify_linkcolor(color_str):
            css_filename = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'styles', themes_settings.COMPILED_CSS_FILE)
            regexp = r'\n\s*?a\s*?{.*?color:\s*?%s;.*?}' % color_str
            self.assertTrue(len(re.findall(regexp, open(css_filename).read(), flags=(re.DOTALL | re.I))) == 1)

        color_str1 = '#%06X' % random.randint(0, 1 << 24)
        config_dict = {'apply': True, 'linkColor': color_str1}
        response = self.client.post('/themes/customize/', config_dict)
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)

        #   Test that we can save this setting, change it and re-load
        config_dict = {'save': True, 'linkColor': color_str1, 'saveThemeName': 'save_test'}
        response = self.client.post('/themes/customize/', config_dict)
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)

        color_str2 = '#%06X' % random.randint(0, 1 << 24)
        config_dict = {'apply': True, 'linkColor': color_str2}
        response = self.client.post('/themes/customize/', config_dict)
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)

        config_dict = {'load': True, 'loadThemeName': 'save_test'}
        response = self.client.post('/themes/customize/', config_dict)
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)

        #   We're done.  Log out.
Пример #2
def selector(request, keep_files=None):
    if settings.LOCAL_THEME:
        raise ESPError(THEME_ERROR_STRING, log=False)

    context = {}
    tc = ThemeController()

    if request.method == 'POST' and 'action' in request.POST:
        if request.POST['action'] == 'select':
            theme_name = request.POST['theme'].replace(' (current)', '')

            #   Check for differences between the theme's files and those in the working copy.
            #   If there are differences, require a confirmation from the user for each file.
            differences = tc.check_local_modifications(theme_name)
            if len(differences) > 0 and keep_files is None:
                return confirm_overwrite(request, current_theme=theme_name, differences=differences, orig_view='selector')

            #   Display configuration form if one is provided for the selected theme
            if tc.get_config_form_class(theme_name) is not None:
                return configure(request, current_theme=theme_name, force_display=True, keep_files=keep_files)

            tc.save_customizations('%s-last' % tc.get_current_theme())
            backup_info = tc.clear_theme(keep_files=keep_files)
            tc.load_theme(theme_name, backup_info=backup_info)
        elif request.POST['action'] == 'clear':
            tc.save_customizations('%s-last' % tc.get_current_theme())

    context['theme_name'] = tc.get_current_theme()
    context['themes'] = tc.get_theme_names()
    return render_to_response('themes/selector.html', request, context)
Пример #3
 def testEditor(self):
     """ Check that the theme editor backend functionality is working. """
     -   Check that theme specific properties show up on the form
     -   Check load, save, delete modes as well as test
     #   Log in as administrator and load the theme editor
     self.client.login(username=self.admin.username, password='******')
     response = self.client.get('/themes/customize/')
     self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     #   Check that the "advanced" properties for all themes show up in the form
     #   (using ThemeController directly for theme switching, since testSelector()
     #   covers the Web interface)
     tc = ThemeController()
     theme_names = tc.get_theme_names()
     for theme_name in theme_names:
         variables_filename = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'esp', 'themes', 'theme_data', theme_name, 'variables.less')
         if os.path.exists(variables_filename):
             response = self.client.get('/themes/customize/')
             self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
             variables = re.findall(r'@(\S+):\s+?(\S+);', open(variables_filename).read())
             for (varname, value) in variables:
                 self.assertTrue(len(re.findall(r'<input.*?name="%s".*?value="%s".*?>', response.content, flags=re.I)) > 0)
     #   Test that we can change a parameter and the right value appears in the stylesheet
     def verify_linkcolor(color_str):
         css_filename = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'styles', themes_settings.COMPILED_CSS_FILE)
         regexp = r'\n\s*?a\s*?{.*?color:\s*?%s;.*?}' % color_str
         self.assertTrue(len(re.findall(regexp, open(css_filename).read(), flags=(re.DOTALL | re.I))) == 1)
     color_str1 = '#%06X' % random.randint(0, 1 << 24)
     config_dict = {'apply': True, 'linkColor': color_str1}
     response = self.client.post('/themes/customize/', config_dict)
     self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     #   Test that we can save this setting, change it and re-load
     config_dict = {'save': True, 'linkColor': color_str1, 'saveThemeName': 'save_test'}
     response = self.client.post('/themes/customize/', config_dict)
     self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     color_str2 = '#%06X' % random.randint(0, 1 << 24)
     config_dict = {'apply': True, 'linkColor': color_str2}
     response = self.client.post('/themes/customize/', config_dict)
     self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     config_dict = {'load': True, 'loadThemeName': 'save_test'}
     response = self.client.post('/themes/customize/', config_dict)
     self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     #   We're done.  Log out.
Пример #4
def configure(request, current_theme=None, force_display=False):
    context = {}
    tc = ThemeController()
    if current_theme is None:
        current_theme = request.POST.get('theme',
                                         None) or tc.get_current_theme()
    context['theme_name'] = current_theme

    form_class = tc.get_config_form_class(current_theme)
    if form_class is None:
        form = None
        return render_to_response('themes/configure_form.html', request,

    if request.method == 'POST' and not force_display:
        form = form_class(request.POST.copy())

        if form.is_valid():
            #   Done; save results and go back to landing page.
            if form.cleaned_data['theme'] != tc.get_current_theme():
                tc.save_customizations('%s-last' % tc.get_current_theme())
            if form.cleaned_data['just_selected']:
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/themes/')
        form = form_class.load_from_tag(theme_name=current_theme,

    context['form'] = form

    return render_to_response('themes/configure_form.html', request, context)
Пример #5
def selector(request):
    context = {}
    tc = ThemeController()

    if request.method == 'POST' and 'action' in request.POST:
        if request.POST['action'] == 'select':
            theme_name = request.POST['theme'].replace(' (current)', '')

            #   Display configuration form if one is provided for the selected theme
            if tc.get_config_form_class(theme_name) is not None:
                return configure(request,

            tc.save_customizations('%s-last' % tc.get_current_theme())
        elif request.POST['action'] == 'clear':
            tc.save_customizations('%s-last' % tc.get_current_theme())

    context['theme_name'] = tc.get_current_theme()
    context['themes'] = tc.get_theme_names()
    return render_to_response('themes/selector.html', request, context)
Пример #6
def configure(request, current_theme=None, force_display=False, keep_files=None):
    if settings.LOCAL_THEME:
        raise ESPError(THEME_ERROR_STRING, log=False)

    context = {}
    tc = ThemeController()
    if current_theme is None:
        current_theme = request.POST.get('theme', None) or tc.get_current_theme()
    context['theme_name'] = current_theme

    form_class = tc.get_config_form_class(current_theme)
    if form_class is None:
        form = None
        return render_to_response('themes/configure_form.html', request, context)

    if request.method == 'POST' and not force_display:
        form = form_class(request.POST.copy())

        if form.is_valid():
            #   Done; save results and go back to landing page.
            if form.cleaned_data['theme'] != tc.get_current_theme():
                tc.save_customizations('%s-last' % tc.get_current_theme())

            if form.cleaned_data['just_selected']:
                #   Detect which files (in the active media directories) are being preserved,
                #   and use this information when reloading the theme.
                keep_files = request.POST.getlist('keep_files', [])
                backup_info = tc.clear_theme(keep_files=keep_files)
                tc.load_theme(form.cleaned_data['theme'], backup_info=backup_info)

            return HttpResponseRedirect('/themes/')
        form = form_class.load_from_tag(theme_name=current_theme, just_selected=force_display)

    context['form'] = form
    context['keep_files'] = keep_files
    context['confirm_overwrite'] = request.POST.get('confirm_overwrite', '0')

    return render_to_response('themes/configure_form.html', request, context)